#Your lsp is also cute! <'DDD
perispinel · 6 years
Adventure Time Finale Liveblog
Already this episode is off to a weird start, starting with a flashforward in the future with two random one-off characters and- OH MY GOSH THEY FOUND FINN’S ARM AND THEY LIVE IN MARCELINE’S HOUSE NOW!
Did Finn like die? THis has to be a fakeout about this.
King of Ooo is alive far int he future? he melted in the fire as wax remember writers? 
Oh my gosh this is why they showed the Enchiridion episode last, Mount Kragdor is back!
the king of Ooo is BMO! Wait why does he have PB’s crown... oh my god BMO outlived everybody. he is unfazed by death
BMO is kickin’ em out already, what a savage
That arm is giving BMO some flashbacks. Awww adorable!
Heh after so long BMO is having trouble remembering Finn’s name.
The plot description said NEPTR was telling the story, they faked us out totally!
Finally, more Betty! 
Finally, more Maja!
Looking at Finn is like “you die eventually. BMO has your arm now.”
Having BMO narrate the whole story makes it sound like a five year old trying to describe World War II. 
Finally Duke of Nuts, my favorite character!
Literally no one likes him, he wants to be MacGyver
Justin Roiland has work while R n M is off
Princess Bubblegum is going the Leia route of going from Princess to General
Oh no a little cake spy.
Huntress Wizard, played by Mona Lisa from Parks and Rec, did a good job getting rid of that sky
Come along with me, it is time for war you seeeee
Marceline and PB better makeout RIGHT NOW Marceline, yes, please reconsider PB Oh geez Marceline is just casually like “I saw people die PB.” Marceline be like “I felt worse” all over us
Finn is right.
W-what? Finn whatcha goin on about with nightmares? I thought he was gonna break the fourth wall
I love when a war begins with someone repeating “WAR” over and over
Yep yep there goes the banana guards. What a great plan
“You’re weird” isn’t what I’d say honestly
He doesn’t know what fruit is apparently
Lemongrab is totally piiiiiissed... Oh he’s just sad.
Gumbald literally is backing UP because of them being serious Finny boy
Hey Fern, remember when I accidentally killed ya? Good times boi
“You’re a toddler” is the cue for “I kill you or you give up”
What a great time for a commercial break. 
Okay, time for my thoughts in-between the show: this is giving me crazy feelings. Like, knowing BMO outlives everyone, regardless of the war’s outcome... wait, BMO said Finn was heroic til the end right? Oh my gosh will Finn sacrifice himself? Well either way BMO probably SAW him die, old age or not. BMO is literally the imbodement of a child who doesn’t understand the consequences of anything. Back to the show!
Nice job making me almost sad BMO.
Unconscious world? That’s crazy man.
So no war? Aiight.
Finn was all like “go to dreamworld and talk things out” and they be like “let’s have a war again”
Ooh cool, let’s get those songs for the album here
Jake is going back to his roots
Ooh let’s get Tom Sharpling up in this guys
Aww poor Fern. 
PB isn’t reluctant at all to kill someone even if they look like Finn, as long as they be an enemy. 
Oh sweet evolution Fern! 
Fern is going the toddler solution, that’s fine.
Okay Greg from Steven Universe, enjoy your appearance while it lasts.
Is John DiMaggio spending the episode in a dream state?
Pinching people in the dreamworld really wakes you up? That’s dope.
W-what? why’d they just vibrate
Fern does sound like a knockoff Finn sometimes honestly. Heh prove you’re tormented Finn! 
Oh geez this is really dark, PB had a messup life. Recreating that scene for some symbolism I suppose!
Ooh subconscious world!
Aww his girlfriend is here- I wish I spoke korean.
It’s nice his kids- oh nevermind. 
Is this symbolism for him being connected to his wife like by the sides?
Hahah we got a fart joke everyone, wrap it up! Just kiddin I don’t care either way
I bet Pb is learning what it was like living as a completely unintelligent being without any choice. Will this cause some empathy?
Yeah repressed memories must smell awful.
Obviously Fern and Finn share the same memories, but it’s cool to see them confront it Mindful Education-style
I missed Adventure Time’s art style honestly. 
Oh I get it, Fern originated from the Finnsword.
Oh wow, all of that took place in the span of one second!
PB and Gumbald are learning empathy now, are we not having a war or?
“No no no that happened next.” Good job faking out the fake out.
I love these breaks telling us small bits of lore and secrets about what’s going on that we’re not noticing. Anyway, I am excited to find out what this portal is exactly- I’m guessing Magic Man, Betty, and Maga’s weird cryptic chant is gonna cause some big bad event. Will Adventure Time end with the end of the world? I’d be mega shocked if Finn just died. Wait why isn’t Marceline in the future? Realistically she should be there UNLESS she got killed, soooo... back to the show!! :D
We saved the day! Big scary baby is definitely good!
Wait Fern is in the real world now???
Ice King was just gonna leave until he had that flashback
It is so cute seeing Betty and Simon’s past, I wwant fanart of them having a happy life.
Did I mention FP is super cute? I love Flame Princess
This is getting quite dark man. Even Marcy is scared.
PB don’t martyr yourself
Aww what a great leader, telling her army to flee in terror instead of dying without purpose!
Oooh Fern is on good side now!
