#a few of these i've entered in runways
bosspigeon · 11 months
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i'm procrastinating writing have some of my favorite gaia avatars ive made recently
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honkytonk-hangman · 5 months
When Jake Met Polly
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Reader
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Summary: Jake likes to flirt with his Air Traffic Controller or Jake Seresin has never seen When Harry Met Sally.
Warnings: Not much, fluff, flirting and refs to sex.
Note: This is just a short little idea i've had for agesss... reader has a 'name' but it's just her callsign, Polly, as in, short for Polaris. Ty to @hangmanssunnies i wuv u <3
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“Hangman to Tower, I am coming in hot.”
You roll your eyes at the all too familiar voice that crackles through your radio, a smile pulling at your lips as you adjust your microphone and briefly throw a glance over your shoulder, just to make sure your commanding officer wasn’t lingering.
“Tower to Hangman. We are appalled at the gross lack of radio etiquette on display,” you respond. Barely a few seconds pass before you receive a reply.
“Come on, Polly, we've been working together for over a year now, what’s a little informality between colleagues?” Hangman says, and despite his jet only being a blip on your horizon still, you know he’s grinning.
“A commercial airline, Lieutenant.” You deadpan, your own smile growing as his laughter comes down the line. “You are cleared for landing, proceed to runway B,” you continue, not wanting him to have to ask again seeing as his approach was cutting it close already.
“Polly, have I ever told you that you’re my favourite Controller?” He asks as you watch him enter the pattern, and click your pen.
“Only every day we work together, Lieutenant.” There’s a beat of quiet as he expertly manoeuvres his jet toward the correct runway.
“And how sexy your voice is?” He goes on, sounding vaguely distracted.
“Once again, Lieutenant, this is not a commercial airline.” You respond, twirling your hair around your finger at his compliment anyway.
He doesn’t reply, and a shock of horror flickers through you as you watch the jet touch down once, something happening with his landing gear that makes the jet shudder, then seem to bounce momentarily before it drops back onto the tarmac and skids to a stop.
“Hangman, do you require the emergency crew?!” You ask quickly, eyes scanning the aircraft as it powers down fully. You wait tensely as the canopy pops up, and a broad figure jumps out, scrambling down the ladder, and once on the ground, he bends low to get a look at the problem.
“No, Polly, thank you. Seems the landing gear malfunctioned, must’ve been in a position to sustain damage once I landed…” his voice trails off, and you watch him straighten, and greet the ground crew who’d raced over to help.
“Glad you’re safe, Lieutenant. Tower out.” You say as he begins discussing with the crew, but briefly turns up toward the tower and raises a hand.
You let out a sigh of relief and settle back in your seat.
Around lunch time you make your way down to the tarmac. Hangman’s jet had been cleared off some time ago, and by now you know reports would have been filed, including your own, and his aircraft will have been taken in for inspection and repairs. You’re milling around the ‘crash’ site, inspecting the scrape marks left behind when you hear footsteps from behind approaching you.
“Can I help you ma’am?”
You know his voice immediately, but you know his face too, and when you at last turn back to him you’re graced by the sight of it, bright and unworried, despite the accident he’d had earlier.
“Oh, don’t mind me! I just watched someone bounce their jet off my tarmac earlier, just checking for potholes,” you tell him wrly. It takes a moment, but his face flashes with recognition and soon he’s taking a step towards you.
“Polly?!” Hangman asks, sounding surprised. You hum in response, then round on him.
“Where is it that you found your qualifications, Liuetenant? We should probably return them,” you tease him. Hangman only takes up a stance and stretches his arms out, his flight suit stretching desperately around his biceps as he does.
“Oh, Polly, if I’d known that was all it took to get you down here, I’d have started chipping bits off months ago,” he flirts shamelessly. You smile at him but don’t speak and after a moment, he drops his arms again, crossing them over his chest instead and blinking at you curiously. “What?” he asks.
Your smile grows, and you shake your head at him.
“Your terrible lines work better when I can see you, that's all,” you inform him, making him uncross his arms and laugh.
“I would say that’s generally the case, even if a guy ain’t me,” he replies coolly. You only shake your head again, and look back out at the expanse of tarmac ahead of you.
“Thanks to you getting your pilots lisence off the back of a cereal box, we’ve ruined our Sleepless in Seattle thing,” you say with a forlorn sigh.
When you look back at Hangman he’s frowning at you in confusion.
“Our what?” he asks. You roll your eyes and turn to face him fully at last, waving your hand as you speak.
“You know, our Sleepless in Seattle thing. We talk all this time, but never meet, and if we cross paths, we don’t realise it? It’s ruined now,” you accuse him lightly. Hangman hums, and seems to think for a moment.
“I get to be Meg Ryan in this situation, right?” he says, making you chortle.
“Well you’d have to be. No way I’d leave 90s Bill Pullman!”
“Well, what if we’re not Sleepless in Seattle? What if we’re more… When Harry Met Sally?” he suggests. You squint at him.
“Have you seen that film? I’m not sure that’s the implication you want to go for…” you ask him, making him falter for a moment.
“That’s the one with the emails right?” he responds unsurely. You laugh again, and shake your head.
“No, that’s You’ve Got Mail.”
“What the hell did I just suggest, then?” 
You stare at him for a moment, and can’t stop yourself from grinning up at him.
“More or less not speaking for like ten years, but on the rare occasion we do meet up, we argue,” you tell him, watching him frown even deeper, and shake his own head this time.
“That would be kinda hard, considering you’re the voice in my head,” he says.
“Oh, so we’re doing Her now!”
Hangman fixes you with a deadpan expression and a slightly smirk.
“I don’t even want to know.”
You laugh at him, and begin walking, unsurprised when he immediately joins you, falling into step at your side. “So,” he begins again after a moment, peering down at you. “Despite playing hacky sack on your tarmac, you still gonna let me take you out?”
You falter briefly, but keep walking, this time glancing up at him.
“I didn’t think you were being serious all those times you asked me out,” you don’t bother hiding your surprise. Hangman looks back at you, squinting, and cocks his head.
“At this point I think you’ve shot me down more than Dagger combined, why would I not be serious?” he asks you, sounding oddly serious. You chuckle.
“Right, so, say if, I don’t know, Rooster got a few more hits on you, you wouldn’t leave me hangin’ would you?” you know you’ll say yes, but you can’t help but tease him a little longer.
Hangman raises an eyebrow at you and grins wide and beautiful.
“You? Never,” he says. “Mostly because I’m legally obligated to respond when you speak to me.”
You lift your own eyebrow and fix him with a wry smile.
“I like that in a man.”
Hangman laughs.
“I mean it, your voice is sexy,” Jake tells you once he’s sat back down from replacing your drinks. You can’t help but chortle and stir your cocktail with the straw.
“Really? Me telling you to line up and wait in the pattern gets you going?” you ask. Jake grins, but nods very seriously as he takes a short sip of his beer.
“Absolutely. I also like when you tell me about the weather and conditions, and direct me to land.”
Leaning forward with your elbows on the table between you, you put your chin in your hands.
“I liek when you flirt with me,” you begin, waiting for him to smirk at you before continuing on. “And you don’t realise my boss is in the room, so I just have to respond ‘roger’ and ‘acknowledged’ whenever you say something stupid,” you finish. Jake rolls his eyes and leans forward to meet you.
“To be fair, I’d probably be saying something stupid anyway,” he tells you.
You have to let out a laugh at that and finally lean back again.
“Oh yeah, that reminds me, are you ever gonna tell us all how to ‘bury a fossil’? You know, those things that you famously dig up and do not bury?” you tease, earning another eyeroll. Jake shrugs and copies your movements.
“I foretold Mav’s career comeback, didn’t I?”
You laugh again, but this time, get a good look at him sitting casually across from you, out of uniform and seemingly more relaxed than you’ve ever seen, or heard.
“I like your voice too,” you tell him at last, smiling a little at how he seems to preen at your praise. “Your accent is more pronounced face-to-face though, and you don’t sound like you’re performing all the time.”
Jake takes a sip of his beer and shrugs again.
“Can’t be Hangman all the time,” he says. You make a face.
“I like Hangman. He entertains me at work… but I think I like the guy who hasn’t seen When Harry Met Sally, and has a Fisher-Price pilot's lisence even more.”
Jake laughs and nods at you.
“Splash one,” he says before he leans in to you again. “Toddler’s generally have pretty good taste, in my opinion, they’re all about shapes and colours and boobs… can’t fault ‘em!”
You have to laugh and concede that at least, the two of you clinking drinks before you continue to flirt and chat for the rest of the evening.
When Jake drops you back at yours, you invite him inside, under the guise of lending him your DVD copy of When Harry Met Sally, but when he simply lingers in your living room, you start to consider other tactics.
“Jake?” you say, standing up from ‘searching’ your stack of DVD’s and facing him. “This is the part where you save me from admitting I don’t really own a physical copy of the film by having sex with me,” you inform him dutifully, watching as he straightens up and blinks at you. Then, he’s shaking his head, smiling, and taking a step closer toward you.
“I guess every good rom-com does have an earth shattering lie at its core, doesn’t it?” he steps closer, and this time, anchors his hands at your waist, tugging you into him a little more.
“Let's skip the conflict part and go straight to the happy ending, shall we?”
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coldfanbou · 1 year
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Here is the fabled Dahyun piece. Sorry for the delay. Nothing too rough here. Please enjoy.
Length 1.6K
Dahyun x M reader
The cameras focused on Dahyun as she stepped out of her car. She would stop and pose a few times for the camera allowing for a good view of her hourglass figure. Eventually, she could make it inside and watch the fashion show. You had spotted her when she arrived but waited until the show began to make yourself known. Taking the open seat next to her, you take her attention off the models walking past. "Keep looking at the models." You remind her. "It's nice to see you again, Dahyun." You can see Dahyun's head twitch slightly as she struggles to keep her eyes on the runway. 
"I thought you weren't going to come." 
"Well, I had some free time, and a friend had to drop out last minute." The noise disguises your conversation, allowing you to talk freely. "Are you free after this?"
"I should be; I can make time for you anyway."
"Oh really?" You say with amusement in your voice.
"Always, after all, I feel such a rush. Doing it."
"You enjoy it that much?" 
"I've been thinking about you since last time. I'm wet just talking to you." As you glance at her legs, you notice her rubbing them together as she continues. "So, where are you staying? Or are you going to come to my room?"
"I'll pass you a note after I come back; just keep the dress. I want to take it off myself." Dahyun's smile grows, and she stomps her feet with glee. You leave to write a note for Dahyun about where she should go after the show. Once you return, you drop the message in her bag and watch the models go by. Dahyun's smile remains the entire show as she waits for it to end. As it does, you say, "I'll see you there, Dahyun." You stand up and leave while Dahyun does any business she has left.
In your hotel room, you wait for Dahyun to arrive. Deciding to have a little fun, you hide away in the room. You watch as she enters, still wearing that black dress. She looks around. She walks toward the edge of the room and looks down at the passersby. From the tenth floor, everyone looked like ants. Dahyun continued to be distracted by the view; you came out of your hiding spot and got behind her. Putting your hands on her waist, you began to kiss her neck. Small coos escape her as she tries to turn around. "Just keep taking in the view, Dahyun." Moving up her body, you start fondling her breasts. You can feel her nipples poke through the dress as they harden. "Looks like you came prepared." 
"Of course, I want to enjoy your company for as long as possible. That makes it easier." You start to undo her dress while pressing her against the window. 
"Just imagine all those people watching you get fucked, Dahyun." She visibly shakes upon hearing that. "You love the idea, don't you? You want everyone to see the famous Kim Dahyun being fucked."
Dahyun's breath gets heavy as her dress falls to the floor. "I do."
"That’s what I thought. It's too bad we can't do that. After all, your career would crash and burn if you did." You slap Dahyun's ass and watch it jiggle. "Tell me what you want, Dahyun." 
