#Vulpera Racials
shamanofthewilds · 2 years
Dracthyr thoughts part 2
So, I watched the Legacies videos and I finally did the intro for the dracthyr starting zone and made one myself. So, I’ll give the rest of my opinions on the dracthyr under the Read More.
A lot of my feelings still hold up in my last write up.
They have grown on me a little more now that I was able to be more personal with them in the leveling intro experience and their Legacies videos.
But there is something about them in the Legacies videos that makes them seem more of a playable race than what we actually have. I have read some critiques on their design about their face shape and teeth that I agree with. The way she looks in the art seems more robust. Toothy. Less smooth. The way she holds her wings is less in your face and closer to her form.
Even then , though. The way she’s introduced, she seems like a standalone NPC who would have been important. This whole situation could have easily been shifted into a new kind of race without it being playable and her being the racial leader.  And then she helps train the mortals of Azeroth into being Dragonsworn so her knowledge isn’t lost. (That’s just me going on a small tangent.)
But the way she’s portrayed in the videos I think was well done. When we get these artistic displays for the lore characters, it adds a lot of depth we can only get in cinematics. But just like the book, these sort of animations show more of the world. It gets you excited, you feel hope for what is to come. It gets you excited and successfully so! I really do feel a sense of wonder for the dracthyr and their new path into figuring out who and what they are.
What I find interesting about them versus the vulpera. Is the vulpera are an allied race who has very little lore on their culture when we should know more things about their customs.
The dracthyr, for once, have a great excuse for not really having basis of culture.You can just infer from their old dwellings that they were academics, trained in strength and saw what style of rooms they had. You could infer a lot from the environment, how they saw Neltharion  being a general - which solidifies them as  very soldier and warrior based race but no basis of belief other than possibly the Titans?
They are an extreme blank slate. Which is both good and bad. But what they have there is pretty good to work off of.
I enjoyed the starting zone, but right away I felt like I was playing a different game. Or a game within the Azeroth universe. That is kinda what this all feels like. Like they should have gotten their own separate game, and they be NPCs in the main game to connect the two stories.
They feel cool to play, I don’t like the cool down on the flight, I think it should be a little shorter.
So over all , I like them as a concept and for what they are. But for WHAT they are, I feel like they’re a bit too grand to be playable. I feel like they should have their own nation. Become like the High Arrakoa. Become a neutral body to help portect Azeroth just like aspects but from a closer pov and aiding the Horde and Alliance. Like a dragon version of the Earthen Ring and Cenarion Circle (((((Where you go get your dragon sworn powers)))))
The reactions from the NPCs I think is spot on though.
All these arguments over the years of dragon RPers getting upset because there is a dragon guy standing openly in one spot off to the side way up on a cliff where no one would see him. And it only validates my points that civilins are going to be put off by this sort of thing popping up (including cross faction RPers trying to go into enemy cities.)
People are both amazed and horrified by them. They don’t know how to react.But I’ll make that a seperate post.
Everything ABOUT the start up and inclusion for the dracthyr has made sense to me. But I think they need a huge fix on how they look, I don’t like how they run. I wish their arms swung differently and didn’t look like they were skipping. I think there should be yet another customization feature button that determines how closed your wings are.
Their mog options are....not great. They are extremely limiting on how they can look and binding undergarments to customization is upsetting. I want that crop top!!! The actual customization itself is fun. They are going in the right direction. Especially with the nose choice for the visage.
So yeah, over all. I can at least approve that this is probably the only way Blizzard is going to get their wish from many years ago of having playable dragon folk. It’s just that...dragons mean something different in WoW and it was going to be weird no matter what. It would have *had* to have been a race we never heard about.
Still, I don’t feel....extremely connected to them. But I can see how one might. Being very into old dragon games, all these new names about weyrns and the animals around there has a very magical dragon game feel to it. But it doesn’t tap into that for me. I’m far too wanting to expand on lore and races who desperately need to be revisited. 
