#We're gonna watch S3 E1 in a bit but first! Memes :D
rainbowangel110 · 6 months
Little sister watches ToH saga Ep 18-21
She watched episode 17 without me :( oh well
Ep 18
"Aww little Gus!"
"I don't like his friend." "Neither do I."
"Is he still your favorite palismen?" "Yeah :D" oh boy
"What's Hunter doing here?" "He's homeless right now." *giggles*
"I don't trust this." referring to 'Grey'
"Called it!"
"What is going on??"
Rambles to her about how strong Gus is to cover the entire school
Skip to the blush and I am all :DDDDDD while she's all "Oh?"
"So uh they have an instant kill spell apparently." "Why??" "No idea."
She loved the fight and the "Then how about just the two of us?" moment
Hunter runs in front of said moment "Dude you're ruining their moment."
"So uh... touch the bubble and all your bad memories come out." "I don't like that."
Second blush "Bruh." "THE EARS!!!"
"So now he's gonna tell them what's gonna happen!" "Yes!! Where's Luz though?" "Next episode."
Ep 19
"You recognize that voice right?" "The Collector."
"Aww she sent so many hearts." *cue eyeroll from her*
She's not homophobic, just a elementary schooler.
"So King's dad is.." "The Titan they live on? Yes."
"Nooo the Owl House!"
She really liked the little moments with King
"Raine!!!" "Eda and Raine finally talk to each other."
"Nice save." Referring to Terra showing up
Man I do not remember the Eva/Luz fight hurting this badly.
"Noo they got captured!"
I know she was close to crying a little there with the transport scene where Luz was pleading with Eda. But she didn't.
"Everyone is here!" "Are they safe??" "Yes."
"She gets to carve her palismen??" "Yeah!" "Yay!"
Ep 20
"So... do we think Belos is gonna keep his promise and free the Collector." *looks at me* "No."
"She carved an egg?" "Yeah."
Still not used to Luz and Amity referring to one another as girlfriend but is pretty chill with it.
"Gotta remember that promise."
"They head bonked lol." "Boys be like that." "Yep."
"She broke the thingy?" "The Tamagotchi? Yep."
Was not ready for the kiss lemme tell you
Full on :O
"I was distracted by the animation-" "Same."
"Wait but kissing is only if you get married. Are they already doing that???" MY SIDES. No sweetie, no.
"In a bush." "Bush buddies."
"Does King not get a disguise?" "He does get a cloak." "Aww."
Noticed the Luz teleporting thing, but the ensuing fight made her forget it like seconds later.
*end credits* "Is... why is she flying to the Moon? Is Belos on the moon?" HELP-
Ep 21
Was awwing over King sleeping and the palismen huddled together.
"Food :)"
"Is this why you call me Mittens?" :O
Tried to give her a sisterly head bonk during the Eda/Lilith moment but she was like "What are you doing lol?" :( I'm head bonking you! Goofball.
"I hope his pants do catch fire >:(" "Girl he's gonna catch more than that."
We cheered for Luz during her "Spicy Toss" moment. KICK HIS ASS!!
Okay she got spoiled by Youtube Shorts about the moment Belos got sigiled but nothing more, and I did my best to hide it from her so she was still cheering at that part.
Was upset at the crack on King's skull.
"It's like his horn :("
"Creepy monster thingy-" "I do agree-" Also this isn't the creepiest he can get lol
"So remeber how you asked how many clones Belos made?" "Yeah?" "So this" *referring to the GG Graveyard* "Is the full extent of it." ".... I don't like this." Kid neither do I, but, we stay silly :P
She sees the Collector for the first time
"Cool right?" ".... Kinda?"
"He's breaking King dad nooo."
"WAIT THIS IS HOW THEY?" "Yeah this is it." (Again, she got spoiled on them coming to the Human Realm)
"How are they gonna get back?" You'll have to see~~~
*points at Anne* "I know what that means :D"
*watching outro asking her questions, also stalling time so she can see the moment*
"Wait how's the door close-"
*rewind 10 seconds*
"Look at the doorknob."
"Is that-" "Yep :)"
Someone's alive. And angry :)"
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