#Wanted to write something based on my headcanons regarding Sonic and Amy's relationship and how far they both came as friends.
piko-power · 10 months
Been feeling emotional lately and I wanted to write something based on my headcanon about Sonic and Amy's relationship. (This can be platonic as well if you want to view it that way. I don't mind!)
TW: Self-hatred, implied suicidal thoughts, and parental death (mentioned)
Quick note this takes place right after Frontiers and when Tails, Knuckles and Amy returned and also before The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog.
"Amy? I know this is probably a dumb question to ask, but..." He paused, ruffling his quills to find better words to ask. He really doesn't wanna sound completely stupid.
"I highly doubt that." Amy chuckled, looking away from the sunset to face Sonic. After taking care of some Badniks in the city, they needed a breather. She never knew that Sonic out of all people would invite her to watch the sun set in the horizon but is she complaining?
She gets to spend time with him, as usual, and got to watch the sunset. It's a win win.
"Whatever it is you want to ask me, I'm here to answer." She puts her hands together and smiled widely.
Gosh, why is she so darn sweet? The answer's obvious, but...
Sonic looked to his right for a moment before opening his mouth.
He feels incredibly uncomfortable, but it was too late to turn back. No matter how much he hates to ask, he needs to know.
He hopes he was right.
"Do you still love me?"
They both stared at each other. One waiting for a response, and the other caught off-guard by such question.
"...What?" She muttered, flabbergasted.
Sonic, you are you idiot, he scolded himself.
Amy tried to speak, but she was just so surprised. Eventually, she just, burst into laughter. Sonic was startled but the sudden laugh attack.
He never heard her laugh like this before. The loud little giggles and the occasional snort. It was kind of funny. He sort of laughed along with her, despite feeling like a dummy.
"I-I'm- HAHA! I'm s-so sorry, Sonic! I-I didn't mean to la-ha-haugh!" Amy tried to breathe but the laughs just keep coming. "Heheh, it's alright, I guess." Sonic chuckled, looking away from the wheezing hedgehog. He did sound stupid there, didn't he?
Amy took a few deep breaths, and wiped the tears from her eyes. Sonic crossed his arms, wishing he never asked that pathetic question. "So, the question was dumb?" He quietly asked, hoping that Amy won't respond to that one.
"No! No! Of course not, Sonic! it's just..." Amy took another deep breath. Opening her eyes, she can tell that Sonic was looking off to the distance, arms crossed and everything. She can tell he looked hurt somehow.
Reading the room, she became soft and approached him. "I promise you, I wasn't laughing at you." She spoke. "I just... Wasn't expecting you to ask me something like that."
"Honestly... Me neither." He shrugged, still looking away. "I thought is was obvious, so why ask?"
"...What's obvious?"
Sonic turned to face Amy, slightly surprised to hear that. "I... I thought you... Don't- I mean-! No, no, of course you still do-! But I don't know that-! But I know you, and I- ...I shouldn't worry about this kind of stuff." He rubbed his arm.
"I don't know, I was just... Thinking about some things lately and..."
Amy frowned. "Sonic...?"
"I'm sorry. Just... Just pretend I didn't say anything. It was dumb of me to ask. I shouldn't worry about that or anything relating to love." He spoke out the last word, trying to sound all grossed out about it. "I don't know what's up with me."
"I didn't mean to bother you, alright? I'll leave now." Sonic was about to run off when a hand grabbed him by the arm.
Sonic turned to see Amy, her grabbing a hold of him with worry in her eyes. He can tell she doesn't want him to leave.
She doesn't want him to leave her.
"Sonic... Of course I still love you." She said with a small smile. But the smile didn't last too long. "I just never thought you'd care about that."
Sonic blinked.
Releasing his arm, Amy backed away and adjust her headband, feeling nervous. Sonic walked back up to her to fix her headband.
They both looked at each other.
Amy looked down at her feet, feeling sad. "I... Never thought you actually cared."
