#West Bay vacation Rental
bookdirectvacays · 1 year
Imagine waking up to breathtaking ocean views from the comfort of your fully furnished Vacation Condo Rentals Cowpet Bay West. Book Direct Vacays offers a selection of oceanfront properties that allow guests to experience the beauty of St. Thomas.
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gravitytrips · 3 months
“Maybe this vacation would do me good.”
Scout thought out loud as he started the long drive around the mountain.
Had his team really wanted him to take a break? Or did they just want to get rid of him? After all, a man’s friends don’t buy him tickets and pay for his lodging in Maui, Hawaii out of the kindness of their hearts.
“Well, might as well make the best of it.”
As he drove on the gently sloping road, he thought about the things to do on this drive. He would skip that little town with that big old tree in it. He had seen a bunch of big trees on that road to Hana and on that hike up to Waimoku falls. He would also skip those Alluvione pools because he swam in those Seven Sacreds. But he had heard that the views from the West Maui mountain were beautiful and he really wanted to see that blowhole that was somewhere along the way. Not to mention a little bay that was said to have the most beautiful snorkeling that you could do for free. Heck, he even bought snorkeling equipment for it! 
He figured he would go into the valley after rounding out the mountain and see the Iao Needle. Especially since he heard an especially gorey story about the place.
He glanced back at the bag in the backseat of the rental car. In it was a camera, a change of clothes, his snorkeling equipment, and his satellite phone.
Just in case.
Scout had a great day. The snorkeling was amazing, and there was the most beautiful forest on the walk to the bay. 
The blowhole was really cool, spraying him a few times and having a multitude of crabs to photograph. 
He ended up going to the Alluvione pools, due to their reputation. It was a really fun rock climb down and there was another blowhole! The pools were beautiful, teeming with life and picturesque in every way. After the rough climb on the sharp volcanic rock, it was nice to relax in the lukewarm water.
Once Scout had returned to his car, he sighed a content sight. He was tired, but very happy as well.
Now, all he had to do was drive back to the hotel.
He began to drive away from the pools. The road quickly narrowed, but he was sure that he could keep the car under control. 
He immediately noticed that there was no guardrail.
He gulped when he saw the sheer drop down.
And his mind spun as he looked upon the winding road before him.
Hairpin turns, switchbacks, waves, ones that seemed to go at a 90 degree angle!
They all stretched out before him.
The longer he drove on this nightmare road, the more anxious he became.
Finally, he came to a little village in the valley that the road went right through. It was like a sigh of relief. 
Scout pulled off into the small parking lot of a little banana bread bakery to gather his bearings. 
Due to the mile markers, knew he only had 12 more miles to go, but the map showed a nightmare tangle of turns and cliffsides. Scout swallowed hard. 
12 more miles and he would be safe.
Scout was temped to just stay in the town for longer, but he knew that the sun would be setting soon and did not want to brave that road at night. So, he stood, waved goodbye to the bakery owner, got back into his car, and started back up the mountainside.
The road was even worse now. 
The turns were sharper.
The drop offs were taller.
A sheer cliffs of rock both rose from his right side and fell away from his left.
He swallowed the lump of fear in his throat, gripping the wheel so hard his knuckles turned white.
He accelerated to get up a hill, then pressed the brakes to slow down again.
Nothing happened.
A string of swears flew from Scout’s mouth  as his car rolled toward the edge of the cliff.
Fortunately, the slope of the hill had slowed him down, and he successfully turned around the bend.
The road sloped down.
The car gained more and more speed as Scout flew around the valley corner.
Then, he was headed back to the edge of the cliff. The road only continued to slope down.
Scout drifted around the next turn, just barely making it.
A wall of rocks rose from the narrow road on his right. A sheer drop into the forested valley fell away from him on the left. There was nowhere to go.
Scout drifted around the next turn, thinking he could make it again.
He was not so lucky.
His back tires went over the edge.
Scout had just enough time to clip on his seatbelt before the car tipped and slid off of the road.
Scout’s body floated as the car free fell through the air. Was he upside down? Or just falling fast? He couldn’t tell.
The car impacted the slope at the bottom of the cliff.
The roof of the car crunched as it hit the rocky slope, Scout’s body jerking against his seatbelt. The windows cracked and shattered under the weight of the car and the force of the inertia. His chest felt like it had been crushed like an aluminum can.
The car flipped over, doing a barrel roll that slammed him into every surface of the car he could think of.
The car hit the rocky soil again, upside down. This time, it simply slid to a stop at the bottom.
Scout hung against his seatbelt, wheezing.
He needed air.
He fumbled with the seatbelt, but the buckle assembly was crushed.
He wheezed again and fumbled for his pocket knife that always remained in his side pocket. It wasn’t there. Scout glanced in front of him. 
The knife lay above him, folded. It must have slid out of his pocket on that roll.
He reached up, his arm crying out in pain as he stretched for his knife. His fingers grazed it, but he couldn’t reach.
He deflated his chest to cross the last inch he needed. It hurt. It hurt so bad. But his fingers closed around the knife.
He quickly flipped the blade open, working the sharp metal as a saw.
Finally, belt snapped, and a moment later he fell to the glass and rock-littered roof
He didn’t notice the glass slicing up his hands and tearing through his jeans.
All he could feel was the terrible pain in his chest.
His runner’s lungs worked as hard as they had ever worked in any battle, gathering oxygen and pushing his chest out.
It hurt.
It really hurt.
