#Yaretzi D'macro
karastroph1c · 2 years
How is she in school?
Yaretzi's Ryoutei experience headcanons
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✒Yaretzi is a 3rd year transfer student from the states. However she's now a permanent resident in Japan and is spending her last high school year here + university. ✒Because of the odd hours she's not used to she can usually be seen with a coffee in her hand, walking with Mycale to campus then hangs out with her brother before class ✒Speaking of Mycale she's her ride to School, that or she just takes the train to school since she hasn't gotten her Japanese driver's license yet ✒If she gets too bored and has no one to talk to she's going do things she has no business doing. Walking along the wrong side of the fence on the rooftop, sitting ON the roofs and stinking up the classrooms with her smoking. Zael is the only one who bothers telling her to get down.
✒She's in the Art club! mainly doing clay sculptures rather than the usual painting. ✒Not THAT popular, but not a nobody either. She mainly catches attention due to the whole transfer student thing. Being invited to a nice sized friend group. ✒She never misses a day but is a bit late sometimes because she wants to finish her cigarette. ✒She shares most classes with Azusa, Shu and Mycale and also her cooking class with Ruki and Reiji
✒Yaretzi absolutely hates her cooking class since that includes eating food someone else made, which triggers her horrid memories so she has to manually pick at it and inspect it which takes 10 whole minutes to do before she even smells it. ✒It makes her ashamed of herself. She knows her classmates won't just drug her, that's ridiculous. But she has to be safe rather than sorry, she needs to.
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✒Yaretzi excels at creative classes. Art, Literature, (sometimes) cooking are all things she's passionate about, A+ student right there. ✒Mathematics are her weakness. She's not stupid but she'd rather sick a cigarette up her nose than study for algebra, ESPECIALLY algebra 2. ✒It doesn't help that Mycale gets in her ear about her grades, she gets so much more tired at her desk rewriting the quadratic formula for the 10th time in an hour. ✒Nonetheless her efforts aren't in vain as she usually gets a B or an A on a good day. She got a C once but just decided the math wasn't mathing that day.
✒She DID have a tutor, a cute boy the same year as her. Sweet boy and he even smoked! Finally had someone to share the lung cancer with! ✒But of course Yaretzi accidentally spills too much about herself and scares him away and makes her cry for WEEKS about it because she had a serious crush on him. ✒Fate made them meet yet again! Late at night both of them in the same elevator. Making small talk that turned into a sudden guilt trip by you-know-who to get him back. ✒"But I'm not some sort of crazy man eater! I'm just a girl! harmless! Honest!" ✒ This of course started a dissension, with Yaretzi BEGGING him not to leave and to just hear her out! just once! She even grabbed the ends of his scarf, trying to pull him back in the elevator. ✒Then the doors closed on his scarf. ✒She couldn't get the door open in time before the elevator ascended, it was too late. She didn't watch the news for a while after that.
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✒To put it simply, she smokes on her breaks. She follows the leader of her little cliche while passing them around to everyone. Talking shit and anything about they bought recently. ✒Of course since she's not human it's not hurting her, but an addiction is still an addiction. her arms break out in hives if she doesn't have a cigarette at least once every 2 days. ✒Because of her job she gets an employee discount, so she usually just buys her lunch from there instead of taking the time to cook ✒This was the usual routine until some boy with facial scars asked her to blow the smoke in his face. ✒Now she has a companion! a cute blood sucking companion! but she's concerned about his mental health even though her mental health fucking sucks too ✒Her motto was to be a supportive friend to him, but it only took a few weeks for them to holding hands.
