#What is Local SEO?
thewebflying · 3 months
Local SEO: What Is It & How to Do It
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What Is Local SEO?
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Why Is Local SEO Important?
Community Connection:
Local SEO allows businesses to connect with their immediate community. When potential customers search for products or services in their vicinity, a robust local online presence ensures that your business is front and center.
Mobile Dominance:
With the rise of mobile devices, local searches have become increasingly prevalent. People often turn to their smartphones to find nearby businesses, making Local SEO essential for capturing this mobile-driven market.
Increased Visibility:
A strong Local SEO strategy can elevate your business in local search rankings. This heightened visibility translates to more website traffic, foot traffic, and ultimately, increased sales.
Trust and Credibility:
Local customers are more likely to trust businesses that appear in local search results. Local SEO helps build trust by showcasing your business’s proximity and relevance to potential customers.
How Local SEO Works:
Google My Business (GMB):
Claiming and optimizing your Google My Business listing is the cornerstone of local SEO. Ensure that your GMB profile is complete with accurate information, such as your business name, address, phone number, business hours, and high-quality images.
Local Keywords:
Incorporate locally relevant keywords into your website content. This includes mentioning your city, neighborhood, or region in your meta descriptions, headers, and throughout your website.
Local Citations:
Consistent business information across online directories and platforms is crucial. Ensure that your business name, address, and phone number (NAP) are consistent across various online directories, including Yelp, Yellow Pages, and other industry-specific platforms.
Online Reviews:
Encourage customers to leave reviews on your Google My Business profile and other review platforms. Positive reviews not only enhance your reputation but also contribute to your local search ranking.
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How to Do Local SEO:
Optimize Your Website:
Ensure that your website is optimized for local searches. Include your location in meta tags, headers, and content. Create location-specific landing pages if your business operates in multiple areas.
Mobile Optimization:
Make your website mobile-friendly. A responsive design ensures a positive user experience for visitors on various devices, contributing to better search rankings.
Content Creation:
Develop locally relevant content on your website. This can include blog posts, articles, or resources that address the specific needs and interests of your local audience.
Local Link Building:
Build local backlinks by partnering with other local businesses, participating in community events, or sponsoring local organizations. Local links strengthen your local SEO efforts.
Local SEO Tools:
Google My Business:
Leverage the features within Google My Business, such as posts, Q&A, and insights, to enhance your local presence.
Moz Local:
Moz Local helps manage your business listings and monitor your online presence across various platforms.
BrightLocal offers a suite of tools for local SEO, including local search rank tracking, citation building, and reputation management.
Yext is a comprehensive platform for managing your business information across multiple online directories and platforms.
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Monitor Results and Keep Optimizing:
Regularly monitor your website analytics, Google My Business insights, and other relevant data to track the performance of your local SEO efforts.
Customer Feedback:
Pay attention to customer feedback and reviews. Address any concerns promptly and use positive feedback to your advantage.
Adapt to Algorithm Changes:
Stay informed about changes in search engine algorithms. Adapt your local SEO strategy to align with any updates that may impact your search rankings.
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Google Local Pack:
Businesses appearing in the Google Local Pack receive 44% of the clicks, making it a prime spot for local visibility.
Local Searches Lead to Action:
88% of local searches on mobile devices result in either a call or a visit to the business within 24 hours.
Importance of Reviews:
91% of consumers aged 18-34 trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations, emphasizing the significance of positive reviews in local SEO.
Local SEO and Voice Search:
46% of voice search users look for local businesses daily. Optimizing for voice search can further boost your local SEO efforts.
In the ever-evolving digital landscape, mastering the art of Local SEO is a crucial step for businesses aiming to thrive in their local communities. By understanding the importance of local search optimization, implementing effective strategies, utilizing the right tools, and staying vigilant in monitoring results, you can position your business as a local powerhouse, connecting with customers right in your neighborhood. So, gear up, embrace the world of local SEO, and watch your business flourish in the local limelight!
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mariaajameso · 6 years
What is local SEO?
Local SEO is about how to optimize your website to rank better for a local audience. A website gives you the opportunity to target the entire (online) world. But if the target audience for your business is actually located in or near the city you have your office or shop, you’ll need to practice at least some local SEO as well. You need to optimize for your city name, optimize your address details. In short: you need to optimize so people know where you are located and are able to find you offline (if required). In this post, we will try to explain what local SEO is, so you can optimize your local site as well! 
Make sure your customers find your shop! Optimize your site with our Local SEO plugin and show your opening hours, locations, map and much more! »
$69 - Buy now »
Info What is local SEO?
If you have a local business, like a shop, or have people visiting your office frequently, optimizing your website is also about making sure people are able to find you in real life. But even if your not actively getting visitors in your building, but are targeting an audience that is located in the same geographical area as you are, you need to optimize for that area. This is what we call “local SEO”.
Ground-rule these days is that it’s by far the easiest to optimize if you have a proper address in a region/city. The thing is that if you want to optimize for, for instance, a service area that you are not located in physically, your main tool for optimization is content. You should simply write a lot about that area. We found that oftentimes, this leads to forced articles or pages that have little to do with the business at hand, and are clearly there for SEO reasons.
Mentioning all the areas
Just recently, I heard someone say that he just mentioned a number of neighboring towns and that got him visitors from these towns.