"I want you to fuck me…" she says, turning her head to look at you. You give her a quick kiss while you slide your cock between her thighs. 
"Is that all you want, Dahyun? I'm hurt." She quickly turns her head back to the window.
"I-I'd also like to go out with you." Her stutter makes you smile as you thrust between her legs, rubbing her folds with your cock.
"You could say fuck me so easily, but you stutter with asking me out." You can't help but laugh before continuing, "That's so cute, Dahyun. If you have the time, we could go out together, but you'd need to get rid of your manager." Your hands slither up her back and grab onto her bare breasts. Dahyun groans as your warm hands replace the cool glass. 
"I'll get rid of him. I'll do it. Just make me feel good now." At her insistence, you start to flick her nipples. Your fingers circle the small nubs before running across them and back. You feel your cock become slick as Dahyun's juices begin to coat it. 
"Good, that's good, Dahyun." You nip at her neck, tempted to leave hickeys on her pale skin. "I'll give you what you want, Dahyun."  Your right hand momentarily leaves Dahyun's breast to align your cock with her pussy. As you poke and prod at her entrance, Dahyun whines.
"Put it in. Please give me your cock." She begins to moan as she feels your cock slipping inside, spreading her apart. Her warm, slippery walls make you groan in pleasure; Dahyun was always so tight. "Yes…yes…yes," Dahyun chants in a low moan; she rests her head on your chest as you finish burying yourself inside her. You let Dahyun act as a cock warmer for a second, enjoying the feeling of her walls clamped down on your cock. Your hands leave her breasts as you grab onto her waist. You slowly pull your cock out and then slam yourself back in. Dahyun moans loudly as you pierce her. 
"That’s it, Dahyun; let me know how good it feels." You moan as you pick up the pace. You watch as her soft ass jiggles each time your bodies come together. Dahyun continues to moan as you stir her insides with every thrust. 
"Oh, it feels so good. I love feeling your cock inside me." You watch Dahyun's face as she says that and more. Her eyes are closed, her cheeks flush and turning her milky skin a light shade of red. Wanting to see more of her, you pull out and turn her around. "What are you doing?" She asks before you ram your cock back into her. You hold her thighs and move to her ass, lifting her. Dahyun clutches you tightly as gravity brings her down, forcing your cock deeper. "Oh, God!" She cries as you start bucking your hips. Dahyun rises and falls quickly, your cock slamming into her. You can feel her nails dig into your skin as Dahyun's moans grow louder and her walls begin to squeeze down on your cock. "I'm gonna cum…I'm cumming!" She screams. While she goes through the throes of ecstasy, you continue thrusting. You give Dahyun a hard strike on her bottom as she cums.
"That’s it, Dahyun, cum for me." You say before kissing her. Dahyun returns it with enthusiasm; you play with her tongue as she comes down from her high. She mumbles something while you do so. "What was that, Dahyun?"
"I want you to cum inside me. I can feel your cock throbbing." It was true you were getting close to your orgasm, and hearing Dahyun's invitation, you accepted it. You start to thrust into her like a piston; Dahyun wraps her legs around you as you get closer. Kissing Dahyun, you begin to unload inside her. Dahyun's eyes widen for a moment before closing as she enjoys your warm cum filling her. Her grip on you softens as you press her back against the window. You break the kiss when you feel empty, despite Dahyun trying to milk you for more. You lay Dahyun down on the bed and watch her chest rise and fall. Your cum flows out of her pussy. Dahyun doesn't rest for long, instead lifting herself up and kneeling on the floor. She grabs your cock and strokes it. "I want a taste here, too," she says while using your cock to trace her lips. She pops the head of your cock in her mouth, using her tongue to lick it clean.
"You got a lot better at this, Dahyun. Have you been practicing with someone else?" Dahyun shakes her head vigorously. 
"No, I've bought a toy to use. I wanted to get better for you." She says while stroking your cock, covering her hand in cum and her nectar. Dahyun licks her hand clean before showing you she drank it all.
Patting her head, you praise her, "Such a good girl you are, Dahyun." She just smiles at you before going back to your cock. Dahyun's tongue works the underside of your cock while she bobs her head. You moan as she presses the head against the inside of her cheek. 
"Guck, I'm going to cum if you keep this up, Dahyun." She looks up from her position to meet your eyes. As you look into hers, they tell you to cum down her throat. Dahyun struggles to hold herself to the base of your cock but stays as long as she can, hoping you cum at that moment. She begins to massage your balls, increasing your pleasure. You start thrusting your hips gently; Dahyun closes her eyes and lets you use her mouth. "Drink it all, Dahyun," you say as you move a little faster. You stuff Dahyun's mouth as you begin to give her a taste of what she wants. Greedily, she drinks all the cum you give her. Even after you've finished cumming, Dahyun continues to suck on your cock before eventually feeling satisfied. On shaky legs, Dahyun stands; you lift her and place her back on the bed.
"That was great, Dahyun." You say while panting.
"You were great; I'm so full." She says while rubbing her stomach. You sit beside Dahyun and pat her back. 
"So, do you still want to go out, Dahyun?" 
"I do." There's a brief pause, "I'll just have to get rid of my manager for a bit." Dahyun turns to face you, "can you hold me for a little bit?"
"Of course, Dahyun." You lay next to Dahyun and hold her close while she wraps her hands around you.
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merylstreepsworld · 9 months
The Ultimatum
Pairing: Miranda Priestly x Fem!Reader
Sumary: A secret affair between you and Miranda simmered behind closed doors, causing tension with Emily, the first assistant, who had her own feelings for you.
Word count: 783
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In the glamorous and bustling world of fashion, you held a unique position. As the second assistant to the formidable Miranda Priestly, the Editor-in-Chief of Runway Magazine, you had access to the inner sanctum of the fashion industry. Your role was crucial in ensuring that Miranda's demanding schedule ran smoothly, her coffee was always perfect, and her demanding whims were promptly fulfilled.
But there was a secret that only a select few were privy to - you and Miranda had a clandestine affair, concealed behind closed doors and masked by the façade of a professional relationship. It was a love affair you had never expected, one that had grown quietly and fiercely over time, transcending the boundaries of employer and employee.
Yet, your heart was not without its complications. Emily Charlton, the first assistant, had developed feelings for you as well. Her affection for you was not a secret; her subtle hints and occasional jealousy were hard to miss. But you had always been clear about your feelings - your heart belonged to Miranda.
One crisp morning, as you were organizing Miranda's schedule, Emily approached your desk, a hint of vulnerability in her usually composed demeanor. "Could we talk for a moment?" she asked, her voice soft and uncharacteristically hesitant. You nodded, curious about what Emily wanted to discuss. The two of you stepped into a quieter corner of the office, away from prying eyes and ears.
"I've noticed something," Emily began, her words carefully chosen. "It's about you and Miranda. There's something... more than a professional relationship, isn't there?"
You hesitated, knowing the truth was a delicate matter. You didn't want to hurt Emily, but you couldn't deny your love for Miranda. "Emily, I care deeply for Miranda," you admitted, choosing your words carefully. "But our relationship is complicated. It's not something I can easily explain." Emily's face fell, and she looked away, struggling to hide her disappointment. "I see," she murmured. "I just thought... maybe there could be something between us."
Before you could respond, a voice cut through the conversation. "Is there a problem here?" Miranda's icy tone sent a shiver down your spine.
Turning toward her, you saw Miranda standing there, her signature stilettos clicking against the floor. Her piercing blue eyes bore into both you and Emily, as if she could sense the tension in the air.
"Miranda," Emily stammered, caught off guard by her presence. "We were just... discussing a work matter." Miranda's gaze remained fixed on you, and you could feel the weight of her scrutiny. "Indeed," she said coolly. "Well, I suggest you both get back to work. There's much to be done."
As Emily hurried away, you were left alone with Miranda, who had an inscrutable expression on her face. "Miranda, I..."
"Save it," she interrupted, her voice cold and distant. "Meet me in my office after hours."
With that, she turned and walked away, leaving you with a sense of unease and a sinking feeling in your chest. You couldn't help but wonder what Miranda had in mind.
That evening, you entered Miranda's office, the room bathed in the soft glow of dimmed lights. She was sitting behind her desk, an air of aloofness about her that made you nervous.
"Miranda, about what happened today..." you began, but she held up a hand to silence you.
"Enough," she said tersely. "I know what I saw, and I know what's been happening." You swallowed hard, unable to meet her gaze. "Miranda, I love you. It's always been you."
Miranda's expression softened slightly, but her jealousy still simmered beneath the surface. "You will make a choice," she declared, her voice firm. "You will end whatever it is you have with Emily or leave this office and never return."
It was an ultimatum you had not expected, and it tore at your heart. You knew where your loyalty lay, but the thought of losing your job, your connection with Miranda, was a painful prospect.
"Miranda, I..."
Before you could finish your sentence, Miranda stood up and walked over to you, her eyes locked on yours. She silenced you with a passionate kiss, one that left no room for doubt or hesitation. In that moment, you knew that Miranda was not willing to let you go.
"I don't share what's mine," she whispered against your lips, her possessiveness undeniable.
From that day forward, you knew that you had made your choice. Your heart belonged to Miranda Priestly, and you were willing to do whatever it took to keep her. Emily's affections may have been sincere, but they paled in comparison to the fiery, all-consuming love you shared with Miranda, a love that was as complicated as it was undeniable.
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inkblot-inc · 5 months
Summary: Now introducing the first part of what I would like to call The Fashion Week Incident. You know something's gotta happen when you have what's supposed to be a "relatively lighthearted and enjoyable event", right?; For Your Information AKA Forget Your Intentions
Pairing: Jeweler!Wanda Maximoff x Metalworker!Reader
[Everything Else in The RCD Universe] This is Part 1 [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]
Warning(s): it's pretty tame actually, but I'll do a quick disclaimer- I've never attended fashion week anywhere, so don't begrudge any inaccuracies about what goes on here alright? This is all fiction for funsies, we can let that go.
Note(s): Welcome to the miniseries inside an alternate universe! This storytelling is going to look a little different bud; I was going to write this in a traditional story narrative, but in my ever-evolving ways of writing shit, I've just let the brainrot take over and wrote things as they played out in my head...Not unlike the way I write my headcanons, except this is actually in the AU timeline. I hope y'all get ✨the vision✨ and enjoy :3
Word Count: Just shy of 500
ALSO: *squints* I give NO ONE permission to repost or translate my work. Make your own shit
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Concerning New York Fashion Week, Wanda is attending for the majority of the week because she is looking at all the designers' new releases and fashion trends that they're introducing for the season. It would make sense that Wanda takes notes on that in regard to her own designs. Skitch is attending as Wanda's plus one, but they are also just genuinely interested in seeing more of what Wanda does as part of her job.
The first few days are a little overstimulating for Skitch, but enjoyable nonetheless. being introduced to some of the people Wanda works with and just entering into a different circle of people was both nerve wracking and exciting at the same time. Though both Wanda and Skitch were happy when they made their way back to their room at the Greenwich hotel to unwind and just decompress from the days full of networking and social and vehicular traffic.
It was on their second to last day attending the runway show for fashion week. One of the designers that was called up next was called Romanova. Skitch freezes before turning to Wanda and asking, "Who's presenting next?" And Wanda responds with "Romanova, it's Natasha Romanoff's brand."
It's like your head was in a fishbowl as that info sunk in. You suddenly felt much younger; the nineteen-year-old you were the last time you saw the person with that name.
Wanda was little distracted since she was taking her notes, but she later realizes that Skitch isn't nearly as vocal for the rest of the show (since they usually make smaller comments like about the clothes as they're being modeled). They aren't even as responsive to Wanda's own small comments, and she notices that.
Wanda doesn't know what's wrong, but Skitch definitely looks a little stiffer and the smallest bit uncomfortable watching the rest of the show. Wanda keeps a hand on Stitch's thigh for the rest of the showcase in a form of comfort to hopefully ease whatever feelings came about.