Scout lay in the sharp glass and stones, coughing and gasping for air. As he tasted the blood in his throat, one thought crossed his mind.
He had to get the satellite phone.
Scout flipped over and crawled to the backseat, looking for his bag in the carnage.
It wasn’t there.
He checked under the seats and all over the car, wheezing and coughing the whole time.
His bag was gone. How was it gone?
It only took one glance out of the shattered back windshield to tell him where his bag had ended up.
Near the top of the steep incline, his items lay strewn out on the rocks
An anguished whimper escaped Scout’s lips as his eyes sized up the steep slope. Could he even make it? Would his lungs explode before he got there? It sure felt like it.
But he had to try.
Climbing out of the demolished car, Scout felt an ocean spray on his face. The valley he was in would have been beautiful if it hadn’t nearly killed him.
“You could still die.” Scout reminded himself and he suddenly became aware of his wheezing again.
As he stood, leaning against the car, he realized that it wasn’t just his chest that ached.
His left knee looked….off, and a large bruise was starting to form on his right shin. Scout mulled over what could have caused those injuries for a moment before he came to a conclusion.
“The dashboard….” He whispered to himself.
A steady pounding in the back of his head reminded him that his life may be at stake here. No time to dilly dally. 
As he started his ascent up the hill, every injury on his body protested.
But he persisted. 
He had to make it.
As he climbed, the pounding in his head got worse, drowning out the pain in his legs and chest.
Why was his head getting worse? Was that sweat or blood? Where….where was he?
For a moment, Scout was disoriented, his mind being unable to comprehend where he was for a few moments.
Then, awareness trickled back into his mind and he recalled his awful situation. He then continued his ascent.
Suddenly, he was in front of his bag. 
What? When had he gotten so close? How far had he climbed?
He looked behind him, his head spinning even more as his brain took in the height of the slope he was on.
He turned back to the rocks in front of him, feeling nauseous. Then, he grabbed the phone.
“911, what’s your emergency?”
What? When had he dialed? He shoved those thoughts aside.
“Y-yes, uh, I was d-driving around….West Maui….and….”
What had happened to him, again? He glanced down at the wrecked car and remembered.
“I went over the edge….over the cliff….just a few turns past…..that….”
What was the word?
“Alright sir. Just stay calm. We are sending a helicopter to come get you.”
The words took far too long to sink in.
Then, there was silence.
Suddenly, the phone was dialing again. Had he called someone?
“Hello? Scout?” Came the voice of Miss Pauling.
“Pauling….?” Scout was horrified at his voice. Had it sounded like that before? It sounded like he had swallowed a pound of gravel.
Suddenly, he became aware of the pain in his chest again. 
“Scout, is everything alright? Are you still there?” Miss Pauling asked.
“I think…. I mean, something….happened….I….might not…… make it….home….” Scout’s voice was near a whisper.
Breathing was difficult and his head felt like a ticking bomb.
“Scout! Scout, speak to me! What happened?” Miss Pauling’s voice came again.
Scout blinked slowly. He was too tired to speak.
“I….love you Miss Pauling…..always…have….” Scout inhaled deeply. “Tell the guys….I love them, too….”
Scout blinked again, trying to muster up the strength to say something poetic. He couldn’t find the words. His whole brain hurt. Scout laid his face in the hot, sharp stones. A short rest would do him good. A small nap would get him back in his feet. 
The sound of a helicopter filled his ears as he drifted off into the darkness.
The next time Scout was aware of anything, he was in a familiar environment.
He blinked a few times, his view of the base infirmary focusing in his eyes.
How was he back in New Mexico? Last time he checked, he was in Hawaii.
The door to the infirmary opened, drawing Scout’s attention to it. 
A very tired-looking Medic stepped through the door.
As the door swung closed again, Scout caught a glimpse of a few of the other mercs sitting in the waiting area just outside.
A voice brought Scout’s attention back to Medic.
“Five days and a four hour flight over the Pacific and of course, you wake up the moment i leave the room.” Medic said as he crossed the room and crossed something off of a medical chart.
“Welcome back.”
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awanderingcanadian · 11 months
A Little Catch Up on My Life and Travels
My last post was about selling our beloved place in Mexico. I haven't posted since then, but I've been busy, both with closing down the business, and then taking to the road.
I'm writing this from a hotel room in San Antonio, Texas. We have just finished a 5 day vacation with family, and my husband and his brother attended 3 days of the Formula One in Austin. They are very close to each other, and I think they enjoyed everything about their 3 days together. My sister in law and I are also close, and we enjoyed hanging out: there was a day of walking and checking out the River Walk, and a couple of days of relaxing and reading, (things we both enjoy).
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Today we parted ways, with my BIL and SIL returning home and Craig and I staying one more night then flying onward to Mexico to meet up with my dad and a friend. We are headed to the town where we have spent 16 happy years, but this time we're not staying at our own place. Instead we are staying with our former property manager who also has rental apartments. While we will be doing many fun things with our local friends, we will NO be painting or fixing things, (a staple of our previous trips). It will be a different trip for sure.
However, I started my travels the last week of August, when my sister invited me to accompany her and my niece back to Ontario, (where my niece attends university). While I've passed through Toronto, both just within the airport, and by vehicle, I've never actually spent any time there, so I jumped at the opportunity. It was a fun and busy 5 days, sightseeing, catching a Blue Jays baseball game, and touring the infamous Kingston penitentiary, as well as getting my niece settled into her new house.
