#Zoe hange
hangearchive · 2 months
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Hange running past you, papers in hand as she yells out a quick “excuse me, pretty girl!” with a wink and a smile.
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keigos-wings · 2 months
thinking about dom!hange edging you over and over. a skilled hand pressing a vibrator between your legs as a mean smile spreads over their lips, just daring you to cum without their permission.
“what is it, sweetheart? does it not feel good?”
you’d whine and whimper, begging them to let you cum. they’d relent, if a bit reluctantly, holding the toy between your legs as wave after wave of pleasure washes over you.
but as your orgasm subsides, pleasure turning into overstimulation, you realize that they’re not pulling the toy away from your core.
“you wanted to cum so badly just a minute ago. what happened to that?”
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violentjo · 5 months
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Levi’s memory of Erwin makes him so adorable like okay cutie patootie might have to give you the spinal fluid after all 😛😛
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quirked-catastrophe · 2 years
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I love Reiner’s reaction in this moment. He thinks he doesn’t have the right to mourn Hange alongside everyone else but he is clearly still affected by their death. Knees buckled, leaning on the wall, head down and a grimace on his face.
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exopolodion717 · 10 months
Hange, you will be my right eye and I will be your left eye.
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foolishroach · 3 months
ah yes the feminine urge to be railed by anime characters
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together?? separately?? mix n match??
idc but i love each of them sm
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kakashisbabymama218 · 3 months
I miss Hange! Time to rewatch attack on titan and cry.
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silvadour · 2 years
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Attack on Titan S04E29 - Act 1 - "The Rumbling"
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jujutsubaby · 5 months
ahhh hello! I saw your 100 followers event and first of all, congratsss! you have an attack on titan option so I'm choosing Maison Rose cafe! I'm probably in that cafe to do some nerdy research and won't order a lot to eat but I'll have a soy milk, a matcha latte, and a kouign-amann (lmao idk how to order)
(For context, I'm sapphic so I'd love a meet cute with someone nonbinary or a woman, that's all thanks love lotss)
a/n: thank you so much for sending this sweet ask babe!! hope you enjoy, had so much fun writing nerds having a meet cute hehe >:) tysm for your patience in waiting for this!! sry it's taking me a while to get thru these i am just so busy lately but i assure everyone i'm working diligently on them!!! <333
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🤍 PAIRING. hange
saturday mornings — an ideal time for some “you time”. and for you, your ideal “you time” means camping out at your favorite local cafe, maison rose, with the latest editions of the many scientific journals you subscribe to. 
as a senior researcher for the survey corps, most of your colleagues prefer to spend their time off reading anything other than studies on titans, given that that’s most of your job. you can’t help but be fascinated enough by them that you use your precious time off to stay on top of the latest discoveries, though.
your area of interest is titan regeneration, and you’re thumbing through a recently published study on that topic this particular morning as you sip your customary soy matcha latte between nibbles of a delectably sugary kouign-amann.  
you look up idly when you hear the doors to the cafe open; maison rose is typically pretty empty on saturday mornings other than you and the couple of other regular patrons, so you’re curious to see who’s coming in now.
 you gasp when you see it’s not just anyone, but practically a celebrity — the survey corps fieldwork star, hange zoe! 
given that your work has been more data analysis and lab-based, the people who do fieldwork are kind of your heroes, and hange zoe is at the top of that pyramid. this is your first time seeing them in person up close, and you try not to stare.
as they stride in and swagger towards the counter, you sigh to yourself; of course they’d just exude cool, on top of everything. 
beyond hange’s inherent charisma, powerful physique, and arrestingly sharp features, though, you admire their mind more than anything. your careers came up around the same time, so you have read almost all of their interviews in everything from mainstream newspapers to esoteric research newsletters. their interviews are always sprinkled with scientific knowledge and wit alike; their narrative voice just has a way of capturing your attention. (you absolutely don’t have a crush on them or anything — you just deeply admire them as a scientist!) 
you turn your eyes back down to your journal and take another sip of your rapidly cooling drink, allowing the pleasantly earthy flavor bring you back down to earth. so what if your long-term celebrity research crush is within breathing distance of you? that’s a pretty average situation, right? you need to get a grip! 
you try not to be too acutely aware as they pick up their americano and madeleines (not that you were paying attention to what they were ordering), and you have to remind yourself to breathe when they flop down at the table right next to yours with a loud sigh, stretching their long arms and legs out. 
fieldwork must be tiring, you think to yourself.
“yeah, tell me about it,” hange laughs, looking right at you. oops. did you just say that out loud instead of thinking it to yourself?! 
if they notice that you’ve gone completely beet red, they ignore it kindly. 
