#Zurich Lions
Three cubs posing by Tambako The Jaguar Via Flickr:
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rabbitcruiser · 1 month
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World Lion Day
World Lion Day on August 10 aims to raise awareness about the plight faced by lions. Scientifically known as ‘Panthero Leo,’ lions are one of the most well-known and popular animal species out there. They are called the ‘Kings of the Jungle’ due to their arresting and fearsome personalities created by their great bodies and heavy, shiny manes. A lion’s powerful roar is second to none, and it can be heard even five miles away. Owing to the pop culture icons like Simba from “The Lion King”, lions are also loved by children. However, while lions existed in large populations 100 years ago, today, their numbers are just below 50,000 worldwide as a result of poaching and hunting. World Lion Day, therefore, brings attention to this endangered species by raising funds and amping up protective measures.
History of World Lion Day
The first World Lion Day came into being in 2013. It was headed by Dereck and Beverly Joubert, a couple who are passionate about preservation and wild cats. After realizing that lion populations have drastically decreased worldwide, the Jouberts approached “National Geographic” for the brand’s help. Forming a partnership with them, the couple came up with the Big Cat Initiative (B.C.I.) in 2009. The B.C.I.’s main goal would be to protect and preserve the remaining lion species in the world. While aspects like deforestation, climate change, and human intervention may have impacted lion populations, studies have shown that their extremely low numbers may also have to do with ice ages and natural environmental disasters that have led them to becoming secluded in only a few countries of the world, namely India and South Africa. To date, the B.C.I. has made substantial leaps, from getting 150+ grant awards to reducing almost 3,000 threats to 3,000 wild cats to removing 13,000 life-threatening snares.
The lion comes from the ‘Felidae’ family of cats, and it is considered to be an apex predator. It is the second-largest cat weighing around 300 to 600 pounds, with the first being its cousin, the tiger. An average lion’s body is muscular with a short round head and ears, and a tufty tail. Its sex can be identified through its heavy and luscious mane, which are absent on lionesses. Lions also happen to be the only cats who roam around in large groups known as prides. Scientists believe that lions do so because it is easier to catch prey in the wild. Their natural habitats are savannas and grasslands. You will most likely find a pride of lions near water bodies as they strategically wait for prey to come there for a drink and then pounce on them.
World Lion Day timeline
1758 ‘Felis Leo’ is Coined
Carl Linnaeus, a Swedish zoologist and botanist, invents ‘Felis Leo’ as the scientific name of lions.
1996 Vulnerable Species
The lion is placed on the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature due to its African population decreasing by 45% since 1990.
2009 Big Cat Initiative is Formed
Dereck and Beverly Joubert, in partnership with “National Geographic”, start the Big Cat Initiative to save lions.
2013 The First World Lion Day
The B.C.I. announces the first World Lion Day in order to include the world in lion preservation efforts.
How to Observe World Lion Day
Vow to protect lions
Refuse to buy lion products
Donate your assets
No matter how you choose to spend the day, make sure it is worthwhile by vowing to protect lions. Lions are natural predators that are necessary to keep prey populations in check. Apart from such environmental benefits, lions are extremely beautiful and majestic animals that have ruled the pop culture scene for a long time. So, let’s take a vow to be there for them.
Whether you are looking to buy a new bag or coat, or any other similar paraphernalia, make sure you know where it is coming from. Refuse to buy lion products (or other animal skin products) to reduce sales and market value.
Time and money are the most valuable assets you can give in today’s world. Look out for national and international organizations that protect wild cats, and invest in them by donating your money to the cause. If you cannot donate, you can volunteer your time by either helping the organizations with volunteer work or by promoting the organizations in your circles.
5 Facts About Lions That Will Blow Your Mind
Younglings have spots on their skin
Manes change over time
Cubs are raised together
Females are mightier hunters
Heavy and long sleepers
Young lion cubs are born with spots on their coats, but these tend to fade away as they grow older.
A lion’s mane will change color, going from light to dark, as it grows older.
Lion cubs are generally brought up together by all the females in a pride.
Lionesses are better hunters than their male counterparts, and it is for this reason that they hunt 80% to 90% of the time.
Lions will sleep for at least 20 hours a day.
Why World Lion Day is Important
It’s a celebration of lions
It’s a reminder about the importance of preservation
It’s a celebration of the natural environment
For most of us, “The Lion King” was a huge part of our childhood. We rejoiced at the birth of Simba but also grieved with him over his father’s death. Holding such sweet memories and images, we cannot let the beloved animal go extinct. Let’s come together on August 10 to protect lions from all dangers.
Preservation has become a necessity, more now than ever. We cannot hope to live on a peaceful and resourceful Earth if we keep depleting it of its natural resources, be it water, fuel, or animals. We must preserve and protect the Earth for ourselves as well as future generations.
The natural environment has given us countless gifts. From food for taste and survival to medicinal properties to inspiration for technological inventions, nature has continued to reward us since time immemorial. We must therefore honor, respect, and celebrate it.
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ladylooch · 6 months
Strictly Pleasure - [Timo Meier]
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A/N: So color me stunned when I went to the roster of Team Switzerland in 2019 and did not in fact see Timo on it……. Because the Sharks were in the playoffs…. LMAO But you know my entire AU timeline is built on 2019 so we go with it. As promised, the full fic for our unanimous poll winners 🥹
As a warning, I literally was clawing my fingernails into the bench seat editing this morning. Holy fuck. Apparently I was feeling extra smutty this weekend.....
Word Count: 4.3k
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The coolness of my white wine glass chills my palm while I bring the liquid to my lips. I take a sip, lips curling up in appreciation of both the wine and the stunning sunset before my eyes. I sit on the patio of a cafe in Bratislava, Slovakia awaiting the arrival of my little brother. I am the only member of my family who has been able to make it over to Slovakia in time to see him compete for our country at the IIHF World Championships. His previous international experience has been at the U18 level, but this year he is competing in the big leagues. We are so proud of him and I feel honored to have the flexibility to see him live his dream this week.
Crowds from various countries line the streets of the capital city, surrounding Ondrej Nepela Arena. Various teams are represented- the three crowns of Sweden, the lion of Finland and one man with the red and white of my home country. I smile at the familiar crest on his chest. He wanders down the sidewalk with sunglasses on, hair perfectly styled in a swoop to the left. Mirrored aviators hide his upward gaze to the awning that spells out the restaurant. He flips his sunglasses up, looking down at his phone, then at the name of the restaurant again. Once confirming, he puts his phone back in his pocket, then stalls his footsteps at the podium explaining the menu options for tonight.
“Go Swiss!” I cheer in my native language at him. He looks up from where he had been studying the menu, nodding in my direction. 
“You from?”
“Me too.”
“I assumed so. You have the accent.” 
“You… kind of do?” He chuckles, questioning. His head tilts to the side slightly, thick eyebrows pulling lower over his eyes. “Where are you from?”
“Close to Bern.”
“Ah… that southern dialect can be troublesome.”
“Maybe you just haven’t heard it enough. Should get out of the big city.” He quirks an eyebrow. “Zurich. Clearly.”
“St. Gallen.”
“Same difference.” 
“Okay.” He chuckles, shifting as he stuffs his hands in the pockets of his jeans. “This place any good?”
“Wine is good.” I cheers my glass in the air at him. “But other than that, I don’t know. My brother picked the place.”
“Yeah, I am meeting someone here too.” 
“Would you like to wait with me? I can buy you a drink.” For some reason, he laughs. 
“Buy me a drink?” He nods. “Sure, if your boyfriend won’t mind?”
“No boyfriend. I’m sure your girlfriend will not be much longer though?”
“No girlfriend. If I did, sitting next to a beautiful Swiss woman would likely get me into big trouble.” He murmurs, reaching for the back of the empty chair across from me. As he pulls it out, my brother comes hustling up next to us.
“Oh great! You did get my text about Timo joining us. I’m glad you found each other.” We both pause, connecting the pieces of who we are to each other. I would not have pegged him as a hockey player. He presents so different from the others I have interacted with over my brother’s playing career. “Timo, this is my older sister Emma.”
“Nice to meet you.” He murmurs as he shakes my hand. Our hands fit perfectly together in a polite shake. His fingers drag along every inch of my palm as he pulls his hand back, creating an electric jolt up my arm.
