#Where the Moral Is 'You Should Be Ok With the Weird Mean Holiday Mocking the Worst Thing Thats Happened to You'
mumpsetc · 4 months
The Way Redemption Works in MLP Where the Redeemed Party Has to Be Ok With Ponies Referencing Their Wrong Doings Like They're Fresh and Recent Forever and Any Frustration or Pushback or Response That Isn't a Placcid "Yes I Was the Most Evil Pony Ever" is Treated as Backsliding Kinda Sucks, Esp With How Nonuniformly It Gets Enforced.
Why Does Discord Get to Become a Whacky Cast Member Despite Continuing to Be a Weasely Cunt But Luna, Starlight, Sunset and Even Trixie Have to Develop Self Policing Guilt Complexes That Ruin Their Confidence and Constantly Put Them on Edge to Have the Dignity of Not Constantly Getting Their Past Behavior Shoved in Their Faces
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kinetic-elaboration · 3 years
September 1: 3x06 Spectre of the Gun
Okay so, it might be a little early to declare myself a S3 apologist, since there are still a lot of eps I’ve never seen, but I feel like I’m pretty close..
This ep was so good!! Honestly I think it’s one of my faves. And perfect to usher in Spooky Season.
Honestly, this show really is my happy place. Just all the characters together on the bridge, on some kinda adventure, looking at weird space buoys and investigating stuff.
Again, this buoy looks like a Windows 98 screensaver.
Kirk keeps referring to Spock as “Science Officer.” Is he mad at him? Full of some particularly intense longing that requires him to put extra distance between them?
Excuse me, you address US as aliens? YOU’RE the aliens.
Hmmm, so it seems they’re not friendly.
It’s addressing them in different languages!!! I love it. Love the reminder that Uhura’s first language is not English,also.
“True telepaths are dangerous.” As opposed to fake telepaths like Vulcans lol?
The Melkotians withdrew immediately. They invented space travel, they saw space, and they said “not for us” and they turned around and left. McCoy would like them; they’d have a lot to gripe about together.
The welcome mat is NOT out.
“Unlike Mr. Scott’s transporter, this unit is not functioning.”
It legit looked like Spock put his hand on Kirk’s back there. Like he clearly raises it, but not far enough to be seen above Kirk, so like.. what was the point? Where did it go?
LEE CRONIN--oh no, flashbacks lol.
“We come in peace”--immediately pulls out gun.
I should have watched this when writing my Western fic.
Just bits and pieces of a Western town... and a completely red sky...
The guns are “crude but dangerous.” If only Sulu were here; he’d love this.
An announcement with a specific time and place on it--that’s a very precise detail to just pull from their minds. Must have come from Kirk’s, that nerd. Maybe Spock. But probably Kirk.
“Because my ancestors pioneered the American frontier.” I mean did they really get to the frontier? Or just... the Midwest?
Maybe it’s actually because he’s a cowboy at heart?
Aliens using his own ancestral sins as the pattern for his own death for breaking their law IS a great (possibly partially unintended) idea. Oh also, if they think that Kirk and co. are here to ‘tame’ or colonize them, then the Western setting makes even more sense--you’re no different from your ancestors, you came somewhere new and brought lawlessness and violence and death, but not this time!
Can you believe Kirk knows all of these details about the OK Corral? NERD.
Spock is so proud of himself for knowing the phrase “had it out.” Look, I used slang correctly!
These are some creative aliens.
“We know death is real here.” Or is it? They’re literally telepaths guys.
Hmmm, this building doesn’t need a roof I think. - The aliens probably
Can’t believe Scotty thinks his usual is his actual usual lol. You’re going to drink bourbon and like it!
Kirk and Spock look so good together.
They’re obviously Chekov’s disapproving parents.
“The day is still young, Ensign.” I don’t remember the exact context of this but Spock is SO judgmental.
What is Kirk doing? This guy is a hallucination; he won’t be convinced by touching some cloth. There’s nothing to convince! He’s only a Concept.
“Have you seen clothes like this?” / “Yes.” / “Where?” / “On the Claytons!” Comedy gold.
Kirk really thinks he can charm his way out of anything. Hmmm, maybe if I just talk nicely to the Earps, they won’t kill us.
“In small amounts, it [bourbon] was considered medicinal.” Lol.
Scotty is becoming a bourbon guy!
“Mr. Chekov is inVOLVed” lol. Is that what the kids are calling it these days?
“A lot of people and things have tried to kill me.” No need to brag.
