#When yall be like u guys never talked to LGBT ppl in real life I hope yall know it blaming g ppl for being closeted n oppressed
regionbetween · 1 year
some of yall rly just dislike ftms and are proud of it. not all of us are """"transandrophobia truthers""""" and """"hate trans women and think we're better than them and think misandry is real""""" just bc we talk abt the very specific and REAL issues we face being both trans and men. the trans men who DO do this are not fighting for us and do not deserve to be taken seriously and generalized as the face of "transandrophobia" therefore all of the issues we are fucking begging other lgbt people to pay attention to get swept under the rug bc we're all just whack misogynists. im so done talking abt this. this is why a giant percentage of us go stealth and abandon the community that's supposed to help us. ive literally seen it happen. you people do not care about us and it is so glaringly obvious
#this is swinging a bat at a hornets nest because people will be so fast to claim im like a misogynist bc i recognize trans men have issues#like why do u want us to shut up so badly abt the oppression we face#i very much disagree with the guys who try to make it a competition and blame women for the issues because that is not the case at all#also trans women i know in real life have always been my biggest supporters and i ofc have shown them that same support#they KNOW how ppl view trans men they KNOW we're fighting the same fight#so it is absolutely batshit to 'blame them' and i personally never would#it is definitely the fault of cis people and this does not exclude cis queer people#most acts of transphobia i have personally experienced have actually been from people in the lgbt community#and it was TRANS WOMEN who stood up for me. trans women i hope u all know the right trans man who can actually fucking think with his brain#will always have your back#it just sucks that when we talk about our issues its immediately#oh you must HATE WOMEN HUH#like..no man. yall do hate ftms tho#u hate that we abandoned womanhood and you take it out on us and everything we do is policed like crazy#Whatever. its so upsetting truly#also im sorry but how come you guys can agree thst cis men can be victims under the patriarchy but for some reason trans men just arent#????#maybe YOU are the ones who need to mske friends with ftms who dont live on tumblr and make stupid fucking comments about how evil women are#bc ive met misogynistic ftms too and yknow where they are in life? friendless and alone and miserable.#like not to pull a not all men but my God
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