“Yeah…” I trail off, answering my brother. I gulp down a sip of wine. “He was easy to spot.” Nico grins as I stand, wrapping my arms around his shoulders. “Hi.” I haven’t seen Nico for a few weeks. He came home to Switzerland after his season ended, but was running off with all his friends with his new found freedom.
“I am glad you could make it. Mama and Papa are coming tomorrow?”
“Yes, it was the earliest they could get here. I was able to get on a flight from my conference in Berlin.” 
“Good. More time together.” I laugh, glancing at Timo who studies the menu across from me.
“Seemed you liked the way the last few weeks were.” I murmur. “Your big sister always coming in last.”
“I’m sorry.” Nico sighs regretfully.
“It’s okay. As per usual, your time is pulled in every single direction.” 
“Yes, but you’re important to me. I’ll do better.”
“Good! You can start by buying me dinner. You make the big bucks now!” 
“Yeah, you can buy mine too. You make 1st overall money. I’m slumming it down at 9.” Timo and I share a look, chuckling together at Nico’s red, embarrassed cheeks.
“With a flick of a pen, you instantly made more money than your sister has her entire career. You can buy my dinner.” I pile on.
“Stop.” Nico shakes his head with a shy smile. “I will buy you dinner because I love you and that’s it.” I shake my head, looking over at Timo.
“Nico always has to be so sweet to make me feel bad for teasing him.”
“You need to get meaner Nico.” Timo laughs. “Your sister is more intimidating than you.” I scoff at him, then smirk.
“Certified man eater.” I confirm. “You better be careful.” He sucks his cheeks in for a moment, scanning his eyes along my body. Then he shakes his head.
“I like a challenge.” He winks. I pause, recognizing his interest, sliding my gaze over to my little brother who seems to be contemplating between two entrees. I lick a drop of wine off my lips after taking a sip. Timo’s blue eyes stay there, then fall back down to the menu in front of me.
The rest of dinner, these small, wordless interactions happen. He brushes my hand while handing me back my filled water glass. We steal looks at each other whenever Nico isn’t looking. Most of the conversation is driven by us towards each other. Nico seems content to listen, happy to see us getting along so well after inviting a stranger to sibling bonding. I am thankful he did. Timo and I are vibing, conversing and joking like we have known each other for years, not less than two hours. 
Nico pays the bill, making a huge show of treating us with his black Amex. 
“Flaunting your wealth is tacky Nico.” I scold. He scoffs at me, waving me up out of my seat. I toss my arm around his shoulder, pulling him in for a forced hug. “I love you. Thank you.”
“I love you, buddy! Thank you!” Timo says too, coming in to the other side so Nico is sandwiched between us. I giggle hard, tilting my head back towards the dark sky while doing so. Timo’s hands grip my sides as we squeeze Nico harder. I fold my fingers over his arms too, feeling the soft material of his sweatshirt. When I open my eyes all I can see is Timo. His beautiful blue eyes sparkling with joy. His big smile and scrunched nose indicating how much fun he is having with us.
“I could use another drink.” I hear myself say to him directly. He nods immediately, releasing from our packed hug.
“We have a bar in our hotel. Are you staying there too?” Timo asks casually.
“Oh! Yes! Let’s go.” I exclaim. “Neeks?”
“Maybe. I’m tired, but I’ll see how I feel when we get there.” 
“Okay.” I shrug. No offense to Nico, but I wouldn’t be disappointed if he didn’t come.
“How are we feeling about the game tomorrow?” I ask the boys as we walk the cobblestone walk way. 
“Good. We’ll get it done.” Timo says confidently. Nico echos that though a yawn.
His yawning continues through our first round of drinks until he is almost falling asleep sitting up in his chair where we sit at a space in the bar, backing up to the lobby.
“Nico, just go to bed.” I chuckle.
“Yeah I am going to head there.” Nico sighs after a yawn. He looks over at me. “You too?” I bite my lip, shaking my head. 
“I’m not tired. I stay up late for a living.” Nico shrugs his shoulders. “Goodnight.” He stands up.
“Goodnight baby brother.” I tease him as he heads across the lobby to the elevators. “Sleepy good!” I take a sip of my wine, then settle my brown eyes on Timo who still watches with those interested eyes. “Are you tired?” I wonder.
“No.” He says then takes a sip of his drink. “A lot more interesting things are happening down here than in mine and Fiala’s room.” A shiver runs from the base of my neck down my spine pulling my chest tight with flattery. 
“You like to stay up late?”
“Mhm.” He answers around another sip of his drink. He licks at his top teeth afterwards, bringing my eyes back to his lips. “Kinda have to in this job. What do you do?”
“I own an event planning business.” 
“Oh fancy, Ms. Entrepreneur.” 
“I went to college and everything.”
“Impressive. Maybe I should hire you to run my charity golf tournament.”
“I could do that. But it depends.”
“What happens between us tonight.” A slow and sexual grin rolls across his lips. He likes my boldness. My heart fluters excitedly in my chest. I love this part, getting gorgeous and powerful men to give into what has been brewing between us. “I have a strict line between business and pleasure. I’m sure you can understand that in your line of work.” Timo nods, looking lost in a previous mistake. 
“That is fair.” He tilts his head. A few teammates walk through the lobby, shouting a hello at Timo. He gives a brief wave, then focuses back on me.
“Any chance I could convince you to go somewhere private to discuss further your personal and professional qualifications?” There is nothing professional about his request.
“Where would you suggest?”
“Maybe your room?” I pretend to contemplate, leaning back in my chair while studying him with scrutiny. 
“What would we do there?” I ask him, dragging out the vowels in my words. I slowly run my tongue along my lips, gathering his attention there.
“You can tease me some more with that mouth.” 
Forward. Bold. Going in for the kill, just like I hoped. 
“Our drinks?” He pulls his wallet out, tossing cash onto the table. He stuffs his wallet in the back pocket of his jeans and stands. He holds his hand out for me. I stare at the warm, welcoming skin of his palm. I know what taking that hand means. I know this is dangerous territory, but Timo is a temporary teammate of my brother. It’s not like he is in New Jersey with him full time.
I slide my fingers gently into his hand, then clasp it as he lifts me into a standing position. He weaves our fingers together, palms cupping each other as we walk silently to the elevator. He pulls me in behind him, then turns expectantly at me.
“Four.” I tell him. He presses the button and the doors close. 
“You do this often?”
“Yeah. You?”
“Plenty.” His eyes drag ravenously from my face down my body. He nods in surprised appreciation. “I won’t tell you I love you after, if that’s what you’re worried about.” He chuckles. 
“You look harder to get than that. What are the rules?” He asks as he turns towards me. His hand drops mine, so he can pull my hips flush with his. My eyes flutter at what I feel. Big. Hard. Ready. 
“Wrap it up. Don’t you dare finish before me. No butt stuff. And…” I insist, stepping closer. “Nico never knows.” My foot goes between his, rubbing my thigh against his zipper. He exhales a little heavier, hinting at the desire building in his body. The elevator doors open and we step out. I lead the way, sliding the key through and pushing the door open. I walk in first again. He shuts the door behind us then crosses the slim space between us. He whips me around by my wrist, crowding my space immediately. My heartbeat skyrockets in dangerous and needy passion.
“Anything else?” He asks, sliding a hand to the side of my neck. He holds it tight, thumb stroking my cheek. His blue eyes are fierce, ready for whatever waits for us on the other side of my answer. 
“What are yours?”
“I don’t want anything serious. You understand that?” He strokes my cheek as he says it as if to soften the blow. He’s clearly had this conversation before with other women. He’ll figure out I’m not like them soon enough.
“Are you on the pill?” 
“Yes.” I laugh. “Are we going to fuck now or keep playing 20 questions?” I slide my hand down to the button on his pants. He laughs too, pausing as he bites his bottom lip. 
“What are your thoughts on cuddling?”
“Hell no.”
“My kinda girl.” He whispers then closes the gap between our faces.
His lips on mine create an explosion that rocks me to my core. I exhale into his mouth in a moan. He runs his hand through my hair then down my body. It wraps around my waist and he lifts, practically tossing me up onto the hotel desk. The lamp shade rattles against the wall. His hands come to my shirt, lifting. Our lips part for a moment, then reconnect with tongues. Wetness pools in my panties, almost soaking them through. 