“i should’ve joined the research division like you did instead of signing up for fieldwork, i reckon,” they say with a rueful smile. hold on. they know who you are?!
they must mistake your silence for offense, since their face suddenly opens up into an exaggerated expression of shock. “oh! not to say that what you do is easy. just that i think it’s…well….so cool. so much cooler than what i do — well, not that seeing titans up close isn’t cool, but sometimes i feel like we’re just a glorified cleanup squad…i think the research studies you folks publish are just rad. like that one you published last month in Serum, about the purpose of steam in titans’ regeneration? that was just…way cool! ah, sorry! i’m rambling again…” they trail off with a sheepish chuckle.  
your jaw dropped during their whole spiel. your lab had gotten a small pet project of yours published in a recent edition of Serum, one of the more specialized titan biology related journals; it wasn’t even that popular, and your study was really just one smaller part of the project overall. you had still been proud, though, since that part of the project had felt like your baby.
you had no idea that anybody outside you and your immediate research group even cared about it,  let alone the hange zoe! 
“you’re interested in this stuff?” you ask. “i had no idea our boring grunt work would hold any appeal to a rockstar of the field like you.” you don’t hold back your admiration for them, feeling emboldened by their knowledge of your work. 
“you’re anything but boring, y/n!” they clap a hand over their mouth suddenly. “ooh, sorry, is it ok if i call you y/n? sorry, i just read so much of your work that i feel like i know you!” they laugh again. their smile is infectious, since you find yourself giggling too.
“i feel the same way!” you respond. “i loved your interview in Paradis Times last month about how you collect titan specimens safely! i felt like i was out there in the field with you.”
hange, grinning from ear to ear now, is shaking their head in disbelief. “i can’t believe the y/n l/n knows about little old me! oh, i’m starstruck! listen, do you mind if i pick your brain about your research? i have a feeling i have a lot to learn from you.” 
you agree, and they scrawl their phone number on your hand, apropos of nothing. you blush at the feeling of their hand around yours…and something possesses you to say “we can talk about things other than research, too. if you’d like.”
they give you that radiant, gorgeous grin again. “i’d like that very much, y/n.”  
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hangearchive · 3 months
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Hange acts like getting into heaven is like getting into Harvard LMFAO
*Hange still on the ground in flames*: whelp I knew I’d be down here one day
Erwin: no hange, your still on fire because you just burned to death, your in heaven.
Hange: omg I made it?! NO WAY I FUCKING MADE IT- wait Erwin how tf did you make it-
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hangeswif3 · 9 months
When Hange died I was just so sad, so this is a small thing I wrote. It’s supposed to be from the reader’s pov a couple of months after Hange died.
Note: I’m also thinking about writing a fic about this, like Hange and reader’s relationship so lmk if you’d like that.
Warnings: angssssst, Hange’s death.
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Dear Hange,
Since you left everything feels dull. After your death I couldn’t eat or sleep or talk to anyone at all. It was as if I had forgotten how to do all these things. I could only cry. I spent day and night crying, for weeks. Levi took care of me, he made sure I didn’t die. He stayed with me to make sure I didn’t do anything stupid and he made sure I didn’t starve.
After a month I was finally able to go out without having a panic attack. We had a meeting about what we’re gonna do with titans and the world now that this war is over. I kept staring at the door, waiting for you to come in. I keep looking for you in every person I see. We had a service for you too, you looked so handsome in the picture, I’m sure you would’ve loved it. I spoke about you, the way we promised each other we would do if one of us died. Everyone cried. And I did too, so much (I don’t know how I still had tears left.).
After two months I could finally talk to someone else besides Levi. It didn’t feel normal, everyone looks at me with differently. I don’t blame them though, I know I’m not myself anymore, that person died with you. We came back to where it all started, surprisingly everything was still there. I made it to your lab, and to our room. It still smelled like you, I couldn’t help but wait for you to come in at any moment, saying that this was just the cruelest less funny joke ever, and that you were still with me and you’d never leave me. But you never did.
I packed all of our stuff together. I’m moving to the city now, I can’t keep living here, there’s too many memories. Levi is coming with me, I guess there’s too many memories for him too. He misses you too, you know? He’s been amazing helping me with all of this, but I still don’t know what I’m doing.
My therapist told me to write a letter to you, that maybe it would help me mourn in a healthier way. The day you died I thought I would die too, I wanted to. And part of me did. But I’m thankful I didn’t, because then your sacrifice would’ve been in vain, I know you wanted me to live. So I’ll live for both of us, and I promise you, that if there’s a life after this one, that I’ll find you, just wait for me, I promise I’ll come.
Nothing is easy without you, I’m still learning how to exist in this universe without you by my side. I’m still trying to say your name without crying like a baby. But I’m thankful for the time we had together and I promise to make the most of the time I have left. I’ll love you forever.
- your little love.
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Fighting Words
After recently finishing Attack on Titan, I’ve finally completed my first fanfic for the fandom! Of course I had to start with my favorite character, Levi Ackerman. It might not be the best, but it was still fun to write. As always gif and characters are not mine, and I hope you all enjoy!