A return to Azeroth I think should have a race inherently so deep to the core of the game.  I think the way to really follow this up, is if customization was HEAVILY focused on and we get a mega boost in all the races getting better choices. Several new heritage armor quest lines and maybe....*maybe* extending the Dracthyr visage into other races.
But that’s all I can thinks to say for now. No hate on those who enjoy them, there are things to clearly like about them. But for now, I’m still not completely  head over heels for them and I think i’ll only really be intrigued by them when the hype dies down and only 10 people are RPing them.
Expand the Thorignir lore and Stormdrakes
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belastrastravels · 2 years
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Checking out the vulpera racial mount after getting the allied race! - February 25th, 2021
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Do you think there will ever be a Blood Elf guild that doesn't have sex offenders in it?
On Argent Dawn? Not at all. The racial profile for Blood Elf RPers is too broad and specifically seems to attract players who have sets of personality traits that endear them to engaging in sociopathic behavior which includes sexual harassment among other disturbing acts.
Honestly, we do wish it wasn't this way but it's almost something of a self-fulfilling prophecy with Blood Elf guilds that they inevitably implode and become garbage cans of drama, doxxing, fabricated claims about one another and general weirdomaxxing behaviors.
They are quite possibly only beaten by the high incidence of similar things happening in Vulpera communities, and considering how relatively tiny (not just in stature) the overall Vulpera playerbase is compared to Blood Elves it really is something else.
Most of the reasonable Blood Elf RPers from our knowledge have re-rolled High Elf on Alliance, Highvale not counted among them of course.
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the-nerd-beast · 4 years
Playable Race Concept: Sporelings
requested by @prototype-heart
*disclaimer: This is a post for fun, it is in no way meant to be taken seriously. I have thoroughly combed the lore before making this post and is just a “what if” scenario just for shits and giggles and is meant to be taken with a grain of salt.*
Race: Sporelings
Faction: Neutral
Languages: Common/Orcish 
Summary: Long ago during the early days of Draenor mighty plant elementals called Sporemounds battled the forces of Grond and the Colossai over control of the primitive world. In the aftermath of the Sporemounds’ destruction, the body of one called Botaan settled in the wilds where its spores gave sentience to many species of plants. Among those were the Sporelings, who cowered in fear of both their larger plant brethren and decedents of Grond alike. Small and timid, they lived in constant fear of predators and enemies, always welcoming the help of others to give them some respite from their peril.
The Sporelings required a specific habitat to survive in Outland and as the broken world continued to break up the Sporelings faced extinction. Thanks to the intervention of the Cenarion Expidition, the Sporelings were evacuated to Azeroth where they wish to repay the favors of Horde and Alliance adventurers that helped them when they needed it.
Hunter, starting pet is a purple draenor sporebat
Shaman, totems resemble mushrooms
Mount: Levitating Mushroom (An upside down levitating mushroom cap that uses the “surfing” mount animation), able to fly with appropriate riding skill.
Sporeskin: Active. The user unleashes irritating spores from their body, burning the eyes of targets in range to increase the caster’s dodge chance by 25% for 5 seconds. Melee range, up to 5 targets, 3 minute cooldown.
Prey Instinct: Passive. Reduces the duration of fear effects by 20%.
Fight or Flight: Passive. Increases movement speed by 5% in combat.
Children of Botaan: Passive. Reduces nature damage taken by 1%.
Mushroom Harvester: Passive. Herbalism skill increased by 15.
Dances: Same as Vulpera as new models would be based on those rigs.
Customization options: Features, skin color, glow color, accessories.
Male Flirts:
“My love for you is mushrooming.”
“I’d face any predator for you.”
“Hi, wanna go back to my shroom?”
“Wanna go out? I promise I’m a fungi.”
“Hellfire Peninsula’s red, Zangarmarsh is blue, I love glowcaps but not as much as you.”
“Are you a mushroom because you are making me grow.”
Female Flirts:
“Are you an alien, because you just abducted my heart.”