One of his hands comes up to my breast, squeezing it, then finding my nipple and thumbing it over my bra. I sigh happily into his mouth, then fist his shirt in my hand. His shirt joins mine on the floor, then I reach for the button on his pants. It snaps apart easily. I jerk his zipper down until it’s completely open. His cock is hot and seeping in his underwear. I pull back from his mouth, looking down as he unclasps my bra. The straps slack along my arms. He pulls them the rest of the way off, then takes me in. 
“Beautiful.” He mumbles, tugging my hips so I slide closer to him on the desk top. “So, so beautiful.” He repeats against the warm skin of my chest. His lips kiss down vertically, until he gets to a tight nipple. He makes eye contact with me as he sucks it into his mouth. His tongue strokes upwards too, making my jaw unhinge for a moment. “You had so much to say earlier, now you’re quiet? Gonna have to change that.” He whispers, then sucks my nipple deep into his mouth, working it over, sending darts of pleasure to my clit. It aches to be touched, missing out on his skilled mouth and fingers. 
“Oh.” I pant. He smirks into my breast.
My fingers find the waistband of his underwear, tugging it back from his skin so his cock rises to rest on his belly. His red tip is oozing down the edge of his head. I bite my lip, then my head knocks back into the lamp as his tongue strokes my other nipple into submission.
Fuck, this is incredible. He knows exactly what he is doing. When to push, when to pull away, how to tease and reward. He will be worth any future punishment. My hands shove at the waistbands of his bottom layers until they work down his strong hips. He steps out of them, grabbing a condom in his jean pocket, then kicks them off to the side. I lean back on one palm grinning. He lets me take him in, every delicious curve and edge of his muscular body made perfect from hockey and hard work. His big hands cup my breasts, rolling his thumbs over the stiff peaks in unison. 
“Oh that feels sooo good.” I moan appreciatively. I run my free hand through my hair. He watches my face, playing with me more until I am embarrassingly close to coming without him even being inside of me. “I need you to fill me up.”I demand breathlessly. He bites his lip.
“You’re so fucking sexy. You can tell me what to do all night, Emma.” 
“Just call me Em.” I laugh. “Emma is so formal.” 
“Whatever you want, babe.” 
He unbuttons my jeans, then pulls them off my legs. He admires my black, lace panties, seeing the creamy wetness pooling there just for him, then he works them off my body so we are both naked. He picks me up, setting me to the very edge of the desk, then he hands me the condom. I rip the package open with my teeth, gripping the tip, before easing it down his shaft. His eyes close and he sways slightly forward at my hands on him.
He crowds my space, our breath combining together, still smelling like the minimal alcohol we had tonight. One hand goes to my left hip, then the other goes to grip his shaft. He rolls his head through my folds, collecting my soaking juices before he nestles his head at my entrance. Together, we watch him disappear between my swollen lips. He lets out a shaky exhale. He grabs my wrists, putting them on his shoulders, then he lifts me slightly up off the desk, beginning to pump into my pussy. 
Tingling explosions burst out down my body. Gooseflesh covers my arms and legs as I take each hard thrust with enthusiastic greed. I kiss along his jaw, grinning at the way I jerk in his arms with each pump. He isn’t handling me like a fragile doll, he is fucking me just like I knew he would. Hard, fast, deep, showing he was built with power and strength for a reason.
“Fuck, Em, your pussy is so good.” He growls into my neck. The sound of skin slapping together increases, becoming disgustingly obvious in the room as he rocks hard into me. “So wet and tight.” He hisses through gritted teeth. My nose bumps into his jaw as I moan on his throat. He turns his face, capturing my lips then fucking up harder and faster into me. My whole body goes tight and rigid, then I fall into my orgasm. Timo fucks me through it, not wavering in his thrusts at all until I collapse onto his chest in surrender. He slows then, kissing my neck as he takes me to the bed. He lays me down, then work himself out of me. I look down at the condom, wondering if we are done.
“Your turn. Show me what you got, Hischier.” I laugh loudly. He sits down on the bed, then falls backwards. He takes my hand in one of his, fingers folding together, helping me maneuver to straddle his lap. I work my hair to one side, then reach behind me to grab his cock in my hand. He hums, then sighs happily as I swallow him whole in one press of my hips. Timo’s eyes literally roll back into his head as I start to move. His hands come behind his head fingers lacing together on the pillow below.
“That’s right. Just lay there princess.” I smirk, throwing my hips back on his cock. 
“Funny… gorgeous… talented… where has Nico been hiding you?”
“Practically under your nose.”
“Ah, that’s why I didn’t see it. It’s a little big.” I giggle, then set my hands on his shoulders, rolling my hips.
“Ooo. You know how to fuck.” He praises me. “So good….” He bites his lip, exhaling heavily. “Little more, gorgeous.” He encourages. I comply and he groans. “Mmmm.” His hands snap away from the back of his head. He grips my hips, feeling the roll of them on him. Then two fingers find my clit. I shutter. His other hand comes to my breast, pinching my nipple. “Fuck me until you cum.”  He whispers. I moan shakily, then keep bucking my hips down into him. When he senses I am about to release, he works his hips up in little thrusts to help me over the edge.
“Oh!” I cry out, pinching my other nipple.
He gently eases me down, pulling his feet up closer to his butt so his thighs create support for my back. I slump into them. I pant, looking at him on the pillow as he smirks. 
“Shit.” I hiss as he forces his cock up deep into me, lifting my weight with his hips like it’s nothing. 
“Doggy?” He asks, wiggling his large eyebrows. I nod eagerly.
I’ve never come so hard or had so much fun with a one night stand before. Usually, it’s awkward, bumping into each other and trying to find the right tempo. Not with Timo. It truly feels like we were made for each other. Gone is the insecure way I try to move my body so my partner can see the best angles. Usually, I stay away from doggy. But I am desperate to feel the hard slapping of his balls against my clit. 
We both stand. Timo kisses me, tongues flirting within my mouth. Our lips are puffy and red by the time we pull apart. He twists my hips, working his cock between my legs as I bend over in front of him. He lines his latex covered head with my entrance, then pulls me back on his dick. We both groan loudly this time, appreciating the stretch and arousal of each other. 
“Gonna be dreaming about this pussy tonight.” He groans, starting to buck his hips again. The delicious slapping has me deliriously groping the bed sheets. His thick cock crams into me thrust after thrust, feeling like he is rearranging my internal organs. A big hand comes to the back of my neck, forcing me down. I groan loudly, shrieking an inhale at how good this angle feels. 
“Please.” I hear myself beg.
“Please what, baby?”
“Please make me cum. Please. More. Um! That! Yeah!” I yelp out as his hips snap harder into me. My ass shakes with his powerful thrusts. I turn my face into the comforter, then scream hard into it as a powerful orgasm grips my core and turns me inside out. 
“Fuck… I’m gonna cum. Feels so fucking good when you cum.” I shake against his thighs as he finishes in the condom. His hand releases from the back of my neck. He grips the edge of the condom then works his way out of me. Wordlessly, he heads to the bathroom, striping himself and cleaning off. I collapse forward into the bed sheets, curling into the fetal position while my heavy breathing continues. Timo brings a towel back with him, tossing it to me. Afterwards, I throw it onto the floor while he lays back next to me in bed. 
“Good job.” I murmur, holding my hand up. He slaps it firmly, then sighs happily.
“That was amazing.” He turns to look at me when he says it. I nod, meeting his gaze. “Any chance you’re available for more of that this summer?”
“No strings?”
“No strings.” He agrees. 
“Then yeah. I’m available.” He chuckles. 
“We make a good team, tho. Damn.” He rubs a hand over his head. He turns his wrist, looking at the time on his expensive, silver watch. “I gotta go. It’s almost curfew.”
“Yeah, I want to go to sleep.” I admit, stretching out, pushing at his thigh under the covers to move him off the bed. He dramatically rolls off like I kicked him full on. I giggle as he rests his chin on the bed from the floor. His blue eyes soak me up. His hand comes up, poking at my left cheek.
“Your dimples are cute.”
“Thank you.” I murmur. 
“How long are you here?”
“Wanna see me again already?” He laughs.