Sonic's ears pinned. "I- Of course I do. I just- I just don't feel the same. You know that. Right?"
"I've always known."
There was a longer beat.
"Even as a kid, I've always known I can be very loud with my emotions. I just love to express myself." She said. "Throughout the years, I just wanted to follow you, and show you how capable I can be. That I can be... Your hero someday, or be... Useful."
"Whoa, whoa. Hold up. 'Useful?'" Sonic repeated the last word in shock. "What are you talking about, you've always been useful- You are the toughest hedgehog I know close to Shadow! Why would you think otherwise?"
She giggled sadly. "I don't know, I just... You always run away from me, even if I wanted to say something that isn't romantic for once. I'm not just a fangirl, you know."
"Hey, I knew that since forever. I know you mean well."
"Then why didn't you say anything? Why didn't you tell me that you liked me in the first place? Even if it's not, like, 'I feel the same for you' kind of like?"
"I..." Sonic was stuck, not knowing how to answer that. He really didn't know.
"If you said anything, maybe... I wouldn't have tried so hard. To convince you that I'm not just a little girl or whatever... That I... Actually have a purpose."
"Wait, what?" Sonic's ears went up for a moment. "'Purpose?' Amy, what are you actually talking about? Why are you saying all this?"
"Doesn't matter..." She mumbled, turning away.
"I think it does??" Sonic said, voice a little louder, wanting to get her attention. "Are you saying that you're not worth being part of the team? Because, lemme tell you right now, that is NOT true! I am grateful to have you here, Amy Rose!" He tried not to sound so demanding and harsh, but he just wanted her to listen.
"Never, EVER, think that you aren't worth being in this team! For years you ventured with us, becoming stronger and braver every time. Do you have any idea how proud I am of you?"
She didn't say anything. She could only look at the grass, holding her hands together.
"Heck, if it weren't for you, Shadow would never have helped us! You even befriended a robot and saved a Flicky's family for Pete's sake! You've done so much for not only us, but for the whole world, Amy."
She stayed silent.
"I can't believe you would think otherwise, after all of this time. Why? Why would you think that...?"
There was still no response from the light pink hedgehog. She just looked at the ground, refusing to face her hero.
"Amy... Please look at me... Why didn't you tell me any of this...?" Sonic spoke softly, taking a step towards her, almost placing her hand on her shoulder. "Is this why you were so quiet lately? Why you didn't go to your usual chases, or talk about our future?"
Amy blinked a few times, fearing he would quickly get the hint.
"You think that... You're not worth my time? Or anyone's time?"
She shuts her eyes.
"I thought you'd be better off without me..." She quietly croaked.
His eyes grew.
I thought you'd be better off without me?
Better off? Without Amy??
"Amy, why the hell would you think that?!" He shouted. "For the past couple of days, I've been thinking about us when we were younger and how much you've changed. Ever since we defeated Infinite, I noticed some changes. You stopped chasing me around with that hammer of yours, you didn't even ask me out. I can't even remember the last time that happened."
Amy held her own arm.
"I can't even remember the last time you said you loved me."
She held her arm tight, almost scratching it.
"I thought... You, were better off without me."
Amy spun around with a gasp, tears glossed on her sea green eyes. "WHAT?! No, that's not true, Sonic!"
"I thought you've had enough of me. Back then, I thought I was too harsh. I knew you were nice and bubbly and have a big heart, but you just... Love me so much."
Amy looked away again, feeling upset at herself.
"Almost every time we came across each other, you want to go out or you wanna talk about our future together or whatever. I thought it was so weird. I'm not a romantic kind of guy, and I thought you were so..."
He stopped himself. He never wanted to finish that sentence. He doesn't want to say anything like that about her. He never wanted to, even when they were younger.
"...annoying?" Amy finished.
A small gasp escaped his mouth.
"N-No. No!" He stuttered. You're not annoying-!"
"YES I AM!" She screamed.
He jumped from Amy's shriek that echoed around the fields.