The mingling after the show starts up again and Wanda is talking to designers and Skitch sees the person that made them react so perfectly: Natasha Romanoff.
Skitch separates themselves from Wanda so they won't have to be around while she and Natasha talk. Again, Wanda senses their discomfort, but Skitch goes off on their own before Wanda can articulate her concern, so Wanda just keeps a concerned eye on them as Skitch drifts off to talk to other people they met earlier in the week, away from her and Natasha.
Wanda continues her conversation with Natasha as usual; they're not the closest of friends, but they are familiar acquaintances in the industry. Let's be clear though: Wanda's not daft. It's when Skitch walks away from the approaching woman that Wanda puts two and two together that Natasha was the reason skitch became uncomfortable. Though she's more concerned as to why now...
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me1297 · 5 months
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PAIRING: Bakugo Katsuki x Fem! Oc/Reader,
SUMMARY: When a hopeless romantic is shattered of the fantasy of her soulmate at thirteen in her head and he makes her adolescence miserable until they part ways.
But of course they meet again as adults, late at night, in a convenience store, over the last bag of spicy chips.
STATUS: Ongoing, chapter 2 (Chapter 1)
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It was late about 9:30 or so, at night Yena's favorite time of the day as it washed in comforting silence, after a long day but with the coming winter, the days were shortened. It wasn't cold either most people are home, finishing up dinner or getting ready for bed.
Yena had on an old hoodie from one of her exes that he left at her place and under it was a black long-sleeve shirt with black sweatpants, she had her hands deep and snug in her pockets, the hoodie fingers tracing over her designer wallet as she walked down the street with one AirPod in as she was on the phone with her best friend.
“ah, don't stress so much, Satan it was a simple mistake, Mr. Yu is not gonna kill you,” Yena said while entering the small convenience store, the bell above the door jingled, making the worker call out with a greeting and a 'take your time!' to which Yena smiled in response.
“Hahh! That's easy for you to say as you’re literally his secretary, that he's deeply in love with!”
Yena rolled her eyes at the girl's words about their boss being in love with her,
“Oh stop it Suau he does not, I've just been working beside him for a while now so he's just a bit more comfortable with me then others,” She says as she hears a scoff from her headphone
“Yeah okay keep telling yourself that, away I'm gonna head to take a shower I'll see you tomorrow at the company,”
“Okay then have a good night and see you tomorrow, Suau!” Yena says cheerfully, as Sutan says the the same and the hangs up the call.
‘Now, Mr. Yu has a runway he’s attending to coming up so I should get actual food, but...chips and sweets technically were classified as foods. Just not healthy ones…fuck it I can just become a gym rat for a few weeks before the show.’ She thought to herself while taking a small blue basket as she weaves through the small store,
Turning to the array of food, Yena opened one of the coolers, reaching for a bottle of marble sodas of peach, blue raspberry, and grape, then placed them into her basket gently, then proceeded to walk into the next aisle, and grabbed some sweet lychee rice cakes.
Walking some more into the chip section Yena reached out to the last black and red plastic bag that had the words ‘Super strong hot chili’ in bold lettering and fire behind it, but what stopped her movements was that nostalgic feeling of her string tightening around her finger
‘Oh no, god please be joking with me and this not happening really,’ She thought as she looked at her pinky finger, but what sent a jolt through her when a hand nearly bumped into hers, reaching for the same chip bag.
Yena jerks her head up, and she's gazing at Bakugo Katsuki, at his face, puppy fat all gone and replaced with sharp cheekbones and a strong jawline, eyes crimson and intense as ever. He's tall, taller than her not that she was ever taller than him in the first place, and his shoulders are so broad. He's in sweats and a plain white shirt, and a black hoodie looking unnecessarily handsome under the store's lighting, in the chip aisle. He looks so grown up.
Yena realizes, then, that he's looking at her, too. Jumping, and pulling her hand away from the chip bag and looks away quickly and ducking her head. Panic rises within her.
"Sorry, you can have that one," She says, subdued, grabbing a random chip bag and shoving it into her basket, trying to leave faster than before now. She turned on her heel to make a hurried getaway, but her string tightened more and tugged her back to him causing her mental groan.
‘Come on, don't do this now! We both know he doesn't want me!’ She thought but then a grip around her upper arm stopped her.
"Wait, Yena" Bakugo says, her name, and hearing it makes her feel as if he'd punched her, in her stomach, Yena turns back to look at him, with wary in her violet eyes that glance at his hand on hers it was the one that had the string that tied them together to see his string had three knots on it her eyes widened a bit. He drops his hand away from her gaze as if she’d burned him.
‘Why dose he have so many knots on his string?’ She then looked at him to see he had a complicated expression on his face, but he looked serious. She shifted in her stand uncomfortably as she waited to see what he wanted.
"I-" He cuts himself off, swears quietly, then says, voice gruff, "I know it probably doesn't mean much to you. But'm sorry. For everything I did to you when we were teenagers."
Yena stared at him. For a few seconds, her head frozen unknown what to do next, but then an old rush of anger and hurt woke up again. Yena really wanted to tell him off but she felt like she was choking on air to speak up, but a part of herself couldn't believe this was all happening in a convenience store, the absurdity of it. But that is what cools her down, drops things down a notch. As she remembers where they are, and the person in front of her is an adult and so was she,
"…It's whatever it's in the past now anyways…," Yena says tersely. As she looked away from him, feeling uncomfortable rose up in her because of this Yena missed how Bakugou looked at her up and down.
"S'the least I could do," Bakugou mutters. "I know it's not enough."
Yena looked back at him, He's right. It‘s not enough. For years, she dreamed of him apologizing to her just like this but in her dream she had found someone else who loved her and took her on all of those cute romantic dates and felt like she had gained a victory of breaking the red string.
But now that it's happening for real life, she doesn't have that someone else and she feels lost and in pain as the red string was really tightening around her finger, instead of victory.
‘This is what I get for being delusional, a slap in the face from reality,’ Yena thought as she was suddenly hit with an overwhelming wave of self-embarrassment and the urge to be away from here.
"Well, I should go now...um it was nice seeing you…" Yena trails off, gesturing in the direction of the cashier, Yena almost throws up at the end of her sentence, as she says the automatic it was nice seeing you that comes naturally when bumping into someone she hasn't seen in a while,
‘God just kill me now,’ She thought as she really just wanted to die as the way he was looking at her wasn't helping his face was covered in surprise at her words.
“'..Yeah," he says, taking a step back. His eyes don't leave her. His end of red string that was swirling around him caught her attention, as it then made another knot making her confused.
Yena glanced at her string to see it was glowing and fixing itself like before when she first got back when she was four years old, her violet eyes widened as it also had a knot now as well and no longer had burn, scissors and teeth marks on it, if anything she felt like it got stronger.
‘What the hell?!’ This was all too much for Yena as she gave him a final goodbye before shifting to walk away but was quickly stopped by both the string that yanked her back and Bakugou called out to her
'Wait," He says, as Yena turns to him yet again
Bakugou then glanced to the side, where the bag of chips was grabbing them, and walked closer to her.
“You can have them,” He says while placing chips in her basket, Yena flushes a bit at how close he is to her but peeks back up at him. Not sure what his doing.
“Oh! Thank y—” Yena didn't get to finish her words as Bakugou cut her off.
"Do you...Do you want to grab a coffee, sometime?" He asked as Yena blinked a bit taken aback by the question just as she was going to say something she felt her string loosen up a bit
“Y-Yeah sure.” Yena mentally cursed at herself for stuttering, but then exchanged numbers, and made meeting arrangements to get coffee.
Once Yena and Bakugou parted ways Yena felt a wave of blush wash on her cheeks, as her hopeless romantic mind immediately thought how cute and romantic meeting up for coffee was.
‘No bad Yena! We are just going to get coffee as two adults catching up with each other…yeah totally not as soulmates..’ She thought while walking back to her apartment building.
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dr-jem-nutcase · 1 year
MvA: The 'M' Files take-a-peak, pt. 1
Imma be giving this out in parts. And I won't take forever, I pinky promise. I will be making commentary on this, so feel free to just look at the pictures.
I do NOT own any of this, this is all property of DreamWorks
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Ok, I've always loved the BOB holding Dr C image, but the "Maj. Richard Head" name tag (in the lower left corner) totally went over my head as a kid. But now that much of my innocence is gone, I wonder how on earth DreamWorks (DW) let this sort of thing slip onto the cover of a kids' book. But then again, the MvA movie and even the TV show had its fair share of adult humor too. So no argument
So...let's continue
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Okay, reaffirming that Area 5X is in the middle of a desert. It says the desert, but which desert? BOB's Big Break (I'll just call it BBB) said Nevada desert so we'll just run with that
"KP" means "kitchen police" or "kitchen patrol". Thank you, Mr. Google, for the clarification
A lone bench. And the only bench for miles around. Totally inconspicuous. About as inconspicuous as one lady at my local supermarket who stole clearance stickers from the clearance shelf & put them on expensive items...all while wearing a bright red coat you could see a mile away
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And this, I guess, is how the average person gets into Area 5X. Or at least a first-timer. Yeah, there's that runway & the tower with the Area 5X emblem (as shown in the TV series, the video game, & the Art of MvA book), and the "roof" area in BBB. The world is truly a mysterious place
Chapter 1
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A loop-the-loop. Always a loop-the-loop. Also, the physics in that hamster tunnel is killing me
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And enter the dragon himself
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Guantanamo (thanx again, Google) is a military detention camp and prison in Cuba. It opened in 2002, so I'm guessing that this comic is set in the mid-2000s, a few years before Susan showed up. I think I'd rather have that tranq syringe in the situation room in the movie than spend eternity in a camp
Link's cell is so tiny!!
And is Monger's speech balloon covering up a fitness poster or a beach babe poster? I mean, in one piece of concept art, there's a blow-up doll in his tank/cell, so...but then again, a lot of the concept art featured some not-so child-friendly material
Awww, Insecto
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Dr C looks like ET. I can't even!
Is BOB juggling or practicing levitation? No matter what he's doing, what is that?
The American people? What about the British people? The Japanese people? The average world citizen?! Either this was semi-lazy story-writing or the average American has a weaker mental stability than the rest of the world population (as an American myself, I would totally believe the latter). If it's just Americans, then let Insecto go back to Japan but away from Tokyo! Get Dr C back to his lab in the UK where he can FINALLY finish his experiments.
But this is a kids' book, so I'll stop whining...for now
To be continued
Well, I hope so far y'all have enjoyed this. See you next time!
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50calmadeuce · 2 years
Ch. 9: Airport
Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the Top Gun: Maverick world, trademarked by Paramount Pictures Corporation. I do not claim ownership of the characters and the world that I am borrowing.
The story and situation I am creating are a work of my own imagination and I do not ascribe them to official story canon. This work is for entertainment only and is not a part of the storyline.
I am not profiting financially from the creation and publication of this story, so please do not copy it and claim it as your own. As always, I hope it gives you happy thoughts :)
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A few hours later, you, Phoenix and Jake stood on the tarmac as your private jet taxied in from the runway about a thousand feet from you. The three of you start walking towards the plane when the engines shut off and a few minutes later the door opens, and the stairs are lowered.
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Abby enters the door with Christian in her arms and he sees you.
"Mommy!" he yells excitedly.
Abby quickly, yet cautiously, goes down the stairs. As soon as she reaches the tarmac, she puts Christian down, and he runs to your open arms. You hug each other tightly.
"I missed you so much," you lovingly say.
Christian puts his chubby little hands on your cheeks and gives you a sloppy kiss and you laugh happily.
Then he sees Phoenix.
"Ant Tosh!" he exclaims and puts his arms out towards her.