✒A blonde girl also ruined her routine. Well of course she did, it's her job to keep an eye on her, But she didn't expect to actually like her. ✒'Like' is actually an understatement she's head over heels for Yui, and was the final anchor to drown out that nasty internalized misogyny she had ✒This bitch just has issue over issue doesn't she? ✒Now she packs an extra pink lunchbox and a few bandages in her bag. ❤Just for her two new favorite people
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karastroph1c · 2 years
⊶An introduction to: Yaretzi D'macro⊷
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◈Name meaning Yaretzi: The name is of Aztec origin, with the meaning being "You will always be loved" With Raea giving this name to her daughter so she'll know that no matter what happens. Her mother will love her, and will watch every step she takes. D'macro: This one is actually a pun, as a "macro" is a programming pattern that specifies how a certain input should be mapped to a replacement output. This is in reference to Raea birthing Yaretzi so she can 'pass the torch' when she dies ◈ Kanji(?) ヤレツィ ◈Age 18 ◈ Height 5'8 ◈Ethnicity Greek/Puerican ◈Birthday February 31st ◈Gender Female ◈Zodiac Pisces: The water element and the ruling planet of Neptune, Pisces are in tuned with their emotions, and are able to judge whether someone is good or bad. With a strong moral compass and a sensitive heart, Yaretzi BARELY fits with her stupid little sign. ◈Birthstone Amethystos: A remedy against drunkenness, as the Greeks thought it could prevent intoxication. It's associated with Bacchus due to its wine like color. Raea would wrap a necklace made from it before sending Yaretzi off to school after forcing her to drink a cup of Alcopop because she 'needed' it. At first, she loved her little necklace even though it always felt snug and tight. Because she thought it was gifted out of love, but now she can't stand to look at the purple dog collar, let alone the gem itself. Crushing it under her foot when she arrived at Japan was cathartic. ◈Occupation ⚬ 3rd year student at Ryoutei Academy ⚬Waitress: Because when your greedy as hell $700 a month isn't enough (and 5-dollar coffee money stacks up sadly). Yaretzi was strolling down the streets of Tokyo until she sees this big, pink cafe and just stares in awe. One of the waitresses beckons her to come in and she realizes it's one of those themed bars and all the staff were dressed as magical girls. This woman goes BERSERK and spends over $50 on desserts and soda and the extra $30 went in her server's pocket as a tip. Needless to say, she's very much welcomed there and was even more welcomed to apply as a waitress. Now she calls herself 'MAGICAL GIRL OF PURITY YARETZI!!!!' and poses like a dumbass at work. She only hopes nobody she knows sees her. ◈ Languages ⚬ English: Her native tongue, she's been speaking it all her life so there's not really much to say. ⚬Greek: Another language she's fluent in. Her mother taught her in the 5th grade because she wanted her daughter to learn more about her heritage. After years of studying the words flow out of her tongue as easily as English. ⚬Japanese: Yaretzi would rather shit out glass than relearn kanji. Hiragana was fine, Katakana was tricky, but she jumped over that hurdle. But KANJI? No, never again.
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By the time I finish writing this my sister and I will be long gone from this place, and because of that I can finally call this 'place' a hellhole. But do not be mistaken, I'm in no rush to finish this note just as Yaretzi and I are in no rush to leave. The sounds of screaming will make our ears bleed no more and the smell of blood will curl our stomachs will cease to be. I'd like to believe our very mother is ceased to exist as well. After all, consuming such a race is bound to have side effects to the human body. I don't know who will find this note first, our mother or someone else. But please know we were, despite everything, good children. Yaretzi, IS a good child. She resists freedom and will always resist freedom for the sake of our mother. She will reject stable impulse for the sake of Raea. She will deny stable values for Raea. I'm getting a bit too emotional, so I'll cut this short. I pray the day Yaretzi finds her place in the world our mother won't be present when she looks in the mirror and instead the sweet little girl deserving of love.