"What's make you think that I don't do any of those things anymore, Smart Alec?" She barked. "During the first few months of the Eggman War, I realized how extreme I really am to you and how all lovey dovey I can be and how obnoxious I was to you."
"You are not-"
"I'm not finished. She spoke up.
"Hearing word that you were presumably... dead, I was just... Not having a great time. At all." She held her arm again as she continued.
"During the time, I looked back at my memories with you. They were so bittersweet and wonderful to look back on, until... I truly understood how annoying I was to you, and possibly to a few people. I don't care if we were younger, it was still recent."
"I was already feeling upset because of your loss, but opening my eyes on the person I became meeting you, I... I wanted to be stronger than that. More, special, than that. I want to be someone people can actually look up to. Someone people can actually love."
"Now listen here-"
"I AM NOT FINISHED, SONIC." She demanded calmly.
Sonic, running out of patience, just sighed. and listen.
"I tried. I really did." She continued. I tried so hard to get over you and focus on the war. I tried so how to stop loving you, but... When I tried, I just... Felt worse, somehow."
Tears came in once more when she looked at Sonic.
"It hurts me knowing that I have to force myself to give up on the one person who made me who I am today. I didn't want to do that, but I thought if I did, I'd be a better person."
"Ames..." Sonic muttered out her nickname. A nickname he came up with on the spot, unknowingly. His eyes were soft and sad.
"But I just... Couldn't. You just 'died,' and I don't want to do that! I don't want to stop loving you because you were the first person I met after-! ..."
She quickly stopped herself before going too far.
"After what?"
Welp, too late.
"...After I lost my parents." She said quietly, beginning to cry.
Something hurt in his chest. Very badly, after hearing that. She never talked about her parents before. Now he knows why.
"They were always there for me when times of tough, and they helped me even train with my new hammer, which my daddy made for me. Of course now it has some upgrades thank to Tails, but it was still nostalgic to me. They loved me very much and would do anything to keep me safe."
Crossing his arms and leaning slightly, Sonic sighed, listening to her story. He felt awful.
"I was only seven when I lost them. I was way too young. I hated thinking about it, but I remember them telling me to keep running and protect myself no matter what happens. Then I just, ran off. Leaving my parents with those robots."
Sonic gasped quietly. He knew what kind of robots she was talking about.
"I wanted to protect them from those robots but I felt so scared, even with my hammer. I didn't know what to do. I just ran away. Like a coward." She clinched her fists tightly, wanting so badly to kick her younger self in the face.
"Ever since, for almost a whole year, I blamed myself for the doing the one thing I wanted to do. Keep my family safe, in thanks of keeping me safe. I was by myself ever since. Though, I tried to find a new family. A new place. A new home, anything to make me feel happy again. But... No one would take me..."
Replaying the memories of strangers ignoring her plea from back then, to even some kids befriending her, only to leave her in the dust when she was in trouble, continuously stab her heart every time.
"No one. Literally no one would take me in. I was a loud, weak, sobbing mess to every person who had every right to walk pass by."
It hurts Sonic hearing her say that about herself.
"But as time goes on, I kept on walking. On my own, hoping one day I'll find my place. My new family. I found these tarot card one day and they cheered me right up. They were right up my ally. Then, one card... Heheh, you know exactly what was on that card."
He smiled slightly. "Sure do."
"It was how we met. On Little Planet. Then I met Tails and Knuckles. And ever since, I truly believed I found my new home. You guys, but especially you. You were the first person that I met after I lost my home, and I couldn't be more happier."
She smiled widely. "Not only did you change my life, but you saved it as well. That's just one of the many reasons why I love you!"
Then, she stopped, her smile fading away instantly. "But... When I got older, I became more aware of my actions and wanted to deal with it. But sometimes I set aside those worries, because, that's what you do best, right? No worries at all!"
"Yeah..." Sonic "agreed."
"But it never truly bothered me until we lost you. For months, I was having a horrible time, while trying to be there for the Resistance, being stuck between not wanting to give up my love for you, or just stay the way I am and not change at all. I feel... Stuck. And worthless, knowing that I don't know how to change for the better."
