#Yuuki's KING of Heroes–Gilgameš
moonlightmagus · 2 years
Tag Dump, These are all I can think of for now, will be adding more later,
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aurivore · 3 years
Yuuki would bring a present wrapped in the most gaudy—Excuse me, the most glorious wrapping that one could for His Majesty. Inside it being his favorite vintage of Wine. She had been saving it for this special occasion. "Happy Birthday Your Majesty! Let me know if there is anything extra I can do on this most special of Occasions!"
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————— “Bring it forward, and I shall appraise its worth.” For all that he applauds of decoration, the King extols it not to excess nor profligacy in surplus, an arbiter subsequently more concerned with its contents that the container which caged it. Such precision, however, was wise of his contractor to undertake. Let no detail be spared, no nook nor cranny unchecked, hither and yon made utmost intimate to the senses; such is merely the due diligence owed unto His Majesty, a mindfulness that is best kept retained at all moments when in his eternal presence. Gilgameš makes quick work of the wrapping, a dexterity so keen that the glorious exterior is left perfectly intact after its operation. Divesting a bottle of vino he’d had past noted was ‘the most drinkable swill redeeming the modern age’ (and sagacious of Yuuki to procure), the King leaves nary a nod toward a lapis-encrusted chalice which gleamed atop his refectory table’s crema marfil surface. She ought to have well-known her place and duties by now — any verbalization would be redundant. The golden existence of the King of Heroes speaks for itself. Its very sound awes the ears and shakes the heart; none, be it the most base of men or supreme of Gods, are absolved from its authority. So when Gilgameš manifests a finely carved seat of lacquered cedar-wood beneath the foot of his throne, accompanied by a look in his eyes nearly akin to the faintest vestiges of approval, the implications should be so obvious that even Yuuki could comprehend it.
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moonlightmagus · 2 years
@aurivore​​ Your Majesty this isn’t what it looks like....
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Oh not again.. “Your Majesty, I think this is a misunderstanding. It’s a figure of speech. It’s like words of encouragement that are used now a days.”
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moonlightmagus · 3 years
@aurivore​​ Does he know everything? GAME NIGHT VERSION
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“Your Majesty, what’s at  17.0608° N, 61.7964° W?” 
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moonlightmagus · 3 years
@aurivore​​ said:  "Do not delude yourself. The fact that you are not the current target of my ire does not mean you shall not be the next."
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“But.. I haven’t even done anything yet, Your Majesty. I’m just standing here.”
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moonlightmagus · 3 years
@aurivore​ continued from here
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“Oh I see.. I was merely curious since it seems to be making it’s rounds amongst the other servants and Magus, and wondering if there was a possibility that someone of your standings as a Servant, let alone because of how great you are, would weaken the effects or if you would be entirely immune. Especially considering your parentage. Though that also begs one more question, and I’ll go ahead and beg forgiveness before asking but, have you ever been in love? Would that also be a factor for such a thing? Please forgive my insolence. I did believe it to me a small request, as well as my insolence for asking the aforementioned.” 
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moonlightmagus · 3 years
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“H-how did this get turned around one me?!” She paused, throwing her hands up. “I wanted to know why you were mad! I’ll stay away from Seihai-kun. I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”  Wait did he call her contractor?? Oh that’s one she’s not gonna forget, but definitely will not point that out right this moment.
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moonlightmagus · 3 years
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“It’s not me this time. Is this a parallel world or have I finally learned how to not be a bother?”
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moonlightmagus · 3 years
@aurivore​​ because Yuuki’s not hurt enough.
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Kingu threw her so far, a wide arch as she was released from their grasp effortlessly. Yuuki only hoped she had hit a wall, but instead of her face hitting the unforgiving wall, she landed face first against His Majesty’s abdominal area. 
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moonlightmagus · 3 years
@aurivore​ ​Your Majesty, I have a question.
The Magus poured him another round of his wine, her smile as effervescent as always whilst in his presence. By now, she had met with others similar to him, and although most of the circumstances involving them were innocent enough, she did mistake them for him. The meetings with those who share his face and voice, left her feeling confused and frustrated more than anything, and as such, she had vowed to discuss it with His Majesty. The only way to ascertain these feelings is to discuss them with the party in question, right?
