#WARNING: it's long. press the J button on your keyboard if you decide you dont want to read all that
starsprlte · 2 years
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✧♡• byf • ask • faq • main blog •✧♡✧• commissions • webcomic • yt •♡✧
click on the read more if you'd like to hear about what all goes on around here! (there will be more fun banners.)
AHH! WARN me before you click next time! geez!! freakin' scared me... welcome to my little cabin quarters aboard a ship that 'surfs' the web. i'm starsprLte, or just pay (if we're friends!)
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i'm a digital artist! i also experiment with crayons and paper crafts. i may even post kandi projects i've made, from time-to-time! currently, i'm working on a webcomic called DREAMCAST. digital art tag (2023 - present): "#vapour.png" old digital art tag (2018 - 2022): "#liquid.png" traditional art tag (2021 - present): "#traditional art" crafts tag (2021 - present): "#craftz"
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DREAMCAST is a webcomic that i've been writing since 2018, and started releasing pages for in 2019. it follows the story of ethan, a goat plushie, trying to save the plushies that mysteriously disappeared after a strange storm. it also features some... 'arg' elements, with hidden codes and secret pages to find! read DREAMCAST here! it's hosted on tumblr! it's got a way better 'about' section over there!
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speaking of! i'm really interested in, and passionate about, webcomic creation. i curate a list of tips that i've accumulated over the years, for people interested in making their own webcomic. the kinda stuff i wish i'd known when i was starting, you know? it's by no means a complete list, and probably won't be for a long time. i'm always happy to answer any questions you might have about webcomic creation! :+) click here to read it!
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aside from DREAMCAST, i have a whole plethora of original characters and story concepts that i hope to develop in the future! for all OC content, i use the tag "#seedpods". as for story-specific tags...
"#journalist's worst nightmare" - is about orion, his little sister iris, and their weird alien fratboy hikari! they go on cryptid hunts, trying to find ONE that'll consent to having a research paper written about them, to prove the existence of cryptids- and so orion has an impressive portfolio opener for college.
"#who killed finnegan finch?" - is about nina and finnegan. finnegan finch has died! now a ghost with only hazy memories of his life, he and nina are trying to figure out who killed him. in life, finnegan’s made a lot of enemies, so any one of them could’a done it! all he remembers is that nina is important to him... but how?
{the following stories are under construction, the content within their tags is outdated!} {because i haven't. worked on them. in a longtime}
"#retailiation" - is about toi, xavier, and kyra. three very different people, all working very different jobs. they get swallowed up by their places of work, and transported to a strange pocket dimension, where their true appearance is only revealed when they're display the emotion they try to hide the most.
"#kabloom" - is about wanderlust, roseate, analog, and iliad! everyone has a special power, with a pro... and a con. i have a lot of cleanup i need to do around this story (character redesigns...), so i can't exactly give a concise and snappy description of what it's about.
"pirates need toothbrushes" - is about crowell, a pirate from the past who fell through a wormhole to the modern day; denny, an eccentric and strange little dentist who collects teeth; and jan, a wannabe witch with a flying broom! everyone has an 'itembond', a specific item/category of item that they've used for so long, it's almost like an extension of oneself! this one's more slice of lifey, and mainly about what 3 different kinds of weirdo would get up to. there's a LOT more i could say about any one of these stories, but this post is so so so long already. this isn't even all of the story ideas i have, i just haven't posted the others on tumblr yet! ack!
again, all of these characters and descriptions are heavily subject to change whenever i sit down to actually start making them. the unyielding hands of time!
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this is the stuff that most of my followers are here for- yes i put my OCs above the fanart section LOL. the fan content i post here mainly includes: pokémon, minecraft, undertale/deltarune, disco elysium, OFF, ace attorney (rare one!), 17776 (rare one!) HOWEVER. this is NOT the only fan content i will post. i'll post shit for fandoms i'm not even in, and will never post for again! i'm a loose cannon! you'll never guess my next step! wa-ha-ha! beholden unto no one but myself!
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and that's about it. thanks for sticking around this far, happy blog browsing!
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sebspocketsquare · 4 years
Quarantine 5
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader (online)
A/N: Heya guys! Here’s part 5, sorry it’s been a little bit. I had some trouble with this one because I really just wanted to get to part 6 LOL. Anyway, i hope you enjoy it! -T
Warnings: Flirting, language, quarantine, feels, fluff
The next morning, a string of texts wakes you. 
It’s J, letting you know his friend will be by in a couple of hours to install your security system and bring by groceries. 
He tells you to double check who’s on the other side of the door before opening it, and informs you that his friend's name is Sam.
Seems simple enough.
You get dressed, deciding to wear something a little nicer than the pajamas you’d been wearing lately. Makeup finds its way to your face and you even manage to brush your hair.
You could at least make yourself look human today, especially since you didn’t know how good of friends J and Sam were.. what if he went right back and told J you looked like you hadn’t bathed in weeks? 