Depending on the niche you are in, that might have some effect, to be honest. But I wouldn’t call it proper optimization. For the majority of companies, that strategy won’t work that well. It’s not really an optimization, it’s just that no-one else mentions that area and that product on his website. If there is competition, please use other methods as well.
Local SEO explained in detail
In our series on local SEO, David Mihm mentions a number of things you can do to really optimize your website for a certain geographical area:
An introduction to ranking your local business
The importance of Google My Business
How to optimize your website for local search
Why inbound links are so important and how to get them
Citations for local search
The impact of reviews for local ranking
Social media and local SEO
The impact of behavioral signals
That indeed is quite a lot to digest, but if you are serious about optimizing for your local audience, you should read all 8 articles.
Local SEO isn’t just about search engines
Yes, there is a lot you can do online to optimize your website for a local audience. But if you are running a local business, things like word-of-mouth and a print brochure etc also contribute to local SEO.
If you mention your website and social profiles on your offline communication/promotion as well, your Facebook likes might go up, your Twitter followers could increase and the direct traffic on your website will get higher. One way or another, this will be visible to Google as well, beit indirect perhaps.
So, local SEO consists of a number of factors that help you address your local audience by better rankings in search engines. It’s not just optimizing your address or your social media strategy, it’s all these things combined that we call local SEO. Good luck optimizing!
Read more: ‘Ultimate guide to small business SEO’ »
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lindasharonbn1 · 6 years
What is local SEO?
What is local SEO?
Local SEO is about how to optimize your website to rank better for a local audience. A website gives you the opportunity to target the entire (online) world. But if the target audience for your business is actually located in or near the city you have your office or shop, you’ll need to practice at least some local SEO as well. You need to optimize for your city name, optimize your address details. In short: you need to optimize so people know where you are located and are able to find you offline (if required). In this post, we will try to explain what local SEO is, so you can optimize your local site as well! 
Make sure your customers find your shop! Optimize your site with our Local SEO plugin and show your opening hours, locations, map and much more! »
$69 - Buy now »
Info What is local SEO?
If you have a local business, like a shop, or have people visiting your office frequently, optimizing your website is also about making sure people are able to find you in real life. But even if your not actively getting visitors in your building, but are targeting an audience that is located in the same geographical area as you are, you need to optimize for that area. This is what we call “local SEO”.
Ground-rule these days is that it’s by far the easiest to optimize if you have a proper address in a region/city. The thing is that if you want to optimize for, for instance, a service area that you are not located in physically, your main tool for optimization is content. You should simply write a lot about that area. We found that oftentimes, this leads to forced articles or pages that have little to do with the business at hand, and are clearly there for SEO reasons.
Mentioning all the areas
Just recently, I heard someone say that he just mentioned a number of neighboring towns and that got him visitors from these towns.
Depending on the niche you are in, that might have some effect, to be honest. But I wouldn’t call it proper optimization. For the majority of companies, that strategy won’t work that well. It’s not really an optimization, it’s just that no-one else mentions that area and that product on his website. If there is competition, please use other methods as well.
Local SEO explained in detail
In our series on local SEO, David Mihm mentions a number of things you can do to really optimize your website for a certain geographical area:
An introduction to ranking your local business
The importance of Google My Business
How to optimize your website for local search
Why inbound links are so important and how to get them
Citations for local search
The impact of reviews for local ranking
Social media and local SEO
The impact of behavioral signals
That indeed is quite a lot to digest, but if you are serious about optimizing for your local audience, you should read all 8 articles.
Local SEO isn’t just about search engines
Yes, there is a lot you can do online to optimize your website for a local audience. But if you are running a local business, things like word-of-mouth and a print brochure etc also contribute to local SEO.
If you mention your website and social profiles on your offline communication/promotion as well, your Facebook likes might go up, your Twitter followers could increase and the direct traffic on your website will get higher. One way or another, this will be visible to Google as well, beit indirect perhaps.
So, local SEO consists of a number of factors that help you address your local audience by better rankings in search engines. It’s not just optimizing your address or your social media strategy, it’s all these things combined that we call local SEO. Good luck optimizing!
Read more: ‘Ultimate guide to small business SEO’ »
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miettawilliemk1 · 6 years
What is local SEO?
Local SEO is about how to optimize your website to rank better for a local audience. A website gives you the opportunity to target the entire (online) world. But if the target audience for your business is actually located in or near the city you have your office or shop, you’ll need to practice at least some local SEO as well. You need to optimize for your city name, optimize your address details. In short: you need to optimize so people know where you are located and are able to find you offline (if required). In this post, we will try to explain what local SEO is, so you can optimize your local site as well! 
Make sure your customers find your shop! Optimize your site with our Local SEO plugin and show your opening hours, locations, map and much more! »
$69 - Buy now »
Info What is local SEO?
If you have a local business, like a shop, or have people visiting your office frequently, optimizing your website is also about making sure people are able to find you in real life. But even if your not actively getting visitors in your building, but are targeting an audience that is located in the same geographical area as you are, you need to optimize for that area. This is what we call “local SEO”.
Ground-rule these days is that it’s by far the easiest to optimize if you have a proper address in a region/city. The thing is that if you want to optimize for, for instance, a service area that you are not located in physically, your main tool for optimization is content. You should simply write a lot about that area. We found that oftentimes, this leads to forced articles or pages that have little to do with the business at hand, and are clearly there for SEO reasons.