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In between the two above trips, we took our travel trailer down the Washington and Oregon coasts, before cutting into more central California to Yosemite National parks. We stayed at both National Parks and State Parks, and boy to do I have a lot to say about those...however, that will be in another post. We had two nights in the San Francisco Bay area, staying in fabulous new regional park in the East Bay, where we spend an unexpected $900+USD when the water pump, followed by the serpentine belt gave out in our truck! Fortunately, we were in a big centre with lots of access to mechanics and parts!
We picked up friends who arrived from Scotland and together the 4 of us made our way back to Canada, via wine tastings and microbreweries!
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We loved catching up with family en route, and it was fun to play tour guide to our Scottish friends! We took them out to my favourite place in the world, (the west coast of Vancouver Island), as well as visiting the famous Butchart Gardens, (in the POURING rain), finishing with 2 nights in Vancouver.
So...I've definitely not been lollygagging or wallowing in sorrow over the sale of our place, although when I see it tomorrow evening for the first time since the sale, I may have a wee wallow. Until next time...
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floridasbeaches · 2 years
Destin Florida Condo, Seascape-Ariel Dunes Vacation Rental
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Destin Beach Vacation Rental
Seascape-Ariel Dunes Condominium Home
Seascape-Ariel Dunes Condo - Rates From: $75/day Located at: 112 Seascape Drive, Destin, Florida Info: 2 BR, 2 Bath Condo w/approx. 1,230+/- sq.ft. Via: Ariel Dunes Vacation Rentals
Destin Florida Real Estate
Ariel Dunes beach condo, vacation rental in Destin. Incredible views of Gulf of Mexico, Bay recently remodeled easy access to the emerald waters and sugar-white beaches of Florida’s Emerald Coast!  The master bedroom has views of the gulf, a HDTV, a king size bed and a large bathroom with a shower and garden tub. The guest room includes a high-definition TV, a bathroom and 2 twin size beds. The sleeper-sofa also is queen-size…living room has new leather sofa’s, 42″ high-definition TV and a surround system. The large, private balcony for entertaining and watching the sunset over the ocean. The resort amenities include 3 large pools, exercise facility, sauna, access to over 2000′ of white-sand beach and emerald waters, a championship golf course, 8 tennis courts and more.
Destin, Florida
Destin is a popular vacation family destination on the Florida Emerald Coast located on a peninsula separating the Gulf of Mexico from Choctawhatchee Bay and has subtropical weather. The peninsula was originally a barrier island. Hurricanes and sea level changes gradually connected it to the mainland; however, in the 1940s it technically became an island again with the completion of the Choctawhatchee-West Bay Canal. There are many Destin real estate opportunities for those looking to own a piece of paradise – there are homes for sale from beachfront houses to back-water homes on deep water to weekend cottages. Source: VRBO
* Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed.
Source: Ariel Dunes-Seascape Condominium, Destin FL
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alabamabeaches · 2 years
Beach Club Condo, Gulf Shores Vacation Rentals
Gulf Shores Condo, Beach Club Vacation Rental
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The Beach Club Condo - From: $135/night - Rating 4.9/5.0 Address: 527 Beach Club Trail, Gulf Shores, AL 36542 Details: 2 BR, 2 BA Gulf-front Property, approx. 1,080 sq. ft. Via: Beach Club Vacation Rentals
Gulf Shores Resort Real Estate
Gulf Shores condo on Alabama’s beautiful Gulf Coast at The Beach Club. Direct beachfront condominium in an all-inclusive resort environment, providing the best of in coastal living. The spacious, private balcony has direct access via the living room and the mst. BR, with exceptional views of the popular white-sands beaches of Fort Morgan and the Gulf of Mexico…recently updated with new tile floors, kitchen counters and cabinet doors  The Beach Club Condos
Gulf Shores Alabama
Gulf Shores is a popular vacation destination on the Alabama Gulf Coast, just west of Orange Beach & Perdido Key. Gulf Shores is surrounded by back-bays and rivers, offering a variety of outdoor activities. Gulf State Park is ideal for enjoying the white-sand beaches, fishing, kayaking, camping, hiking.
*Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed.
Buying a Condo? Click Here
Other Gulf Shores Condos: · Bay John · Beach Club · Bel Sole · Boardwalk · Buena Vista · Casa del Sol · Castaways · Clearwater · Colonnades · Crystal Tower · Crystal Shores & West · Edgewater West · Emerald Greens · Grand Beach Resort · Gulf House · Gulf Shores Plantation · Gulf Shores Surf-Racquet · Gulf Tower · Harbor House · Island Royale · Island Shores · Island Sunrise · Island Tower · Island Winds · Kiva Lodge & Village · Lagoon Tower · Lighthouse · Martinique on the Gulf · Mustique · Navy Cove · Ocean House · Oceania · Phoenix All Suites/West · Phoenix Gulf Shores · Plantation Palms · Regatta · Royal Palms · Sailboat Bay · San Carlos · Sanibel · Sea Breeze · Sea Oats · Seacrest · Seawind · Summer House West · Sunset Bay Bon Secour/IV · Surfside Shores · The Dunes · The Indies · The Landing · The Links-Peninsula · Tropic Isles · Tropical Winds · Westwind · Whaler
The Beach Club Condominium, Gulf Shores AL
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holidayexpertz · 9 days
Discover the Beauty of Dominica, Dominican Republic, and Jamaica with Holidayexpertz Vacation Rentals by Owner
The Caribbean is home to some of the most beautiful islands in the world, each offering its unique blend of tropical paradise, culture, and adventure. Whether you're seeking the untamed beauty of Dominica, the rich history and vibrant beaches of the Dominican Republic, or the lively spirit of Jamaica, Holidayexpertz offers a wide range of vacation rentals by owner to suit every type of traveler. From luxury villas to cozy condos and beachfront cottages, find the perfect place to call home during your Caribbean getaway.