“Yeah. Sex that great is rare. I want you again tomorrow.” Butterflies erupt in my stomach. I roll my bottom lip in my mouth, watching him pull his clothes back on. His last article is the Team Switzerland sweatshirt he zips up to the middle of his chest.
“Okay.” I agree. He smiles gently, then walks towards me. 
He kneels one knee on the bed, hovering over the body he wrecked tonight. He kisses me quick, then pulls away. He smells seductive and sultry, like his expensive cologne and me. 
“Sweet dreams.” He whispers.
“Goodnight.” I respond. He walks out of the room, closing the door softly during his exit.
I roll onto my back, staring up at the ceiling above me. The butterflies in my stomach expand up into my chest until it feels crammed full. I put my hand over my face, watching back the reel of the night against my black eyelids, ending with the mutual agreement of more. 
More this weekend. More even this off-season too. More, more, more because it will be months before I will have had my fill of him.
I’m not sure how we will make it all work. Sneaking around once is one thing, but doing it continuously is another.
I guess this planner is going to have to figure it out. 
Because It’s going to be a long, hot summer with Timo Meier.
More Timo and Emma can be found here.
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evildilf2 · 1 month
Liz Westerberg 😈
Lizzy - Ben Kweller
I’m So Tired - Fugazi
Zurich Is Stained - Pavement
WSOD - Shellac
Ex Lion Tamer - Wire
Some Might Say - Oasis
Tony’s Theme - Pixies
Everything Reminds Me of Her - Elliott Smith
Return of the Rat - Wipers
Baby Bitch - Ween
Else - Built to Spill
Rattlesnake - The Replacements
Get Away - Braniac
Hehe… 😼 hope u like
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glovehearts · 3 months
what got you into hockey?
oh this is a whole thing.
SO. ice hockey has always had a presence in the uk, and I would go to games locally, leagues would fade in and out depending on bankruptcy and funding and all the rest of it. but I really loved going to live games and kind of fell in love with it that way as a teenager. the nhl was broadcast sporadically on tv here in the early 00s, but when streaming started picking up it was a lot easier to watch for me.
also watching iihf was really fun, and that's where I got to see a lot of my faves before they made it to the nhl or when they were only starting their nhl careers. like an iihf tournament was when I first saw auston play and was like, okay okay this kid is insane. and I followed his career from there, even got to see him in zurich because me and my friend were there when he was playing for the lions.
so it's kind of been a forever thing, really? like it was always around and it was always in my life, like I've watched a LOT of hockey over the years, but I think it probably became a steady thing for me when I saw auston play in that tournament like a decade ago.
like I've just always been into sports and hockey is the bestest sport of them all, no question.
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3416 · 1 year
was thinkin about how... when mitch’s contract stuff was happening last time... there was the possibility of him going to play for the zurich lions aka the team auston played for pre-nhl.... i wonder who reached out to who on that....like if mitch was asking for advice about what to do should his contract not pan out... keeping options open and talking through future possibilities with someone he trusts... auston knew about it in that zoom interview w patty and mitch too like........ that’s sweet. 
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brightnshinythings · 2 years
AU Meme - Day 24 - Apocalypse/Dystopia
Neither of them are really my thing, even in the fiction I consume, never mind what I write.  I am an optimist.  When it comes to catastrophes, I like mine cosy, like say 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' or in a very different way, "Children of Men".
So, you're getting some more of a Molly and Regal-focussed dystopian AU (originally written for @lenny-kosnowski ).  This one is heavily Regal and based on a recent promo vs MJF.
Fic bit under the cut
The journey back from Molly, from the Grey Sisters, was when Regal appreciated that, as a minor ministry official, he wasn't allowed to travel by car.  The train journey was long enough that he could calm himself, return to the stereotype of the Zurich gnome he was supposed to be - calmly writing, reading and approving documents that should make all decent folk revolt.
And he can't.  For the greater good, he's got to stay there, blandly not reacting to what he's reading, nodding approvingly at every new horror, because he's their best bet for having a man on the inside.
He's not quite sure how, maybe the suits and the accent and twenty years make people forget who you were once.  He has no idea how they forget that Moxley was one of his students but they seem to.  
When the government came to power, he kept expecting the knock on the door, sending him to join the long list of mysteriously vanished.  His history is what it is and they'd rounded up everyone else Moxley had ever had anything to do with.  But it never came.  Day after day of being very quiet, very discreet, making sure no-one noticed him for good or ill.
The knock never came.
Or that one didn't.
Another one did, Molly carrying an injured protestor and of course he was going to let her in.  And after that, it was easy to start funnelling bits of information through her and any nominated associates.  
It was risky, and he knows it.  It's risky and he knows the consequences if any of them get caught, the gallows are set up in the square outside his office.  But he can't not do it and still look at himself in the mirror.
End notes: There's a whole bit about Molly really having a shaven head and its a wig most of the time that probably needs to be written.
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The Top 5 Family-Friendly Things to do in Switzerland
Switzerland, with its beautiful surroundings and lovely cities, has a variety of family-friendly activities to offer. There is something for the whole family to enjoy, from taking beautiful train journeys over the Swiss Alps to exploring the beautiful mediaeval old cities of Lucerne and Bern. History fans can explore rich oral tradition kept in museums and castles, while nature lovers can enjoy hiking routes that lead to amazing scenery. Take a boat ride on Lake Geneva or visit the Swiss Museum of Transport in Lucerne for a whimsical experience. The interactive exhibits there are likely to pique the interest of small children. Switzerland offers unique experiences that suit all ages and interests, it's skiing in the winter or having picnic by beautiful lakes in the summer.
With our carefully designed Switzerland holiday packages, discover the soul of Switzerland. Every one of our luxury Switzerland tour packages, or our more adventurous schedules, is made to completely immerse you in the beautiful landscapes, lively culture, and beautiful cities of the nation. Our programmes offer an effortless combination of discovery and relaxation, taking in the beautiful Swiss Alps, calm lakes, and energetic cities like Zurich and Lucerne. Enjoy winter sports, take scenic train journeys to see the famous sites, or just relax in the amazing natural beauty. Every moment is guaranteed to be amazing with our Switzerland vacation packages, making memories that will last a lifetime.
Here are the Top 5 Family-Friendly Things to do in Switzerland:
1. Swiss Theme Parks and Adventure Parks:
Connyland (Lipperswil): This amusement park has a variety of rides appropriate for all age groups in addition to interesting dolphin and sea lion shows. Children can also engage with animals in the petting zoo.
Swiss Vapeur Parc (Le Bouveret): Swiss Vapeur Parc, well-known for its miniature steam train rides, lets families experience a re-creation of Switzerland's landscapes on a smaller scale. The park provides both adults and children with a delightful experience due to its well-maintained landscaping.
2. Alpine Adventures:
Zermatt: Zermatt, known for the recognisable Matterhorn summit, has a variety of family-friendly activities. Families may enjoy walks suitable for all ability levels in the summer, as well as cable car trips up to locations like Gornergrat for amazing views of the Alps.
Grindelwald: Another family-friendly Alpine resort is Grindelwald, which can be found hidden away in the Bernese Oberland. Easy hiking trails through beautiful landscape, cable car rides to overlooks like First, and summertime skating, and adventure park visits are all available.
3. Swiss Museums:
Swiss Museum of Transport (Lucerne): Families love this museum because of its interactive displays about all kinds of transport in Switzerland. Children can explore vintage cars, trucks, and aeroplanes. They can even take a driving or flying lesson in simulators.
Technorama (Winterthur): Technorama, also referred to as Switzerland's interactive scientific centre, has more than 500 practical physics, chemistry, and biology experiments. For both kids and adults, it's an entertaining and informative experience.
4. Cruises on Swiss Lakes:
Lake Geneva: Families can take a relaxing boat tour from Geneva, Lausanne, or Montreux to take in the beautiful views of Lake Geneva and its environs. Certain cruises make stops at communities beside lakes or at sites like Chillon Castle.
Lake Lucerne: Families may experience the amazing views of the Swiss Alps while cruising on Lake Lucerne. Cruises leave from Lucerne and frequently include stops at neighbouring sites like the Swiss Museum of Transport or a ride on the cogwheel train up Mount Pilatus.