“There is so mushroom in my heart for you.”
“You are so funging spore-geous!”
“Are you from Outland because you’re out of this world.”
“My life expectancy isn’t very long, so you’ll have to do.”
“I can tell I’m growing on you and I don’t just mean my spores.”
Male Jokes:
“Fungal giants are not to be truffled with.”
“Sporeling phone home.”
“I got you a glowcap, but I eated it.”
“Seems like you guys have questionable morels.”
“I don’t like how that Gnome with a big moustache is looking at me.”
“Someone called me ’Toad’, I’m not an amphibian I’m a Sporeling!”
Female Jokes:
“Glowcaps: a female’s best friend.”
“You think we are mad signing up for the Horde and Alliance, but compared to surviving Outland this is a piece of cake.”
“Sometimes I don’t give a shiitake.”
“Your princess is in another castle.”
“Eat shrooms, save the world.”
“It’s important to know which mushrooms are edible and which aren’t. Edible mushrooms are always edible but poisonous mushrooms are only edible ONCE.”
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motherazeroth · 5 years
Vulpera have arguably the coolest racial for rp/storytelling especially since they made tents only function in draenor
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catpella · 4 years
WoW time! Kehani looks like your oldest character, possibly? Are they the most life-experienced in headcanon as well?
Kehani was in fact the first character I rolled. The friend who got me into WoW sold me on it with the vulpera (the idea of playing a fox PC was adorable) but also he sold me on the Zandalari trolls for when we get there as “Mesoamericans with dinosaur gods” and loving dinosaurs and interesting archaeological cultures I was sold. Now, you can’t start with either vulpera or with Zandalari trolls, so I started Kehani as a regular troll, and leveled her through the game until I got to 110, so I could do the BFA storyline, so I could do the post BFA-storyline, so I could do the Zandalari unlock, and then I race-changed her!
As for life experience, all of mine are in like their teens or early 20s equivalents, racially, to cover for the part where I don’t know a lot about Azeroth lore, etc.
Kehani is a Zandalari  troll who is a Hunter, in-game. That means she uses a bow and she has pets. All dinosaur pets, to roll with my love of dinosaurs. Her family are the kind of people who aren’t super fancy but who are essential to the running of the empire. They’re rancher types who raise warbeasts (raptors, specifically) from hatchlings to training age. Since Kehani always seemed to do well with animals and out in nature, they just assumed she’d follow along in their path. Thing is, while Kehani gets along with the raptors and she has nursed them up to adulthood, she’s always preferred to go out and hunt food to bring back for them than to care for them. She just doesn’t feel called to Gonk (the raptor loa) or attracted to them in the same way her parents are.
Instead, she worships Torcali. Torcali is the big direhorn loa - she’s loa of wanderers. Now, Kehani didn’t expect to wind up feeling Called to Torcali. Her revelation was an accident.
While on a mission from her parents to get meat for the raptors, she found a nest of eggs being attacked by feathered serpents. She killed the serpents and picked through the eggs, to find a bunch of dead baby direhorns and one envenomed just-hatched one. She brought it home, mixed it medication, and nursed it back to health, making time for this task in the middle of all her other duties. No one in the family had ever cared for a direhorn before, for any beast not a raptor, in generations. Yet Kehani seemed to instinctively know everything to do, and held the hatchling tenderly, tending it for a month, singing and chanting and blending medicines as though in a dream. At the three-month mark the direhorn had recovered from its illness and was growing well, and had joined into the current cohort of growing raptors as if it was a herding dog for them.
At the six-month mark, a Priestess of Torcali stopped by on her travels, and realized Kehani’s gift was not just that of a skilled animal handler but a blessing directly from Torcali. She informed the family that the way Kehani and the direhorn were relating was proof that she was Called by Torcali, not by Gonk ; that her place would be to wander in the world ; that she would be delighted to take Kehani on as an initiate when her direhorn was old enough to bear her.