That wouldn’t be good for your blossoming relationship…. friendship? Whatever it was.
You’re getting yourself a glass of water when someone knocks at your door. 
The couch had been moved back to its original position, and you look through the spyhole on your door to find a man standing there in a doctors mask with a backpack and bags of groceries in hand.
“Can I help you?” You ask through the door.
He makes eye contact with you through the spyhole. “I’m Sam, J’s friend. I’m here to install the security system for you?”
That was convincing enough for you. Opening the door, you offer a small smile. “Hi.. I’m uh.. I’m Clair.”
You can’t tell if he’s smiling through the mask, but he makes his way inside and sets the bags on the floor. 
“You mind if I take this off now? I promise I’m not sick.” He motions to the mask and you laugh softly. “No, go ahead. It’s fine. Just uh.. Stay six feet away.”
He removes his mask with a sigh of relief before flashing a pearly smile at you, “I’m Sam. Nice to officially meet you.” He looks familiar for a split second, but you convince yourself you’re merely imagining it.
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Sam gets right to work with the install, and you take that time to put away the food and wine he’s brought. It’s too much for just you, it’ll last you months, but with everything that’s going on, you don’t know if you’ll even be ready to leave the house again anytime soon.
You make sure to shoot J a text telling him thank you.
Sam puts a device on each window and in each doorway of your apartment. A keypad is put right by your front door, and a panic button right beside your bed. He helps you set up a 4 digit pin that you’ll need to enter any time you come or go, and shows you how to set the alarm when you go to sleep at night. It’s so simple, but so secure.
J was right. It made you feel better. Safer.
Once everything is completely set up, he pulls a piece of paper from his back pocket and hands it to you. It’s an order form. For your computer and television. You’d made the decision to not let him replace your tablet. He was already doing too much.
“Oh..” is all you can manage to say as you look it over.
Sam chuckles in return, “He um.. he really cares about you, you know..”
Meeting his eyes, you risk asking him a personal question, “What’s your opinion in all of this..? How he feels about me?”
He looks taken back for a moment, but smiles fondly before he answers. “I’ve known him for awhile now, and.. He’s the happiest I’ve ever seen him when he’s talking to you.”
You can’t help but smile at that knowledge.
“And Clair?” 
You meet his gaze one more time.
“I know it’s probably weird for you, that he wants to take care of all of this for you, but.. let him. He’s a good man. He doesn’t have any ulterior motives. He just.. when he cares about someone, he’s all in.”
Your heart warms at his words and you nod slowly.
He smiles again before picking up his backpack and heading for the door. 
“Hey Sam?”
He turns to you just before he’s out the door.
“Tell J I said hi.”
He chuckles and shakes his head, “Will do… and don’t tell him what I said about him being a good man and all that…  he’ll never let me live it down.”
I know as soon as the system is installed because a crude outline of her apartment appears on my computer screen. 
I set alerts to let me know anytime someone approaches the vicinity, when she leaves and when she sets the alarm for the evening. If she presses the panic button, it alerts the authorities first and then me.
I have to take every precaution to keep her safe. 
I’m closing the window on my computer when Sam returns home. I hear him kick his shoes off and set his bag down before heading straight for the shower. He pokes his head in my room on his way there. “System is installed, also.. damn she is way out of your league.”
His observation makes my heart rate increase. “Wait, what? What does that mean?”
He laughs and shakes his head, leaving it at that as he continues on his way.
I find myself suddenly jealous that he’s gotten to see her with his own eyes and I haven’t.
“You could at least describe her for me!” I call after him, to which he just cackles.
My best friend is an asshole.
You’re sitting on the couch watching random videos on your phone when a new message comes through from J.
[Sarge:] Everything go smooth? :)
You’re sure he already knows the answer, and you’re positive that Sam already told him all about you, but you decide to humor him anyway.
[clairv0yant:] Yes. :) Thank you again for everything.. I really appreciate you. I checked the tracking on the form that he gave me and everything should be here by the end of next week. 
[Sarge:] Doll, I promise you don’t have to thank me. I’m happy to be able to help you out. :) 
[Sarge:] It will be strange not gaming with you every night for a while, but.. We’ll just have to find another way to spend time together.
His words only cause the smile on your face to grow. He’s so sweet. So considerate. So genuine and unfathomably selfless. You weren’t sure what you’d done to earn the affections of such an amazing person.
[Sarge:] By that I mean.. expect phone calls every night ;) 
[clairv0yant:] That sounds perfect to me. :P
You spent more time on the phone with J over the next week and a half than you’d ever spent in your life. Constantly exchanging texts and making phone calls, but never once asking the other for a photo. Not that you weren’t curious, because you surely were, but you were afraid of what he expected you to be like. Did he already have an image of you in his head? An ideal Clair?
You’d tried to picture him several times, but failed at each attempt. He still remained a mystery to you.