Dominica Vacation Rentals: The Nature Island’s Hidden Gems
Dominica, often referred to as the "Nature Island," is a haven for eco-tourists and adventure seekers. With lush rainforests, boiling lakes, and untouched beaches, Dominica offers an off-the-beaten-path experience. Vacation rentals in Dominica provide a perfect base for exploring its natural wonders, allowing you to immerse yourself in the island’s beauty.
Top Vacation Rentals in Dominica
Rainforest Villas: Enjoy the serenity of Dominica’s lush rainforests with villas that offer spectacular views, privacy, and easy access to hiking trails and waterfalls.
Beachfront Cottages: Perfect for couples or small families, beachfront cottages on the island’s west coast offer direct access to secluded beaches and calm, clear waters.
Mountain Lodges: For those seeking adventure, mountain lodges offer proximity to Dominica’s famous Boiling Lake, providing an ideal base for hiking and outdoor exploration.
Top Attractions in Dominica
Morne Trois Pitons National Park: A UNESCO World Heritage site, home to Boiling Lake, Trafalgar Falls, and stunning volcanic landscapes.
Champagne Reef: A unique diving and snorkeling spot where volcanic activity creates natural bubbles underwater.
Titou Gorge: A beautiful gorge where you can swim through a canyon with waterfalls and natural pools.
Emerald Pool: A serene waterfall and pool surrounded by lush vegetation, perfect for a refreshing swim.
Dominican Republic Vacation Rentals: Beaches, History, and Culture
The Dominican Republic is a vibrant destination known for its lively cities, historical landmarks, and pristine beaches. From the colonial charm of Santo Domingo to the white sands of Punta Cana, vacation rentals in the Dominican Republic offer a mix of luxury and comfort.
Top Vacation Rentals in the Dominican Republic
Luxury Villas: In popular destinations like Punta Cana and La Romana, luxury villas offer private pools, beachfront access, and spacious living areas perfect for families or groups.
Beachfront Condos: For those who want to be near the action, beachfront condos in Sosúa, Puerto Plata, or Cabarete offer stunning ocean views, modern amenities, and proximity to local attractions.
Colonial Cottages: Experience the rich history of the Dominican Republic with charming colonial-style cottages in Santo Domingo’s historic district.
Top Attractions in the Dominican Republic
Zona Colonial (Santo Domingo): A UNESCO World Heritage site, this area is rich in history with cobblestone streets, colonial architecture, and landmarks like the Alcázar de Colón.
Punta Cana Beaches: Known for its white-sand beaches and all-inclusive resorts, Punta Cana is a beach lover's paradise.
Los Haitises National Park: Explore the Dominican Republic’s diverse ecosystem with mangroves, limestone caves, and birdwatching opportunities.
27 Waterfalls (Damajagua): A thrilling adventure where visitors can hike, swim, and jump through a series of natural waterfalls.
Jamaica Vacation Rentals: Vibrant Culture and Stunning Beaches
Jamaica is the heartbeat of the Caribbean, famous for its reggae music, lively culture, and stunning landscapes. Whether you're exploring the Blue Mountains, relaxing on the beaches of Negril, or enjoying the local flavors of Montego Bay, vacation rentals in Jamaica provide the perfect retreat.
Top Vacation Rentals in Jamaica
Beachfront Villas: Luxury villas in Negril or Montego Bay offer stunning ocean views, private pools, and direct beach access, ideal for those seeking a high-end experience.
Private Condos: For a more affordable stay, private condos in Ocho Rios or Kingston offer modern amenities and easy access to local attractions.
Cottages in the Blue Mountains: If you’re looking for a peaceful retreat, cottages nestled in Jamaica’s Blue Mountains provide breathtaking views and a tranquil atmosphere.
Top Attractions in Jamaica
Dunn's River Falls (Ocho Rios): One of Jamaica’s most famous natural attractions, these tiered waterfalls are perfect for climbing, swimming, and exploring.
Seven Mile Beach (Negril): Known for its white sands and crystal-clear waters, this beach is ideal for sunbathing, snorkeling, and enjoying local cuisine at beachfront restaurants.
Bob Marley Museum (Kingston): Dive into Jamaica’s rich musical history with a visit to the legendary Bob Marley’s home and museum.
Blue Hole (Ocho Rios): A hidden gem, this natural pool offers cliff jumping, swimming, and a chance to experience Jamaica’s untouched beauty.
Why Choose Holidayexpertz Vacation Rentals by Owner?
With Holidayexpertz, you get more than just a place to stay; you get a personalized and authentic Caribbean experience. Whether you’re planning a family vacation, a romantic getaway, or an adventure-filled holiday, vacation rentals by owner offer:
Privacy and Space: Enjoy the comfort of having your own villa, condo, or cottage with all the amenities you need, from private pools to fully equipped kitchens.
Local Experience: Many of our rentals are located in residential neighborhoods or close to local attractions, giving you a chance to experience the true culture and lifestyle of each island.