So Kehani has spent some time wandering Zandalar under tutelage on her trusty mount and also raising a second direhorn as her pet to fight with. Now that the Zandalari are a full part of the Horde, she is going to Orgrimmar to wander a new part of the world as her loa encourages.
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mullet69-archive · 5 years
vulpera are cute. they are furries. they have adorable animations. they have big ears. their racials are super cool. and then blizzard couples them with mechagnomes.... who allowed this
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elezendad · 5 years
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I’m none too good with words but I rarely play the cute, smaller races in MMOs but the Vulpera have sort of won me over.  There are a ton of things that I just really like about them.  I absolutely LOVE desert zones in video games, I love that they’re basically nomadic scavengers and traders, I love their sense of adventure and not being too serious, I looooove love love Hyenas and their racial mount is an adorable Hyena and I love their racials a lot.
They’re cute, good apples and I adore them.
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shanny-tired · 6 years
What one race do you wish was a playable one?
ALL the monster races. Murlocs, Arrokoa, Vulpera, Sethrak, Naga-- all those bastards that should be playable, but ain’t. Fuck your racial reskins with different passives-- I want new races, not subraces. Bitch about Pandaren all you want, at least it’s new and innovative unlike smaller blue elves, glowing draenei, smokey dwarves, Trolls with stone warts, Orcs From the Hood, Moose Tauren...
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magisters-terrace · 6 years
30 Day WoW Challenge (but in one post because I’ll probably forget about it otherwise.)
Day 1: Alliance or Horde? - im a horde babey
Day 2: Favorite Racial Leader? (Alliance) - genn greymane! big ball o fur
Day 3: Favorite Racial Leader? (Horde) - can’t go wrong with my boy lorthemar
Day 4: Favorite Race? - Blood elves! 
Day 5: Favorite Expansion? - WOTLK due to nostalgia...but BC due to lore....i cant pick :,0
Day 6: Favorite Female Character? - aw man....either azshara or liadrin
Day 7: Favorite Male Character? - kael’thas sunstrider. love of my life.
Day 8: Favorite Major City? - does boralus count now? if not its probably silvermoon. get a pattern?
Day 9: First Class - hunter!
Day 10: Favorite Class - maaage!
Day 11: Class You Want To Level - i have never gotten a rogue past level 50.
Day 12: Non-Playable Race You Wish Was Playable - vulpera! i got them to exalted just in case :,D
Day 13: Favorite Lore? - blood elf lore! thats why theyre my favorite race, i love their story.
Day 14: Favorite Battleground? - well i’m not a PVP person so id say warsong gulch for nostalgia reasons
Day 15: Best Tier Set? - alliance tier 9 leather
Day 16: Favorite Leveling Zone? - shit uhhhhh.... i dont really have a favorite based on quests, but i really like eversong from how it looks and also...nostalgia.
Day 17: Favorite Dungeon and Raid? - magisters terrace (wow!) and black temple or ulduar
Day 18: Scryer or Aldor? - scryer!
Day 19: Memorable Quote - probably kael’thas’ speech in either magisters terrace or the eye
Day 20: Scenery Porn Zone? - zangarmarsh, nazmir or tiragarde sound!
Day 21: Dragonflight - eh....infinite? they look p cool
Day 22: An Old God - im not really into this lore so...idk
Day 23: Best End Game Boss - arthas! bitch!
Day 24: Favorite In-Game Religion/Spirituality? - maybe elune?
Day 25: Favorite Official Trailer - WOTLK!
Day 26: In-Game Cinematic - do the warbringers count? i’d say sylvanas’ warbringer cinematic
Day 27: Legendary Item - did somebody say...?
Day 28: Best Dance - night elf females!
Day 29: Favorite Mount? - my dune scavenger or ashes of a’lar!
Day 30:  Burning Legion or the Scourge? - burning legion!
