#We glove postin'
kalamity-jayne · 7 months
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Hello you darlings💋
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starsandauras · 4 years
Prompt #17: Fade
FFXIV 30 Day Writing Challenge Prompt 17: Fade
More from the Streamer AU! A slight cross over with Final Fantasy X/X-2 because fuck it that’s my favorite set of games in the franchise and where are my X references Square GIVE THEM TO ME NO THE SHIVA SNAP SOUND ISN’T ENOUGH
“If you’re just now joinin’ us, welcome to the stream! Today we’re lookin’ at a set ‘tis generously bein’ donated to us by SpiraSongstress.” Brigid smiled up at the camera, gesturing at the blue short skirt and blue vest with a half skirt sewn to the bottom hem that was currently laid out on her stitching table. “Red darlin’ if you could be postin’ a link to her channel for me…”
Sure enough a link appeared in chat, encouraging her followers to follow SpiraSongstress.
“If you’re havin’ a few gil to be sparin’, perhaps you could be givin’ her a subscription, or be donatin’ to her charity drive! Currently she’s workin’ to fund restoration work on Home, the Al Bhed capital buildin’.” Brigid turned back to the outfit before her. “So this is datin’ back to the early years of the Seventh Astral Era, though ‘tis a replica of a set ‘tis from the mid Sixth Astral. In her note, Songstress was tellin’ me ‘tis bein’ a near identical replica of the set famed artist Lenne was wearin’ when she was bein’ fatally shot down with her lover, Shuyin.”
DramaLounge: Ugh enough with the history lesson DragoonsBane: You must be new here. BirchSyurp: Yes, GildedRose always explains the history of the garment on display.
Brigid smiled and nodded at the camera. “Lord Syurp’s bein’ right, me new friend. ‘Tis an important part of clothin’, knowin’ the history ‘hind it, the culture ‘tis comin’ from. Be tellin’ a great deal ‘bout a people by their clothin’.” She gestured at the hemline with a long knitting needle. “As you can be seein’, ‘tis a shorter skirt but nay bein’ tight, so ‘tis showin’ there’s bein’ a great deal of movement for the singer, which is only bein’ reinforced by the half skirt here.” She trailed the knitting needle along the half skirt, skimming gently over the flounces. “‘Specially in the hips. I’m hearin’ that Lenne’s dance moves in particular were puttin’ a great deal of focus in that area, ‘tisnae bein’ a surprise her costumin’ is followin’ that function.”
LadyShiva: Weren’t there arm pieces that went with this?
Brigid pointed her knitting needle at the camera. “Good catch there, Lady. Aye, but Songstress was tellin’ me she was feelin’ like they’d be too fragile for shippin’, and ‘tis a fair ‘sumption, some of these fabrics arenae holdin’ up too well to most things. As you can be seein’, I’m pointin’ out things with this ‘stead of touching them with me hands. You dinnae ever want to be touchin’ old garments with bare hands, the oils and skin cells can be reactin’ badly, causin’ light or dark spots in the dye, or even eatin’ through the fabric itself. We’re nay wantin’ that, as garments this old are bein’ rare.” She gestured to the multitude of lamps in the room and the covered windows. “Daylight’s nay bein’ kind either, so havin’ to be relyin’ on fake lightin’ today. Though this fabric’s lookin’ dark, ‘tis being much lighter than ‘twas once bein’.”
HoarFrost: I thought your fair features looked quite less splendid than usual, my friend.
Brigid laughed as she pulled on a glove. “I’m workin’ with what I’m havin’, Frost me lad. ‘Tis good to be seein’ you today, was thinkin’ ‘twas bein’ one of your streamin’ days?”
HoarFrost: My microphone broke, everything was going in and out. The new one is shipping as we speak.
“Ah, so you’ll be givin’ out your advice some other day, I’ll have to be joinin’ you then.” She used her gloved hand to turn a shoulder seam inside out for the camera. “As you can be seein’, the light was fadin’ the colors on the outside, but here where the seam’s bein’ protected…” She circled the darker fabric with the needle. “‘Tis bein’ a rich navy. Nay bein’ a colorfast dye either, judgin’ from the bleedin’ onto the lighter color of the flounce, but Songstress is tellin’ me ‘tis one of the features of the replica.”
And so Brigid continued, pointing out the slightly frayed threads and mended spots that spoke to a long, if slightly rough, life being used on stage and then in recreations. Spiran clothing was a recent fascination in Eorzea and Norvrandt both, and the Spirans were more than happy to share.
That the music group YRP had recently become popular outside of the streaming circles was only a coincidence, it was maintained. Certainly by SpiraSongstress and her cousin IbpaydRikku, at least.
“And ‘tis it for today!” Brigid eventually wrapped up. “Be comin’ in next day on me schedule—” And there RedRacer posted the streaming schedule in the chat “—for when I start takin’ the pattern from this and select me fabrics. Remember to be followin’ SpiraSongstress on all her media channels, be followin’ *me* on all me channels if you’re nay ‘ready, and be doin’ somethin’ you’re lovin’ today, even if ‘tis a wee thing. Red, be findin’ me someone to raid.”
RedRacer: ScoringRogue is on.
Brigid blushed lightly, which caused the chat to erupt in speculation and teasing.
CodesWithTea: Gods please no, do not talk about my sister “collaborating” with him like that. TehHer0: Gonna have to agree here. ThisIsScience: Thirding oh Thaliak agnaogdnbnbh n’[oef DragoonsBane: What’s got you so squeamish, boy? ThisIsScience: I DO NOT WANT TO THINK ABOUT THAT THANK YOU ButtonBot: Please do not use all caps! We consider this yelling and it is rude! Thank you. <3 ThisIsScience: Brigid your bot is condescending. RedRacer: I have regrets.
Meanwhile Brigid was ignoring all that in favor of scrolling through her follow list. “Hm… nay one I’d usually be throwin’ you lot at is on… Any suggestions?”
IronTech: There’s a new cover artist, just got started last sennight. Name of AllaganCat. He’s quite good, strong voice.
Brigid hummed to herself. “I do like promotin’ new folk. Well folks, if IronTech is enjoyin’ it ‘tis bein’ good ‘nough for me! Now me buttons, be nice to the new singer, hm? Be showin’ him a GildedRose welcome!”
In Mor Dohna, a ginger miqo’te was tuning his harp in peace, only for his ears to shoot up and his tail puffed up in shock as a sudden influx of users flooded his chat, all repeating the same supportive and welcoming message.
G’raha Tia’s follower count went from a scant fifty to nearly two hundred in that single raid.
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