Cost-Effective Solutions: For families or large groups, renting a villa or condo can be a more economical choice compared to booking multiple hotel rooms.
Flexibility: With vacation rentals, you have the flexibility to cook your own meals, relax in spacious living areas, and enjoy outdoor spaces like private gardens or beachfront patios.
Plan Your Caribbean Escape with Holidayexpertz
Whether you're seeking adventure in Dominica, a beachside retreat in the Dominican Republic, or the vibrant energy of Jamaica, Holidayexpertz has the perfect vacation rental for you. Explore our wide selection of condos, villas, and cottages to find the ideal home away from home for your Caribbean adventure. Book today and start planning your dream vacation with Holidayexpertz!
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vancouverescapes · 10 days
Explore Vacation Rentals Near Tofino & Ucluelet's Breathtaking Beaches!
Ucluelet and Tofino are two of Vancouver Island’s most captivating coastal towns, drawing nature lovers and adventure seekers alike. Staying with Vancouver Island Vacation Rentals places you in the heart of these stunning locations, giving you the perfect home base to explore the beaches, trails, and hidden wonders of this beautiful west coast region. Whether you’re looking for an active escape or a peaceful retreat, the vacation rentals near Ucluelet and Tofino are the ideal gateway to everything this corner of the world has to offer.
Beaches, Trails, and Natural Treasures
Ucluelet and Tofino are world-renowned for their pristine beaches and dramatic coastal landscapes. A stay here puts you within easy reach of beaches like South Florencia, Halfmoon Bay, and the popular North Florencia, a haven for surfers. Whether you’re taking a peaceful walk along the shore or catching waves, these beaches offer breathtaking ocean views and the chance to reconnect with nature.
For those who enjoy hiking, the Wild Pacific Trail and Willowbrae Trail offer sweeping vistas of the Pacific Ocean and the rugged coastline. The Pacific Rim National Park is a must-visit, home to the famous Long Beach, ancient rainforests, and an ecosystem teeming with wildlife. The nearby West Coast Trail, one of the most renowned hikes in Canada, offers an exhilarating challenge for experienced adventurers, while Kennedy Lake provides a quieter spot for paddling or a scenic picnic.
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Outdoor Adventures and Local Attractions
When it comes to outdoor activities, the options are limitless. Fishing charters are popular, with local guides taking you out to catch salmon, halibut, and other Pacific species. If you’re more into wildlife watching, Ucluelet offers unique opportunities for bear watching and salmon runs. Whale watching is another favorite activity, with humpback and gray whales frequently seen off the coast, especially near Tofino.
For something a little different, take a scuba diving trip to explore the underwater kelp forests, or hop on a passenger ferry for a scenic ride through the islands surrounding Ucluelet. The Ucluelet Aquarium is a fantastic spot for families, offering hands-on exhibits showcasing the region’s diverse marine life.
Cozy Cabins for the Perfect Escape
The vacation rentals near Ucluelet provide a serene escape after a day of exploring. Vancouver Island Vacation Rentals offers beautiful wood cabins made from cedar, fir, and pine, combining rustic charm with modern amenities. Imagine unwinding on a private deck, listening to the sounds of the ocean, or enjoying a sauna or cold plunge to rejuvenate after your outdoor adventures. Whether you’re here for a romantic getaway or a family vacation, these cabins provide a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere.
As one guest said, “We have been coming to Ucluelet for many years, and these are the nicest condos we know of. A 1st-class experience and you will love the view.” This personal touch adds to the allure of staying in Ucluelet, making it feel like your own hidden gem on the wild coast.
Easy Access and Relaxed Atmosphere
One of the biggest questions travelers have is, “How easy is it to get there?” Fortunately, Ucluelet is just 35 minutes from Tofino and only a 25-minute flight from Vancouver. Despite its remote feel, the town is easily accessible. Once here, it’s just a 5-minute drive to the town center, offering local restaurants and shops, while your vacation rental remains peaceful and quiet. With single-story cabins and parking right next to your rental, you’ll find convenience and comfort at every turn.
Adventure at Every Corner
From hiking and beachcombing to whale watching and storm watching, the Ucluelet and Tofino area has something for every traveler. Staying with Vancouver Island Vacation Rentals allows you to experience the hidden wonders of these coastal towns, with the freedom to explore at your own pace. Whether you’re seeking adrenaline-filled adventure or serene moments by the sea, these vacation rentals provide the perfect base for your next unforgettable journey.
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collettcreekcabin · 1 month
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vacation condo rentals Cowpet Bay West
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findamericanrentals · 3 months
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Title - Mullins Bay Vacation Villa Rentals By Owner
Description - Coco is an elegant and luxurious four-bedroom, four-bathroom townhouse set amongst beautiful landscaped tropical gardens in the private estate of Mullins Bay. Located just 2-minutes’ walk from the world-famous Mullins Beach on the beautiful West Coast of Barbados, Coco is the perfect holiday home for your next trip.
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denialbrian · 5 months
Frequently Asked Questions About the Cayman Real Estate
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Understanding the local market, investment areas and real estate procedures in the Cayman Islands is essential for both investors and individuals to make informed decisions. That’s why we recently created this guide on the most frequently asked questions regarding Cayman real estate's various clients with the help of the Cayman Islands Real Estate Brokers Association (CIREBA).
Cayman Real Estate FAQs
Can foreigners buy property in the Cayman Islands?
