#You didn't read Freytag–I'm sure now
gleefullypolin · 20 days
You could (and probably should!) write fic for them, I'm sure it would be lovely if that little snippet is anything to go by.
I truly adore Eloise and can't wait to see what her place is in all of this. I know there are people waiting for some sort of revenge plot from her or hoping she outs Penelope based on the end of last season but then again, there is a distinct lack of media literacy the last few years that's truly sort of exhausting at this point.
I feel like the fight between them had to happen. Penelope being isolated from the people who know her best is now motivation for her narrative. Anthony felt isolated and under pressure and it was a large part of his motivation in his season. Colin will now be isolated from his usual friendship with Penelope and that will be part of his motivation, etc. Our Freytag's Pyramid essentially started with the end of s2 for our dear Penelope and Colin but also feel like they've always given the main characters a bit of the Hero's Journey without the supernatural element to contend with as well.
(Well now I'm just going to call him Lord Obi Wan Kenebling)
I am curious to see how they handle Colin knowing, in the book he was worried for her more than anything and I think I'd like to see that played out with the contrast to Eloise's anger. Having both Colin and Eloise get viscerally angry at her and saying the worst sort of things isn't going to do anything to move a story forward imo and will just feel redundant. Colin being in love with her by then very well may soften it and having them work together, especially since they keep saying how much it's friends to lovers, how they're going to be able to tell each other things they wouldn't tell anyone else, would be a good departure from the avoidant behaviors of earlier seasons.
Oh yes, I don't think she's going to hold anything against him. What he said was not something she didn't expect, it was the hurt of him saying out loud to everyone like that. I do think he will be the architect of his own suffering and I have to admit that I find that much more enjoyable than some perceived punishment that someone who loves him would dole out.
I did just stumble into the info that they were going for Marlboro Man for him vs sexy pirate and either way, they're very clear on him being a man now, ha. I think at this stage, she is used to him looking at her, even so much as staring at her at times, but she's never managed to read him right when it pertains to her and I think it will be fun if they play with that insecurity of hers, she won't quite get it until she *gets* it and it will be very satisfying indeed when he finally says it to her out loud.
I really don't think you can ever go wrong with using longing looks and yearning as foreplay tbh.
I have been writing the final chapter of my last Captain Swan fic for 2 years now. I keep telling them all it’s almost done as I write one sentence and delete it over and over again. I swore I was done writing. I dare not try my hand at things anymore for the sake of sucking me in. Hahahaha!
Back to the point at hand, I will be so annoyed if Eloise does out her to Cressida. I just don’t feel like she would do that even out of revenge. She’s angry and acting childish but they have been friends for so long, I can’t see her of all people just being cruel for cruelty’s sake. I just saw the snippet of her and Cressida on Netflix and you can see in those few seconds that their friendship is not because she WANTS to be with her, its not because suddenly she’s a girls girl who wants to hang and gossip. She’s hurt and feeling a way and who is the one person who would hurt Pen more than Cressida? Women can be cruel creatures when reacting with each other. But that does not mean she wants to cause her permanent damage by outing her to the Ton. She knows what that would mean and if she had wanted to truly hurt Pen, she would have done that already.
I can never not unsee Lord Obi Wan Kenebling and so I shall forever address him as so! Thank you!
I agree with you whole heartedly, if Eloise is angry and seeking out the one person that would anger Pen as revenge, I do not want to see Colin treat her with the same anger. I want to see Colin show after of course his initial confusion and anger, because of course he was affected by Whistledown himself and then trying to understand why she would do such a thing and take such a risk and especially, not tell him of all people. But I also want him to be the one person that understands her in the end.
I want him to be her refuge, her safe space, and the place where she finds her acceptance. Colin has always been some sort of home to her. Whether it was the one person who sheltered her in the sea of people at the ball, or the person who was interested in her thoughts while he was traveling and heard her desires via her written word, Colin has been the home to her heart, and I want that to be where Whistledown comes to find peace too.
She’s going to be scared when she realizes there is a price on her head, and she is alone in this only to have someone to offer her security and acceptance and THAT is going to glorious because it has always been Colin. But now, he will recognize that too. He’s been a bit slow on the uptake! I’ll have to really control myself not to fast forward out of impatience to get there. I love angst but I also hold it in great disgust for what it does to my heart!
I have a feeling that all the sultry stares and dare I say lustful, breathy ways these two will say Colin or Penelope will surely make up for it.
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