#Which is extremely cruel conceptually given his story but not many things I want more in life
onepiecematchmaker · 7 years
Okay now I want to talk about the CP9
And not in the usual way? I was doing some looking into something for an OC and that led me into animal stereotypes. It occurred to me that I’ve never seen the CP9 discussed in terms of animal stereotypes, which is odd since they obviously have them. 
This won’t be majorly exposition heavy because I think it’s self explanatory. Also it’s long so it’s under the cut.
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I think often people already portray Lucci (in art, fic, etc.) as having cat similarities. Often, the silly ones, which are drawn from the reality of cats rather than the generalizations of them. I didn’t include a screenshot of this one, but I do think he falls within the sexy cat stereotype too. While it’s more often attributed to females, Lucci is the most attractive member of the organization. That’s not really accounting for personal opinions (or for those who can’t call a male sexy) but it’s definitely. yeah. whooo. He’s a hot guy.
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Yeah I remember that cover story. And his running joke is generally looking ridiculous in neck and nose.
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I’ll explain this one a touch more I guess. At Water 7 he’s played as being slow and stupid and generally as just around. Of course we know he’s dangerous. Also the Minotaur? I kinda saw that when he first showed up. Man with a bull’s head sort of thing.
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Recall that Kalifa was “fooled” into believing that Monster Chopper was Nami’s DF power. She also had a rough time with Nami’s mirages. There’s no stereotype for sexy sheep, but I think sexy is just Kalifa as Kalifa.
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This one is pretty obvious.
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He is cruel, and he is evil. Often he’s discussed in terms of his offer to kill Usopp quickly and without pain, and cruel is attributed to Lucci, but I think his cruelty can be more subtle. He killed 20 extra people on his previous mission and didn’t apologize for it. He also “plays with his food” - tricking Usopp into going for the key and almost killing him, as well as trying to trick Sanji.
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I don’t think it’s a stretch, but maybe someone else does. Fukuro is obviously not very smart (perhaps a downfall within the Gov’t system of picking it’s assassins) and tells people things they’re not supposed to know. And while it falls under general birds in terms of stereotypes, he gossips all the time. 
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Bears often have positive connotations, and that could be called inversion of stereotypes in this case, but cruel, proud, and dopey fit for sure (I think he’s lovable but I’m an outlier). And I don’t include dumb in this case (though a lot of people would say he is) because he’s not really. He’s dopey, but he’s extremely crafty, which is more commonly attributed to foxes and cats.
And how could I leave out the actual animals in a discussion of animal stereotypes?
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Hattori seems like a gag animal but I think his stereotypes are an extension of Lucci.
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I attributed his loyalty to being an object rather than an elephant, because he is still a sword. But he’s not really depicted as evil.
I thought this was interesting, and I definitely think Oda looked through lists of stereotypes while conceptualizing the CP9. I suppose this is both a closer look and some advice? I have seen and read a lot of CP9 OCs, maybe this could be helpful for trying to fit the theme they were given (it helped me). The only problem for me personally is which fucking animal cuz there’s so many good ones.
Anyway, hoped it was entertaining at least.
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