Yes, foreigners are welcome to buy real estate in the Cayman Islands! But first, you'll have to apply for a government license.
The number of these permits that may be obtained annually is capped, and they are often granted for residential real estate or residential development projects. Certain properties, such as farms, may also have further limitations on foreign ownership.
Seeking advice from regional specialists is essential for navigating the procedure and Cayman Islands housing market. This will allow you to purchase your ideal Cayman property with confidence.
What are the additional costs while investing in Cayman real estate?
In addition to the property price, purchasing a property in the Cayman Islands involves stamp duty, legal fees, broker commission, and other costs. 
What is the process for buying property in the Cayman Islands?
The process typically involves various steps, from finding property to contracting with the assistance of legal professionals. Buying property in the Cayman Islands involves these steps:
Step 1 - Find a property
Step 2 - Make an offer
Step 3 - Negotiate terms
Step 4 - Check the property
Step 5- Sign a contract
Step 6- Get financing (if needed)
Step 7 - Close the deal
Step 8 - Take ownership
Are there any residence restrictions for Cayman Islands property owners?
No, citizens of the Cayman Islands do not need to own property there. Everyone can own property without residing in the Cayman Islands, regardless of nationality. Thus, you don't need to be a resident to invest in or own a vacation property. If you intend to remain for an extended period, there are alternatives for residency.
Which Cayman Islands real estate markets are the most well-liked ones?
Investing in real estate in the Cayman Islands provides opportunities in locations such as Seven Mile Beach, recognized for its luxury residences and tourists, and George Town, a commercial powerhouse. Emerging communities like West Bay and South Sound also show growth potential. Conduct extensive research, get advice from local experts, and visit suitable places to make well-informed investment selections that correspond with your goals.
How do the Cayman Islands tax property?
There is no property tax in the Cayman Islands. Instead, the government uses import and stamp charges as a source of income. The buyer typically pays a 7.5% stamp duty when purchasing or selling real estate. Legal fees and real estate agent charges could be additional expenses. Due to the absence of property taxes, owning real estate in the Cayman Islands is more alluring for investors and owners alike.
How much do CIREBA real estate brokers charge as commission? 
In the Cayman Islands, real estate brokers typically charge a commission of 5-7% of the property price. This agent commission covers services like marketing, property visits, negotiations, and other things during the buying or selling of the property. The location, property value, and current market demand are some factors that could impact the commission. Before proceeding, we suggest you discuss the commission with the agent or real estate agency. 
What are some of the best real estate options to purchase in Cayman?
The Cayman Islands real estate offers a vast range of properties to invest in, such as homes, condos, waterfront villas, rental properties, undeveloped land, commercial spaces, and luxury residential properties for vacation rentals. Cayman has something for everyone, regardless of preferences, budget, or location. 
What are the best locations or areas in the Cayman Islands to invest in?
There are numerous popular destinations for real estate investors and individuals looking to purchase a house in this paradise. West Bay offers breathtaking views and brand-new condominiums and luxury residential properties, George Town offers business opportunities, and Seven Mile Beach offers magnificent condos.
What is the stamp duty amount for real estate transactions in the Cayman Islands?
The stamp duty rate is usually 7.5% of the purchase price or the property's market value, whichever is greater. For clarity, this is calculated in the local currency. Various factors affect stamp duty, such as the property's price, residency status of the buyer or seller (local or foreigner), whether it's a first-time purchase or multiple properties, and whether the property is developed or undeveloped.
Can I buy land and build my dream home in Cayman?
Yes, you can buy land and build your ideal home. We have numerous qualified architects and constructors. Ask your CIREBA agent for some references so you can interview them.
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[ad_1] Building of North Bay Village's first new apartment tower in a decade has halted, greater than 14 flooring up. Employees have been absent from the job web site since December, and greater than a dozen liens have been positioned in opposition to the developer, Pacific & Orient Properties, The Actual Deal you've got realized. The 21-story, 54-unit constructing, named after its deal with at 7918 West Drive, was anticipated to be accomplished within the first half of subsequent yr. Simply two days after Christmas, Thornton Residential, the overall contractor, positioned a lien for almost $7 million in allegedly unpaid work, data present. Liens have been additionally filed by subcontractors starting from plumbing and concrete to job web site security. In mid-January, a cooling firm in search of about $79,000 filed a lawsuit in opposition to the developer. Picture of stalled North Bay Village's apartment tower In a letter that North Bay Village employees despatched to the fee in January, the town stated the positioning superintendent notified the town that building was shut down simply earlier than the vacations. “They hope to start out issues up once more someday in January 2024, however that timeframe is versatile,” the town wrote. “We weren't offered a cause for his or her stopping building.” Building has stalled for some South Florida tasks in recent times, partly because of the rising price of financing, provides, labor and delays related to building. North Bay Village Residents flooded a Fb group final month to specific their considerations about the way forward for the challenge and security within the rapid space. Mayor Brent Latham stated he has by no means had direct contact with the developer, which secured its approvals earlier than his time period started in 2018. Latham is not anxious, although. “I do not anticipate it'll stay unfinished as a result of there are a number