5. Exploring Swiss Cities:
Zurich: The biggest city in Switzerland has a lot to offer families. Families can explore the city's parks, such the Zurich Arboretum, or go to the Zoo in Zurich, which is home to a wide variety of animals. The Lindenhof hill offers expansive city views, and the Swiss National Museum offers insights into Swiss history and culture.
Geneva: Geneva, which is situated on the shores of Lake Geneva, has family-friendly activities like boat cruises on the lake, seeing the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum, and viewing the Jet d'Eau fountain. Walking about the city's Old Town, with its old buildings and beautiful cafés, is a great idea. Conclusion:
Families looking for adventure and relaxation will find Switzerland to be an excellent choice. There's never a dull moment here because to the harmonious combination of modern attractions, historical depth, and natural beauty. Switzerland offers an infinite number of chances for families to make lasting impressions, whether they are travelling through beautiful villages, bonding over a fondue meal in Zurich, or taking in the amazing highest point of the Matterhorn. Switzerland is great destination for family-friendly travel in Europe because of well-organized transport system and friendly attitude, ensure seamless and pleasurable trip for travellers of all ages.
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Discovering Switzerland's Iconic Attractions: From Harder Kulm to Cultural Gems
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Switzerland, a land synonymous with pristine landscapes, cultural richness, and unparalleled hospitality, beckons travelers from across the globe to immerse themselves in its diverse offerings. From the majestic peaks of the Swiss Alps to the charming towns and vibrant cities, every corner of Switzerland promises an unforgettable journey. Among its many treasures, Harder Kulm stands as a beacon of natural beauty, offering panoramic views that capture the essence of this alpine wonderland.
The Enchantment of Harder Kulm
Perched at an altitude of 1,322 meters (4,337 feet) above sea level, Harder Kulm reigns as one of Switzerland's most iconic viewpoints. Located near the picturesque town of Interlaken, this mountain peak offers sweeping vistas of Lake Thun, Lake Brienz, and the towering Eiger, Mönch, and Jungfrau peaks. Accessible via a scenic funicular ride from Interlaken, the journey to Harder Kulm itself is an experience to cherish.
Experiencing the Funicular Journey
The adventure begins at the base station in Interlaken, where travelers embark on a picturesque ascent aboard the Harder Railway. As the funicular climbs, passengers are treated to breathtaking views of rolling hills, charming Swiss chalets, and the sparkling waters of the lakes, Interlaken harder kulm tickets are there journey takes approximately 10 minutes, during which anticipation builds for the panoramic spectacle awaiting at the summit.
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Arrival at Harder Kulm Summit
Upon reaching the summit station, visitors are greeted by a panoramic viewing platform that offers unobstructed views of Interlaken and its surrounding natural splendor. The platform is strategically positioned to maximize visibility of the lakes and peaks, providing ample opportunities for photography and moments of quiet contemplation amidst nature's grandeur.
Ticket Pricing and Practical Information
To embark on this unforgettable journey, visitors can purchase tickets for the Harder Railway at approximately CHF 38 for a round-trip journey per adult (prices subject to change). The funicular operates year-round, with schedules adjusted seasonally to accommodate daylight hours and weather conditions. It's advisable to check the latest timetable and ticket information before planning your visit.
Beyond Harder Kulm: Switzerland's Cultural and Natural Charms
While Harder Kulm captivates with its panoramic views, Switzerland boasts an array of attractions that cater to every traveler's interests.
1. The Swiss Alps: Majestic Landscapes and Outdoor Adventure
Switzerland's reputation as a haven for outdoor enthusiasts is epitomized by the Swiss Alps. From skiing and snowboarding in winter to hiking and mountain biking in summer, the Alpine region offers endless opportunities for adventure amidst breathtaking scenery. Popular destinations include Zermatt, home to the iconic Matterhorn, and St. Moritz, renowned for its luxury resorts and winter sports.
2. Lucerne: A Cultural Gem Amidst Alpine Beauty
Nestled on the shores of Lake Lucerne, the city of Lucerne combines historical charm with stunning natural surroundings. Highlights include the Chapel Bridge (Kapellbrücke), a 14th-century wooden bridge adorned with medieval paintings, and the Lion Monument (Löwendenkmal), a poignant sculpture commemorating Swiss Guards who perished during the French Revolution.
3. Zurich and Geneva: Urban Sophistication and Cultural Delights
Switzerland's largest cities, Zurich and Geneva, offer a blend of cosmopolitan flair and cultural richness. Zurich enchants visitors with its vibrant arts scene, upscale shopping districts, and the tranquil beauty of Lake Zurich. Meanwhile, Geneva captivates with its international diplomacy hub, exquisite watchmaking heritage, and the iconic Jet d'Eau fountain on Lake Geneva.
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4. Swiss Riviera: Lakeside Serenity and Mediterranean Flair
On the shores of Lake Geneva, the Swiss Riviera exudes an air of Mediterranean elegance amidst the Swiss Alps. Montreux, known for its annual Jazz Festival and stunning lakeside promenades, and Lausanne, home to the International Olympic Committee headquarters and historic Old Town, exemplify the region's allure.
Embracing Swiss Hospitality and Cuisine
No journey through Switzerland is complete without savoring its culinary delights and experiencing its warm hospitality. From traditional Swiss fondue and raclette to artisanal chocolates and hearty alpine cuisine, each region offers a culinary tapestry that reflects its unique cultural heritage. Be sure to indulge in local specialties and embrace the convivial atmosphere of Swiss hospitality during your travels.
Planning Your Swiss Adventure
Whether you're drawn to the heights of Harder Kulm or the cultural riches of Zurich, Switzerland promises a journey of discovery and wonder. As you plan your itinerary, consider the following tips to make the most of your visit:
Seasonal Considerations: Switzerland offers distinct charms throughout the year. Winter months transform the landscape into a winter wonderland perfect for skiing and snow activities, while spring and summer unveil vibrant flora and outdoor adventures.
Transportation: Switzerland's efficient public transportation network, including trains and scenic railways, makes exploring the country convenient and enjoyable. Consider purchasing a Swiss Travel Pass for unlimited travel and discounts on attractions.
Accommodation: From luxury hotels with Alpine views to charming guesthouses in historic towns, Switzerland offers accommodations to suit every taste and budget. Book in advance, especially during peak travel seasons, to secure your preferred lodging.
Conclusion: Embrace the Magic of Switzerland
In conclusion, Switzerland captivates visitors with its blend of natural beauty, cultural treasures, and warm hospitality. Whether you're marveling at the panoramic views from Harder Kulm, exploring historic cities, or indulging in Swiss culinary delights, every moment in Switzerland promises an enriching and unforgettable experience. Plan your journey, immerse yourself in the splendor of the Swiss Alps, and discover why Switzerland remains a timeless destination cherished by travelers around the world.
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fliptripholidays2222 · 3 months
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Diverse Options in Switzerland Visit Bundles from India
If you're interested in Switzerland's wealthy social legacy, select a Switzerland tour package from India. These visits center on chronicled points of interest, exhibition halls, and social experiences:
Highlights: Investigate notorious cities like Zurich, known for its craftsmanship exhibitions and Ancient Town; Lucerne with its Chapel Bridge and Lion Landmark; and Geneva for its worldwide organizations and picturesque lakefront.
Inclusions: Guided visits to social destinations, visits to exhibition halls such as the Swiss National Gallery and Kunsthaus Zurich, and openings to go to social occasions or festivals.
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sireenkanaan · 3 months
The top 5 family-friendly things to do in Switzerland
Switzerland, with its beautiful surroundings and lovely cities, has a variety of family-friendly activities to offer. There is something for the whole family to enjoy, from taking beautiful train journeys over the Swiss Alps to exploring the beautiful mediaeval old cities of Lucerne and Bern. History fans can explore rich oral tradition kept in museums and castles, while nature lovers can enjoy hiking routes that lead to amazing scenery. Take a boat ride on Lake Geneva or visit the Swiss Museum of Transport in Lucerne for a whimsical experience. The interactive exhibits there are likely to pique the interest of small children. Switzerland offers unique experiences that suit all ages and interests, it's skiing in the winter or having picnic by beautiful lakes in the summer.