Mentioning all the areas
Just recently, I heard someone say that he just mentioned a number of neighboring towns and that got him visitors from these towns.
Depending on the niche you are in, that might have some effect, to be honest. But I wouldn’t call it proper optimization. For the majority of companies, that strategy won’t work that well. It’s not really an optimization, it’s just that no-one else mentions that area and that product on his website. If there is competition, please use other methods as well.
Local SEO explained in detail
In our series on local SEO, David Mihm mentions a number of things you can do to really optimize your website for a certain geographical area:
An introduction to ranking your local business
The importance of Google My Business
How to optimize your website for local search
Why inbound links are so important and how to get them
Citations for local search
The impact of reviews for local ranking
Social media and local SEO
The impact of behavioral signals
That indeed is quite a lot to digest, but if you are serious about optimizing for your local audience, you should read all 8 articles.
Local SEO isn’t just about search engines
Yes, there is a lot you can do online to optimize your website for a local audience. But if you are running a local business, things like word-of-mouth and a print brochure etc also contribute to local SEO.
If you mention your website and social profiles on your offline communication/promotion as well, your Facebook likes might go up, your Twitter followers could increase and the direct traffic on your website will get higher. One way or another, this will be visible to Google as well, beit indirect perhaps.
So, local SEO consists of a number of factors that help you address your local audience by better rankings in search engines. It’s not just optimizing your address or your social media strategy, it’s all these things combined that we call local SEO. Good luck optimizing!
Read more: ‘Ultimate guide to small business SEO’ »
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mariathaterh · 6 years
What is local SEO?
Local SEO is about how to optimize your website to rank better for a local audience. A website gives you the opportunity to target the entire (online) world. But if the target audience for your business is actually located in or near the city you have your office or shop, you’ll need to practice at least some local SEO as well. You need to optimize for your city name, optimize your address details. In short: you need to optimize so people know where you are located and are able to find you offline (if required). In this post, we will try to explain what local SEO is, so you can optimize your local site as well! 
Make sure your customers find your shop! Optimize your site with our Local SEO plugin and show your opening hours, locations, map and much more! »
$69 - Buy now »
Info What is local SEO?
If you have a local business, like a shop, or have people visiting your office frequently, optimizing your website is also about making sure people are able to find you in real life. But even if your not actively getting visitors in your building, but are targeting an audience that is located in the same geographical area as you are, you need to optimize for that area. This is what we call “local SEO”.
Ground-rule these days is that it’s by far the easiest to optimize if you have a proper address in a region/city. The thing is that if you want to optimize for, for instance, a service area that you are not located in physically, your main tool for optimization is content. You should simply write a lot about that area. We found that oftentimes, this leads to forced articles or pages that have little to do with the business at hand, and are clearly there for SEO reasons.
Mentioning all the areas
Just recently, I heard someone say that he just mentioned a number of neighboring towns and that got him visitors from these towns.
Depending on the niche you are in, that might have some effect, to be honest. But I wouldn’t call it proper optimization. For the majority of companies, that strategy won’t work that well. It’s not really an optimization, it’s just that no-one else mentions that area and that product on his website. If there is competition, please use other methods as well.
Local SEO explained in detail
In our series on local SEO, David Mihm mentions a number of things you can do to really optimize your website for a certain geographical area:
An introduction to ranking your local business
The importance of Google My Business
How to optimize your website for local search
Why inbound links are so important and how to get them
Citations for local search
The impact of reviews for local ranking
Social media and local SEO
The impact of behavioral signals
That indeed is quite a lot to digest, but if you are serious about optimizing for your local audience, you should read all 8 articles.
Local SEO isn’t just about search engines
Yes, there is a lot you can do online to optimize your website for a local audience. But if you are running a local business, things like word-of-mouth and a print brochure etc also contribute to local SEO.
If you mention your website and social profiles on your offline communication/promotion as well, your Facebook likes might go up, your Twitter followers could increase and the direct traffic on your website will get higher. One way or another, this will be visible to Google as well, beit indirect perhaps.
So, local SEO consists of a number of factors that help you address your local audience by better rankings in search engines. It’s not just optimizing your address or your social media strategy, it’s all these things combined that we call local SEO. Good luck optimizing!
Read more: ‘Ultimate guide to small business SEO’ »
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samiaedithg · 6 years
What is local SEO?
Local SEO is about how to optimize your website to rank better for a local audience. A website gives you the opportunity to target the entire (online) world. But if the target audience for your business is actually located in or near the city you have your office or shop, you’ll need to practice at least some local SEO as well. You need to optimize for your city name, optimize your address details. In short: you need to optimize so people know where you are located and are able to find you offline (if required). In this post, we will try to explain what local SEO is, so you can optimize your local site as well! 
Make sure your customers find your shop! Optimize your site with our Local SEO plugin and show your opening hours, locations, map and much more! »
$69 - Buy now »
Info What is local SEO?
If you have a local business, like a shop, or have people visiting your office frequently, optimizing your website is also about making sure people are able to find you in real life. But even if your not actively getting visitors in your building, but are targeting an audience that is located in the same geographical area as you are, you need to optimize for that area. This is what we call “local SEO”.
