#Winry Rockbell Rper
gnzma · 2 years
your first muse!!
[ gio spills the tea ; ACCEPTING ]
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[ okayy so i already talked plenty about my first muse (my silly demon oc that eventually lead to me not talking to my ex anymore) and my first canon muse ( alice touhou or flaky htf i dont remember which one came first) AND my first pokemon muse ( silver but i was deep in my dweeb phase so we dont talk about facebook!silver ) so. it's time it's time to talk about the first muse that survived for more than one year
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winry rockbell. written by 14 years old me on IMVU and dealing with a big heavy rp with an edward who followed the 2003 anime and REFUSED to watch brotherhood, a love triangle, an evil clone of edward who tried to kill me several times and eventually someone who decided to play an "evil winry" saying that they were my sister IRL, leaving me completely baffled
it all ended with the edward RPer decided to not get in there anymore and mysteriously everyone else disappeared too, so my game theory is that they were all of the people we RPd with ]
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