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Phoenix smiles and takes him into her arms. "Hey, kiddo!" They hug and he gives her a sloppy kiss too. Phoenix grins. "I miss those kisses too, buddy. Look. I got you something." She shows him a stuffed toy plane.
"Pain!" he exclaims excitedly and takes the toy.
"What do you say?" You remind him.
"Tanks Ant Tosh."
"You're welcome." Phoenix kisses his cheek and then Christian notices Jake.
"Who you?" He questions, his blue eyes looking at Jake sternly.
"C.J. This is Jake," you explain. "He's a friend of mommy's and Aunt Tosh's."
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Jake smiles. "Hey, little man. It's nice to meet you," Jake says and puts his hand up to Christian.
Christian places the plane in his left hand and then his right into Jake's. "Nice meet you."
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Jake laughs. "Oh, you're going to be a lady killer, Mr. Charmer."
While Jake and Phoenix talk with Christian, you walk over to Abby.
"You got everything?"
"Yes, Doctor Astor."
"My jet will take you where you need to go. If you need anything, just call me."
"Will do. Thank you again, Ms. Astor. I'll see you in a couple of weeks."
"You're welcome. See you later."
Abby heads to the plane and you turn back to Jake, Phoenix and Christian.
"You hungry?" You ask Christian.
Phoenix bops Christian's nose with her finger. "You're in luck, buddy. I know a great place that serves spaghetti."
The three of you start walking to Phoenix's car.
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Later that night, Christian had fallen asleep in his car seat on the way home from dinner. You went to get him, but Jake looked at you.
"I'll get him. You bring in his bags."
"Thanks." As you grab Christian's bags, you watch Jake delicately unbuckle Christian's car seat harness and lift him up onto his shoulder. Christian groaned, but he made himself comfortable on Jake's shoulder.
You walk over to the apartment door Phoenix held open for you and into the spare bedroom.
"On the bed, please," you whisper.
Jake gently lays Christian down on the bed as you get Christian's pajamas and start putting them on him.
"Christian really took to you."
"He's a great kid. You've been raising him right."
You smile as you finish putting Christian's pajamas on. "Thank you."
Jake stepped in. "May I?"
"Sure." You kiss Christian's cheek before Jake picks him up and places him into the crib.
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Jake looks at you, reaches out and cups your face in his hand, and brings you in for a kiss.
"Come meet my parents next week," he blurts out.
"Are you serious?"
"Darlin. You should know the answer to that question by now."
"Jake. I don't know. I've got Christian, and..."
"My mom already knows about you and Christian. Bring him. My niece and nephew will play with him, and my mom will love him."
"Are you sure?"
"I wouldn't ask if I wasn't." He gazes lovingly into your eyes.
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highflyingtales · 26 days
My private pilot check ride EP#7
What a rewarding feeling this was.
A stressful past few days led up to the day of my check ride. I had taken the PPL written test a few days prior and felt good about my book knowledge. Coming from a flying background it was hard for me to want to complete the book knowledge because of how much I had already experience and it felt like I was just relearning everything I had been through. Luckily I walked out of there with an 87% and a smile on my face. I am not a very good test taker under pressure so I was very stressed for that day to come.
The next few days after completing the written test I studied up on my oral questions and was able to use some of my CFI as help for doing mock orals and understanding what knowledge needed to be known for the oral. It was also nice having the University of North Dakota curriculum for studying with the for the check ride as it basically outlined every question that was going to be asked on the check ride. It was a very intense and nerve wracking couple of days until the day finally came.
I was very fortunate to have my dad fly out to join me for my check ride. We arrived early morning to meet up with my DPE Mr Robert Clausen. He was an absolutely amazing examiner and I look forward to having him again for my instrument rating this summer. We went upstairs and completed my oral. Luckily it wasn't terribly bad since he was generous enough to let my use the FAR/AIM as part of a guide for some of the questions. It was definitely terrifying but looking back on it, I definitely got it easy compared to DPE stories i've heard on the internet.
After I had completed the oral portion of the check ride we walked out the aircraft and I completed the walk around. I was more nervous for the oral so this piece felt like a cake walk. We fired up N110WK and completed our run up to taxi out for VFR departure to the south. I showed up that morning with a completed nav log so on departure we flew a simulated route to Aberdeen, South Dakota and about 5 minutes into my route we were told to deviate off our heading just a bit for some arriving and departing traffic off our left. Mr Clausen had me fill out the nav log to the best of my ability using how fast we were going and the time it took for us to get "close" to that fix and how long it would take us to get to the next fix. I showed him I knew how to do that and we moved onto the next portion of the flight. We headed over to a practice area just to our west and completed some basic maneuvers including slow flight, stalls, spacial disorientation which was my favorite. He would have me close my eyes and he would put us into some unusual attitudes and I would have to recover the aircraft. Your really get disoriented because your body cant tell you if your going down or up or in a heavy bank so having to make that split second decision is a crucial part. After I completed basic maneuvers we went over to northwood airport and completed a a few laps in the pattern with birds practically hitting us each time since they were hanging out around the airport property. We then headed back to GFK where we entered the pattern and did a short field landing (or soft field, dont remember) and taxied back to the FBO and shut down. I looked over at him and he said congratulations and I was rushed with excitement. It was such a rewarding feeling to know that everything I have worked for in life was finally paying off. We got out of the airplane and signed the paper work and my temporary certificate and thats all she wrote. Mr Clausen did mention at the end that it maybe would of been smart if we didn't continue at Northwood since it was a really short runway and there were lots of birds in the vicinity. It was definitely a memory I will never forget.
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blue-kyber · 26 days
So, yeah, I'm still listening to Kennedy Steve. :)
This one has him trolling Tug 2 by eating the mic and speaking quickly to mimic the tug's bad radio quality and talking speed. :D LOL. 
KENNEDY STEVE: Very fast exchange at JFK
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KENNEDY STEVE: Very fast exchange at JFK
Just in case it REALLY doesn't make sense, here's some helpful notes I've learned in the past few days: 
HEAVY - Warns ground control that it's a big plane. Big butt. Lots of wind. Big wake will impact smaller planes and vehicles. You do not want to be bumperhumping a heavy plane. :) Getting hit by that jetblast is a no bueno. 
The pilot, tugs, port authority cars, emergency cars, - anyone out there on wheels - always has to give their call sign (like Jetblue221, Speedbird141, or American238, ect) so Steve knows who he's talking to. They also have to repeat the directions back to Steve. If they don't, he will bug them until they do. 
Which is why this is hilarious: 
Pilot: "Ground." Steve: "Yes, Plane."
Speedbirds are the Brits (British airways), and they have a fun sense of humor. :)
"Ramp" is kind of like a place to park your planes. :)  Ramp and Steve are in a subtle ongoing war. 
"Gate" where you pick up da people. 
"Alleyway" is exactly what it sounds like. :D It's a passageway between terminals or ramps or taxiways. These are only wide enough to accomodate one plane at a time, so if a plane is chillin' in an alleyway, or starting up their engines in one, anyone behind them has to wait, because they're clogging up the pipes. :)
Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, ect. are all words used in place of simply saying "A, B, C, D, E, F..." These are the names of taxiways. The words were chosen, because some letters sound similar over the radio. Using these words greatly eliminates confusion so that it's easy to understand for pilots whose native language is not English. All pilots have to learn "Aviation English." 
Some taxiways will be combined. i.e. Kilo-Golf, or Delta-Echo - kind of like mergers. Like how some freeways are two freeways at once until they split. 
LAX has so many taxiways, they're actually numbered, like "Charlie10," or "Victor7."
Tugs (Delta Tug, JetBlue Tug, Quantas Tug, ect.) are tugs that work for those companies. Their radio quality is terrible, they show up at the worst times, and they're easy targets for Steven to make fun of. :D 
SUPER tug = big tugs that pull the big bois with big backyards. 
Regular tugs are... well, regular. 
"Follow the company," or "Don't t-bone the company," or "Give way to the company." The Company refers to a plane or tug belonging to the same Airline. 
i.e. "JetBlue224, follow the company." So they'll be following another JetBlue Airlines plane. 
"22L" and "31R" ect. are runway names. 
Runways are not labeled 1, 2, 3, ect. 
They are laid out according to the average direction of the prevailing winds (for LAX, we usually get winds coming from the southwest. It's an annoying headwind to rind against on the bike when I'm going home, since I have to ride down Imperial and take Pershing). The numbers correlate to what direction the runways are lined up with on a compass rose. N, S, E, W. Like "22 degrees" or "31 degrees." This keeps it easy for pilots. All they have to know how to do is read a compass. 
The R and L stand for "Right" and "Left." Busy airports have two runways for each number, or more. 
"Hold short of (taxiway name or runway name)" = Put your nose up against it, but don't enter it.
"(name) shortened." = You don't get to use the full runway or taxiway.
"Push," or "Pushback" = Plane is pushed backwards from where it's parked - usually at a gate - by a tug. They need help backing up them cakes.
"Blocked" = Congratulations! You're popular! Everyone wants to talk to you at once.
"The 1%" = people who can afford their own planes. "the rich people."
(this isn't actually said. I'm making it up) GND (ground): "Delta411, exit Lima and follow the 1% to 31R, but don't follow him all the way to Cancun. You don't have enough gas." DAL411: "Exit Lima and follow the rich people. I could use a vacation. Delta441." GND: "Don't we all."
Steve will send the plane on a taxiway journey to a runway, tell them to call the tower (for departure instructions), will give the pilots the tower's radio frequency, then say "have a nice day," or something. :)
So, here's made-up examples of ground control directions: 
GND: "JetBlue226, go right on Lima, left on Kilo-Golf, hold short of November, and wait forever."
GND: "Pushback onto Victor. Follow the company, turn right on 31L, tower is 123.9er, tell Chicago we said 'hi.'"
DT2 (Delta Airlines tug): "Delta tug 2 requesting taxi to building 27." GND: "DeltaTug2, and how do you propose you get there?" (laughing in the background from other controllers.) "There's a plane in the alleyway, so you're not moving for the next 5 minutes." DT2: "Oh, okay. DeltaTug2."
I could never do this job. It requires constant attention and multitasking my AuDHD brain simply cannot do.
After binge-listening and learning the terminology, I have massive respect for ATC. Also, a lot of the chaos I see makes sense now.
0 notes
[New Chatroom] A Sparkling Surprise.
This chatroom originally took place on April 1st, 2023.
--- [ACTOR has entered the chatroom.]
[ACTOR]: hmm... so quiet!
[ACTOR]: you people are so busy.... certainly you could spend some time to keep me company, hm?
--- [HEIR has entered the chatroom.]
[HEIR]: I'll put a bookmark in my work just for you. ^^
[HEIR]: It is really quiet today, though. I wonder why ...
[ACTOR]: [HEIR]! oh darling it's so lovely seeing you ^^
[ACTOR]: I wonder if it's because of the holidays... so much to do this time of the year
[HEIR]: That's true too ... I guess spring around this time does get quite hectic.
[ACTOR]: Any big plans✨ or just the same old same old?
[HEIR]: Nothing that I'm aware of ... I'm only looking forward to Easter because of a close friend, but that's really it. I'd love to plan something more worthwhile though ... Lately, I've only ever around after work. T T
[HEIR]: What about you? Do you have anything coming up? :0
[ACTOR]: ohhh just the usual! Well- aside from all the seasonal stuff! It's fun being able to be on the opposite end of the runway this time of year for sure...
[ACTOR]: I know I'm one to insist but I'd love to have you model some of my clothes sometime! ^_^ You'd look dashing in anything
[HEIR]: I've never done anything like that before .. but I appreciate the offer!
[HEIR]: Perhaps one day, I can.
[ACTOR]: Lovely
--- [ASSISTANT has entered the chatroom.]
[ASSISTANT]: Notifications.
[ACTOR]: 😅
[HEIR]: We apologize ...
[HEIR]: But it's simply too quiet!! :(
--- [GAMER has entered the chatroom.]