Ground-rule these days is that it’s by far the easiest to optimize if you have a proper address in a region/city. The thing is that if you want to optimize for, for instance, a service area that you are not located in physically, your main tool for optimization is content. You should simply write a lot about that area. We found that oftentimes, this leads to forced articles or pages that have little to do with the business at hand, and are clearly there for SEO reasons.
Mentioning all the areas
Just recently, I heard someone say that he just mentioned a number of neighboring towns and that got him visitors from these towns.
Depending on the niche you are in, that might have some effect, to be honest. But I wouldn’t call it proper optimization. For the majority of companies, that strategy won’t work that well. It’s not really an optimization, it’s just that no-one else mentions that area and that product on his website. If there is competition, please use other methods as well.
Local SEO explained in detail
In our series on local SEO, David Mihm mentions a number of things you can do to really optimize your website for a certain geographical area:
An introduction to ranking your local business
The importance of Google My Business
How to optimize your website for local search
Why inbound links are so important and how to get them
Citations for local search
The impact of reviews for local ranking
Social media and local SEO
The impact of behavioral signals
That indeed is quite a lot to digest, but if you are serious about optimizing for your local audience, you should read all 8 articles.
Local SEO isn’t just about search engines
Yes, there is a lot you can do online to optimize your website for a local audience. But if you are running a local business, things like word-of-mouth and a print brochure etc also contribute to local SEO.
If you mention your website and social profiles on your offline communication/promotion as well, your Facebook likes might go up, your Twitter followers could increase and the direct traffic on your website will get higher. One way or another, this will be visible to Google as well, beit indirect perhaps.
So, local SEO consists of a number of factors that help you address your local audience by better rankings in search engines. It’s not just optimizing your address or your social media strategy, it’s all these things combined that we call local SEO. Good luck optimizing!
Read more: ‘Ultimate guide to small business SEO’ »
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rodrigueztha · 6 years
What is local SEO?
Local SEO is about how to optimize your website to rank better for a local audience. A website gives you the opportunity to target the entire (online) world. But if the target audience for your business is actually located in or near the city you have your office or shop, you’ll need to practice at least some local SEO as well. You need to optimize for your city name, optimize your address details. In short: you need to optimize so people know where you are located and are able to find you offline (if required). In this post, we will try to explain what local SEO is, so you can optimize your local site as well! 
Make sure your customers find your shop! Optimize your site with our Local SEO plugin and show your opening hours, locations, map and much more! »
$69 - Buy now »
Info What is local SEO?
If you have a local business, like a shop, or have people visiting your office frequently, optimizing your website is also about making sure people are able to find you in real life. But even if your not actively getting visitors in your building, but are targeting an audience that is located in the same geographical area as you are, you need to optimize for that area. This is what we call “local SEO”.
Ground-rule these days is that it’s by far the easiest to optimize if you have a proper address in a region/city. The thing is that if you want to optimize for, for instance, a service area that you are not located in physically, your main tool for optimization is content. You should simply write a lot about that area. We found that oftentimes, this leads to forced articles or pages that have little to do with the business at hand, and are clearly there for SEO reasons.
Mentioning all the areas
Just recently, I heard someone say that he just mentioned a number of neighboring towns and that got him visitors from these towns.
Depending on the niche you are in, that might have some effect, to be honest. But I wouldn’t call it proper optimization. For the majority of companies, that strategy won’t work that well. It’s not really an optimization, it’s just that no-one else mentions that area and that product on his website. If there is competition, please use other methods as well.
Local SEO explained in detail
In our series on local SEO, David Mihm mentions a number of things you can do to really optimize your website for a certain geographical area:
An introduction to ranking your local business
The importance of Google My Business
How to optimize your website for local search
Why inbound links are so important and how to get them
Citations for local search
The impact of reviews for local ranking
Social media and local SEO
The impact of behavioral signals
That indeed is quite a lot to digest, but if you are serious about optimizing for your local audience, you should read all 8 articles.
Local SEO isn’t just about search engines
Yes, there is a lot you can do online to optimize your website for a local audience. But if you are running a local business, things like word-of-mouth and a print brochure etc also contribute to local SEO.
If you mention your website and social profiles on your offline communication/promotion as well, your Facebook likes might go up, your Twitter followers could increase and the direct traffic on your website will get higher. One way or another, this will be visible to Google as well, beit indirect perhaps.
So, local SEO consists of a number of factors that help you address your local audience by better rankings in search engines. It’s not just optimizing your address or your social media strategy, it’s all these things combined that we call local SEO. Good luck optimizing!
Read more: ‘Ultimate guide to small business SEO’ »
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mariaajamesol · 6 years
What is local SEO?
Local SEO is about how to optimize your website to rank better for a local audience. A website gives you the opportunity to target the entire (online) world. But if the target audience for your business is actually located in or near the city you have your office or shop, you’ll need to practice at least some local SEO as well. You need to optimize for your city name, optimize your address details. In short: you need to optimize so people know where you are located and are able to find you offline (if required). In this post, we will try to explain what local SEO is, so you can optimize your local site as well! 
Make sure your customers find your shop! Optimize your site with our Local SEO plugin and show your opening hours, locations, map and much more! »
$69 - Buy now »
Info What is local SEO?
If you have a local business, like a shop, or have people visiting your office frequently, optimizing your website is also about making sure people are able to find you in real life. But even if your not actively getting visitors in your building, but are targeting an audience that is located in the same geographical area as you are, you need to optimize for that area. This is what we call “local SEO”.