"Don't say that. You're not worthless." Sonic spoke. "You shouldn't kept all of this to yourself during that time. Did you at least talk to someone about it? Cream, Rouge, anyone?"
"No. I was too busy working and checking up with the rest of the rookies during the war." She continued. "Plus, I didn't want to worry anyone if I did anyway. They were worried about you, so what's the point?"
"Everyone was there for each other during that mess! You know darn well they'll be there for you when you need them most!" Sonic corrected in a harsh tone. "And we were there for you since forever! You really think your feelings don't matter?! You really think I don't care about you??!"
Amy was slightly scared by Sonic's yell, but she knew he wasn't being rude. "I-I..." She stuttered. "I don't know!"
"..." Sonic sighed was again, but sounding tired and fed up with the way Amy is treating herself right now.
"I really don't know. You were gone, everyone else was busy, I don't want to get in anyone's way, and I don't know if I should give up my love." She said. "Everything was going so fast in my head and I hated it. Every second of it. I just want my worries to go away. I just want you to get out of my head! I just want to be happy! I just-!!"
She gripped harder on her arm. Sonic quickly held onto her arm, wanting her to release it carefully. "Amy, stop! You're hurting yourself!"
"I just don't want to be alone again!" She sobbed. "I just wanted a family again!" I just want to be reminded that I'm important after so long! Why can't I have this?! Why can't I have any of this?! Why am I trying to hard when I'll just lose everything all over again?!"
"Amy, STOP IT!"
"Why can't I be better?! Why can't I change?! I just... I JUST WANT TO BE BETTER FOR YOU! FOR EVERYONE!"
Sonic yelled out her name loud enough for Amy to finally hear him. She looked up to see his face, full of anger and fear. He was letting out shaky breaths.
Great, Now look what she did. He's upset. And it's all her fault.
"God... What am I even doing... I should've have told you that stuff, but I just have to be honest..." She sniffled, looking down. "I really can't do anyth-"
"Stop." He barked. "Stop it. Right now."
"Don't tell me what to do."
"Don't you ever say those things again! You hear me?" He grabbed her arm up to get her to face him again. "Don't EVER say that again!"
Her lips quivered, and broke down into sobs again. "I'm sorry, S-Sonic. Please don't be m-mad at me."
"Amy, why didn't you tell me how you were feeling lately?! Or anyone?! Why would you keep this from us?! Why would think that you're not important?!"
"... ..." Amy just cried softly, refusing to say another word.
"Why would you ever try and give up on your love for me after all this time?"
"Because you don't love me."
The only thing that could be heard over the silence was Amy's heartbreaking cries. Sonic's head was racing with so many things to say but he just... Couldn't.
He held his hands on both of Amy's arms to try and comfort her, not knowing what to do with all this information.
He felt stuck as well.
"I'm sorry-"
"Stop saying that. It's not your fault. Okay?" He rubbed her arms in a little circle. "It was never your fault."
She was hiccuping more quiet sobs, still refusing to look at him. "I-I'm sor-ry, S-Sonic..." "No, no, no." Sonic spoke. "It's not your fault, Amy... You didn't do anything wrong, okay...? You just didn't know what to do..."
"I'm sorry..."
"You've done nothing wrong. You have nothing to be sorry about. You were brave back there and you still are. You are strong and you have a heart of gold. The biggest heart I've seen in fact." He continues on, rubbing her arms to comfort her.
"You've done so much. For us, and me. I am proud of you. We all are. Always. You are an amazing hero, Amy. You have no idea how important you are."
At that moment, the words she longed to hear, she broke down into louder sobs and fell to her knees, not being able to control her crying anymore. Sonic comes down to his knees and held her. Tight.
He hugged her.
He hugged her, for a long time.
He began rubbing her back, hushing softly.
"I want you to hear me, okay? I want to hear what I'm gonna say." He said. He couldn't see it, but he knew Amy nodded her head slowly. He took in a deep inhale...