Gumball Guardians are her real children
Is this even a kids episode? this should be rared PG-13 man
I hope all this rogue gallery characters still get lines. oh there they go
Heh Jake and Amethyst have some similarities don’t they
Wow what a dark end for someone, skull cracks open and innards bounce around and endanger people
Ice King is the savior! How cute
This is more epic than Reunited but that’s not fair to say exactly, one is finale and one is a special
Oh no poor bananas, so dumb
Let’s go Jake, doing what he does best and being helpful!
Did Jake explode and die?
Remember when LSP and Lemongrab dated?
Aww Lemongrab and LSP is a canon ship, only straight ship allowed for those two
Come on Ice King, remember who you and Betty are!
Ice King is reciting the song from the episode. Oh my gosh come on dude, replace at least ONE word in the song silly!
Betty is too crazy to not throw a tantrum I guess.
Maga the Sky Witch- Kill Count 1
No no no Flame Princesssss! Maybe she’s okay?
Did PB just die? Oh my glob
Oh Marcy’s going back to her roots
Okay PB is alive, it’s fine.
Marceline just had a PLanet Hulk moment right there.
Aww it’s canon now guys! Marceline X Bubblegum eternally and they kissssed! Guys they made up for so long of teasing!
Oh no I think they’re breaking them apart layer-by-layer
Ice King is Simon again, yeyyy!
I love that the moment PB and Marcy are confirmed gay for real they just have them holding each other close to prove it even more
Finally Jakei s confirmed not dead
Oh no is Jake dead, 2.0.?
Finally we have a reason BMO knows what happens. He nearly died.
Okay so... Flame Princess and Fern are taken out while Maga is definitely dead. I have a feeling Marceline might die,or else we’ll need a thorough explanation for why she’s not living in her house. Like I can tell that this character voiced by Willow Smith is Jake’s descendant but Marceline is potentially an immortal I assumed so they wouldn’t have her be gone without explanation. Then, here’s a question: is Jake about to sacrifice himself to save BMO?? Also, BMO straight-up says the world ended so I have a feeling that he wasn’t just being coy.
Oh my glob, what’s about to happen. Jake and Finnn’s home is destroyed. 
BMO is getting deep. Okay HE’S SINGING THE SONG :D
Is this about to have a Rogue One ending? How is this going to end happily?
This song is meant to be bittersweet, no way is this a happy ending song guys.
Is BMO secretly badass? CARTOON CONSPIRACY No it’s just the power of music.
Oh I get it! Discord, Harmony, Music, it all makes sense! 
Oh literally everyone sings this! along with screaming!
They got so many voice actors for this! 
Is he going to explode? Oh my glob?
Here lies Finn. he was a good man. I love him. 
“No one gets to choose how it happens. the most important thing is that we’re here together.” Nice way to make me sad twice
Is Simon going to become Simon forever? What’s going on here? Is Betty going to get her bones crushed???
Aww how cute of you Betty. not making my heart any calmer
Ooh yes he’s Simon again :DDD
Oh my gosh this is a crazy kind of ending
Oh no I’m scared now.
thanks for the reminder of The Tandem Elephant’s existence man. Okay, so... this is crazy. Simon is back, like for real, he’s not dying or anything... Betty is potentially dead... Finn didn’t die, which is dope... my eyes are watering, definitely not about to cry. I can’t believe it I’m emotional over cartoon show wow. Just knowing I have eight more minutes until it for real is all over. Maybe I’ll just like, watch it again so I can pretend it didn’t end yet? No that’d be fake. I normally don’t even cry in situations where it’d make sense so this is telling for me I guess. These commercials really make me appreciate how good the show I’m watching are. :’D Okay so, I don’t think Magi actually died, although it’s hard to tell really since I didn’t get a good look at her. I have no idea what is about to happen but I am freaking out. 
Ultimate Adventure continues now
Oh wow Betty fused with the crystal boi
Simon and Marcy, reunited for real
Imagine how much it must suck to wake up after so long of being stuck as someone else
I DON’T FEEL SO GOOD. is that a reference... Oooniverse?
Okay so Gunter is the future beard boy I guess.
Oh wow they grew a Fern. and found a new sword. 
Thanks for disobeying me Finn
Finn officially has the singular arm. Dope.
Future baby boy has a big beard
Finn and Jake can’t live forever, this is the past yes
Ooh the music hole is here again! Epic callback broos
Ooh the hole sings the End Credits Song oh geez
New Ice King is Gunter, old ICe King is Simon
Ooh nice glimpses of what might become of some of our friends in the future
Ooooh Lemongrab and Jake get along better. 
Aww cute his dad is going to space now
Flame Princess and NEPTR friends forever
Jiggler callback! 
Susan is here!
Normal Man is cool!
Huntress Wizard continues to be fun! 
PB and Marcy are still gay, Pep But is still edgyyyy
They found the sword oh glorb! 
Okay I have a lot of thoughts... that was a ffinale. It really was. It was not something I got disappointed in because they didn’t wrap up anything. It wasn’t like waiting 10 years for 10 more episodes of a cartoon. It was like epic man. I naerly teared up guys. It didn’t end with a Reset Button like some finales would- Everything Stays, but it still changed. Sorry, this post is too long for anyone to read all the way through, but I still hope you enjoyed my thoughts on the last Adventure Time episode. A zillion out of ten guys.
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