THAT’S how you make a city limits sign. Put a dead animal skull on top. I live quite close to a city limits sign and I think it could use a cow skull.
Western Cossacks!!
Poisonous snakes and cactus plants. That really distills the Aesthetic down to its core.
This is a good Kirk episode. He’s really being a good Captain: coming up with different ideas, being creative, pushing his crew to brainstorm.
Bones and his tranqs again.
Bones meets his old nemesis: Old Timey Medicine.
Why was Doc Holiday just...chilling in his own dentist chair? (My mom suggested: power nap. Let’s go with that. Power nap + ability for optimally dramatic entrance.)
Also I can’t believe McCoy just goes into this guy’s practice and starts helping himself to all the serious drugs.
Chekov definitely isn’t the marrying kind.
RIP Chekov.
Bones does not sound very sympathetic here. Jim, get over it, he just died, whatever.
And then two seconds later he turns around and tells Spock he’s not sad enough! You can’t win.
“We all knew the risk when we joined the service.”
“My feelings are not a subject for discussion.” !!!!!!! This line!!
“You worked closely with him.” Yes! Chekov is his protege!
“Bones, Scotty, stop bullying Spock.” <-- not an actual quote but it might as well be.
If this were AOS, Spock would already be choking Bones out.
Whoops, no one told Chekov he wasn’t supposed to die!
“Let’s organize! Let’s form an anti-Earp union!”
“I can’t kill them!” he says in a mad rage.
I mean, it is important, though. That’s not what he does.
Kirk is /disgusted/ by lawlessness and frontier justice. What a Rebel TM.
I feel like Bones was waiting for the gotcha moment when Spock compliments him. “Saying nice things about me? That’s not how this relationship works!”
“Nothing can go wrong.” / “Up to now, everything has gone wrong.” He has a point.
That pause before Spock admitted it hasn’t been tested lol--they don’t want to admit it.
“[The bourbon’s] for the pain.” / “But this is painless.” / “You should have told me that before.” The unexpected comedy stylings of Scotty and Spock.
It doesn’t work--guess Spock’s got to take back that compliment now.
“Captain, you don’t understand--they’ve been telepaths the whole time which we already knew!”
“We’re not going to move from the spot.” * is immediately in a different spot * Well I mean at least he’s trying. He’s doing his best!
Love the OK Corral sign also. Weirdly creepy. With its accompanying horse.
Spock doesn’t have any hips for the holster to rest on.
“What did Chekov die of?” / “A piece of lead in his body.” That would do it.
If the tranquilizer should have been effective, does that mean Scotty is actually passed out right now?
Honestly, this is all so spooky. TRUE Western Horror Ghost Vibes.
Also very trippy. If you don’t believe it... it’s not real... some kinda weird chicken and the egg argument regarding our belief in the truth of physical laws idk but it sounds good. Spock brings it home.
Even with the wind whipping around him, Kirk is SO in love. His absolutely adoring expression... So soft...
“Very well, Sir, I’ll meld with you again. Not that I particularly want to. It will be a sacrifice. But I’ll manage. Even though you’re such a dynamic individual haha ha I’m fine I’m cool.”
I feel like Scotty is NOT into the mind meld. He looks terrified. Maybe he should have saved the bourbon for this occasion.
I know the mind meld is supposed to be a replacement for on screen hypnotism...but is this not hypnotism? Like even more than past uses? In this case, Spock is leaving them with suggestions that he wants to continue AFTER the meld, as opposed to, like, efficiently sharing information or giving immediate suggestions. And the scenes themselves are very creepy and...hypnotic.
Kirk’s patented move: WHOLE BODY ATTACK.
Well, we wrapped that up right quick.
Did they... never actually leave the bridge? Or even navigate past the buoy? This actually brings up a lot of questions as to when the aliens started the hallucinations, what their bodies looked like to the rest of the crew, and how they woke up--since there’s obviously been a bit of a time skip, as Bones is already examining Chekov.
Lol at Chekov, saved by horniness. “Nothing but the girl was real to him.”
“A vast alliance of fellow creatures who all believe in the same thing...”
Kirk’s vision of the utopian future is so powerful, he’s effectively gotten the welcome mat put back out.
A personal question? Kirk is intrigued.
Ah, but it’s just another excuse for Spock to be a hypocrite--how did humans survive? How did VULCANS survive? And for the show to remind us of its utopian vision of the future... we will move past violence, we will prove ourselves attractive to and worth of new alien friends.