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karastroph1c · 2 years
Yaretzi's Lookbook + Headcanons
"Haha, actually I have a feeling if Raea saw you now, she'd start sobbing." "Good." tw: mentions of assault + child abuse
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🟆Yaretzi is by all accounts a hyperfeminine girl, even when her mother made her dress as a mini version of herself, she just knew she wanted to wear what those fashion show models had on 🟆This was amplified at 13 when she went to a friend's house and her wall was FILLED with Bratz dolls. She thought she was in heaven and cried when she had to go home. 🟆She wasn't allowed to go there anymore because it was a 'room made by a future prostitute' according to Raea. She cried even harder. 🟆Things didn't get better even when she got older, I dare say it was worse. Raea took a tape measure to see how long the skirt she had on was and if it wasn't to her knees then she's attention starved and was "just asking to get assaulted!" that or she'd whack her thigh with it. 🟆This horrible scare tactic worked. At least for a while as now since Zael would help his sister hide her "hooker clothes" deep in his closet. 🟆False nails, lashes, miniskirts, crop tops ANYTHING that wasn't 'safe' would either be hidden in a box in his closet or in Yaretzi's car in the trunk. 🟆In truth, there no real word to describe the euphoric freedom Yaretzi felt when she was heading to the airport. She was free. Free to be who she wanted to be and most certainly dress however she desired. 🟆In the middle of the flight a little girl came to her seat and told her she looked pretty, she was shedding tears of joy for a whole hour after that.
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🟆Yaretzi's style doesn't really have a name, but there are repeating features in her clothes that tells you what she likes, mainly texture. 🟆Fur, ruffles, lace, ribbed cardigans almost nothing Retzi wears has a smooth texture. There's always something going on with whatever's on her. 🟆She's also grown to love animal prints, it makes her feel like an actual mature adult and not some stupid kid that need guidance. 🟆Booty shorts lover, anything that would've made her mom scream at her she'll wear it. She likes to add lace or those cute patches you sew on
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🟆For shoewear 9/10 times it's gonna be heeled, doesn't matter if it's boots or crocs there's always somesort of wedge in it
🟆For someone who's 5'8 she has abosutely no need for any sort of heel but there's a breeze of superiority the blows in her hair when she gets to look down on someone (especially if it's those jackass vampire boys) 🟆Let me do the math for you, platforms normally give someone 3-5 more inches of height. This makes Yaretzi 6 FEET AND 1 INCH. 🟆Being tall is a wonderful thing isn't it? 🟆She also skates, her mother would take the two to the roller rink every saturday. She got a pair on her 15th birthday and has been rolling around since
🟆it's also good for getting away from certain vampires
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🟆If there's anything Yaretzi spends her money on its jewelry
🟆Despite how big and gaudy some of her accessories are the colors are always minimalistic it's easy on the eyes. Besides Yaretzi wants you to pay attention to all of her. Not just the pretty gems.
🟆Some are even made of glass which she takes extra care of. 🟆But no matter what kind of one-of-a-kind items she has in her jewelry box. nothing will come close to all of the swan related things she has. 🟆Despite ransacking the house before they left, she doesn't have the D'macro heirloom, Zael was the one that took that. Yaretzi was the one who took back her dignity.
🟆Instead she finds comfort in anything that has the bird on it. Brooches, feathers from the nearby lake to put in her hair, going INTO the lake all the way down to the bottom to find things to add to her collection.
🟆It makes her feel closer to home. The home that resides in her daydreams, that her inner child would've been loved and cherished in.
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karastroph1c · 2 years
Yaretzi's Masterlist
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The Yaretzi Starterpack School Headcanons Will she learn another language? Her Wardrobe
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karastroph1c · 2 years
The feminine urge to have Yaretzi dress like a bratz doll
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karastroph1c · 2 years
Regarding languages, she also knows Japanese, is there a reason behind that other than her heading there? Will she continue to learn more languages too?
Yaretzi learned Japanese purely because she was headed there, stocking up on study material and even took classes to learn it so she doesn't look stupid. From the culture to the currency, she hustled her ass to be at least average and then learn as she just lives there. She's definitely good, but her Greek accent is STRONG so it's a bit hard to get some of the things she says.
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To say the least, she's kind of sick of the language learning and Japanese is probably the last language she'll bother learning for a LONG time considering this is the FOURTH one. Mycale tries her best to motivate her to learn French but she's not budging at all.
"Yaretzi please, just a simple sentence will do." "Fiiiiiiiine!!" "Thank you, now say something in French. Anything and I'll respond accordingly." "I smoke-a le zaza oui oui!" "...." "Le pussy taste like baguette oui o-"
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karastroph1c · 2 years
Explaining Yaretzi though pictures on my pinterest board
Because this is clearly how you introduce ocs
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