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gascon-en-exil · 4 years
Trolls and tauren are very strongily coded as other, the former's gods most of whom are evil, are even just a few letters apart from real world Loas in Haitian Vodou. Heck Shadowlands had Dambala, just one letter away from the real world benevolent Loa, DambalLA as an evil villain with no redeeming qualities. It doesn't help that the humans in Warcraft are very WASP-y & are ALWAYS 100% of the time depicted as good guys against trolls & Tauren.
I’m aware. My point was that the longer WoW has gone on the further the Horde has grown away from its core of misunderstood monsters not-so-subtly pulling from real world marginalized cultures, and also the Forsaken. The addition of blood elves (classist aesthetes who are ruthlessly pragmatic but hide it better than the rest of the Horde and clearly do not want to be here - and also my favorites), goblins (zany parodies of modern capitalism), the nightborne (like blood elves, but even more snobbish and more into wine), and the vulpera (might loosely map to any number of nomadic desert cultures, but realistically they’re just there to give the Horde a cute furry option that isn’t pandas) have all pulled away from that Vanilla identity, in conjunction with the Alliance more slowly adding some cultural and ethical diversity although all the flavors of human are still very Anglo (or British Islander, at most) at their core. For players invested in that sort of thing I’d imagine you either have to choose between identifying with the Othered founding members of the Horde or taking offense at the all-around questionable presentation of Blizzard playing fast and loose with cultural stereotypes and coding. It’s rather a no-win situation - and it’s not as though that wasn’t true as far back as Vanilla, either.
Anyway, while I’m not up on troll lore I do recall Bwonsamdi, named for and somewhat inspired by the real voodoo loa Baron Samedi, as a charismatic and to some degree likable character in BFA, along with various other loa I wouldn’t call evil encountered during Zandalar’s storylines. I haven’t played one for more than a few levels, but don’t Zandalari trolls have a racial where they invoke the blessing of one of around half a dozen benevolent loa?  
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p2gamerblog · 4 years
wow Patch 9.0.2 Hotfixes: November 17th
wow Patch 9.0.2 Hotfixes: November 17th
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  We have another huge batch of hotfixes today, with class changes, fixes to Mythic mount drops and a lot more! 
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November 17 (source)
Allied Races
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Combat Analysis Mechagnome Racial now correctly scales with level.
Fixed an issue where players may be unable to turn in the Vulpera quest, “Playing to their Strengths”.
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warcrafttimemd · 6 years
Some Thoughts on Potential/Future Allied Races
So I finished the Horde storyline a few days ago, and I’ve seen most of Kul Tiras since then, and I’ve got some opinions (ideas?) about what we might see in the future just based off of the BofA islands. All of this, like everything about future allied races, is pure conjecture/speculation.
Putting it beneath the cut because there’s minor story spoilers.
Why it would work: the Vulpera feel almost inevitable as an allied race, honestly. There’s as much, if not more, detail to their character models than some of the actual playable races, and putting that amount of effort into something just so you can vary up NPC appearances seems like an uncharacteristic move considering how bare bones Blizzard has been willing to go with NPC-only races before. The big question for the Vulpera is which side would they go to? I’d initially wondered if they might be a neutral race similar to Pandaren and we’d see both Horde AND Alliance Vulpera in the future, but after encountering them in Vol’dun, I can’t actually imagine any Vulpera taking up arms against each other. If I had to hazard I guess, I’d say they’d go Horde just because they’re such a big part of the Vol’dun questline - or at least a lot of them play a part in it.
Why it wouldn’t work: unlike all of the announced races so far, the Vulpera have no established leaders or even society. There’s no capital city, no racial leader/ruler, no real cohesion at all, just a completely scattered people eking out a living in the desert - which they don’t seem to really be having an issue with, by the by. They value independence and group-sufficiency, but they have no stake or reason to join the Horde and/or participate in the faction war. Nisha shows a bit of ambition, but it’s focused on freeing other Vulpera from the evil Sethrak, not necessarily leading them herself. There would need to be a dramatic change for all Vulpera to warrant them signing on with a bigger faction.