Then McCoy walks out so Kirk and Spock can have their Moment. He undoubtedly knows what’s up.
So this ep was shown one day before the anniversary of the shootout at the OK Corral AND on Halloween week. It is very much a spooky season episode. So surreal and strange. Ghostly.
I know using sets rather than on location shoots, and not even building whole sets, was a budgetary issue but tbqh I think it worked in the ep’s favor. It added to the alien feeling of it and was an accidentally creative way of showing that these images were pulled from Kirk’s mind.
This felt like a very Classic S1-ish ep to me. I think it’s because Kirk was foregrounded as the Captain/hero and we get to see not just his intelligence and creativity and leadership but also his compassion and his moral core. He IS the values of the series, personified, and that was clear here.
But we also got to see lots of him and Spock, casually working as a pair, and the use of the rest of the landing party crew was very deft also. I loved that there was time to mock Chekov’s horniness, to talk about Spock and Chekov’s professional relationship, to joke around with Scotty, to show more of the Spock and Bones dynamic.
Again, great sci fi concept. I think this would have been another possible inspo for my Pirate AU if I’d seen it in time (although I think I picked a good mission-concept ultimately). I’m fascinated by the Melkotians: who are they? What do they really look like? Do they communicate any other way but telepathically? Are they corporeal? What is their planet like? And most importantly, what experience lead them to be so isolationist? They specifically refer to the aliens as “disease” coming into their home. And it’s when Kirk shows himself to be fundamentally nonviolent even in the face of his own death, they let the Enterprise through.
Basically, I always enjoy hints of alien societies that bring up more questions for me than answers. I love speculating about it.
The next two eps I’ve seen and remember well and I know they’re classics. I’m really looking forward to them!
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theajaheira · 7 years
Imperfections (37/?)
i feel weird about the upcoming plotline & chapters but. they’ll probably hold up ok when they’re part of a finished story so i think i should keep them in
“Hey,” Faith tossed a box of Pop-Tarts to Giles, “can we get these?”
Giles gave Faith a long-suffering look and said, “Bloody hell, I’ve got two of them now.” Jen started laughing.
“What?” said Faith defensively.
Jen tried to speak through her laughter, waved a hand vaguely, and kept laughing.
“Ms. Calendar always tries to sneak Pop-Tarts in,” Oz explained, placing a few cans of soup into the shopping cart. “Last time she and Giles had a tug-of-war in the juice aisle.”
Faith looked at Giles, looked at Jen, and handed Giles five more boxes of Pop-Tarts.
“Stop that,” said Giles indignantly. “Jenny, stop laughing, this is your Slayer we’re talking about. You should be concerned about her eating habits.”
“I found the eggs, Giles!” Xander called, running up with four cartons in his arms.
Giles pressed his hands to his face. “They’re breakable.”
Jen seemed to finally manage to stop laughing, took the Pop-Tart boxes from Giles, placed three in the cart, put the rest back, and said, “Xander, really, you’ve got to be more careful with the eggs.”
“We’re keeping three?” said Faith with satisfaction.
“Oh, completely,” Jen agreed. “Okay. How much stuff do we have that’s actually on the shopping list?”
“Fruit,” said Buffy cheerfully, placing a box of raspberries carefully on top of one of the remaining Pop-Tart boxes. “And I’m pretty sure Willow’s off getting baking chocolate.”
“Where’s Cordelia?” Xander asked, looking around with genuine surprise. Jen took the eggs from him.
Buffy frowned. “You know, I’m actually not sure.”
“Hey, Giles, do we need Easter Peeps for whatever it is we’re doing right now?” Cordelia asked, hurrying up to the group with a large bag of brightly colored marshmallow chicks.
“It’s my first round of shopping for our holiday dinner in December,” said Giles exasperatedly, “and I made sure to tell you all that in the car, and no, we already have Pop-Tarts. That’s enough artificially flavored garbage to—”
“Aww, Easter Peeps!” Jen hurried past Giles, taking the bag from Cordelia. “I don’t care that we’re winter-solstice shopping, those never go out of season.”
“For the love of—” Giles stepped forward, trying to tug the bag away from Jen.
“I’m sorry, tug-of-war? Are we five?” Jen said with mock indignance, and stepped on Giles’s foot, taking this opportunity to pull the bag of Easter Peeps away from him and collide with a shelf of cat food.
“This is great,” said Xander to Willow. “I wish my parents fought over Easter Peeps in the middle of a grocery store.”