With our carefully designed Switzerland holiday packages, discover the soul of Switzerland. Every one of our luxury Switzerland tour packages, or our more adventurous schedules, is made to completely immerse you in the beautiful landscapes, lively culture, and beautiful cities of the nation. Our programmes offer an effortless combination of discovery and relaxation, taking in the beautiful Swiss Alps, calm lakes, and energetic cities like Zurich and Lucerne. Enjoy winter sports, take scenic train journeys to see the famous sites, or just relax in the amazing natural beauty. Every moment is guaranteed to be amazing with our Switzerland vacation packages, making memories that will last a lifetime.
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Here are the top 5 family-friendly things to do in Switzerland: 1. Swiss Theme Parks and Adventure Parks: Connyland (Lipperswil): This amusement park has a variety of rides appropriate for all age groups in addition to interesting dolphin and sea lion shows. Children can also engage with animals in the petting zoo.
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Zermatt: Zermatt, known for the recognisable Matterhorn summit, has a variety of family-friendly activities. Families may enjoy walks suitable for all ability levels in the summer, as well as cable car trips up to locations like Gornergrat for amazing views of the Alps.
Grindelwald: Another family-friendly Alpine resort is Grindelwald, which can be found hidden away in the Bernese Oberland. Easy hiking trails through beautiful landscape, cable car rides to overlooks like First, and summertime skating, and adventure park visits are all available. 3. Swiss Museums:   Swiss Museum of Transport (Lucerne): Families love this museum because of its interactive displays about all kinds of transport in Switzerland. Children can explore vintage cars, trucks, and aeroplanes. They can even take a driving or flying lesson in simulators.
Technorama (Winterthur): Technorama, also referred to as Switzerland's interactive scientific centre, has more than 500 practical physics, chemistry, and biology experiments. For both kids and adults, it's an entertaining and informative experience.
4. Cruises on Swiss Lakes: Lake Geneva: Families can take a relaxing boat tour from Geneva, Lausanne, or Montreux to take in the beautiful views of Lake Geneva and its environs. Certain cruises make stops at communities beside lakes or at sites like Chillon Castle.
Lake Lucerne: Families may experience the amazing views of the Swiss Alps while cruising on Lake Lucerne. Cruises leave from Lucerne and frequently include stops at neighbouring sites like the Swiss Museum of Transport or a ride on the cogwheel train up Mount Pilatus.
5. Exploring Swiss Cities: Zurich: The biggest city in Switzerland has a lot to offer families. Families can explore the city's parks, such the Zurich Arboretum, or go to the Zoo in Zurich, which is home to a wide variety of animals. The Lindenhof hill offers expansive city views, and the Swiss National Museum offers insights into Swiss history and culture.
Geneva: Geneva, which is situated on the shores of Lake Geneva, has family-friendly activities like boat cruises on the lake, seeing the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum, and viewing the Jet d'Eau fountain. Walking about the city's Old Town, with its old buildings and beautiful cafés, is a great idea. Conclusion:
Families looking for adventure and relaxation will find Switzerland to be an excellent choice. There's never a dull moment here because to the harmonious combination of modern attractions, historical depth, and natural beauty. Switzerland offers an infinite number of chances for families to make lasting impressions, whether they are travelling through beautiful villages, bonding over a fondue meal in Zurich, or taking in the amazing highest point of the Matterhorn. Switzerland is great destination for family-friendly travel in Europe because of well-organized transport system and friendly attitude, ensure seamless and pleasurable trip for travellers of all ages.
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booktrip4u · 3 months
Discover the 10 Best Things To Do In Switzerland
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Switzerland, a country known for its stunning landscapes, rich history, and diverse culture, offers countless experiences for every type of traveler. From picturesque mountains and serene lakes to vibrant cities and charming villages, there's something for everyone in this beautiful nation. Here are the 10 best things to do in Switzerland that will make your trip unforgettable.
1. Explore the Swiss Alps
Keywords: Adventure, Natural Beauty, Hiking
The Swiss Alps are the highlight of any trip to Switzerland. Whether you're visiting in winter for skiing and snowboarding or in summer for hiking and mountaineering, the Alps offer endless opportunities for adventure. Popular destinations include Zermatt, home to the iconic Matterhorn, and Jungfrau Region, known for its breathtaking views and well-maintained trails.
Skiing and snowboarding in winter
Hiking and mountain biking in summer
Scenic train rides, like the Glacier Express
2. Discover Lucerne
Keywords: Historic, Scenic, Cultural
Lucerne, nestled amid snow-capped mountains and crystal-clear lakes, is one of Switzerland’s most beautiful cities. Explore the charming old town with its colorful buildings, visit the Chapel Bridge and Water Tower, and take a boat trip on Lake Lucerne for a panoramic view of the surrounding landscape.
Chapel Bridge and Water Tower
Lion Monument
Lake Lucerne boat tours
3. Experience Zurich
Keywords: Urban, Cultural, Shopping
Zurich, Switzerland’s largest city, is a vibrant hub of culture and finance. Stroll through the picturesque Old Town, visit world-class museums like the Kunsthaus Zurich, and indulge in shopping along Bahnhofstrasse, one of the world's most exclusive shopping avenues.
Old Town (Altstadt)
Kunsthaus Zurich (Art Museum)
Bahnhofstrasse for luxury shopping
4. Marvel at the Rhine Falls
Keywords: Natural Wonder, Scenic, Adventure
Rhine Falls, Europe's largest waterfall, is a spectacular natural wonder located near the town of Schaffhausen. Enjoy a boat trip to get up close to the roaring falls, or view them from the observation deck for a thrilling experience.
What to Do:
Boat trips to the falls
Viewing platforms
Nearby Laufen Castle
5. Visit Geneva
Keywords: International, Scenic, Cultural
Geneva is a global city that houses numerous international organizations, including the United Nations. It’s also known for its beautiful lake, iconic Jet d'Eau fountain, and a plethora of museums and galleries. Don't miss the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum.
Jet d'Eau
United Nations Office
International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum
6. Explore Interlaken
Keywords: Adventure, Scenic, Outdoor Activities
Interlaken, located between Lake Thun and Lake Brienz, is an adventurer’s paradise. It offers a wide range of activities such as paragliding, skydiving, and boat trips, all with the stunning backdrop of the Swiss Alps.
Paragliding and skydiving
Lake Thun and Lake Brienz boat trips
Hiking in the surrounding mountains
7. Discover Bern
Keywords: Historic, Cultural, Scenic
Bern, the capital of Switzerland, boasts a beautifully preserved medieval old town that’s a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Walk along the cobblestone streets, visit the Zytglogge clock tower, and admire the Gothic architecture of the Bern Cathedral.
Zytglogge clock tower
Bern Cathedral
Bear Park
8. Enjoy a Train Journey
Keywords: Scenic, Relaxing, Unique Experience
Switzerland is famous for its scenic train routes that offer breathtaking views of the countryside. The Glacier Express, which connects Zermatt and St. Moritz, is known as the slowest express train in the world, providing a leisurely journey through some of the most picturesque landscapes.
Notable Routes:
Glacier Express
Bernina Express
GoldenPass Line
9. Taste Swiss Chocolate and Cheese
Keywords: Culinary, Authentic, Delicious
No visit to Switzerland is complete without indulging in its world-renowned chocolate and cheese. Visit a chocolate factory, such as Maison Cailler, to learn about the chocolate-making process and enjoy tastings. For cheese lovers, a trip to a traditional cheese dairy in Gruyères is a must.
Maison Cailler chocolate factory tour
Cheese tasting in Gruyères
Local markets for authentic Swiss products
10. Relax in Montreux
Keywords: Scenic, Relaxing, Cultural
Montreux, located on the shores of Lake Geneva, is famous for its annual Montreux Jazz Festival and beautiful lakeside promenade. The nearby Chillon Castle, a medieval fortress, is also worth a visit for its stunning location and historical significance.Plan your trip with these top 10 things to do in Switzerland and make the most of your Swiss adventure.
Montreux Jazz Festival (July)
Chillon Castle
Lakeside promenade
Switzerland offers a myriad of experiences, from adrenaline-pumping adventures in the Alps to cultural explorations in its charming cities. Whether you're hiking in the mountains, marveling at the natural wonders, or indulging in the country's culinary delights, Switzerland promises an unforgettable journey. Plan your trip with these top 10 things to do in mind and make the most of your Swiss adventure.
For more travel tips and comprehensive guides, visit BookTrip4u. Happy travels!