Why it would work: although it’s clear that Blizzard were banking on people liking the Vulpera, the Sethrak have become the ‘dark horse’ stars of the Vol’dun zone. They have really cool models, cool voices, and doggone it people like them. Thanks to Vorrik, they might have an actual leader/emperor to unite under even though Korthek loyalists will continue to cause trouble for the forseeable future. If the Horde can convince Korthek that the Alliance are a threat to his people/the world, it’s not hard to imagine them joining up, especially if Vorrik is looking to ‘redeem’ his people from their actions under Korthek’s rule.
Why it wouldn’t work: practical reasons, first and foremost. Sethrak anatomy is about on par with Worgen (possibly more challenging) in terms of an only semi-humanoid bodyshape, and Blizzard seem to have been indisposed to make the same mistakes as they’ve made with the Worgen in terms of how armor sits and fits on characters. It wouldn’t be as much of a stretch as adapting Naga to a playable race, but it’d be close. There are already quite a few Sethrak models in-game, but they’re all npc models, and the customizations are actually part of the models, not equippable items beyond weapons. Lastly, we all know how Blizzard loves sexual dimorphism, and the Sethrakk have none. From a purely cynical point of view, I can’t imagine Blizzard having the balls to make a playable race where the girls don’t have romance novel-worthy endowments.
Why it would work: Tortollans are cool. They’re old as shit, switch between crotchety and friendly at the drop of a hat, and carry everything they own on their back. What’s not to like?
Why it wouldn’t work: Too many reasons. As characters, playable Tortollans just don’t work: it basically took the death of their god to move them to action, and even then, many of them were like ‘Ehh...maybe we should just see how this plays out? Or just hire this adventurer?” They’re just too passive. They also face a lot of problems that other beast races do too: distorted-humanoid bodyshape, pre-existing state as NPC models, etc. Again, no sexual dimorphism either. These guys are Tuskarr tier in chances of becoming playable.
Blood Trolls
Yeah, no. We’ve already been told that playable Blood Trolls are not going to be a thing (at least they aren’t planned to be so) so we can cross these horrifying guys and girls off the list. That being said, I personally think it was a mistake to leave Blood Troll-esque customizations off of the Zandalari (pale skin tones, black eyes, red tattoos, the Die Antwoord haircuts, etc.) since that’s basically just what Blood Trolls are, minus the flavor. Still, Blood Trolls are shown to completely devoted to G’huun and irredeemably evil in the Nazmir storyline, so I can’t imagine them ever pulling a face turn for any reason. It would take Blizzard deciding to (A) put a third Troll race in the game instead of another race that isn’t playable yet, and (B) an absolutely mind-boggling change of racial character to get these guys in the game proper.
I’ll put in more as I play through the Alliance/Kul Tiras storyline and get familiar with those locals. I’ve already got some ideas about the K’thir...
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the-nerd-beast · 5 years
Playable Race concept: Grummles
Suggested by @prototype-heart
*disclaimer: This is a post for fun, it is in no way meant to be taken seriously. I have thoroughly combed the lore before making this post and is just a “what if” scenario just for shits and giggles and is meant to be taken with a grain of salt.*
Race: Grummles
Faction: Neutral
Languages: Mogu, Common/Orcish
Summary: Grummles are small humanoids native to Pandaria. Evolved from Troggs exposed to the waters in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, their arms are stronger, their senses more acute and sense of direction more reliable. Enslaved by the Mogu to deliver goods along mountain passes too dangerous for them to go they continued running the Burlap Trail even long after they were freed. They are the primary source of supplies for the Shado Pan, as they can not leave their vigil at the Serpent’s Spine wall.
After Mantid activity increased in intensity due to N’zoth’s awakening, some Grummles finally deemed the Burlap Trail too dangerous and left to seek work with the adventurers who helped them years ago, joining the Alliance or Horde.
Hunter, pet is a grey yak (oxen)
Shaman, totems are backpacks
Mount: Yak
Luckydo!: Active. The user rubs their luckydo for luck, freeing them from all CC effects. 3 minute cooldown.