"Amy, just because I don't feel the same, that doesn't mean I don't care. Okay?" He goes on. "But I do love you in my own way. I've always thought you were the most happiest, energetic person I've met in a long time. And even though I'm not the biggest fan of romance, I still enjoy your company."
Amy's cries has calm down at this point.
"We were younger. We were kids. I didn't understand that whole 'love' shtick and thought it was all yucky and stuff. But getting older, I know it won't change someone's life just to be with that someone. In fact, it makes that someone's life better. Some people aren't into relationships either, and that's okay."
Amy then sniffled loudly before Sonic continued.
"You are a great person, Amy, and you have no idea how lucky I am to have you here today. In a way, you pretty much saved my life too. You've came a long way to be the person you wanna be. I am proud of you. So, so proud of you. Okay? Don't forget that."
He rubbed her back again, soothing her cries and calming her down much better.
"Don't think that you're feelings don't matter, alright? I care about everyone's feelings, including yours. Regardless if I love you the way you love me, I'll do anything to make sure that frown goes upside down. I'll do anything to make sure you're happy."
He broke up the hug for a moment to face her, seeing all the tears dripping down her face like a small waterfall. "And another thing... I'm sorry if I made you believe that you don't matter. Like I said before, I've been thinking about how different we were towards each other and... I feel like I should make it up for you."
"Sonic..." Amy said hoarsely. "Don't say that. You weren't 'harsh' to me. We were young, like you said."
"I know, but..." Sonic said. "Hearing all of this now, all of the thing you kept from me..."
He sighed.
"It's kind of funny that we both wished to be better for each other, huh?" He chuckled weakly. "But... Listen, Amy... You did change for the better, both for yourself and for me. You've done so much right instead of wrong, alright? And after everything that happened, and after all this time, you still love me. That's pretty crazy..."
"Of course I do." She giggled quietly. "You've done so much for me. During that time in the war, it was a big struggle for me. I wasn't sure if I should keep going. Like, at all..."
His emerald eyes grew for a second. He caught what she meant by those last words. "Amy..."
"But... All I can think of was you. Your smile. Your bravery. Your big heart." Amy softly touched Sonic's chest where his heart is.
"For a while, I could only think about our relationship, but the last few months of that time, you yourself, and as an wonderful person, is all there is in my mind. If I give up, I think you wouldn't like that." She said, once again, holding her arm.
"No. I wouldn't." He held her arm gently and rubbed with with his thumb. "Don't tell anybody this, but back at the Death Egg, it was just basically me and my thoughts, and sometimes those stupid allusions that pop up to mess with me every month or so." He laughed.
"What?" Amy grew concerned.
"Anyway, during the first few months, I was thinking about our friends and wondering, hoping, that they'll be okay without me. I think back to our childhood sometimes. When I first met Tails, Knuckles and you. Some weeks my mind focused on Tails and how he's doing right now. Sometimes Knuckles. And even the Chaotix. I was even wondering what was Shadow's problem with me and why he joined Eggman. Granted, I was worried about him too."
"Then I thought about you. You, Knuckles and Tails were the ones I thought about the most, because... You all mean the world to me." Me said, his voice cracking slightly.
Amy's eyes lit up like stars.
"I thought I was being too hard on you sometimes, looking back at our moments. I thought maybe I made you believe that I... Hate you. But I thought it was ridiculous cause you know me! I get along with pretty much a lot of people! But sometimes... It's rare for my worries to catch up with me but when it does..."
Amy held Sonic's hand. He took notice and was surprised at first but looked up to see Amy's smile.
Haven't seen that smile in a while.
"Sonic. You were never hard on me. You were such a sweet hedgehog and you still are, even though I can be too much sometimes. You didn't make me believe that. I did that to myself, haha..." Amy said, giggling and wiping away her tears.
"You know, we have a lot in common after all."
"Yeah. I guess we kinda do." Sonic chuckled.