Ground-rule these days is that it’s by far the easiest to optimize if you have a proper address in a region/city. The thing is that if you want to optimize for, for instance, a service area that you are not located in physically, your main tool for optimization is content. You should simply write a lot about that area. We found that oftentimes, this leads to forced articles or pages that have little to do with the business at hand, and are clearly there for SEO reasons.
Mentioning all the areas
Just recently, I heard someone say that he just mentioned a number of neighboring towns and that got him visitors from these towns.
Depending on the niche you are in, that might have some effect, to be honest. But I wouldn’t call it proper optimization. For the majority of companies, that strategy won’t work that well. It’s not really an optimization, it’s just that no-one else mentions that area and that product on his website. If there is competition, please use other methods as well.
Local SEO explained in detail
In our series on local SEO, David Mihm mentions a number of things you can do to really optimize your website for a certain geographical area:
An introduction to ranking your local business
The importance of Google My Business
How to optimize your website for local search
Why inbound links are so important and how to get them
Citations for local search
The impact of reviews for local ranking
Social media and local SEO
The impact of behavioral signals
That indeed is quite a lot to digest, but if you are serious about optimizing for your local audience, you should read all 8 articles.
Local SEO isn’t just about search engines
Yes, there is a lot you can do online to optimize your website for a local audience. But if you are running a local business, things like word-of-mouth and a print brochure etc also contribute to local SEO.
If you mention your website and social profiles on your offline communication/promotion as well, your Facebook likes might go up, your Twitter followers could increase and the direct traffic on your website will get higher. One way or another, this will be visible to Google as well, beit indirect perhaps.
So, local SEO consists of a number of factors that help you address your local audience by better rankings in search engines. It’s not just optimizing your address or your social media strategy, it’s all these things combined that we call local SEO. Good luck optimizing!
Read more: ‘Ultimate guide to small business SEO’ »
0 notes
elenaturnerge · 6 years
What is local SEO?
Local SEO is about how to optimize your website to rank better for a local audience. A website gives you the opportunity to target the entire (online) world. But if the target audience for your business is actually located in or near the city you have your office or shop, you’ll need to practice at least some local SEO as well. You need to optimize for your city name, optimize your address details. In short: you need to optimize so people know where you are located and are able to find you offline (if required). In this post, we will try to explain what local SEO is, so you can optimize your local site as well! 
Make sure your customers find your shop! Optimize your site with our Local SEO plugin and show your opening hours, locations, map and much more! »
$69 - Buy now »
Info What is local SEO?
If you have a local business, like a shop, or have people visiting your office frequently, optimizing your website is also about making sure people are able to find you in real life. But even if your not actively getting visitors in your building, but are targeting an audience that is located in the same geographical area as you are, you need to optimize for that area. This is what we call “local SEO”.
Ground-rule these days is that it’s by far the easiest to optimize if you have a proper address in a region/city. The thing is that if you want to optimize for, for instance, a service area that you are not located in physically, your main tool for optimization is content. You should simply write a lot about that area. We found that oftentimes, this leads to forced articles or pages that have little to do with the business at hand, and are clearly there for SEO reasons.
Mentioning all the areas
Just recently, I heard someone say that he just mentioned a number of neighboring towns and that got him visitors from these towns.
Depending on the niche you are in, that might have some effect, to be honest. But I wouldn’t call it proper optimization. For the majority of companies, that strategy won’t work that well. It’s not really an optimization, it’s just that no-one else mentions that area and that product on his website. If there is competition, please use other methods as well.
Local SEO explained in detail
In our series on local SEO, David Mihm mentions a number of things you can do to really optimize your website for a certain geographical area:
An introduction to ranking your local business
The importance of Google My Business
How to optimize your website for local search
Why inbound links are so important and how to get them
Citations for local search
The impact of reviews for local ranking
Social media and local SEO
The impact of behavioral signals
That indeed is quite a lot to digest, but if you are serious about optimizing for your local audience, you should read all 8 articles.
Local SEO isn’t just about search engines
Yes, there is a lot you can do online to optimize your website for a local audience. But if you are running a local business, things like word-of-mouth and a print brochure etc also contribute to local SEO.
If you mention your website and social profiles on your offline communication/promotion as well, your Facebook likes might go up, your Twitter followers could increase and the direct traffic on your website will get higher. One way or another, this will be visible to Google as well, beit indirect perhaps.
So, local SEO consists of a number of factors that help you address your local audience by better rankings in search engines. It’s not just optimizing your address or your social media strategy, it’s all these things combined that we call local SEO. Good luck optimizing!
Read more: ‘Ultimate guide to small business SEO’ »
0 notes
elenaturnerge1 · 6 years
What is local SEO?
Local SEO is about how to optimize your website to rank better for a local audience. A website gives you the opportunity to target the entire (online) world. But if the target audience for your business is actually located in or near the city you have your office or shop, you’ll need to practice at least some local SEO as well. You need to optimize for your city name, optimize your address details. In short: you need to optimize so people know where you are located and are able to find you offline (if required). In this post, we will try to explain what local SEO is, so you can optimize your local site as well! 
Make sure your customers find your shop! Optimize your site with our Local SEO plugin and show your opening hours, locations, map and much more! »
$69 - Buy now »
Info What is local SEO?