of events who've expressed curiosity in buying the positioning,” he informed TRD, declining to call potential patrons. “We're out of land in North Bay Village.” He stated the developer has remained updated with the town by way of funds for additional time police and the rental of parking areas. Thye Seng Chan, CEO of Pacific & Orient Properties, is in Malaysia and was not accessible for remark, in accordance with a consultant who answered the cellphone on the gross sales heart. His public relations agency stated its “providers have been paused.” A consultant for Pacific & Orient didn't reply to a LinkedIn message for remark. Chan has been engaged on plans for the challenge for nearly a decade. The developer paid $8.3 million for the 0.8-acre web site in 2015. Building was set to start in 2018, however the agency broke floor a yr in the past. In August, Pacific & Orient tapped Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices EWM Realty to deal with gross sales of the challenge after the brokerage presold a few of the items. Pre-sales soft-launched when building started in February of final yr. Costs vary from $2 million to greater than $17 million. Models are anticipated to vary from about 1,700 sq. toes to simply over 7,000 sq. toes. The quiet city, sandwiched between Miami and Miami Seashore, has attracted billionaire builders in recent times. “I do not assume you would need to look far,” to seek out potential patrons for the 7918 West Drive web site,” the mayor stated. The Ansin household's Sunbeam Properties, led by CEO Andy Ansin, plans a significant mixed-use improvement north and south of the 79th Avenue Causeway, which bisects the city. Harry Macklowe's Macklowe Properties and Associated Group are additionally engaged on an meeting on Harbor Island, which incorporates the litigious buyout of a waterfront co-op known as Biscayne Sea Membership. The builders started closing on items final yr. MTTR mgmt is the architect designing 7918 West Drive. Tokyo-based One Designs Co. was taped to design the foyer. The constructing is about
to incorporate a Zen backyard, yoga areas and a communal gourmand chef's kitchen, the developer stated throughout a gathering final yr. The constructing will embrace a 148-space parking storage, 16 storage items and 15,000 sq. toes of frequent house. The challenge marks Pacific & Orient's first in North Bay Village. The corporate, with workplaces in Kuala Lumpur, London and Bangkok, is a part of the Pacific & Orient Group conglomerate. It has holdings in insurance coverage, data expertise, lending and start-ups. [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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westendbay · 9 months
This Family Vacation Unwind in Style with West End Bay’s Apartment Rental
Anguilla, with its pristine beaches and crystal-clear waters, has long been a haven for those seeking a serene escape. Among the many treasures this Caribbean paradise holds, West End Bay stands out as a premier destination, offering not just a getaway but an experience. For families yearning for a beach-centric retreat, West End Bay Rentals family vacation apartments are the epitome of luxury and comfort. West End Bay is renowned for its breathtaking beach views, and these family vacation apartments for rent Anguilla are idyllic stays to maximize overall experience. Imagine waking up to the gentle sound of waves and stepping onto your private balcony to behold the panoramic spectacle of the Caribbean Sea stretching as far as the eye can see. These vacation apartments offer an immersive beach experience right at your doorstep.
Spacious and Thoughtfully Designed
Designed with families in mind, the vacation apartments at West End Bay Rentals are spacious and thoughtfully curated. Fully-equipped kitchen and a cozy living area provide ample space for relaxation and quality family time. The interior reflects a harmonious blend of Caribbean charm and modern elegance, creating a welcoming atmosphere for every member of the family. One of the standout features of these beach view apartment rentals Anguilla is the direct access to the pristine beaches of West End Bay. No need to travel far – step outside, and the soft sands and azure waters await. Spend lazy afternoons building sandcastles with the kids or take a leisurely stroll along the water's edge as the sun sets, casting a warm glow over the horizon.
West End Bay Rentals goes the extra mile to ensure families have everything they need for a comfortable stay. From kid-friendly activities to convenient amenities such as cribs and high chairs, the resort like amenities are dedicated to making your family vacation as seamless and enjoyable as possible. The on-site staff is also readily available to assist with any special requests. While the beach is undoubtedly the main attraction, West End Bay offers a plethora of activities for all ages. Engage in water sports, explore the nearby attractions, or simply unwind by the pool. The family vacation apartments provide a home base for adventure and relaxation, ensuring that every family member finds something to enjoy.
Explore More
Embrace the flavors of Anguilla by exploring the local cuisine. The family vacation apartments at West End Bay are conveniently located near a variety of dining options, allowing families to savor the tastes of the Caribbean without venturing far from their beachside retreat. For families seeking an idyllic beachfront escape, West End Bay's family vacation apartments in Anguilla offer a perfect blend of luxury, convenience, and natural beauty. Create cherished memories against the backdrop of the Caribbean Sea, where the sun, sand, and surf converge to make your family vacation an unforgettable experience at West End Bay Rentals.
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rinconprrentals · 9 months
Exquisite Coastal Retreat with Luxury Vacation Rentals in Rincon PR
For people planning vacation or reunion or private event or special occasion, can consider luxury vacation home Puerto Rico with KARE Management. The beachfront vacation homeis well-furnished unit equipped with pool, Wi-Fi, garden, gourmet kitchen, and nestled close to top recreational sites. Watch out for pod of humpback whales while navigating the ocean or from your luxury vacation rental. Nearby beach side activities include fishing, hiking, horseback ride, excursion tour, dolphin watching, and whale watching. Whether it’s a hiking expenditure or guided diving & snorkeling tours, there is something for everyone in Rincon PR. 