Summary: Y/N L/N, a newer member of the cadets, believes that they can take Levi Ackerman in a fight. Having despised them for so long, Levi finally decides to take them up on their challenge
Warnings: Mentions of sparring, one curse word, suggestive positions, otherwise none. If I miss something, please let me know!
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Y/N sat in the mess hall of the Scout Regiment’s barracks, savoring the vegetable stew that the cooks served from the kitchen. The new recruits would be coming in today for training, and Erwin gave Y/N the task of watching over their progress. They weren’t thrilled about the job, but with the rise in titan attacks, the Scouts would need to boost their numbers. Sasha, Jean, and Connie joined Y/N after grabbing their own lunches. Jean joyfully hit Y/N’s shoulder with his free hand.
“Promise me you won’t go too hard on the new recruits today? After seeing you during our training, I’m not sure they’ll make it out alive to kill any titans.” Jean and Connie laughed as Y/N also began to smile. No one could beat Y/N in a fight during training, not even Annie or Reiner, and their combat abilities earned them praise from members of the higher command.
All except Captain Levi.
Y/N never understood why Levi hated them more than the others, but their own animosity towards the Captain grew as time went on. Even now as Levi leaned against the entryway to the mess hall, he glared daggers at Y/N. “Oh please, Jean, why beat up the cadets when there are more challenging opponents to face,” Y/N said with a shrug.
“You're seriously not thinking about challenging Levi again, are you?” Sasha asked through a mouthful of bread.
“Perhaps, but I believe the only reason why he hasn’t accepted my offer is the fact that he knows he’ll lose. I beat Erwin no sweat, and Hange too might I add, so fighting Levi would be a breeze.”
“What did you say, brat?”
All of them froze as Y/N looked over their shoulder and saw Levi standing behind them with his arms crossed. His storm colored eyes showed no emotion as he stepped forward and let his arms drop to his sides. “Do you mind repeating what you said? In fact-” Levi's voice raised to a dominating pitch as he addressed the whole mess hall, instantly gaining everyone’s attention. “Maybe you should tell your fellow comrades your idiotic statement!”
Y/N growled as they launched up from the wooden table. Y/N clenched their fists as they shouted at the captain. “I said that you are too much of a coward to accept my challenge for a sparring match because you know deep down that you’ll lose! Then everyone would see that the great Captain Levi is nothing but a whimpering pup!”
The room fell into an eerie silence apart from a few stray gasps. Levi’s facial expressions remained the same, but his eyes burned with rage and something else that Y/N couldn’t figure out. “Oh no, Y/N is in big trouble, now,” Armin whispered to Eren and Mikasa, who were sitting at the table catty corner to the one Y/N sat at before. Levi calmly moved the last few steps towards Y/N. He reached up, grabbing their jaw between his thumb and other fingers. His firm grip kept them from moving their head. Y/N could feel Levi’s warm breath as he leaned down towards their ear. “The only reason why I’m accepting your challenge now is to put you in your place, Private L/N. These weaklings might not be able to knock some sense into you, but I will break you in a heartbeat.”
Levi quickly pulled back with a scoff before exiting the mess hall, but as he turned away from them, Y/N swore that his cheeks were more red than usual. They thought that their comment must have hit a nerve, one that caused Levi to flush in his attempt to keep his frustration from being shown.
The afternoon sun beat down on the new cadets as they fought in pairs with their practice rifles, and Y/N could feel their own sweat dripping down their forehead and back. The second that the training sessions were done for the day, Y/N planned to lay in their cool room and sleep as long as they could. Not to mention seclusion would provide an escape from Levi’s inevitable pettiness. As if he heard their thoughts, Levi nonchalantly approached Y/N and tossed a wooden practice gun onto the ground in front of them.
“Well, you want to fight me, L/N, then pick up the damn gun.” Levi asserted. Y/N wondered how Levi managed to remain unbothered by the heat, as if his cool yet aggressive attitude manifested across his entire body. As for Y/N, they refused to bow down to Levi a second more. If it took fighting the world’s strongest soldier to prove themselves to him and the rest of the Scouts, then so be it. Y/N grabbed the practice gun, the chipped wood planting a few splinters into their palms. They stood in a fighting stance as they glared at the dark haired captain. “Bring it, Ackerman.”
Levi scowled as he dashed towards Y/N, raising his own practice gun above his head and bringing it down with great force. Y/N blocked the shot with their own weapon, but Levi did not let up after the first blow. The sound of wood colliding echoed through the training yard as Levi swung repeatedly at Y/N, refusing to let this low ranking scout make a fool out of him. Despite the brutal assault, Y/N kept their guard up, and they managed to lay a few offensive blows against their opponent. However, Y/N took one step too far to the right, and Levi seized the chance to swiftly kick Y/N’s legs out from under them.