[GAMER]: omg!!!.. u have a good point!
[GAMER]: it is kinda quiet... not anymore though ^^!
[HEIR]: Not anymore indeed!! >:) Hello, [GAMER].
[ASSISTANT]: It's fine, I suppose.
[ACTOR]: aw... come on [ASSISTANT] cheer up where's the pep in your step darling?
[ACTOR]: And yes! hello [GAMER]
[GAMER]: :]! helloo..
[GAMER]: u should totally cheer up !
[GAMER]: it's the first of the month!! new month new u..?!
[ACTOR]: I quite like that motto
[ASSISTANT]: It's nothing special, really. But fine, I will refrain from being annoyed. I just find it to be unprofessional for my phone to be buzzing while at work.
[ACTOR]: ... you're still at work?
[ASSISTANT]: No, but I'm doing work at home and it's the principle that matters.
[HEIR]: So productive!
[HEIR]: But I fear the stress ...
[HEIR]: .. If you insist.
[ACTOR]: work, shmerk, I get a little tired hearing about it...
[ACTOR]: so happy to see you all in one place again
[ACTOR]: at least... almost all of us
[GAMER]: awwww...
[HEIR]: It is fun to see most of us here together. I miss this kind of thing...
[ACTOR]: I miss the days we would put on those parties...
[HEIR]: I MISS THOSE DAYS TOO!!! They were so much fun ..
[HEIR]: We need to get out heads back in the game!! We mustn't stall any longer!!! One of these days will be the right day. I know it. I am ... confident.
[HEIR]: .. ^^;
[GAMER]: this is so!! nostalgic!! omg..:]
[ACTOR]: it certainly is... just like the good old days now isn't it?
[ASSISTANT]: You all are in quite the reminiscing mood.
[ASSISTANT]: But... I suppose that this isn't too bad. I've only hear stories of the parties you used to throw, and I would like to see what you all can do one day.
[ASSISTANT]: With my help, of course.
[HEIR]: Of course ..
[GAMER]: YEAH!!! ofc ..<3
[GAMER]: i think reminising is nice sometimes. its always fun aswell^^!
[ACTOR]: I am hopeful of the future call it wishful of me, but I can feel it in my bones. There will be another party I swear by it
[HEIR]: Well if that's wishful, then I'll be wishful with you!!
[ASSISTANT]: Ah. Speaking of.
[ASSISTANT]: It seems I have received a... few strange emails.
[ACTOR]: hm?
[HEIR]: ?!
[HEIR]: Strange emails?
[GAMER]: whatt?? do u have any idea who it's from?
[ASSISTANT]: Perhaps I am being a bit jumpy, but it's almost as if they're applications.
[ASSISTANT]: Applications to join the RFA.
[ASSISTANT]: Which I do not remember sending out.
[HEIR]: We haven't hosted a party in a year, who's sending out applications now? Did any of you guys call for volunteers?
[ACTOR]: i haven't no...
[GAMER]: ?!! not that I remember ;;;..
[ASSISTANT]: None of them are from anyone I'm familiar with either.
[ASSISTANT]: We've gotten 6 so far. Which is... very strange.
[ASSISTANT]: Nothing in common from what I see either, at least, what I can find googling their names.
[ACTOR]: ,,, maybe it's a prank 😅 April fools?
[HEIR]: If that's the case, what a cruel prank that is...
[ASSISTANT]: I doubt it, this has been over the past week, not just today.
[GAMER]: maybe..!? what if we like... got hacked....;;
[GAMER]: that'd be a super planned out prank..
[ASSISTANT]: Hacked? Don't we have measures for that?
[GAMER]: YEA!! thats why it'd be crazy if it happened..
[HEIR]: This is so weird.
[ACTOR]: I hope it's just... nothing
[ACTOR]: it's so very strange
[ASSISTANT]: Indeed.
--- [HACKER has entered the chatroom.]
[ACTOR]: oh my- is everything alright?!
[HEIR]: ??!
[ACTOR]: dear heavens...
[HEIR]: What are you on about???
[HACKER]: imagine !!!
[HACKER]: no wait i need to properly conceptualize my experience
>be me
>its a hot day and i want to browse the tube !!
>i got for a good old reliable, dr. pepper
[HACKER]: i know one of you recognizes that story now...
[ACTOR]: ...buzzing????
[ACTOR]: isn't that just the carbonation..?
[ASSISTANT]: How dramatic.
[GAMER]: how many fingers am i holding up
[HACKER]: seventeen
[HACKER]: anyways did you do it
[GAMER]: oh my god....
[GAMER]: :dove:
[HACKER]: please avenge me..,..,.
[HEIR]: Pardon me for laughing but ... that sounds really silly, [HACKER], I can't help but giggle.
[ACTOR]: This is a bit entertaining^^ you always manage to make me laugh [HACKER]
[HACKER]: i know it's april fools and all... but this is a new low for even me
[ASSISTANT]: Who's not to say you're pranking us right now?
[GAMER]: it's ok [HACKER].. it's ok. im here....
[HEIR]: Gasp ...
[HEIR]: The plot thickens
[GAMER]: no :(
[GAMER]: pls do not
[HACKER]: thank you, [GAMER]... at least someone understands ...
[GAMER]: i do ....
[HACKER]: i still continue to struggle to understand how anyone could ever enjoy sparkling water
[HACKER]: what is there to like about it !!! its the antithesis of everything fun and cool and good
[HACKER]: it looks like water .... but it HURTS
[ACTOR]: sure, why not^^ send the receipts if you wish I'm a little curious
[ACTOR]: wouldn't you have noticed your dr pepper was in fact not that?
[HACKER]: i don't know !!!! it was in the regular can and everything
[HACKER]: the lovely logo was there as always to greet me
[ACTOR]: oh my.... this all sounds so elaborate...
[GAMER]: that's a lot of effort to prank u... seems personal... ;;
[HACKER]: that's why i KNEW it had to be one of you !!
[HACKER]: only someone who knew my deepest weakness could hoodwink me so well
[ACTOR]: what a silly case of who dunnit....
[GAMER]: bamboozle
[HEIR]: Sounds like dedication, really
[ASSISTANT]: And a lot of free time, which I don't have.
[HACKER]: evil genius and pure diabolicaness !!!
[GAMER]: i could never be that evil.. wasn't me :broken_heart:
[HACKER]: who could ever have it out for poor me...
[ACTOR]: I don't really have much of an alibi outside of me just knowing I did not do it
[ACTOR]: I guess my innocence comes down to trust
[HEIR]: Yeah.. I didn't do it either :(
[HACKER]: i trust you, [ACTOR]
[HACKER]: the others, not so much...
[ACTOR]: :adore: how sweet, [HACKER]
[HEIR]: You don't trust me ?!
[GAMER]: omg
[GAMER]: this is getting intense...
[HEIR]: I'm wounded ... T T
[HACKER]: forgive me [HEIR], but you're like the peak stereotype of a sparkling water enjoyer
[GAMER]: am i not trustworthy!! i comforted you during this hard time... </3..
[HACKER]: filled with what, you might ask?
[ASSISTANT]: Not to point fingers but anyone who aims to appear more innocent would instantly comfort the victim, especially if they were the culprit.
[HEIR]: For the record, my fancy glasses are typically filled with RED WINE. AND!!! EVEN IF I WAS A SPARKLING WATER ENJOYER (Which I am not.) ... What could have possibly possessed me to have even an ounce of dedication to impose such a prank on you?!
[HACKER]: joyous whimsy
[HEIR]: I'm wrongfully accused. :crycry:
[GAMER]: oh my god ive set myself up...
[GAMER]: it's just us , [HEIR]
[GAMER]: watch my back ill watch yours...
[ACTOR]: how intense!
[HEIR]: nuh uh ... I think [ASSISTANT] has a point ... You're more suspicious than me!!!
[HACKER]: be honest with me
[HACKER]: .... did you do it ?
[GAMER]: i wouldn't dream of it :(:(
[ASSISTANT]: You people and your theatrics...
[ACTOR]: it's almost like a soap opera...
[ACTOR]: hm...
[ACTOR]: oh i hate choosing between friends >.<
[HACKER]: one of these people ISN'T a friend
[ACTOR]: :hehe:
[HACKER]: i was never good at mystery games ...
[ACTOR]: nor was I!
[ACTOR]: does this make me the watson to your sherlock?
[HACKER]: it's merely elementary ...
[ASSISTANT]: And juvenile. You all have a very funny way of going about this.
[HEIR]: :rose_giggle:
[HACKER]: don't you see how life or death this matter is ???
[GAMER]: :broken_heart:
[ACTOR]: come on now [ASSISTANT]... this situation is very dire...
[ASSISTANT]: :raised_eyebrow:
[HACKER]: don't you care about the security of the RFA !!! if there's a rogue prankster in our midst theres no telling what else might happen !!
[ASSISTANT]: :jaeheesigh:
[ACTOR]: i think.... the culprit should confess... and if they do we will forgive them <3
[HEIR]: Well, it wasn't me. That's for sure.
[HACKER]: i won't.
[ACTOR]: then who WAS it??!
[HEIR]: What a cliffhanger ...
[HEIR]: Perhaps, we will never know. :(
[ACTOR]: ... :SCsorry:
[GAMER]: omg...
[HACKER]: i guess a prankster can never reveal their ways :"
[ASSISTANT]: Certainly. That would spoil his fun.
[HACKER]: yeah .... that IS true ...
[ACTOR]: ...
[HEIR]: Hm
[ACTOR]: [ASSISTANT] darling, that is a funny choice of pronouns ^^
[ASSISTANT]: I know.
[GAMER]: ....omg........
[ACTOR]: is there... something you want to tell us?
[ASSISTANT]: Oh, I suppose.
[ASSISTANT]: Sparkling water isn't that bad.
[HACKER]: ………. … .. .. .
[HEIR]: No. Way.
[HEIR]: NO WAY?????
[ASSISTANT]: What it is is spending several hours replacing the doctor pepper.
[ASSISTANT]: April Fools.
[ACTOR]: Oh my :hehe:
[HEIR]: That is a plot twist
[ASSISTANT]: You have been, as they say, played.
[HACKER]: i guess you really do learn from the best !!! :3
[ASSISTANT]: Yes, let's say that.
[HACKER]: i’m dropping off Kirby at your house btw
[HACKER]: and he's not leaving
[HACKER]: :3
[ASSISTANT]: If you insist.
[HACKER]: enjoy litter box duty, funny guy
[HACKER]: gotta go wash out my mouth, peace !!
-- [HACKER has left the chatroom.]
[HEIR]: :rose_giggle:
[ACTOR]: :adore:
[HEIR]: That was a good laugh :cmere:
[GAMER]: im still processing it... omg...
[ASSISTANT]: I am glad it was enjoyed by all. I spent very long on it. :)
[HEIR]: I would have never expected such a prank from you, [ASSISTANT]
[HEIR]: I applaud you ...
[GAMER]: TOTALLY!!! kudos<3
[ASSISTANT]: I thought it would be nice to step out of my comfort zone as many suggest.
[ACTOR]: Yes yes!!! :UWAH: this was done so well... the commitment...
[ASSISTANT]: I do have to go now, however. I still have work to make up after spending so much time replacing soda.
[ASSISTANT]: Thank you all for your time.
-- [ASSISTANT has left the chatroom.]
[ACTOR]: bye bye :adore:!
[HEIR]: Bye!!!
-- [HACKER has entered the chatroom.]
[HACKER]: im really impressed
[GAMER]: fool u twelve times...
[HEIR]: Fool you twelve times ..
[HEIR]: :rose_giggle:
[HACKER]: no way im throwing the rest of these out
[HACKER]: no... wait...
[HACKER]: that was 10 dollars
[ACTOR]: welll... maybe drop them off with Kirby? he did say he didn't mind it :hehe:
[HACKER]: maybe if i just close my eyes... and pretend ....?
