bwicblog · 7 years
SA: I am tired of having nightmares. This is increasingly annoying.
RS: | ! | Is It a Common Problem For You | ? |
SA: I suppose not really. I cannot have the same nightmares as other trolls. But lately I keep remembering things that have already happened and that's what I consider a nightmare.
SA: it must have been brought on by the fight.
SA: how are you?
RS: | Good | ! | Remarkably | Haha | I should be On the Road back Home | Really | But | I am Staying Up Here for the Perigee | I Think | So | Not having to Travel Yet is Relaxing | RS: | I'm Sorry to Hear That | Though | =:( |
RS: | Can You Try Not Sleeping | ? |
SA: will you be taking Emerel with you, or going off alone when you do?
SA: oh, yes. It must be nice to lounge around with little to fret about 😊
SA: I am packing right now, I should return to Provenence.
SA: it would be unwise for me to avoid sleeping. Just as it would be for you 😦
RS: | Ah | I'm just Staying At His Hive for a Bit | to Complete Some Stationary Work | So | The Former | ? | RS: | Tell Me about Provenance | I've done Business in a Nearby City | But I've never Been Inside of It Properly | It sounds Lovely from What I've Heard | RS: | And | Haha | Unwise if You Avoid It Entirely | But | You only Really Need Four Hours or So a Day |
SA: but I also enjoy sleeping. I just wish I wouldn't be struck by it when I'm out doing things.
SA: provenance is good. I live in West Haven. The worst part is Port Solais.
SA: it is very sophisticated... but it is also infested with organized crime and cartel groups. Organ trafficking is very big.
SA: many of my clients pay me to deal with these people.
SA: unfortunately the safest place is West Haven which is only meant for midbloods and up. Usually. But, the members of the criminal courts make their homes there as well.
SA: the city is sick, which is unfortunate considering it is otherwise beautiful and rather eventful in positive ways.
CC: Are yo=u sure yo=u're getting eno=ugh so=po=r, SA? / (´・×・`)\ CC: I kno=w it's kind o=f an o=bvio=us first quetio=n, but I think so=metimes peo=ple do=n't realize that different amo=unts o=f so=po=r wo=rk fo=r different peo=ple! /(≧ x ≦)\ CC: And it's really go=o=d fo=r sto=pping nightmares, even if they're no=t the usual o=nes! CC: I kno=w I need a lo=t less, but I can pretty much sleep anywhere, anytime. / (⁎˃ᆺ˂)\
SA: kit, hello.
SA: I don't use sopor, I use medication. But I am unsure what the actual overlap is with all of it. I just know I am unable to contract our genetic nightmares.
SA: oh. You're like me 😃
CC: / (•ㅅ•)\ CC: Hello=! CC: I'm so= so=rry, I co=mpletely fo=rgot to= say 'hi'! /(≧ x ≦)\
SA: I hope you have been well.
CC: I've been alright! CC: Mo=stly wo=rried abo=ut Em, but, um! CC: Pheres says he's been fine, just reco=vering. CC: I kind o=f freaked o=ut when everyo=ne said that he go=t stabbed and died, haha. /(^ x ^|||)\So= I feel a little silly no=w. CC: But, um! CC: What kind o=f medicatio=n? CC: O=r, I guess there's no= sense in me asking, I'm the last thing fro=m a do=cterro=rist. CC: Can yo=u use so=po=r? / (⁎˃ᆺ˂)\ It might help!
SA: I never heard that he died... I wonder who said that.
SA: it's some sort of military issue pills, I'm unsure of their brand and make. Just that I acquire them through unconventional means as they were wat I took in the military
SA: I don't believe so. At the least. I avoid it
CC: Haha, I do=n't even remember at this po=nt! /(≧ x ≦)\But that's my fault fo=r o=verreacting! CC: That sucks, then, tho=ugh! Fo=r the daymares, I mean. CC: Do= yo=u have them a lo=t? / (´・×・`)\ CC: I fall asleep witho=ut so=po=r pretty o=ften! That's pro=bably why it wo=rks so= easily o=n me, actually, haha, because I'm no=t used to= it! CC: But, I mean, I think CC: At least fo=r me! CC: I tend to= have less daymares when I've had a tiring night?
CC: Like, if I went to= training!
CC: ... I guess saying 'yo=u sho=uld wo=rk o=ut and see if it helps' so=unds kind o=f dumb, tho=ugh.
SA: I have been very stationary lately. I could go back to working more often and see if that changes it.
SA: I'm sorry it startled you, Kit.
SA: not often. When I do, it's oftentimes things from training or the few times I was involved in live fire engagements.
SA: they don't cause me distress. They simply make it hard to get restful sleep.
SA: what do you dream about?
ID: daymares suck, sorry bud.
SA: hello, Hadean.
CC: That might really help, then! /(^ x ^=)\ CC: And it's o=kay, Prisma, do=n't wo=rry abo=ut it! CC: I'm fine, really, haha - it's no=t like I'm o=ne o=f the peo=ple that go=t stabbed. CC: ... Um! Speaking o=f which, hi Hadean! CC: I'm so=rry that yo=u go=t so hurt in the fight, to=o=. / (´・×・`)\
CC: And, uh! CC: Do= yo=u mean my daymares?
SA: but witnessing or hearing about those things is often a source of distress, even for those that weren't directly involved. It is okay.
SA: I often have to tell this to my clients.
SA: yes, your daymares
ID: yo pris. sorry your sleep sucked. we can both be on team shit sleep. and uh. daymares can be kind of private there pris.
CC: I mean, haha, I sho=uldn't be upset by things like that if I'm in the fleet, right? CC: I've never been in any live engagements, like yo=u said, so=... CC: Um! CC: I'm so=rry, I guess I feel kind o=f weird saying what they are?
SA: are they? I was unaware. I apologize, Kit
SA: you should acquire a heavy blanket, Hadean. I hear they are "all the rage"
ID: ...what.
ID: i burn with the force of a thousand suns pris, i don't need a blanket.
ID: like. ever.
SA: I don't know. I was very upset by some things I experienced in the fleet. Less so now, however. But I understand what you mean.
SA: oh. It emulates hugging and supposedly it helps you sleep better.
SA: perhaps if we put ice on it
SA: 😉
ID: pfff that seems suffocating as fuck to me but hey, each to their own.
ID: uhh. also kit don't worry. em's pretty fine. a few good meals and he'll probably be good as new.
CC: That's really go=o=d to= hear! /(^ x ^=)\ CC: But also= pro=bably no=t what yo=u want to= talk abo=ut since he's the o=ne that yo=u two= were fighting, I guess! CC: Ho=w are yo=u do=ing, tho=ugh? CC: I kno=w he's no=t the o=nly o=ne that go=t hurt in the fight... / (´・×・`)\
ID: i mean i'm not upset over the fighting. it's not like i was forced in to it or anything, it's fine. i'm fine. everyone is fine.
SA: thankfully
CC: I meant physically! CC: But I guess emo=tio=nally, to=o=, except yo=u already said yo=u're fine that way. CC: /(≧ x ≦)\
ID: yeah, well. i got wounds to heal up but it's alright.
CC: I'm happy yo=u're do=ing well, then!
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