Once she was finished pouring, she moved to her spot, off to the side of him at about 6 feet away, beneath him. Taking a centering breath, smaragdite hues stared into vermilion pools as she asked a simple question.
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“Your Majesty, may I inquire with you about something troubling me? It is in regards to those who look like you, and yet are not.” She paused, feeling out her next sentence as she spoke. "I'm not too familiar with this territory, and I wanted to discuss with you about what etiquette you expect of me from these interactions, as well as possibly help me understand better."
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moonlightmagus · 3 years
Tell us, Yuuki. Do you love His Majesty?
For the next five asks, my muse cannot tell a lie. (4/5)
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She should have anticipated this question, and yet she hadn't. She knew people were insistent upon her being a 'fangirl' of His Majesty. It was... so complex. She didn't quite understand it herself. The way he smiles, the way his eyes survey everything, the pride he has, the authority he has, the understanding of her that he has.. The Contractor had no clue on how to answer this.
“There is a lot I can say, I don’t know if there’s a real answer I can give, but allow me some time to think on this.” Emerald orbs were peering past the formless stranger.
“How can one love the sun?” Her voice was barely above a whisper, but still firm. “It’s beautiful, bright, constant and powerful. Life comes with it, it brings a shine to the world, watching over everything. It is absolute. When it is gone, life goes with it. If you bask in it too long you become burnt. You can never touch it unless you wish to be burned alive.“ She was unsure of why she said these words but continued on.
“Yes, I think simply placed, I do love His Majesty. I cannot help it. I do not wish to ever burden him with my feelings, or.. Have any intention of making them known. I am his Contractor, his property. People are immediately going to misunderstand when I say that, as I know my worth. He made a promise…” She trails off before taking a deep breath. “I respect His Majesty, and know my place. I wish, more than anything.. That if at the end, for just a moment, if he could think of me as something more than just another peon in His Garden, if he could think of me as a friend. Then I will be content.. I want nothing more, than for His Majesty to rely on me. I could never be selfish enough to want something more. I may wish for it, but I will choke it down and not think of it. His Majesty comes first, my feelings second.”
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moonlightmagus · 3 years
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“I really love how His Majesty’s eyes look.. They’re so beautiful.. I could stare into them for a long time.”
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moonlightmagus · 3 years
📜 (for whichever Gils you'd like!)
Send in 📜 and I’ll use this incorrect quotes generator using your muse and my muse.
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Yuuki: I'm 10 times funnier and sexier than you Gilgamesh: 10 times 0 is still 0 though Yuuki: Jokes on you, I can't do math
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moonlightmagus · 3 years
Headcanons of The Magus
Yuuki has a scar on the right side of her neck. It is a reminder of her 1st blunder against Gilgamesh. He was close to beheading her, and she felt it better to allow the injury to scar as opposed healing it entirely. Yuuki does actually sometimes touch the scar when dealing with other Gilgamesh’s that she is not contracted to/not the one to give her the scar. It’s an unconscious decision to remind herself that they are not him.
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moonlightmagus · 3 years
@aurivore​ Sometimes dreams become realities.
    It was a normal day, nothing had gone wrong in so long that the Magus was beginning to develop a sense of normalcy. Delegating tasks between servants, taking stock of the resources and making plans for if they need to acquire more, or if it’s even plausible. She heard Da Vinci’s cheery tone upon the intercom, calling for her attendance. She took the trip to the command room to listen to the rundown. 
    Apparently there was a minor disturbance in one of the previously cleared Singularities, and it was required of her to go fix it. The Magus nodded, accepting her mission. Using the telepathic communication between them, she somehow managed to get His Majesty to answer her call. Perhaps he was feeling like destroying something other than her, or he was bored, or he just felt like it, Yuuki would never know. 
    Managing her fear once more, she was rayshifted to the area. It was a sort of dense forest area. Enough cover to some archers a few times and perhaps gain cover for those who weren’t paying attention. It wasn’t long before showing up, that verdant green hues caught mere familiars, various forms of skeleton, and imp-like enemies. There were perhaps 2 shadow servants, if not more. Only 2 were confirmed. Obviously, Yuuki was to deal with the rabble. It was far beneath his Majesty, and he need not voice such things for she knew. 