[GAMER]: robbery..
[ACTOR]: no... don't do it !!!
[HACKER]: perhaps i will give him the rest
[GAMER]: im so sorry for ur loss.....
[HACKER]: he's probably the only one of us that could make use of them
[HACKER]: thank you ....
[HACKER]: he'll pay dearly one day
[GAMER]: i believe in u ..
[GAMER]: ive gotta like totally process this...
[GAMER]: ill see u guys around though!!^^
-- [GAMER] left the chatroom.
[ACTOR]: Goodbye!! :UWAH:
[ACTOR]: perhaps we can plan something in the future...
[HACKER]: seeya [GAMER] !!!
[HACKER]: you think we can give it another try ??
[HEIR]: I think so. I kind of ,, hope so.
[HACKER]: ... :)
[HACKER]: i'd like that
[HEIR]: ^^
[HACKER]: . crap boss is calling
[HACKER]: see you guys around !! :3
-- [HACKER has left the chatroom.]
[HEIR]: Seeya !!!
[ACTOR]: bye... :cmere:
[ACTOR]: I suppose you'll be off too, then?
[HEIR]: Yeah ... it's getting late.
[HEIR]: I'm still so nervous though. :nervy:
[ACTOR]: Over the applications?
[HEIR]: Yes...
[ACTOR]: me too...
[HEIR]: Getting applications is so lovely and my optimistic side wants to see it as a sign to get things going but it's also so bizarre and weirdly timed.
[HEIR]: And peculiar in general
[ACTOR]: It's not like we'd be looking for people either...
[HEIR]: Right ...
[ACTOR]: Hm...
[ACTOR]: I just hope [ASSISTANT] will be able to handle it.
[HEIR]: I'm sure he will. He's capable!! And generally great! >:0
[HEIR]: I might ask him to forward them to me ... I'm curious.
[HEIR]: But I also want to keep all hopes up! Good energy! Positivity! So if we do end up hosting a party again, it will be smooth. :adore:
[ACTOR]: fingers crossed for all good things then!!
[HEIR]: Crossing my fingers as we speak!!!
[HEIR]: Goodnight, [ACTOR] ^^
-- [HEIR has left the chatroom.]
[ACTOR]: And good to you as well^^
-- [ACTOR has left the chatroom.]
Transcript provided by [UNKNOWN]. rika's funding association (or the "rfa" for short) is a private, non-profit organization whose primary objective is to make the world a safer and kinder place for everyone. they will pay for what they did to me. can you hear me?
0 notes
One Night Only in New York
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*header created by @hstylesicons
Summary: Y/N won the contest of a lifetime, leading to an unbelievable experience attending the One Night Only in NY concert with Harry Styles.
*inspired by Brittany Broski taking over the HSHQ Instagram page
A/N: I wanted to get it out asap. Just a little detour from my EWTNC series, with a big thanks to @runway-to-my-aid for this awesome idea!
Warning: Some explicit language
"No way! No fucking way!... Sorry… this is amazing! I can't believe it!"
"Y/N, believe it, you have won the contest!" The radio dj announces. "Not only are you going to the 'One Night Only' concert in New York, but you are also taking over the HSHQ Instagram for the day!"
This isn't real, this isn't real!
"How do you feel, love?" He asks.
"Like I'm dreaming! I'm so excited!" You reply.
"I'm excited for you! Stay on the line, and we will give you all the details. Enjoy your night tomorrow!"
"Thank you! Thank you so much!"
You stay on the call- finding out where you will go to get the tickets and meet the HSHQ team member who will be helping you 'run' the page.
Tonight is the night and you still feel like you're dreaming. You're a nobody, from nowhere, and just entered a contest. Now you get to see Harry Styles perform! Plus, help post some stories to his other Instagram page!
Life isn't real right now. It can't get much better.
You made sure you wore a cute, but comfortable, outfit and head out the door. You'll be getting to the UBS Arena early to meet the team member, go over the ideas they have, and film a few little clips before the show.
As you arrive in the Uber, you can see and hear the excitement of all the fans waiting to get in. You almost missed this. You weren't originally able to get a ticket, and you are so grateful to now have this amazing opportunity.
You find where you need to go and meet the team member, Timothy, to go over the logistics of what tonight will look like.
You walk over to a spot in front of the arena doors to do your first Instagram story.
"Hi everyone! My name is Y/N and tonight I am taking over the HSHQ Instagram page to give you a behind-the-scenes look of the 'One Night Only' show here in New York! Let's go!"
"That was great." Said Timothy. "Let's go inside and get some shots of the venue while it's empty."
"Are you serious?" You ask, hardly able to control your excitement.
"Yeah! You're giving a behind-the-scenes look sweetie, so you've got to go… behind the scenes!" He chuckles.
You shake your head, still not fully grasping the luck you've had already.
You walk inside the doors and he leads you around the entryway to the merch store.
"Oh wow! These are sweet!" You exclaim, eyes being diverted as you look at each new sweater and hat that'll be available tonight.
"I feel so sneaky, but I'm at the merch store and I want to show you some of the goodies we can get tonight!"
You hold up a new blue hoodie for a boomerang clip to post.
"Another good one, Y/N. You're a natural at this." Timothy states.
You laugh. "I think I've tapped into some sort of autopilot, because I'm screaming on the inside!"
He laughs too. "You'd never know. Let me take you somewhere I think the fans would like."
You walk in the auditorium and gasp. You're getting the first look at what you'll be seeing tonight and you are taken aback.
"It's breathtaking!" You exclaim. "What if we show… if it's okay… a view from the stage? That way fans will still be surprised by the backdrop."
"That's a perfect plan! Builds the suspense too." Timothy agrees.
"Take a look at the view from stage! I can't wait for tonight! Where are you going to be singing from?"
Timothy scans as much of the venue as he can without giving anything else away.
"I think that's good. We've got a little bit of time left before start letting people in." He says as he looks at his watch. "I'm thinking we can do something for the fans."
'The fans', as if you aren't one of them, freaking out right now like every single person waiting in line.
You follow him outside and head over to an area where there are people just waiting around and hanging out.
"Here. Find a small group of about four that are not in line. Ask them questions like where they are from and what their favorite new song is, or something like that." He smiles. "We've got a surprise for a few of them."
You walk around, wishing you could pick every single one for whatever Timothy has in store for them. You see a group of two young girls and what looks like to be their moms.
"Hi there! You don't happen to be big Harry Styles fans, do you?" You ask, smiling as you see that they are head-to-toe in official (and homemade) Harry Styles clothing.
"Yes!!" The two young girls exclaim.
"I'm actually taking over the official HQ Instagram for today, can I ask some questions and post them on the stories, moms?" They both nod and Timothy pulls up his phone.
"What are your favorite songs from the new album, girls?" You asks.
"Daydreaming!" One squeals.
"As It Was!" Squeals the other.
"Have you ever been to a Harry Styles concert before?"
They all shake their heads.
"Wow, me either. It can be our first times together!"
"No, we don't have tickets." One of the girls admits, looking so heartbroken. "We came… just… I don't know… believing in a miracle or something!"
Timothy interrupts with a cough and hands you something. You quickly stare down and grin. You look back up and make sure Timothy is ready to film again.
"Well, I just happen to have these four tickets for tonight. I don't suppose… you girls would want them…?" You joke.
The noises they make could break glass, but you don't care, because you are enjoying the pure happiness on their faces.
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much!!" They say, as they give you a big group hug.
Timothy puts away his phone and the moms thank you both for making the girls' dreams come true.
"I'm just the delivery girl. I won the opportunity to do this! So, I'm so glad you'll get to watch it. Now we really will all have our first concert tonight!"
You give one more hug each, say goodbye, and Timothy leads you away.
"That was amazing! I know exactly how that feels. This is so wild and so fun!" You state.
"That stuff is always the best." He agrees.
During the few hours before show time, you were allowed to eat some food from the catering staff, buy some merch for yourself, and see a little more behind-the-scenes stuff for yourself.
As showtime approaches, Timothy takes you to a spot in the pit where he usually stands.
"I'll take some photos and videos with my phone so that you can enjoy the show." He states.
"Okay, I'm just warning you that I'll be screaming most of the time."
He chuckles. "That's fine as long as it's okay that I will be too."
You both bust up laughing.
The lights dim and everyone screams, including Timothy. Your heart races as you see the stage all lit up and then moreso when you see the man of the night. He is dressed in a t-shirt with rows of red hearts, black pants, red Gucci sneakers, and a big yellow necklace.
How does he do that? How does he make an outfit like that look so good… so sexy?
He starts 'Music for a Sushi Restaurant' and you are instantly yelling out every word as best you could (you had been listening to the album almost nonstop since it came out).
Each song is perfection, and the energy in the audience never dies. You are all so collectively mesmerized by the moment.
You're in tears as he plays 'Matilda', as is everybody else. Even Timothy is a little teary.
You have goosebumps. This is the best experience of your life. There's not much that could top this.
The encore finishes and you have to snap yourself out of the trance you feel like you were just in. It was a dream, and you're actually really bummed that it had to end.
"Hey, let's get a clip of you're reaction to the show, yeah?"
You nod.
"Okay, well, there aren't many words to describe that experience. I was taken to a whole other dimension or something because it was so spectacular! Thank you to HSHQ for letting me do this! I am forever grateful!"
"Thank you so much Timothy. This really has been amazing! I still can't believe I won that contest and got to do this. Thank you." You give him a hug.
"Aw, from me and the whole team, you're welcome sweetie." He smiles. "I actually took some videos of you during the concert… I was going to take you back to relax for a bit while the crowds clear out, and go over them to see if you're okay with me posting any?"
"Oh! Sure. I'm definitely not going to turn down that offer." You giggle.
You follow him backstage and into a room with some chairs, a couch, a table, a coffee bar, and a TV screen. There's people walking in and out, and it's just fun little hang out room. You sit on the couch with Timothy and he goes through some of the videos he took. "I just wanted to capture the 'fan experience' through your eyes." He says.
"Yeah, it's a good idea. I don't mind if you post any of them. I'm bias towards the first one with 'Music for a Sushi Restaurant' since that's one of my favorites." You admit.
"Okay, definitely that one then." He adds it to the stories.
A few more people walk in and they are a bit louder than the others have been, which catches your attention.
Suddenly you gasp. Your heart stops and jaw drops. Walking through the door and towards you is him. Is Harry Styles.
"Oh my god," is all you manage to mutter.
"Hello. Y/N right?" You nod and he reaches out for a hug. You quickly stand up and reciprocate.
His embrace is the warmest, most tender, safest thing you have ever experienced. It's just all joy and love.
"Thank you for taking over today. Thanks for doing this." He points to Timothy's phone.
Finally, you snap back to being a functioning human being and find words to say, but still in disbelief.
"Are you kidding? Thank you for giving me the chance!" You reply.
"It's my pleasure. I liked what you posted." He smiles.
"Wha-" you stutter. "You watched them?"
"F'course. Had to see the 'behind-the-scenes' experience from your point of you." He smiles again. It's full of sunshine. He's just so bright. "Timothy was texting me that you were doing really good.
You glance at Timothy, you just see that he has a grin on his face.
"Thank you. Oh my god, this is fucking unreal, and I feel pathetic right now." You giggle.
"What?" Harry giggles back. "It's just lil ol' me. Just Harry."
You just shake your head and look into those beautiful green eyes.
He adds, "I really liked you showing the inside of the arena without showing the stage. It's like… it's like edging a lil bit. It was good." He nods towards Timothy.
"It was her idea." Timothy admits.
You laugh. "Definitely nothing like you do it, but I thought it was fun."
Harry looks at you, wide-eyed, with a huge grin that takes his dimples to a deeper level. "Really? It was your idea?"
You start to blush.
Oh come on, not in front of him.