When your new tech finally arrives, you nearly jump out of your skin with joy. You make sure to lysol the holy hell out of the shipping boxes before touching them, and once the product inside is removed and placed in the safety of your apartment, the useless cardboard goes into the recycle bin outside.
It takes you an hour and 45 minutes to get everything set up, but of course as soon as you’ve finished, J is insistent about playing.
It’d been so long, there was no way you were denying him.
You missed it just as much as he did.
“You know what I miss most?” You speak into your mic, keeping your eyes trained on the battle scene happening on the screen before you.
J hums a soft, “hmmm?” in response, trying to keep his focus too.
“Mexican food.”
He can’t help but let out a bark of laughter, obviously shocked at your most missed thing while locked away.
“Mexican food? Really?”
It’s your turn to hum a soft, “Mmmhm”.
He’s quiet for a few moments except for the sound of his keyboard clacking as he fights, determined to win this round.
When the word Victory appears on your screen, he speaks again.
“You know I um..” He pauses, and you can feel his anxiety seeping through the internet connection. “Nevermind, heh..”
“What is it?” The first emotion you feel is concern. What could he not feel comfortable telling you?
“Promise you won’t just laugh at me?”
That’s a promise you know you’ll be able to keep. “Of course, J. What’s up?”
There's a bit of silence on his end, and then you swear you hear his adam's apple bob in his throat in a gulp for courage. “When all of this is over, I.. I’d really like to take you out on a date..”
You’re stunned into silence, thankful that a new game has yet to start.
He must take the quiet as a negative response, because he immediately backtracks.
“I-I mean, that’s stupid right? You wouldn’t go on a date with some guy you met online.. Hell, I could be some cree--”
“I would love to.” You cut him off before he can ramble on too much.
“You-really?” You can hear the smile in his voice and it brings an even bigger smile to yours.
“But only if it’s mexican food.”
He lets out a soft chuckle, the rumbling of the sound making your heart flutter.
“I wish..” He stops himself again, letting out a little sigh, “I wish I knew when that would be though.. When all of this will be over.. I just.. I really want to spend time with you, Clair.”
A new match begins in the game, but you’re so distracted by his confession that you almost miss your window to pick your character.
“We’re spending time together right now, aren’t we?” You joke, but there’s a falter to your voice, a doubt. You know what he really means.
“You know what I mean, I.. I want to be there, with you.”
It’s your turn to exhale a sigh.
“I know what you mean..” A funny image comes to your head, and you find it slipping from your tongue before you can stop yourself. “What would a quarantine date consist of anyway? You sitting on the opposite side of my front door drinking beer, while I sit inside drinking wine?”
He’s silent.
Not even a laugh.
It’s a whole two minutes before he speaks again.
“You know.. That could work.”
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TAGS: (I wasnt sure who to tag, so if you dont want to be, I’m sorry!! Just trying to get this out there. ALSO if you wanna be tagged INBOX ME! I tend to miss people in the notes :(  ).  @mindingmyownbusiness​ @plumfondler​  @buckybarnesappreciationsociety​ @loricameback​ @tinaferraldo​ @geminimoonbeamx​  @preserumsteverogers​ @moderapoppins​ @lowkeysebby​ @buckyshattergirl​  @jayattemptstoruletheworld​    @the-observant-fangirl​ @moondancewrites​ @moonbeambucky​ @trinityjadec​  @stevieang​  @bionic-buckyb​ @eyecandybarnes​ @propertyofpoeandbucky​ @promarvelfangirl​ @ballyhoobarnes​ @bucky-plums-barnes​ @cate-lynne​ @witchymarvelspacecase​ @imaginingbucky​ @theimpossibleg1rl​ @babygurl8840 @wonderlandmind4 @buckysthing​ @formulafun​ @curvybihufflepuff​ @fanficsformarvelkillme​  @shadyskit​ @lostinthoughtsandfeelings​ @reading–mermaid @fuckmestan​ @siliverin​ @verygraphicink​ @sallyp-53 @thatsbucknasty​ @steadyphantomcat​ @booktease21 @kiki5283 @lostinspace33 @drayshadow​ @theperditioncrasher​ @mmyepic​ @feelmyroarrrr@alien-beans @heartsaved​ @sideeffectsofyou​ @dreamingofonceuponatime​ @just-a-littlebit-of-everything​ @bluerorjhan​ @tarynsnotokay​ @jamdropx35 @turquoisekokiri​ @pinknerdpanda​​ @starkrobb​ @marvelgirl7​ @unscriptedtimetraveler​ @fangeekkk​ @wonderlandmind4​ @pinkisokay​ @mrsdaamneron​ @rynabarnesrogers​ @wish-i-had-something-better​ @stanning-seb-stan​ @oilersgirl35​ @vaisabu​ @paranoid-borderline-insane​ @bonkywobble​ @vikki-rogue​ @witchymegg​ @a--1--1--3​ @margetastic33​ @stuffandstuff-stuff​
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