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travelcase41 · 4 months
“Unforgettable Europe Trip Packages: Explore the Continent in Style”
Hello, esteemed community members!
Set out on an incredible voyage around Europe, where new adventures and discoveries are revealed every day. Our painstakingly designed Europe trip package ensures an immersive experience that includes the continent’s famous attractions, breathtaking landscapes, and lively cultures. Travel with us over seven enthralling days, from the medieval alleyways of Munich to the lovely canals of Amsterdam, full of treasured memories and moments that will never be forgotten.
Day 1: Munich — Arrival and Reception
The vibrant city of Munich, Germany, where tradition and modernity collide with enthralling beauty, is where our European journey begins. Travelers are greeted with warmth and shown the ropes of Bavarian hospitality as soon as they arrive. Once you’ve found a suitable place to stay, explore the city’s energetic environment, which includes bustling markets, historic architecture, and colorful beer gardens. Savor the flavor of beer brewed locally and indulge in authentic Bavarian cuisine while raising a glass to the start of an incredible journey.
Day 2: Salzburg — Touring the City by Day
The charming Austrian city of Salzburg, which is tucked away within the stunning Alps, is the next stop on our itinerary. Explore the city’s cultural highlights all day long, including the magnificent Hohensalzburg Fortress and Mozart’s birthplace. Explore the picturesque Old Town, which has quaint cobblestone streets and baroque buildings. Admire the sweeping city views from the famous Mirabell Gardens, then treat yourself to a delicious dinner concert including Mozart tunes that capture the essence of Salzburg’s rich musical history.
Day 3: Zurich — Embracing Switzerland’s Serenity
Continue on to Switzerland, where you will find Zurich’s tranquil beauty. With its sparkling lakes and snow-capped mountains as a background, Zurich radiates sophistication and calm. Discover the city’s cultural offerings, which include beautiful parks and top-notch museums. Take a leisurely boat ride on Lake Zurich and enjoy the breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains. Indulge in a typical Swiss fondue dinner as night falls, complete with superb wine and mesmerizing views of the city lights.
Day 4: Basel — Charming Basel & Beautiful Lucerne
We travel to the quaint town of Lucerne, which is well-known for its picturesque beauty and medieval architecture, as we continue our journey through Switzerland. See well-known sites like the Lion Monument and Chapel Bridge before continuing to Basel, a city that skillfully combines modern refinement with medieval beauty. Discover the dynamic cultural landscape of the city, which includes thriving markets and top-notch museums. Take a leisurely walk along the Rhine River at dusk to see Basel’s lights twinkle against the night sky.
Day 5: Paris: Spending a Day at the “World’s Fashion Capital”
Salutations from Paris! Get ready to be mesmerized by the “City of Light’s” enduring charm. Enjoy a day of shopping on the posh Champs-Élysées, where upscale stores and haute couture are waiting to be discovered. Discover famous sites like the Louvre Museum, Notre Dame Cathedral, and the Eiffel Tower, which together provide a window into the past and present of Paris. Eat dinner in a classic Parisian bistro as night falls and enjoy fine French wine and tasty bites.
Day 6: Paris — A Full Day of Touring the City
We have one more day to spend exploring Paris, where there is a new wonder around every turn. Explore the quaint neighborhoods of Montmartre, climb Sacré-Coeur for sweeping vistas, and explore the Musée d’Orsay’s collection of fine art. Take a leisurely sail down the Seine River to end the day and enjoy the stunning views of famous sites lit up against the night sky.
Day 7: Amsterdam-Going Away
We say goodbye to the charming city of Paris as our European voyage comes to an end and go on to Amsterdam, our ultimate destination. As we set off on our return trip, remember the moments shared and the connections formed, bringing the irresistible essence of Europe’s ageless appeal and fascination with us. Come along on this incredible tour around Europe with us, where there will be unique experiences and fresh adventures around every corner. Allow us to lead you on an enthralling exploration of the abundant natural beauty and cultural legacy of the continent, from the medieval alleyways of Munich to the picturesque canals of Amsterdam.
Why Choose Our Tour Package:
A well-planned itinerary that includes stops at Europe’s must-see locations. For a hassle-free experience, comfortable lodging, transportation, and guided excursions are provided.
Knowledgeable tour guides that share their knowledge of the customs, history, and culture of each location.
The freedom to alter your schedule in accordance with your interests and preferences.
Lifetime memories and experiences that will never be forgotten.
With our Europe trip package, you may set out on an exciting and adventurous journey filled with fresh discoveries and life-changing experiences. Discover the diverse range of cultures and landscapes across the continent, catering to the interests of history buffs, art enthusiasts, and foodies alike. Now is the time to plan your trip to Europe and start the journey!
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prnanayarquah · 5 months
Ghana Represented for the First Time on The Awarding Jury for The Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity
New Post has been published on https://plugzafrica.com/ghana-represented-for-the-first-time-on-the-awarding-jury-for-the-cannes-lions-international-festival-of-creativity/
Ghana Represented for the First Time on The Awarding Jury for The Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity
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The renowned Ghanaian Business Executive, Angela Kyerematen-Jimoh continues to make waves internationally as she becomes the first Ghanaian juror for the Cannes Lions International Festival of creativity.
Angela has been invited to join the Awarding Jury on the Creative Business Transformation category. Work across the globe will be judged, awarded, and celebrated during this prestigious international festival.
The Awarding Jury represents the global industry’s leading talent from diverse range of disciplines, from across 54 markets, and strictly by invitation.
Announcing this year’s festival, Marian Brannelly, the Global Director of Awards for LIONS, stated: “It’s exciting to see representation from four new markets this year – Armenia, Ghana, Pakistan and Panama – as well as the highest-ever representation from the Middle East and Africa. Our Jurors play a crucial role in upholding the integrity of the Lions, and we thank them for everything they bring to the important task ahead.”
Simon Cook, CEO of LIONS, added: “We’re delighted to have a balance and breadth of expertise and global representation across our Juries. The Awarding Juries represent the global industry’s leading talent from a diverse range of disciplines, and we welcome the unique perspectives they bring. We thank them for their time, dedication and care in setting the global creative benchmark for our industry.”
Angela Kyerematen-Jimoh stated: “I can’t wait to bring my voice to the jury room to assess the groundbreaking creativity that will set the creative benchmark for another year. I am particularly thrilled that Ghana has a seat at the table for this world class festival and looking forward to making my country proud.”
Ms. Kyerematen-Jimoh is currently the National Digital Transformation Lead for Africa, at Microsoft where she works with governments and corporate institutions on their digital transformation initiatives. Prior to joining Microsoft, she spent a decade at IBM and ended her career with IBM as the CEO of IBM North East and West Africa (NEWA) overseeing IBM’s business in 35 countries including Nigeria, Ghana, Morocco, Kenya and Senegal. She is a board member of Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF), headquartered in Zurich, and Bank of Ghana. Angela is an alumna of Harvard Business School.
  By: Prince Akpah
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cebozcom · 6 months
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Sven Andrighetto führt die Zurich Lions zum Sieg über Zoug | www.ceboz.com
Sven Andrighetto terrasse Zoug - Die Zurich Lions gewinnen mit einer knappen 1:0-Führung gegen Zoug in der alémanischen Halbfinalserie.
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adinathgirhe-blog · 6 months
Dean Schneider Net Worth 2024-Age, Wife, Family and More
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Dean Schneider is a name that resonates with wildlife enthusiasts and conservationists around the globe. With an estimated net worth of $5 million, Schneider represents the epitome of a successful transition from a career in finance to a life dedicated to animal welfare and environmental education. As the founder of the Hakuna Mipaka sanctuary in South Africa, he has become a social media sensation, using his platform to advocate for a deeper connection between humans and the animal kingdom. This article will delve into the life of Dean Schneider, exploring his journey from a Swiss financier to a beloved figure in wildlife conservation.