Good Fortune: Passive. Increases critical strike chance by 1%.
Grummlepack: Passive. Increases the backpack by 8 slots.
Run Away!: Passive. Increase movement speed in combat by 5%.
Charm Finding: Passive: Increased chance of finding grey items. Anything can be a luckydo!
Dances: Same as Goblin as new models would be based on those rigs.
Customization options: Fur color, hairstyle, hair color, facial hair (male), accessories (female).
Male Flirts:
“You’re my luckydo”
“I’m dizzy and I’m not sure if it’s the altitude or you”
“No need to run! I am here!”
“I’ve never seen a live snow angel before”
“Of all the new sights and smells I have experienced, you are the best”
“You are steaming like a cup of Kafa coffee”
Female Flirts:
“Wanna get lucky tonight?”
“Here I am, what are your other two wishes?”
“Are you Mount Neverest, because I can’t get over you”
“I never get lost, but the closest I have ever been is in your eyes”
“Wanna go get some munchies?”
*sniffing* “You smell nice”
Male Jokes:
“The auction house is so awkward, I need to show these guys how we did it back in the bazaar!”
“Every corpse on Mount Neverest was once a very motivated person, so maybe take it easy.”
“What’s your luckydo?”
“What a nice day, a cute black kitty crossed my path....what?”
“You call that a backpack? THIS is a backpack!”
“Dang birds just HAD to wait until I got my yak out the yak wash!”
Female Jokes:
“Don’t talk to me before my morning Kafa.”
“They say rabbit’s feet are lucky, but I don’t believe the rabbit thought so.”
“*rummaging through backpack* I can never find anything in this thing.”
“I can’t wait to show these Vulpera how trading is really done!”
“Until the job is done I will Neverest!”
“You don’t believe in yeti? Well they don’t believe in you either!”
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motherazeroth · 5 years
Vulpera tempt me back with to the Horde lol
I dont blame you theyre fucking adorable and have great racials. Im pretty attached to my main but if they ever broke down faction race restrictions I might swap too ngl
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warwaged-archive · 4 years
Aside from the obvious of Sylvanas, who else does Tyrande want to personally see dead
I’d make a big list but tbh it’s just Sylvanas and the Horde in its entirety
I’m joking but not really akjsdnfkjnd Sylvanas and all of her loyalists is the least she’s going to accept. All the undead can die really, undead have no rights (light undead included, looking at you calia). Horde has no rights, really, but she’s maybe willing to give them one (1) right if they weren’t directly involved in burning Teldrassil. That one right is to not be murdered. If they stay out of the way and let her people have justice. Everyone else should die. She thinks that’s reasonable.
Oh and Azshara too.
I think it’s important to note her grievance isn’t necessarily towards race; it really is faction. A neutral tauren she feels no need to murder. A neutral orc, she won’t want them dead. If you’re not part of the Horde she doesn’t care. If you are, even if you joined after Teldrassil, you joined knowing what they did and therefore has a part in atoning for their crimes. If you stuck with Sylvanas nothing in this universe can save you buddy, there’s no forgiveness for you on her part.
Naming some names? Nathanos is right after Sylv, Saurfang was at the top of the list but he already died so, hmmm Horde leadership, I think, other than Baine and Thrall. It’s not that those two are safe from her rage, but more so that Baine at least stood up to Sylvanas at some point, and Thrall came back later, so she’s willing to give them a chance to right the wrongs of their faction by helping her people get justice, thus they do not have to immediately die. The ones who stuck with Sylv before she fled, like Gallywix and Geyarah are definitely high up on the list of who needs to die too. The Vulpera and the Zandalari are also in the Baine and Thrall category, in that they’re not safe but she’s willing to give them a chance given they do something to give her people the justice they are owed. Any other racial leaders that don’t really have something that excuses them somewhat for their role in the war should die and that’s that. 
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