If you have a local business, like a shop, or have people visiting your office frequently, optimizing your website is also about making sure people are able to find you in real life. But even if your not actively getting visitors in your building, but are targeting an audience that is located in the same geographical area as you are, you need to optimize for that area. This is what we call “local SEO”.
Ground-rule these days is that it’s by far the easiest to optimize if you have a proper address in a region/city. The thing is that if you want to optimize for, for instance, a service area that you are not located in physically, your main tool for optimization is content. You should simply write a lot about that area. We found that oftentimes, this leads to forced articles or pages that have little to do with the business at hand, and are clearly there for SEO reasons.
Mentioning all the areas
Just recently, I heard someone say that he just mentioned a number of neighboring towns and that got him visitors from these towns.
Depending on the niche you are in, that might have some effect, to be honest. But I wouldn’t call it proper optimization. For the majority of companies, that strategy won’t work that well. It’s not really an optimization, it’s just that no-one else mentions that area and that product on his website. If there is competition, please use other methods as well.
Local SEO explained in detail
In our series on local SEO, David Mihm mentions a number of things you can do to really optimize your website for a certain geographical area:
An introduction to ranking your local business
The importance of Google My Business
How to optimize your website for local search
Why inbound links are so important and how to get them
Citations for local search
The impact of reviews for local ranking
Social media and local SEO
The impact of behavioral signals
That indeed is quite a lot to digest, but if you are serious about optimizing for your local audience, you should read all 8 articles.
Local SEO isn’t just about search engines
Yes, there is a lot you can do online to optimize your website for a local audience. But if you are running a local business, things like word-of-mouth and a print brochure etc also contribute to local SEO.
If you mention your website and social profiles on your offline communication/promotion as well, your Facebook likes might go up, your Twitter followers could increase and the direct traffic on your website will get higher. One way or another, this will be visible to Google as well, beit indirect perhaps.
So, local SEO consists of a number of factors that help you address your local audience by better rankings in search engines. It’s not just optimizing your address or your social media strategy, it’s all these things combined that we call local SEO. Good luck optimizing!
Read more: ‘Ultimate guide to small business SEO’ »
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miettawilliemk · 6 years
What is local SEO?
Local SEO is about how to optimize your website to rank better for a local audience. A website gives you the opportunity to target the entire (online) world. But if the target audience for your business is actually located in or near the city you have your office or shop, you’ll need to practice at least some local SEO as well. You need to optimize for your city name, optimize your address details. In short: you need to optimize so people know where you are located and are able to find you offline (if required). In this post, we will try to explain what local SEO is, so you can optimize your local site as well! 
Make sure your customers find your shop! Optimize your site with our Local SEO plugin and show your opening hours, locations, map and much more! »
$69 - Buy now »
Info What is local SEO?
If you have a local business, like a shop, or have people visiting your office frequently, optimizing your website is also about making sure people are able to find you in real life. But even if your not actively getting visitors in your building, but are targeting an audience that is located in the same geographical area as you are, you need to optimize for that area. This is what we call “local SEO”.
Ground-rule these days is that it’s by far the easiest to optimize if you have a proper address in a region/city. The thing is that if you want to optimize for, for instance, a service area that you are not located in physically, your main tool for optimization is content. You should simply write a lot about that area. We found that oftentimes, this leads to forced articles or pages that have little to do with the business at hand, and are clearly there for SEO reasons.
Mentioning all the areas
Just recently, I heard someone say that he just mentioned a number of neighboring towns and that got him visitors from these towns.
Depending on the niche you are in, that might have some effect, to be honest. But I wouldn’t call it proper optimization. For the majority of companies, that strategy won’t work that well. It’s not really an optimization, it’s just that no-one else mentions that area and that product on his website. If there is competition, please use other methods as well.
Local SEO explained in detail
In our series on local SEO, David Mihm mentions a number of things you can do to really optimize your website for a certain geographical area:
An introduction to ranking your local business
The importance of Google My Business
How to optimize your website for local search
Why inbound links are so important and how to get them
Citations for local search
The impact of reviews for local ranking
Social media and local SEO
The impact of behavioral signals
That indeed is quite a lot to digest, but if you are serious about optimizing for your local audience, you should read all 8 articles.
Local SEO isn’t just about search engines
Yes, there is a lot you can do online to optimize your website for a local audience. But if you are running a local business, things like word-of-mouth and a print brochure etc also contribute to local SEO.
If you mention your website and social profiles on your offline communication/promotion as well, your Facebook likes might go up, your Twitter followers could increase and the direct traffic on your website will get higher. One way or another, this will be visible to Google as well, beit indirect perhaps.
So, local SEO consists of a number of factors that help you address your local audience by better rankings in search engines. It’s not just optimizing your address or your social media strategy, it’s all these things combined that we call local SEO. Good luck optimizing!
Read more: ‘Ultimate guide to small business SEO’ »
0 notes
janiceclaudetteo · 6 years
What is local SEO?
Local SEO is about how to optimize your website to rank better for a local audience. A website gives you the opportunity to target the entire (online) world. But if the target audience for your business is actually located in or near the city you have your office or shop, you’ll need to practice at least some local SEO as well. You need to optimize for your city name, optimize your address details. In short: you need to optimize so people know where you are located and are able to find you offline (if required). In this post, we will try to explain what local SEO is, so you can optimize your local site as well! 