    Warm smiles, and soft eyes were replaced with a face devoid of warmth. The sparkle was no longer in her eyes as a darkness overtook them, dimming them into those of a warrior. Her smile turned into nothing, her lips relaxed into neutral as she steeled herself for the battle to come. Limbs glowing a faint blue as she activated the circuits, launching herself to the nearest Skeleton. Heeled shoes making contact with a resounding CRACK, as the unavailing chassis broke beneath her strength. Roundhouse kicks were most certainly her favorite. Taking them out became easier and easier after each training session, and this was nothing short of easy for her. The only problem was her stamina. She hadn’t been in a real fight to place this skills to use, fortunately the fight didn’t last long. Victory was theirs, or so she presumed.
    She was mistaken—
    She acted impulsively, feeling the searing pain exploding as the flesh was torn asunder. The formless swordsman’s blade tore apart from the apex of her shoulder blade to the lower left lumbar region. Blood splattering as she felt herself becoming faint. Not only was she tired from defending herself with a mixture of her yoroi-doshi tanto, gandr shots, and some reinforced blows with her fists and feet, but the adrenaline was wearing off, and her stamina was depleted.
    Something had distracted him, what that was, Yuuki wouldn’t be aware of. She just saw the enemy raise their sword to attack, and she screamed. “Your Majesty!” as she launched herself in front of him to take the blow. She stood standing for a few meager seconds after the sword had marred both flesh and cloth alike. She attempted to take a step to the side, to do her utmost in staying upright after such a blow. 
    In those meager seconds, she examined him, and quickly came to the conclusion she had taken the entirety of the blow. Her facial expression was a myriad of expressions, pain, relief, fear, frustration as the color drained from her face. The Magus felt as if her leg no longer had the strength to hold her upright, and she felt herself begin the unforgiving descent unto the ground, her voice fading out as she said only one mere sentence. “I’m so glad, you’re not hurt..” And then, everything began to turn blacken, voices sounding muffled, as the wind whipped around her face. 
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moonlightmagus · 3 years
“The day of your birth, is it? Tch. Such a thing is hardly indicative of your growth.” Gilgameš regards her with a stern, crimson glance — it is heavy and scathing in its weight, but was not one that could be deemed cold. In contrast, within his arms was something doubtlessly warm and giving. A small lion cub with brilliant fur wriggled about in the King’s hold, a tender fierceness already spiriting about in its eyes. Gilgameš sets it on the ground, and it toddles — nay, marches — over to Yuuki, settling before her feet. The sweet beginnings of a roar feebly escape its maw, no less demanding from how utterly endearing it was. “A new challenge awaits you.” It is only natural that he presents his gift as a trial; a deep sagacity belied his callousness, and grand expectations characterized his bearing. “This little one is now under your guidance. See to it that you care for them properly.”
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At first, she was a bit nervous. Her King spoke to her, seeming displeased that today was her birthday, but yet that wasn't it. Emerald jewels stared into his serpentine eyes. The moment she tore her eyes to his arm, was when the cub moved. The movement in the stillness of the moment caught curious eyes. When the Monarch bent, her eyes observing the cub with child-like wonder.
The roar captured her heart and she immediately bent to pick her up. The fluffiness reminded her of a fleeting time, one where she fell asleep amidst His pride. Did he catch her?
Of course, he did. Gilgameš saw everything, knew everything. She felt guilty for even a fraction of a second.
His edict rang out clearly for her. She had a new challenge to prove herself, one to take care of and even care for. This was not only her first pet but one that was not easy in the least. To add more pressure to this, Yuuki could tell this cub was one of His. Failure was no longer an option, not like that was even on the table.
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She picked her up and took a moment to truly feel the cub. He was heavy, but she assumed that meant that he was healthy and well-loved. She had a mental note to look up books on proper lion care. "Your Majesty, I thank you. She is absolutely beautiful." Almost as if to mark they are bound to each other, it gave her a bit of a lick. The ruggedness of the barbed tongue made her giggle a bit. "I will care for him, my newest companion!"
Lightbulb moment!
Emerald hues peered into the Amber ones of her cub. "I have come up with a wonderful name, Your Majesty. She shall henceforth be called Ušar. My companion. I can only hope she will end up anywhere near yours, Your Majesty. This is a gift I can never repay. She's beautiful and wonderful. I truly have no other words besides thank you. Actually, I have a few more. Any training tips or advice for me, Your Majesty?" She giggled once more, petting Ušar and listening to her purrs.
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