#You'll have to find out what the narrator shenanigans consist of for yourself
hephaestuscrew · 2 years
Today's pitch for Greater Boston podcast:
Have you ever wondered how a line of a subway system could be turned into a city? Have you ever thought about how housing, politics, or business might work in a city comprised of train cars?
Would you like a character to posthumously win your heart through the medium of Google Calendar entries?
Have you ever wanted a reason to google weird details about Boston and be surprised at what's actually based in truth?
Are you interested in ghosts, pneumatic tubes, or cheese robots? What about guinea pigs, squeezy stress balls, or mysterious plane hijacker D. B. Cooper?
Would you like to learn how a character's complex emotional journey can be represented through the careers of Ben Affleck and Matt Damon?
Does the idea of narrator shenanigans appeal to you?
Would you like to feel genuine complicated emotions about a man whose first name is Dipshit?
Do you want to learn about obscure and sometimes gross forms of divination?
Have you ever thought that more kidnapping scenes ought to contain a debate about the plural of hippopotamus?
Do you want to find out why I have learned the numbers 1 through 12 in alphabetical order?
Would you like to listen to a show in which so many wild things happen that the discovery of Atlantis is a relatively minor plot point?
Do you want to be proved wrong every time you think that the show has reached its limit in the number of characters it can make you care deeply about?
Would you like to cry whilst listening to a profound long-awaited conversation that takes place on a cheese rollercoaster?
Would you like to experience all of this in a show that also manages to sensitively explore political corruption, economic and racial injustice, mental health, and the importance of community?
If the answer to any of these questions is yes, you should listen to Greater Boston.
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