Make sure your customers find your shop! Optimize your site with our Local SEO plugin and show your opening hours, locations, map and much more! »
$69 - Buy now »
Info What is local SEO?
If you have a local business, like a shop, or have people visiting your office frequently, optimizing your website is also about making sure people are able to find you in real life. But even if your not actively getting visitors in your building, but are targeting an audience that is located in the same geographical area as you are, you need to optimize for that area. This is what we call “local SEO”.
Ground-rule these days is that it’s by far the easiest to optimize if you have a proper address in a region/city. The thing is that if you want to optimize for, for instance, a service area that you are not located in physically, your main tool for optimization is content. You should simply write a lot about that area. We found that oftentimes, this leads to forced articles or pages that have little to do with the business at hand, and are clearly there for SEO reasons.
Mentioning all the areas
Just recently, I heard someone say that he just mentioned a number of neighboring towns and that got him visitors from these towns.
Depending on the niche you are in, that might have some effect, to be honest. But I wouldn’t call it proper optimization. For the majority of companies, that strategy won’t work that well. It’s not really an optimization, it’s just that no-one else mentions that area and that product on his website. If there is competition, please use other methods as well.
Local SEO explained in detail
In our series on local SEO, David Mihm mentions a number of things you can do to really optimize your website for a certain geographical area:
An introduction to ranking your local business
The importance of Google My Business
How to optimize your website for local search
Why inbound links are so important and how to get them
Citations for local search
The impact of reviews for local ranking
Social media and local SEO
The impact of behavioral signals
That indeed is quite a lot to digest, but if you are serious about optimizing for your local audience, you should read all 8 articles.
Local SEO isn’t just about search engines
Yes, there is a lot you can do online to optimize your website for a local audience. But if you are running a local business, things like word-of-mouth and a print brochure etc also contribute to local SEO.
If you mention your website and social profiles on your offline communication/promotion as well, your Facebook likes might go up, your Twitter followers could increase and the direct traffic on your website will get higher. One way or another, this will be visible to Google as well, beit indirect perhaps.
So, local SEO consists of a number of factors that help you address your local audience by better rankings in search engines. It’s not just optimizing your address or your social media strategy, it’s all these things combined that we call local SEO. Good luck optimizing!
Read more: ‘Ultimate guide to small business SEO’ »
0 notes
evanstheodoredqe · 6 years
What is local SEO?
Local SEO is about how to optimize your website to rank better for a local audience. A website gives you the opportunity to target the entire (online) world. But if the target audience for your business is actually located in or near the city you have your office or shop, you’ll need to practice at least some local SEO as well. You need to optimize for your city name, optimize your address details. In short: you need to optimize so people know where you are located and are able to find you offline (if required). In this post, we will try to explain what local SEO is, so you can optimize your local site as well! 
Make sure your customers find your shop! Optimize your site with our Local SEO plugin and show your opening hours, locations, map and much more! »
$69 - Buy now »
Info What is local SEO?
If you have a local business, like a shop, or have people visiting your office frequently, optimizing your website is also about making sure people are able to find you in real life. But even if your not actively getting visitors in your building, but are targeting an audience that is located in the same geographical area as you are, you need to optimize for that area. This is what we call “local SEO”.
Ground-rule these days is that it’s by far the easiest to optimize if you have a proper address in a region/city. The thing is that if you want to optimize for, for instance, a service area that you are not located in physically, your main tool for optimization is content. You should simply write a lot about that area. We found that oftentimes, this leads to forced articles or pages that have little to do with the business at hand, and are clearly there for SEO reasons.
Mentioning all the areas
Just recently, I heard someone say that he just mentioned a number of neighboring towns and that got him visitors from these towns.
Depending on the niche you are in, that might have some effect, to be honest. But I wouldn’t call it proper optimization. For the majority of companies, that strategy won’t work that well. It’s not really an optimization, it’s just that no-one else mentions that area and that product on his website. If there is competition, please use other methods as well.
Local SEO explained in detail
In our series on local SEO, David Mihm mentions a number of things you can do to really optimize your website for a certain geographical area:
An introduction to ranking your local business
The importance of Google My Business
How to optimize your website for local search
Why inbound links are so important and how to get them
Citations for local search
The impact of reviews for local ranking
Social media and local SEO
The impact of behavioral signals
That indeed is quite a lot to digest, but if you are serious about optimizing for your local audience, you should read all 8 articles.
Local SEO isn’t just about search engines
Yes, there is a lot you can do online to optimize your website for a local audience. But if you are running a local business, things like word-of-mouth and a print brochure etc also contribute to local SEO.
If you mention your website and social profiles on your offline communication/promotion as well, your Facebook likes might go up, your Twitter followers could increase and the direct traffic on your website will get higher. One way or another, this will be visible to Google as well, beit indirect perhaps.
So, local SEO consists of a number of factors that help you address your local audience by better rankings in search engines. It’s not just optimizing your address or your social media strategy, it’s all these things combined that we call local SEO. Good luck optimizing!
Read more: ‘Ultimate guide to small business SEO’ »
0 notes
wendyjudithqe · 6 years
What is local SEO?