"We both don't want to worry anyone or even ourselves." They both said perfectly in unison.
Realizing that, they both laughed together. "Jinx! You owe me some Chaos Cola!" Amy said, unable to stop herself from laughing again.
After a moment, Sonic stopped to hear Amy's adorable laughter. He smiled, relieved to hear and see her smile and laugh again after all that drama earlier.
"Aw, where have you been Amy's smile? I've been looking everywhere for ya." He then booped Amy's button nose. "Boop!"
Amy squealed loudly. He never booped her nose before. "Oh, my Gosh!"
"Agh! I'm sorry!"
"No, no, no, it's okay! I wasn't expecting that!"
They both continued laughing for a while, just sitting on the ground with all their previous worries and concern washed away like it never happened.
It really has been a while since they bonded like this. They both needed this laugh. They both needed all of this.
Eventually, they calmed themselves down and relaxed, looking at one another.
Amy smiled. "Sonic?"
"Thank you. For everything."
He smiled as well. "You're welcome. Though, I should be thanking you too. For supporting me during my worst times. Your love and kindness means a lot."
They both back up on their feet and notice the sunset was gone. "Aw. It's over." Amy pouted.
"Hey, it's alright." Sonic said, placing his hand on her shoulder. "There's always next time! Of course, if you're not busy or whatever."
"Haha. Sure." She responded, her voice sounding much better already.
They both look out to the twilight sky, the sky being dark purple with a hint of blue and pink. "Also, uh, thanks for lending me a help back there with those Badniks."
"No problem! Anything to help out my darling Sonic!" She winked
"Pfft, wow, been a hot minute since you called me THAT." He said.
"What? Ya don't like it?" She teased.
"NO! I mean- Kind of- But it's not that I despise it!"
Amy cracked up once more. Sonic just rolled his eyes. "Whatever, dude." He laughed.
Amy sighed, feeling a whole lot better after what happened. She looked out to the horizon where the sunset was, then back at Sonic. "Thanks for taking me out here."
"Anytime. Been a while since I watched the sun set. Every now and then I like to slow down and just... Admire the most special things about life." He then said, looking right at Amy.
Her whole face goes red and her eyes grew huge.
"AAAAAAH!" She screamed, looking away and covering her face. "What? Was it something I said?" He teased back. "YOU ARE SUCH A DORK!" She squealed, causing Sonic to go into another laughing fit.
Sonic thought it will go badly when he asks a stupid question. It did, but only for a while. There were some tears but then everything was better again.
He hoped someday Amy can talk to him more about her feelings, and maybe he should tell others about his as well, since he doesn't talk about his time at the Death Egg that often.
And probably other stuff too.
He and Amy should hang out more often. He remembered that Amy's 14th birthday is coming up. He missed her 13th, so why not make up for lost time!
"Hey, your birthday is coming up soon. I'm going to assume that I'm invited?"
"Of course! I'm planning something very special, too! But you'll have to wait til the right date comes! It's a surprise." Amy winked again.
"Cool! I'll be there!"
She smiled widely, lucky to have met this blue hedgehog. "I know you will."
He smiled also, but rests his face for a moment to say, "Hey, can you promise me something?"
He held her hand.
"Whenever you feel down or if there's something you want to talk about, please come to me. Know that I'm always here for you."
She looked into the emerald green of his eyes.
"Always." He repeated.
Her eyes sting with tears for a moment, but she took a deep breath to relax herself.
She then placed her other hand on his, smiling. "I promise."
Happy Early 30th Anniversary To Amy Rose, One Of My Favorite Characters In The Franchise.
To those having a rough time right now, always remember that you are loved. You are special. I am proud of you. You've done so much and you're doing great.
Never give up, not even on yourself, because there a lot of people out there who care for you and love you. I have to remind myself this every day and I want to remind you too.
This year has been tough for a lot of people as of late but it's going to get better. It's gonna take a while but it's going to be better. I promise.
When negative thoughts hit, let is pass, and keep living.
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