Y/N felt the wind leave their lungs as their body came into contact with the hard, dry dirt below them. Levi straddled Y/N’s body as he maneuvered to a position where he could press the practice gun against their throat. Y/N’s gun prevented him from ending the fight. Levi had to admit that Y/N showed great stamina for a recent graduate, and from this angle he noticed the determination that pooled in their E/C eyes. The sight made his heart beat faster, but Levi blamed it on the adrenaline powering his fighting instincts.
“Just give up now, brat,” Levi snarled, his face inches from Y/N’s. “For weeks I have put up with your bragging, and yet you have nothing to show for it. You’re pathetic.”
“Pathetic? Give me a break! I have fought through hell to become the fighter I am, and I refuse to tolerate insults from an egotistical jerk like you!” Y/N shifted their pinned body to the side, causing Levi to fall forward slightly, giving them just enough time to raise their legs to their chest and shove both feet into Levi’s stomach. He fell over with a groan, and Y/N batted Levi’s practice gun away from him while the pain in his gut worked as a distraction. Y/N used one hand to snatch Levi’s wrists and pin them above his head while the other hand rammed the practice gun against the skin of Levi’s throat. Clearly, the victory belonged to Y/N, but upon realizing the position they were in, they clamored to their feet. Y/N offered a hand to Levi, but he swatted their hand away as he rose from the ground.
“Tch, that last move was a cheap one, Y/N. Hope you feel satisfied with a win based on pure luck.” Levi marched away as relaxed as he had been before the sparring took place. The new cadets crowded around Y/N and showered them with praise, but they took Levi’s blunt statement to heart.
After the sun disappeared below the horizon and filled the sky with a dark abyss flowing with a chilly breeze, Y/N made their way to Levi’s office. They concluded that he would still be working on paperwork, and the lantern beaming through the window informed Y/N that they were correct. Y/N entered the building reserved only for the captains and knocked on Levi’s door.
“Come in, the door’s unlocked.” Levi stated, his stern vocals carrying through the door. Y/N stepped into the room, and Levi only glanced at them before returning his focus to the endless amount of paperwork still piled on his desk. His grip on his pen tightened as his silver eyes conveyed blank emptiness. 
Y/N stopped in front of the desk and saluted Levi. “Captain, I apologize for coming at such a late hour-”
“Stop it. I don’t have time to listen to your half ass excuse for an apology. Leave and go back to the barracks. That’s an order.” Levi clenched his jaw as he scribbled his signature at the bottom of the paper. He moved that one to the side and read through the next paper in the stack. No one, not since Erwin, ever came close to beating Levi in a fight, but Y/N fought him with such grace. He hoped that sitting down to finish paperwork would distract his mind for a while, but Y/N never left his thoughts. He hated their guts, or did he just hate the idea that he didn’t have the guts to talk with them one on one before now?
“What you said to me after the fight today is the truth. I may have won, but it doesn’t feel like a victory to me, so I won’t waste anymore of your time.” Y/N’s confession made Levi raise his head, his eyes softened slightly as he watched them turn back towards the door. Part of him wanted to let Y/N leave, and maybe then the feelings that clouded his judgment any time they were around would disappear too, but his heart won against his logic. Levi rounded his desk and grabbed Y/N’s wrist, his touch lighter than the blows he threw at them earlier.
“I admit, I said that out of anger. You truly are an incredible fighter Y/N, but there are still some things that even you could improve on. Meet me in the lieutenant courtyard at four tomorrow, and I will personally train you myself.” The excited smile that spread across Y/N’s face made Levi’s heart swell with joy.
“Wow, are you sure you don’t have a concussion, Captain Levi? You just offered to train the person that you’ve hated for months now.” Y/N giggled as they raised their arm to jokingly punch Levi, but he caught their fist in his own calloused hand. It was Levi’s turn to smile, something that Y/N never thought they would see.
“I did hate you, but not because of your fighting skills. The truth is, you are the only person who makes me feel vulnerable.”
“Wow, wait till Erwin hears that Levi himself said that I am his sole weakness! I bet Hange will get a kick out of-”
Levi silenced Y/N’s rambling by pressing his lips quickly to theirs. The kiss startled Y/N, but they soon relaxed as Levi placed a hand on their waist and pulled them in closer. When Levi pulled away, his facial expressions turned back to annoyance, but this time his eyes were not angry. They were filled with admiration and amusement.
“You best keep that kiss between us, brat, or you’ll be running more laps than you can count.”
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materialgworlas · 2 years
Captains meeting- Black Fem Reader X Aot
Featuring: Levi Ackerman, Zoe Hange and Erwin Smith
Synopsis: When the Captains find out the nicknames their cadets have for them.
Warning: mild foul language, the real reason for Erens villain arc
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