Local SEO is about how to optimize your website to rank better for a local audience. A website gives you the opportunity to target the entire (online) world. But if the target audience for your business is actually located in or near the city you have your office or shop, you’ll need to practice at least some local SEO as well. You need to optimize for your city name, optimize your address details. In short: you need to optimize so people know where you are located and are able to find you offline (if required). In this post, we will try to explain what local SEO is, so you can optimize your local site as well! 
Make sure your customers find your shop! Optimize your site with our Local SEO plugin and show your opening hours, locations, map and much more! »
$69 - Buy now »
Info What is local SEO?
If you have a local business, like a shop, or have people visiting your office frequently, optimizing your website is also about making sure people are able to find you in real life. But even if your not actively getting visitors in your building, but are targeting an audience that is located in the same geographical area as you are, you need to optimize for that area. This is what we call “local SEO”.
Ground-rule these days is that it’s by far the easiest to optimize if you have a proper address in a region/city. The thing is that if you want to optimize for, for instance, a service area that you are not located in physically, your main tool for optimization is content. You should simply write a lot about that area. We found that oftentimes, this leads to forced articles or pages that have little to do with the business at hand, and are clearly there for SEO reasons.
Mentioning all the areas
Just recently, I heard someone say that he just mentioned a number of neighboring towns and that got him visitors from these towns.
Depending on the niche you are in, that might have some effect, to be honest. But I wouldn’t call it proper optimization. For the majority of companies, that strategy won’t work that well. It’s not really an optimization, it’s just that no-one else mentions that area and that product on his website. If there is competition, please use other methods as well.
Local SEO explained in detail
In our series on local SEO, David Mihm mentions a number of things you can do to really optimize your website for a certain geographical area:
An introduction to ranking your local business
The importance of Google My Business
How to optimize your website for local search
Why inbound links are so important and how to get them
Citations for local search
The impact of reviews for local ranking
Social media and local SEO
The impact of behavioral signals
That indeed is quite a lot to digest, but if you are serious about optimizing for your local audience, you should read all 8 articles.
Local SEO isn’t just about search engines
Yes, there is a lot you can do online to optimize your website for a local audience. But if you are running a local business, things like word-of-mouth and a print brochure etc also contribute to local SEO.
If you mention your website and social profiles on your offline communication/promotion as well, your Facebook likes might go up, your Twitter followers could increase and the direct traffic on your website will get higher. One way or another, this will be visible to Google as well, beit indirect perhaps.
So, local SEO consists of a number of factors that help you address your local audience by better rankings in search engines. It’s not just optimizing your address or your social media strategy, it’s all these things combined that we call local SEO. Good luck optimizing!
Read more: ‘Ultimate guide to small business SEO’ »
0 notes
lindasharonbn · 6 years
What is local SEO?
Local SEO is about how to optimize your website to rank better for a local audience. A website gives you the opportunity to target the entire (online) world. But if the target audience for your business is actually located in or near the city you have your office or shop, you’ll need to practice at least some local SEO as well. You need to optimize for your city name, optimize your address details. In short: you need to optimize so people know where you are located and are able to find you offline (if required). In this post, we will try to explain what local SEO is, so you can optimize your local site as well! 
Make sure your customers find your shop! Optimize your site with our Local SEO plugin and show your opening hours, locations, map and much more! »
$69 - Buy now »
Info What is local SEO?
If you have a local business, like a shop, or have people visiting your office frequently, optimizing your website is also about making sure people are able to find you in real life. But even if your not actively getting visitors in your building, but are targeting an audience that is located in the same geographical area as you are, you need to optimize for that area. This is what we call “local SEO”.
Ground-rule these days is that it’s by far the easiest to optimize if you have a proper address in a region/city. The thing is that if you want to optimize for, for instance, a service area that you are not located in physically, your main tool for optimization is content. You should simply write a lot about that area. We found that oftentimes, this leads to forced articles or pages that have little to do with the business at hand, and are clearly there for SEO reasons.
Mentioning all the areas
Just recently, I heard someone say that he just mentioned a number of neighboring towns and that got him visitors from these towns.
Depending on the niche you are in, that might have some effect, to be honest. But I wouldn’t call it proper optimization. For the majority of companies, that strategy won’t work that well. It’s not really an optimization, it’s just that no-one else mentions that area and that product on his website. If there is competition, please use other methods as well.
Local SEO explained in detail
In our series on local SEO, David Mihm mentions a number of things you can do to really optimize your website for a certain geographical area:
An introduction to ranking your local business
The importance of Google My Business
How to optimize your website for local search
Why inbound links are so important and how to get them
Citations for local search
The impact of reviews for local ranking
Social media and local SEO
The impact of behavioral signals
That indeed is quite a lot to digest, but if you are serious about optimizing for your local audience, you should read all 8 articles.
Local SEO isn’t just about search engines
Yes, there is a lot you can do online to optimize your website for a local audience. But if you are running a local business, things like word-of-mouth and a print brochure etc also contribute to local SEO.
If you mention your website and social profiles on your offline communication/promotion as well, your Facebook likes might go up, your Twitter followers could increase and the direct traffic on your website will get higher. One way or another, this will be visible to Google as well, beit indirect perhaps.
So, local SEO consists of a number of factors that help you address your local audience by better rankings in search engines. It’s not just optimizing your address or your social media strategy, it’s all these things combined that we call local SEO. Good luck optimizing!
Read more: ‘Ultimate guide to small business SEO’ »
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