“No. No, you don’t. Stop encouraging her.” Giles took the bag of Easter Peeps from Jen and handed it back to Cordelia. “I am trying to draw some kind of line.”
“What if I said they were for me?” Jen inquired.
“And me,” said Faith hopefully.
“Oooh, Easter Peeps!” said Buffy with interest.
Jen smiled a little wryly. “Fine,” she said, “I see your point. No Easter Peeps.”
“Communication is an important part of a healthy relationship,” Willow teased.
Faith gave Jen a brief grin before taking a look at her copy of the shopping list. No one had gotten the frozen peas for Giles’s chicken pot pie yet, so she decided to go and get those. “Be right back,” she told the group, and headed into the frozen section.
To her surprise, she saw that pretty blonde physics teacher from school crying directly in front of the frozen peas. Great. Now Faith was going to have to walk past her to get the peas, and there was going to be an inevitable awkward moment whether or not the physics teacher recognized her. Trying to decide how best to play this one, Faith hovered nonchalantly by the aisle.
A short woman with caramel-colored hair came up to the physics teacher. “I’ve found the cupcake mix,” she announced. “We can do some angry-vengeance baking together now.” She hesitated, looking at the teacher. “You feeling a little better?” she asked sympathetically.
Relieved, Faith took a step forward. Maybe now they’d leave.
“Oh, yeah, crying in a grocery store does wonders for morale,” sniffled the teacher. “I’m pretty sure I already saw five people I know here, and two of them are faculty members.”
“Come on.” The other woman patted the teacher awkwardly on the shoulder. “Buck up. We can go get some hot chocolate and talk about—”
“God, I wish no one could see me like this!” the teacher burst out. “Or—or even hear me!”
Faith was just about to decide that the frozen peas were definitely not worth watching this mortifying spectacle and leave, but then the other woman’s face—changed. It wasn’t exactly horrifying, but it was definitely not human. “Done,” said the woman, and suddenly the pretty physics teacher was gone.
“Hey!” Faith shouted. The woman turned, her face still creepy and very demon-y. “What the hell did you do to her?”
Behind her, she felt a hand on her shoulder. “Faith,” said Jen a little reprovingly, and then, upon seeing the demon, “Oh. Wow. Okay.”
Without a word, the demon vanished.
“Oh, wow, that’s reassuring,” said Jen, her grip tight on Faith’s shoulder. “Did she—you’re okay, right?”
“What?” Faith looked over at Jen. “No, I’m fine. I’m more worried about the other lady.”
“The other who now?” Willow inquired from next to Jen.
Buffy sprinted into the aisle, fists up. “What’s going on?” she demanded.
“Faith’s shouting at nobody in a grocery aisle,” said Cordelia, strolling over to stand next to Buffy.
“Not nobody,” said Faith indignantly.
“Yeah, there was a creepy demon lady who disappeared a few seconds after I showed up,” Jen added helpfully.
“And the physics teacher,” Faith put in.
Giles frowned, rolling the shopping cart up to the group. “The physics teacher?”
“Shit,” said Faith. “Uh, I don’t remember her name. Blonde lady, really pretty. Lots of crying.”
Jen’s eyes widened. “Ms. Emerson?”
“Yeah!” Faith beamed at Jen. “That sounds familiar. Ms. Emerson—why do you look so worried?”
“No, it’s just—” Jen waved a hand. “Some substitute teacher was asking me about Ms. Emerson a few days back.”
“Substitute teacher?” Xander repeated warily.
“Ooh, yeah.” Willow winced. “Substitute teachers do tend to be a little weird in this town. Remember that one who was a praying mantis?”
“Awesome,” said Jen exhaustedly. “I turned on a demon teacher’s computer.”
“Is that a euphemism?” Xander asked.
“So not the time,” said Cordelia pointedly.
“Let’s not jump to any unwarranted conclusions,” interrupted Giles. “Faith, what happened to Ms. Emerson?”
“Well,” said Faith slowly, “she was crying about something with her friend, and she was all I wish no one could see me like this, and then the friend turned into that demon and Ms. Emerson disappeared.”
“No one can see her,” said Giles slowly. “Perhaps—”
“—her friend took that one literally,” Jen finished. “Where was Ms. Emerson?”
“In front of the frozen peas,” said Faith. “Why?”
Jen stepped forward, giving a worried-looking Giles a reassuring smile. Carefully, she walked towards the frozen peas, reaching out in front of her. “Ms. Emerson?” she said carefully. “Are you there?”