Dean Schneider Biography:
- NameDean Schneider - Birth DateOctober 3, 1992 - Age31 years old (as of 2024) - Height1.85 meters (6 feet 0.8 inches) - NationalitySwiss - EducationStudied finance and became an entrepreneur at 21 - Dean Schneider WifeEli - Dean Schneider ParentsA mother from the Balkan region, Father is Swiss - Net WorthEstimated around $5 million (as of 2024) - ResidenceSouth Africa - CareerFormer banker and financial planner, now a wildlife conservationist and social media personality - AchievementsFounder of Hakuna Mipaka, a wildlife sanctuary and rehabilitation center - ContributionsAdvocate for wildlife conservation, creating a global community for animal protection
Early Life and Education
Dean Schneider was born on October 3, 1992, in Zurich, Switzerland. From a young age, he was enchanted by the wild, a passion that was ignited by the legendary conservationist Steve Irwin. This early love for wildlife led him to pursue a career that would allow him to make a significant impact on animal conservation. Education and Early Career Schneider’s educational journey was rooted in finance, a field in which he showed remarkable promise. By the age of 21, he had already become an entrepreneur, establishing himself as a banker and financial planner in Switzerland. His early career was marked by success, but the call of the wild was too strong to ignore.
Career Shift and Hakuna Mipaka
Dean Schneider’s career shift to founding Hakuna Mipaka is a testament to his dedication to wildlife conservation. After a successful start in the finance sector as a banker and financial planner, Schneider felt compelled to follow his passion for animals and the environment. In 2017, he made the bold decision to leave his life in Switzerland behind and move to South Africa. The name ‘Hakuna Mipaka’ translates to ‘No Limits’ in Swahili, embodying Schneider’s philosophy that there should be no boundaries in our relationship with nature. The sanctuary spans approximately 400 hectares in the South African wilderness and serves as a home to thousands of wild animal species. Hakuna Mipaka is not just a sanctuary; it’s a rehabilitation center and a lifelong home for animals born in captivity. It’s a place where animals like lions, hyenas, giraffes, zebras, and many others can live without the threat of poaching or habitat loss. Schneider’s commitment to the sanctuary is profound. He lives there among the animals, sharing his daily life with them and the world through social media. His mission goes beyond just caring for animals; it’s about educating people on the importance of conservation and the beauty of wildlife. While Schneider may be the face of Hakuna Mipaka, he emphasizes that it’s a collective effort. A dedicated team supports the sanctuary’s operations, each member playing a crucial role in the mission to protect wildlife and promote a harmonious coexistence.
Dean Schneider Net Worth and Financial Ventures
Dean Schneider’s journey from a financial entrepreneur to a wildlife conservationist is not only inspiring but also financially significant. His net worth, estimated to be $5 million, reflects his success in both the finance and conservation sectors. Schneider’s financial acumen was evident early on when he founded a successful financial advisory company at the age of 20 in Switzerland. His expertise in finance laid the groundwork for his future ventures. In 2017, Schneider sold his company and invested his resources into creating the Hakuna Mipaka Oasis, a wildlife reserve in South Africa. This bold move marked a significant shift from his previous career, but it also opened up new avenues for financial growth through conservation. With a massive following on social media, Schneider has faced challenges in monetizing his online presence. Despite the common misconception that a large following equates to financial success, Schneider emphasizes that his focus is on passion rather than profit. The sanctuary relies on various funding sources to maintain its operations. While donations play a role, Schneider’s entrepreneurial spirit continues to explore sustainable financial models to support his conservation efforts. Also Read: Ivana Alawi Net Worth 2024- Age, Bio, Real Name, Height & More Cong TV Net Worth, Real Name, Age, Wife & More
Dean Schneider's Personal Life
Dean Schneider’s personal life, while not as publicly documented as his professional endeavors, offers a glimpse into the man behind the mission. Born on October 3, 1992, in Zurich, Switzerland, Schneider’s early fascination with wildlife was influenced by the legendary Steve Irwin, who later became the driving force behind his career shift.
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Schneider has recently made headlines with his engagement to Eli, a development he joyously shared with his followers on social media. The couple’s commitment to each other seems to mirror Schneider’s dedication to his cause, adding a personal chapter to his public narrative. Schneider’s day-to-day life at the Hakuna Mipaka sanctuary is a unique blend of personal and professional. He lives on-site, fully immersed in the environment he has created for the animals he protects. This proximity allows him to form deep bonds with the wildlife, which is evident in the content he shares with the world. Beyond his work, Schneider enjoys a range of activities that align with his love for nature. Whether it’s exploring the South African wilderness or engaging in wildlife photography, his hobbies reflect his passion for the natural world. As Schneider continues to build his legacy through conservation efforts, his personal life remains a testament to his belief in living harmoniously with nature. His story is one of inspiration, showing that a single individual’s dedication can indeed make a difference in the world.
Dean Schneider's Social Media Presence
Dean Schneider’s social media presence is a cornerstone of his influence and outreach. With over 11 million followers on Instagram as of 2024, he has become the most successful Swiss social media personality, surpassing even renowned athletes like Roger Federer. His platforms are filled with captivating images and videos that document his intimate life with the animals at Hakuna Mipaka, allowing him to inspire and educate people globally about wildlife conservation. Schneider’s content is not just about showcasing the beauty of the animals but also about telling their stories. He brings animals into people’s hearts by sharing his daily interactions with them, which range from playful moments to educational insights. Through social media, Schneider has created a global classroom, teaching his audience about the importance of respecting and protecting wildlife. His posts often include informative captions that provide context and encourage conservation efforts. Schneider’s social media influence extends beyond entertainment; it’s a powerful tool for change. By sharing his life with wildlife, he motivates others to consider their impact on the environment and how they can contribute to conservation efforts.
Dean Schneider Controversies and Public Perception
Dean Schneider has faced controversies that have impacted public perception of his work. In 2020, he was the subject of an animal abuse investigation by South Africa’s animal welfare agency due to a video showing him striking a lion cub. This incident raised questions about the ethical treatment of animals in his care and sparked discussions on the responsibilities of wildlife caretakers. The public’s reaction to the controversy was mixed. Some defended Schneider, citing his dedication to animal conservation, while others criticized his actions as abusive and exploitative. The incident highlighted the fine line between animal interaction and exploitation in conservation efforts. The media coverage of the incident was extensive, with various outlets reporting on the investigation and the broader implications for animal sanctuaries. The controversy brought to light the need for transparency and ethical practices in wildlife conservation. In response to the allegations, Schneider defended his actions as part of his interaction with the animals and stated that the incident was taken out of context. He emphasized his commitment to the welfare of the animals at Hakuna Mipaka and continued to advocate for conservation through his social media platforms. Despite the controversy, Schneider remains a prominent figure in wildlife conservation. His social media presence continues to grow, and he uses his platform to educate and inspire people about the importance of protecting wildlife. FAQs: What is the net worth of Dean Schneider?As of 2024, Dean Schneider’s net worth is estimated to be around $5 million. This figure reflects his success as a wildlife conservationist and social media personality, as well as his previous career in finance.Who is Dean Schneider's wife?Dean Schneider is engaged to his girlfriend, Eli.Is Dean Schneider married?Yes, Dean Schneider got married to his long-time girlfriend Eli on 22 Oct 2023.Who are Dean Schneider's parents?His mother is from the Balkan region of Southeastern Europe, and his father is a Swiss national.How old is Dean Schneider?Dean Schneider was born on October 3, 1992, making him 31 years old as of now.What is the height of Dean Schneider?He stands at a height of approximately 1.85 meters (6 feet 0.8 inches).Where does Dean Schneider live now?He is based in South Africa, where he runs the Hakuna Mipaka Wildlife Sanctuary.How did Dean Schneider make his money?Dean Schneider made his money through a career as an entrepreneur and animal rights activist, among other investments. He was a banker and financial planner before moving to South Africa in 2017 to establish the Hakuna Mipaka sanctuary. Conclusion: Dean Schneider’s story is a compelling narrative of transformation and dedication. From the financial boardrooms of Switzerland to the open plains of South Africa, Schneider has redefined what it means to be successful. His estimated net worth of $5 million is a testament to his entrepreneurial spirit and his ability to monetize his passion for wildlife conservation. However, it is his profound impact on animal welfare and environmental education that truly defines his wealth. Schneider’s journey reminds us that following one’s passion can lead to meaningful and fulfilling work. His life is a beacon for those who seek to make a difference, proving that with determination and heart, one can not only achieve personal success but also contribute to a greater cause. As he continues to share his life with the world, Dean Schneider will undoubtedly inspire future generations to pursue their dreams and, in doing so, protect the natural world we all share. Read the full article
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