Popular as surfing destination in the Caribbean, Rincon is best place to explore what Puerto Rico offers as a popular tourist destination. The calm Caribbean waters tapping the golden sand beaches provide the best vacation surrounding on the west coast of Puerto Rico. Also known as Pueblo del Surfing - the surfing town is world famous for its picture perfect sunset and spectacular beaches. To unwind this fascinating vacation cum tourist destination with this is 2 bedroom cottage rentals Rincon PR available amidst picturesque surroundings. The range of vacation rental properties encourages planning a special trip for special occasion. The vacation cottage is affordable and safe to stay with all facilities & top tourist attractions at your disposal, beautifully cottage with magnificent view of sun, sand, and sea.  Winters marks the beginning of whale migration season, thus during you can enjoy the magnificent viewing of pod of humpback whale from El Faro Lighthouse.   
Besides, Puerto Rican seafood, underground caves, amazing landscape, mountains, zip line tour, waterfalls, El Morro fort and the tropical rain forest attract tourists from different part of world. In addition, bioluminescent bay is one of the top visited sites, tantalizes travelers to come witness one of the most dramatic event, a spectacular night show by nature on the coastlines of Mosquito Bay. The blue light emitted by microorganisms at night which is worth a trip to Rincon. Enjoy this wonderful phenomenon with all-inclusive vacation villa with pool, garden, and magnificent view of the sea, ideal escape for travelers looking to maximize their trip experience with luxury, style, and class. Unwind these enigmatic features in Rico while accommodating comfortably in fully equipped Rincon PR Rentals, nestled close to shops and restaurants. Book your exquisite coastal venue with Kare Management & explore to unwind outdoor adventure activities for an eventful vacationing in Rincon, PR.
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ctimcaribbean · 1 year
Property for Sale ST James Barbados
West Coast: The west coast of Barbados is known for its beautiful beaches, luxury hotels, and upscale restaurants. Some of the most popular vacation rental areas on the west coast include Sandy Lane, Holetown, and Paynes Bay. https://ctimcaribbean.com/properties/house-for-sale-95-oxnards-heighst-st-james/
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bookdirectvacays · 1 year
Luxury Private Vacation Rentals in Cowpet Bay West & Annapolis
When it comes to planning the perfect vacation, the choice of accommodation can make all the difference. Book Direct VACAYS, a renowned name in the travel industry, is revolutionizing the way travelers experience their getaways. With an impressive portfolio of vacation rentals in two diverse and captivating destinations—St. Thomas in the Caribbean and Annapolis in the United States—Book Direct Vacays offers a range of unique and personalized experiences that cater to every traveler's dream. Property owners associated with Book Direct Vacays often possess in-depth local knowledge, enabling them to offer valuable recommendations for nearby attractions, dining, and activities, ensuring travelers make the most of their stay.
St. Thomas, a Caribbean gem renowned for its turquoise waters, lush landscapes, and vibrant culture, serves as the perfect backdrop for an unforgettable getaway. Book Direct Vacays offers an array of vacation rentals that provide unparalleled access to the island's splendors.  Imagine waking up to breathtaking ocean views from the comfort of your fully furnished vacation condo rentals Cowpet Bay West. Book Direct Vacays offers a selection of oceanfront properties that allow guests to experience the beauty of St. Thomas from the moment they open their eyes. Indulge in the lap of luxury with upscale condominiums that offer modern amenities, elegant interiors, and proximity to the island's best attractions. For those seeking tranquility and seclusion, vacation rentals nestled amidst lush gardens or tucked away on private estates offer a serene escape from the everyday.
While hotels and resorts are popular accommodation options, a 4 bedroom vacation home Annapolis offer a unique and personalized experience that can enhance your Maryland’s getaway adventure in several ways. It enhances vacation experience with total privacy & personalized space. This vacation home rental comes equipped with kitchen, living area, and in-unit laundry facility, making it easy to cook your own meals and enjoy a cozy home-away-from-home atmosphere. For larger groups, renting a condo can be more budget-friendly compared to booking multiple hotel rooms, especially when considering shared expenses.
Book Direct VACAYS is more than just a booking platform—it's a gateway to unforgettable experiences. With a direct approach that fosters personal connections, local insights, and authenticity, travelers are presented with a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the heart and soul of their chosen destination. Whether you're yearning for the tranquil beauty of St. Thomas' beaches or the historic charm of Annapolis' streets, Book Direct VACAYS promise to turn your getaway into an extraordinary journey of discovery and delight.
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usbeaches · 1 year
Beach Club Condo, Gulf Shores Vacation Rentals
Gulf Shores Condo, Beach Club Vacation Rental
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The Beach Club Condo - From: $135/night - Rating 4.9/5.0 Address: 527 Beach Club Trail, Gulf Shores, AL 36542 Details: 2 BR, 2 BA Gulf-front Property, approx. 1,080 sq. ft. Via: Beach Club Vacation Rentals
Gulf Shores Resort Real Estate
Gulf Shores condo on Alabama’s beautiful Gulf Coast at The Beach Club. Direct beachfront condominium in an all-inclusive resort environment, providing the best of in coastal living. The spacious, private balcony has direct access via the living room and the mst. BR, with exceptional views of the popular white-sands beaches of Fort Morgan and the Gulf of Mexico…recently updated with new tile floors, kitchen counters and cabinet doors  The Beach Club Condos
Gulf Shores Alabama
Gulf Shores is a popular vacation destination on the Alabama Gulf Coast, just west of Orange Beach & Perdido Key. Gulf Shores is surrounded by back-bays and rivers, offering a variety of outdoor activities. Gulf State Park is ideal for enjoying the white-sand beaches, fishing, kayaking, camping, hiking.
*Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed.
Buying a Condo? Click Here
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