“Oh, right,” Faith added hastily. “Ms. Emerson also said something about how she didn’t want anyone to hear her.”
Jen yelped and tripped over something, grabbing at something else to hold her steady. “Hey, Rupert?” she called. “Can you come over here for a second?” She shifted to a kneeling position on the floor, placing her hand on thin air. “Hi,” she said. “Okay. Just—hold on to me, all right? We’re going to try and fix this.”
“Ah,” said Giles weakly. “She’s found Ms. Emerson.”
“So I’m guessing we save shopping for a later date?” Xander inquired uncertainly.
Willow carried a grocery bag in, handing it off to Faith when she entered the kitchen. Buffy and Faith were putting the groceries away, Giles was making pasta, and everyone else was clustered awkwardly around Ms. Calendar and Ms. Emerson at the kitchen table.
“Hey,” said Ms. Calendar with a tired grin. “Thanks for finishing up the shopping.”
“No problem!” Willow smiled back. “How’s Ms. Emerson doing?”
“Pretty well, considering that this is her first contact with the supernatural world,” Ms. Calendar replied, pointing to the pen and paper in front of Ms. Emerson. “She’s been communicating with us via more traditional means. Turns out that the substitute history teacher is some kind of weird demon lady, because she’s the person who Faith saw with Charlotte.”
“Charlotte?” Xander repeated.
“Ms. Emerson,” Ms. Calendar explained, glancing over at the empty chair next to her. “She and Anya have been pretty close for the last few days. Apparently, Anya’s provided something of a listening ear through some hard times.”
“Someday,” said Giles, placing a stack of plates down on the table, “Snyder will get what’s coming to him for all these bloody demons he keeps putting on staff.”
“Oh, no, I think the praying mantis was actually thanks to Flutie,” said Ms. Calendar thoughtfully. “Also, I really want to hear more about that tape Buffy said you made on proper filing.”
Ms. Emerson tapped the pen pointedly against the table.
“So how exactly do we fix this?” Cordelia asked. “Anya’s vanished into thin air, and we don’t know if she’s coming back any time soon.”
“Before we figure out how to help Ms. Emerson, don’t we need to figure out why Anya came here in the first place?” said Oz thoughtfully.
All eyes turned to him. “What do you mean?” said Willow, surprised.
Oz smiled at her. “Well,” he said, “if we know why Anya decided to grant Ms. Emerson’s wish, we’ll know why she was there for Ms. Emerson to begin with. And if we know that, we’ll know how to get her to come back.”
“That is a really good point,” said Ms. Calendar, jumping up from her chair and crossing the room to Giles. “Rupert, put someone else on dinner duty. You and I need to get into research mode.” Without waiting for Giles’s answer, she grabbed his arm, pulling him into the other room. Over her shoulder, she called, “If anyone wants to ask Ms. Emerson any useful questions, definitely do that too, okay?”
“I think you should cover that, Will,” said Xander, nudging her gently.
“Yeah, Willow,” said Faith in what was a surprisingly genuine tone of voice. “You’re a smart chick. Go for it.”
Quietly, Willow slid into Ms. Calendar’s seat, feeling a little weird to just be looking at an empty chair. “Um, hi,” she said.
The pen moved. On the paper, Ms. Emerson’s neat cursive spelled out hello.
Willow tried to think of a useful question she could ask. “So, um, how did you meet Anya?” she asked carefully.
She was in the staff room at the same time I was, Ms. Emerson wrote. She made me a cup of coffee.
“Hey,” said Faith suddenly. “Was there anything weird about Anya?”
“Well, duh, she can turn people invisible,” said Cordelia, examining her nails.
“That’s not what she means,” Willow realized aloud. “Ms. Emerson,” she continued, “was there anything distinctive you noticed about Anya? Like, a birthmark, a scar, some weird piece of jewelry—”
The pen began to scribble very fast.
“Bingo,” said Faith, beaming at Willow.
Willow peered over at the piece of paper. Anya gave me a necklace to wear, it read. She said it was a good-luck charm. I don’t have it on me anymore—I think it disappeared along with her. Is it possible that this necklace could be linked to her somehow?
“All right, someone go tell Giles and Ms. Calendar about this,” Willow instructed the room. “Ms. Emerson, can you draw what the necklace looks like? Just a rough approximation should be fine.”
“Ooh, you’ve got the leader thing down pat,” Buffy teased gently, pausing by the table to smile at Willow. “I’ll finish up that pasta for everyone.”
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