"I liked it. I liked the whole idea of the fan's point of view." His expression turns inquisitive. "Umm… I like to get a good night's sleep, but I do need some dinner…" he pauses to clear his throat. "Would you like to join us? I'd love to hear your thoughts on the whole thing."
"Are you kidding?"
"I don't joke about dinner." He smirks.
"As you shouldn't." You chuckle. "I'm… I'm still in shock from winning the contest, and now Harry Styles is asking for my thoughts on his show? This is nuts."
"You can just call me Harry, love." He winks. "Come on. Like I said, I don't joke about dinner, and m'starving." He raises his arm in that gentlemanly manner, with his elbow out, so that you can wrap your hand around it.
He looks over at you and smiles, looking down at your outfit. "By the way, you make that official Harry's House sweater look really good."
You can send some extra support here if you feel inclined -Bee xx
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sabxism · 3 years
Pairing: Poe Dameron x Reader (Hanahaki!au)
Warnings: Blood, Somewhat graphic description of death, probably a shit ton of typos bc it's 3 am and I'm not ab to proofread this
Summary: You're so in love with Poe Dameron it's killing you. Literally.
A/N: this is half vent piece, half i've-wanted-to-write-this-for-a-while. also i changed how the disease "works" just a little bit for plot purposes.
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You used to like daisies. That was before you were staring them down every few hours, leaned over the sink, blood dripping from your cracked lips.
You used to like Poe Dameron. That was before he started killing you.
Then again, you guess you still did. That’s why you were in this situation, after all.
At first, you’d ignored the signs of what you’d hoped wasn’t love - swallowed your words, caught the butterflies in a net and tossed them outside.
But it was getting harder and harder to do so.
You didn’t have much longer. You could tell.
Leia could too.
She’d first approached you after you’d run out of a meeting to hurl up seeds and blooms, waiting outside your quarters for you with a painful expression of pity and concern written across her face. You wish she’d erased it and just let you be.
But she wouldn’t - how could she? You were dying, right in front of her, refusing to take the help she offered.
To be fair, the help she was telling you to seek out would ruin you just the same as the thorns scratching at your lungs.
Getting that surgery and forgetting him would suffocate you more than any vines wrapped around your esophagus could.
You couldn’t do it. You knew you should. After all, this whole mess was your fault anyways. Catching feelings for your best friend wasn’t anyone else's fuck up but yours.
But you didn't think you’d be able to live with yourself if you let someone take the flowers out, and with them, any trace of Poe. The real problem is that you wouldn’t technically be living with yourself. Not anymore. You weren’t really yourself without him. That was what terrified you, what ate you up with guilt.
Because you knew he felt the same way.
Well, not the same way. But you knew that he relied on you, leaned on you.
And soon enough, he’d fall over. Because you'd be gone.
It was killing you. In more ways than one.
“Please, Lieutenant, just think about it,” the General pleads with you as the two of you walk to a debriefing meeting.
“I’ve thought about it,” you respond truthfully. You had. Still do. All the time. “I don’t like it.”
You go to enter the conference room, but her firm grip on your upper arm stops you. Hissing in pain, you whirl around, your angry expression fading as you meet her eyes. Were those tears?
“How do you think I like watching you wither away?”
You smile sadly at the irony of the sentence. It quickly fades as you process what she said. You truly hadn’t considered what this must look like to her. She must think you stubborn, too prideful to ask for help. Brash and inconsiderate.
“Don’t do that,” she says, tapping a finger to your forehead. “I don’t, and you know that. But I can’t say I understand why you won’t do it.”
“I just…” you trail off, silencing your thoughts as a group of runway techs pass by. Once they’ve cleared your vicinity, you continue, “It’s the same either way.”
“How so?” She isn’t mocking you. She’s asking, genuinely. Somehow, that’s worse.
“I die either way. Or at least, a part of me does. If I don’t get the surgery, I get more time with him - maybe a few months? It’ll still be me. If I...if I do get it, it won’t be me. Not really. It takes away all memories of him. I’ve known him for too long. I’ll be a completely different person, and the worst part is that I won’t even know.” you pause, eyes growing misty. “And neither will he. He won’t understand why I’m suddenly introducing myself to him like a new acquaintance.”
Leia’s eyes soften in understanding. “I see.” She pauses, taking your hand and covering it with her other one. “Well, I can’t tell you what to do, but-”
“Technically, you can. You outrank me. You outrank everyone.”
“Like you’ve ever really listened to anything I’ve said,” she quips, her words tugging the corners of your mouth upward slightly. “But I think you should reconsider. Or, you know…” she gestures vaguely, and a knot ties itself in your stomach.
“I can’t do that. He’s…” you pinch the bridge of your nose, sighing. “If he outright says he doesn’t, I’ll collapse right there. I can’t let him see that.”
Leia’s heart hurts for you. You shouldn’t be dealing with this. Not as young as you are. Not as bright as your future was.
She doesn’t say anything else, just nods in concession and follows you inside. She notes how Poe hopefully looks at you, and how you purposefully avoid his eyes. The upset on his face is clear as glass.
It happened on a Tuesday.
You’d collapsed in your quarters, drowning as one of the thorns punctured a lung and it filled with blood.
Poe found you.
You wish he hadn’t. It would’ve been easier.
But things never really did go your way, did they?
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tags: @bucky-j-barnes @beydameron @staarshines
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dragon-kazansky · 3 years
Dangerous | Helmut Zemo
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AU! Race car driver Zemo 😎
Gender neutral reader
Collage by @realremyd
[Previous chapter] - [Next chapter]
Part 4
Zemo stared at his phone which he had sat on his desk. His car has been fixed up and he was about to go test run it, but his mind wasn't focused on the car. All he could think about was you.
Sam pokes his head into the office.
"Ready for the test run?"
Zemo looks up, acting as if his mind hasn't been elsewhere, and nodded. He glances at his phone once more before leaving with Sam.
You hadn't contacted him and he was missing you. He had no idea it would be this bad. It had been a couple of days since you had left and he was wishing time had paused that day, anything to spend a few extra minutes with you.
He looks at his car. He needed to put his racing mind on. He grabs his helmet, and gears up. Once he's in the car, he is in racer mode.
When you stepped off the train, your friend was waiting eagerly. She squealed as she ran over to you and pulled you into a hug. You chuckled as she nearly caused you to fall over.
"I've missed you!"
"I was only gone a couple of days," you chuckle.
"I know, but still. Something super amazing has happened and I'm about to lose my mind!"
"What is it?"
You both begin to leave the station, you eager to hear what is so exciting.
"Remember Tony Stark?"
Of course you did. You had literally seen him that weekend, racing.
As you exit the station, you come to a stop. Right in front of you is a limousine. Sleek, black, and expensive looking.
You look at your friend in shock.
Tony Stark climbs out of the limo before she can. You stare in shock. What was he even doing here? Shouldn't he be off training for the next race? Why was he here?
Your friend skips over to him and he places an arm around her.
"What is happening?"
Your friend smiles away, leaning against the billionaire beside her. Maybe you were imagining this. Tony Stark could not be here.
"Y/N, this is my boyfriend."
You are so sure your brain malfunctioned right there. You drop your bag and try to figure if you actually heard that.
You friend laughs as she grabs your bag and puts it into the limo.
"For real?" You ask, looking at Stark.
"For real." He grins.
"Come on, we'll take you home," your friend urges you into the limo. You cannot believe this is happening.
Once you're all in, your friend gives the driver your address and you all set off. You can only stare as she practically drapes herself over his lap.
You feel so confused.
The car was filled only with silence for the reminder of the ride. It was awkward and suffocating, but there was nothing you could say.
When the limo stopped outside of your apartment, you climbed out. Your friend got out too. You pulled her off to the side.
"How? When? How long has this been a thing?" You ask, rapidly firing out your questions.
"He asked me out. That night a couple weeks ago. At the party. The one you didn't come to."
"And you're only mentioning this now?"
"He asked me to wait, so I did. Then a couple days ago, he called me and said he was ready for to tell people."
"A couple of days ago? Friday?"
You glance back at the car. Friday was race day. Was that a coincidence?
"I'm your friend, why didn't you tell me?"
"I promised I wouldn't until he said I could. I really like him Y/N."
"Do you? Are you in love with him because he's amazing and loves you? Or because he's your favourite pro racer and billionaire?" You narrow you gaze at her.
Her jaw is clenched, eyes hazy with tears.
"That's not fair."
"It's very fair. I don't think you've thought this through."
She let's her tears fall, drops your bag at your feet, pushes you back, and then climbs into the car. You watch the limo drive off before you pick up your bag and go inside your home.
Something didn't sit right with you.
You throw your bag on your bed, deciding to unpack later, and slump down on your sofa. Your mind flickered to Zemo.
You hadn't contacted him. You could have done so on the train. You grab your phone and send him a message.
You: Hey :) I hope I didn't keep you waiting.
You put the phone down and wait. He was probably busy, but you would wait. Closing your eyes, you could almost imagine being back in his car, speeding down the road like crazy. You missed that feeling.
Life was too slow now.
You yearned to be a part of Zemo's lifestyle. You wanted to be beside him, cheering his name, watching as he wins against Stark.
Speaking of, you would have to make arrangements. You needed to check your work schedule and make sure you had that weekend off.
You didn't want to miss a race.
You feel asleep with those thoughts. The wind in your hair, laughter filling the car, Zemo looking over at you with a smile. He was right there in your dreams.
Zemo had done several laps up and down the runway. He would take it down to the track tomorrow to test it out proper, but for now it was in great condition.
The moment he changed out of his gear, he went to collect his things from the office. Picking up his phone, his heart leaped with joy when he saw the text.
You: Hey :) I hope I didn't keep you waiting.
He smiled at his phone and immediately saved your number.
It felt right to put you in his phone like that. He mentally scolded himself for getting carried away, but he didn't change it. He left it like that and replied.
Zemo: You did, but I'll forgive you. You can make it up to me when I see you next.
He smiled as he tucked his phone away and prepared to head home. On the drive home, his mind turned to you again. There was a silly grin on his face. He would take this third race as a sign. If you showed up, he would take you for that drink, and maybe something would happen. He was not ready to let you go just yet.
A thought crossed his mind.
What if he visited you before the race? He would surely be able to get you to give up your address to him. You would with the drive up. Maybe next could take a peek into your life.
Would you like that?
Never before had he questioned himself so much. When it came to you, there was doubt in his mind. It's not as if you were his anyway. Friend? Yes, quite possibly. Nothing more.
Yet, he yearned for it.
Would you enter his world if invited you? Perhaps he would keep that question up his sleeve until the time seemed right.
It wasn't until he was at home that he got a reply. You must have been busy.
You: That's fair. Assuming I make it, of course.
He smiled at your response.
Zemo: I'll be disappointed if you don't come. I may need your luck again.
You: Yes, because that went so well last time.
Zemo: My losing was no your fault. I blame Stark.
There was several minutes of silence before your next response.
You: How is the car?
Zemo: In working order. I'm going to tinker with it some more. I won't stop until it's up to standard.
You: You must be very busy then.
Zemo: Not too busy that I can't talk to you.
It was so easy to be all bold when you were communicating by text.
You: Cute, but I'm not falling for that ;)
Two could play that game, it seemed.
Zemo: May I ask you something?
You: Of course
Zemo: Where do you work?
You: Why? I can tell you now, it's no where as cool as your job.
Zemo: I want to know more about you.
There was another pause before your response. This one was a little longer than other and Zemo wondered if he had crossed a line.
Then you replied.
You: At cafe, it's called The Redwing. Nice enough place, but not as exciting as your job.
The Redwing? He had heard that name before. Sam came to mind as he thought about it. Zemo smiled.
Zemo: Sounds interesting to me.
You: If you say so. No fast cars here though, just people wanting coffee.
Zemo: I want to hear more, but perhaps some other time. I should eat before I fall asleep on my couch. See you soon?
