#Zomboss playlist
equinoxts2 · 6 years
Game Meme Thinger Thing
Tagged by @starrsim - my answers are quite similar to hers in a few places, and very Plants vs. Zombies (my other therapy game) inspired in several other places, but here goes:
favorite game from the last 5 years? ‒ If you mean released in the last 5 years... none. If you mean games I’ve played in the last 5 years, Sims 2 wins hands down.
most nostalgic game?   ‒ Zoombinis. Those little blue pebbles took up hours of my time in the 90s and I still sometimes play them on an emulator now!
game that deserves a sequel?  ‒ I’d say Sims Castaway Stories. As long as the sequel wasn’t done TS4 style. (caught myself almost typing sequin there - yup, a tropical island covered in little glittery circly things)
game that deserves a remaster?  ‒ 
favorite game series?  ‒ Sims of course!
favorite genre? ‒ Got to be life simulation. Duh. :)
least favorite genre?  ‒ Probably those shooty zappy types of games my brother plays until 3am.
favorite song from a game? ‒ .That one from the end of Plants vs. Zombies 1, which is on my ipod’s happy playlist.
favorite character from a game? ‒ Is it weird that I have a crush on the Tall-nut from PvZ?
favorite ship from a game? ‒ Stinky Skunk (TS2) and El Bandito (TS1) - I blame @hafiseazale for that one :)
favorite voice actor from a game? ‒ Laura Shigihara is the only one I know. (She’s the one who did the aforementioned PvZ song.)
favorite cutscene? ‒ What’s a cutscene?
favorite boss?  ‒ Dr. Zomboss, who I also have a soft spot for that persists no matter how many of my plants he zaps.
first console?  ‒ Playstation 2, I still have it and a few of the games somewhere :P
current console or consoles?  ‒ Does a tablet count? Used exclusively for Plants vs. Zombies 2, but I have one.
console you want?  ‒ Uh... A slightly faster version of my tablet?
place from a game that you’d like to visit?  ‒ I’m with Starr, Magic Town from TS1 - always loved it :)
place from a game that you’d like to live in?  ‒ Kulo Seeri, my TS2 hood.
ridiculous crossover that would never happen but would be super fun?  ‒ I kind of want all the PvZ plants for TS2. :P
book that would make a good game?  ‒  One of my worldbuilding idea notebooks done TS2 style, I guess?
show/movie that would make a good game? ‒  No idea, I don’t really watch TV or movies.
games you want to play?  ‒ I’ll stick with TS2 and PvZ2, thanks.
have you gotten 100% completion in a game?  ‒  Not yet. Still working on it in Zoombinis after 20 years.
have you cried over a game?  ‒ Yes, when the founder of Kulo Seeri died was the first time.
what power-up or ability would you want in real life?  ‒ Slower motive decay, like the TS2 aspiration perks.
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