A couple minutes go by, and then:
You: Maybe ;)
He smiled a smug grin as he put his phone down. He would see you soon, you just didn't know how soon.
Seemed like Zemo had a call to make.
@ajeff855 @moonstuffsteve @sky-writes-stuff @lieutenantn @lostghostgirl94 @friday18eo @yaskna @my-blood-is-maple-syrup @gingerwriter97 @lunamooney2406 @wilder-fangirl @nectav @whovianayesha @thesuitkovian @cathrin2405 @deathtothepatriarchy @belle82devart @dxrksxul06 @killeromanoff @alex-the-nb @latenightartist-author @hb8301 @goddessofmischief03 @xxidontwikeitxx @themeanestlittlewitch
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lovinlikeloki · 3 years
The Lone Wolf
Masterlist // 05
Warnings: Swearing
Word Count: 4.2k
I was in my wolf form when my cage was being opened, I looked to the twins' cells, Wanda nodded to me ever so subtly, flickered her hands slightly and I knew. It was time. The guard opened the barred door and I took my chance, I dug my claws into his chest, he began bleeding and I pushed harshly past him. I turned back to my human form and knocked him over the head hard enough to knock him out.
I took the keys to the twins' cells from his unconscious body and swung them around my left index finger. I smiled to the twins and they smiled back.
"So..." I smirked at them, "Who wants to escape from some science Nazis?"
I shoved the key into the lock of Wanda's cell and turned it, opening the door and she smiled at me, she ruffled my hair as she left the cell and we moved onto my beloved's cell. I put the key in and turned it impatiently, wanting to see him free. When the door opened he spared no time running over to me and engulfing me in his arms.
"I knew you could do it mi prințesa," he said into my hair and I pulled back from the hug.
(My princess)
"Of course, mo chroí, have I ever failed you yet?" I quirked an eyebrow at him.
(My heart)
"Enough," Wanda interrupted his answer, "You'll have time for all that when we are gone."
"She makes a point, a stór," I looked in my love's eyes before turning away.
"Wanda, you got the cameras in here, you have to do that before every room we enter, even then they probably know that we're escaping. Piet, I need you to get me a gun, as quick as you can, without getting caught. I'm busting us out of here and I don't care how many people's blood I spill as long as we get out alive," I order, I may be younger than them, but our escape was mostly my plan and they don't have any less respect for me because of my slight age difference.
"Got it," they replied before doing as asked. Wanda fucked with the camera in the next room and we took down the guards, Pietro picked up a gun and threw it to me, I caught it and felt the adrenaline coursing through my veins as I fiddled with the trigger.
I nodded to them and we began moving through the base. We made quick work of the guards that tried to capture us, a bullet shot here, some telekinetic intervention there, all in all it there didn't seem to be any problems.
We made it to the back exit and began leaving. That was when it happened. When we failed. When we were split up. We were running as fast as we could, leaving the god forsaken place when I turned around, just for a second, and saw Wanda missing.
"Mo ghrá, I said, "Where's Wanda?"
Pietro looked behind him and saw her gone as well, "I will find her," he told me before giving me a kiss on my forehead.
"Be quick," I told him, "Be safe. Come back to me."
"Always, malen'kaya Volchitsa."
And with that he turned and ran back to find his sister while I kept running away.
I jolt awake, sitting up and gasping for air, eyes wide. It was just a nightmare... no, not a nightmare, a memory. That day was the last I saw of them. The last I saw of him. I didn't even get to say a real goodbye. Now he's gone.
My panting and shaking awakens Wanda, she sits up slowly before taking my hands in hers. She smiles sadly at me as tears stream down my face.
"Este în regulă draga mea, ești bine, totul este în regulă," she comforts me.
(It's okay my dear, you're okay, everything's fine)
"Níl sé, níl gach rud i gceart. Tá achan rud ag titim as a chéile arís. Ní thig liom thú a fhágáil. Fuair duine againn bás an uair deirneach," I sob to her.
(It's not, everything's not okay. Everything's falling apart again. I can't leave you. One of us died last time)
"Nu, nu este. Ultima data a fost diferită. De data aceasta vom rămâne în legătură. Mi voi fi niciodată mai mult decât un telefon depart."
(No, it's not. Last time was different. This time we will stay in touch. I will never be more than a phone call away)
Phone call. Phone call. My mind sobers as I realise what must've happened back home and I haven't even taken the time for a phone call.
"I- I have to go," I say, slipping out of my mother tongue and into English, stepping out of bed and grabbing my phone.
"Where are you-" I cut Wanda off.
"I need to make a phone call."
"Fianna, it's late."
"I have to."
With that I leave the room, I don't know where to go and so I just kinda linger in the hallway, pacing back and forth. I unlock my phone and go to my contacts, I scroll until I hit it, 'Eo' it's my contact for Eoghan. It's not what I would want my father figure's number as, but I try to keep it professional so...
I hit call and wait as the phone rings. Once. Twice. And on the third he picks up. I let out a breath as he greets me.
"Hello? Fianna? Are you okay?" he asks me.
"Ye-yeah I am," I say before biting the drawstring of my hoodie, "That's a lie. I'm, I'm not okay Eoghan," I confess to him.
"Talk t' me. What's wrong?"
"I uh, I had a nightmare," I tell him, shoving my spare hand into the pocket of the hoodie.
"Okay, nightmare," he repeats and I can practically see him nodding in understanding, "Do you want to talk about it Fi, or do you just want someone to talk to?"
I shake my head, knowing he can't see it, "Talk to someone. I actually called you to, um, to apologise. I know that you probably got dragged into my mess and I wanna make sure that you and Orlaith and the rest of you are doing alright."
There's a slight hesitation before Eoghan speaks again, "What are you talking about?"
"I mean when the feds showed up... right after I busted out of the Raft," I say slowly, confused by his confusion.
"No one showed up here Mactíre," Eoghan assures me, slipping in my merc name. "I haven't a clue what you're on about. What do ye mean busted out?"
"Okay, look, when Wanda called me I was gonna fight a couple of her friends, yeah?"
"Well basically it all went down in this airport runway. To be honest with ye there was like twelve of us all together and it looked more like a scrap between a few chavs in a Tesco car park than a fricken civil war between the Avengers."
"Okay," Eoghan laughs at that, which was my intention, because he won't be laughing in a second.
"Basically there was this thing called the Sokovia Accords, it basically bans the Avengers from fighting without their ma and da, a bunch of governments, saying they can. Mister America and his old bestie broke that rule and so they became criminals, I and some others helped and that made us all criminals."
"Heh, I'm sorry, what the fuck?" Eoghan asks in a slightly higher octave than usual, yeah, he's pissed at me.
"Yeah... and so we were sent to this superhero jail that was in the middle of the fuckin' ocean. After a couple o' days Stars and Stripes teamed up with some Emo Hello Kitty looking fella and the freakin' Black Widow to bust us out. We're staying in Wakanda right now."
"Okay... let me get this straight," Eoghan says, exasperatedly. "You, and some of America's little mascots, fought the other half of America's mascots. Then you were thrown into a jail cruise ship-"
"It wasn't quite that luxurious Eo, I had a shock collar on," I interrupt with a deadpan tone.
"You fucking what?! Let me continue, you were thrown into a submarine jail, with a shock collar on. Couple o' days later you get broken out of said submarine jail. And now you're staying in a third world country?" Eoghan questions, clearly regretting emotionally adopting me. I don't blame him either, I'm a real problem child.
"I- technically yes. But I'm not coming home is the main point here."
"Why? Why not? Fianna this place is your home, we're you family."
"You are," I agree, fiddling with the zipper of my hoodie nervously. "But if I show up back home then word will get out where I am. I don't want to endanger my family and their jobs. Trust me. Besides, I have a place to stay."
"Where? Where the hell are you staying that would be safer than here?"
"Listen, I hate it as much as you do... probably more. I'm going to New York to stay with... Stark," I sigh, stopping my fiddling.
"Stark? Why would you do that?" Eoghan asks incredulously.
"Because it'll keep us all safe. Me away from that floating ocean pokey and the feds away from you. Trust me, it's for the best."
"But Fianna, you hate him. What about what he did? Don't you remember the pain it caused you? The pain that you caused? Mactíre," he says dangerously.
"Eoghan," I say in a low voice, laced with anger, "Don't go there. I don't want to do this, but it's for the best, if it were up to me I'd be going home... or Madripoor."
"Jesus Christ," he whispers, "Right, well you'll stay in touch, that's for sure. And you'll call Orlaith in the morning, she's worried about you... Tommy too."
I perk up at that, "Tommy? How is he? Is he okay? Have they done anything to him? I swear I'll kill them if they touched a hair on his head," I fire question after question.
"Tommy's fine, he just wants to know how you are, what you're doing etc. They haven't done anything to him, not that I know of at least. Look, I'll get Orlaith to call you in the morning, she'll have Tommy with her and you can talk to them both, okay? It's getting late."
I sigh and look to the ground, "Alright, I have to go back to sleep anyways."
"Oíche mhaith, m'iníon. Go mbeadh aisling aláinn agat."
(Goodnight, my daughter. Have sweet dreams.)
"Oíche mhaith daidí, go raibh míle maith agat."
(Goodnight dad, thanks a million.)
And with that I hang up. My eyes fog over with tears and I simply let them fall. I've been crying a lot more lately; I feel like a fricken crybaby. A lot of emotions have been stirring up and I hate it, I hate the weakness that's overcoming me. I can't let myself feel so deeply, especially negatively... not after last time.
I go back into the bedroom and get into bed. I hug myself and shrink into the hoodie as best I can. It used to be Eoghan's, this hoodie, he gave it to me when I first moved into St. Marie's. I barely had anything and he just gave me the hoodie, it's definitely not perfect, it has burns around the cuffs and the zipper always gets a bit stuck halfway up, but I wouldn't give it up for anything. It's like a safety blanket for me, it makes me think of him and feel safe. After a few minutes I eventually drift off to sleep.
° ∆ -------- ••• ------- ∆ ° ∆ -------- ••• ------- ∆°
I stayed in the bedroom most of the morning, on my phone messaging a tumblr mutual. Her URL is FriendlessGhost17, mine is Coilean07. We met last year, round abouts when a week into me living at St. Marie's. She lives in NYC and so it might be a good idea to talk to her in case we end up running into each other. We've facetimed and called many times but we've never actually met in person.
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I say my goodbyes and sigh. Life just sucks a lot at the moment, but what can I say? That's what happens when you go down the road of off-the-books illegal experimentation, I guess.
I hear a knock on the door, "Come in," I say, not looking up from my scrolling.
"You gonna join the land of the livin' today?" I look up and see Sam, arms crossed, leaning in the doorway.
"Uh, yeah, I just- I was messaging a friend," I tell him.
"Nothing revealing though, right?" he raises an eyebrow.
"Of course not," I dismiss, "I'm not an amateur. I told her I was with my sister but have to leave her again. I don't always tell the truth, but I'm always honest. It's a fine line to walk but a good loophole to have."
Sam ventures further into the room, "So you're good at what you do, that's reassuring... I think. Look I know this isn't gonna be fun for you, staying with Stark, but sometimes that's just how it is, that's how life is."
"Not gonna be fun? You really don't know me, do you?" I laugh humourlessly.
"No, no I don't," Sam admits, shaking his head and sitting on the edge of the bed next to me.
"Well, essentially Stark has hurt everyone I love and, I can hold a grudge like nobody's business. It's not just gonna be 'not fun' it's gonna feel like a betrayal. But I don't wanna focus on that, I wanna enjoy my time before I go to that stuck-up, narcissistic ass."
Sam smiles for a second, "You know, Steve would be disappointed if he heard that kinda language out of you."
I raise an eyebrow, "He was in the army and from the 40s, I'm sure he has no room to talk. I bet people make assumptions and he just doesn't dispute them. I bet his birthday isn't even the fourth of July, someone assumed it was and now he lives in fear of anyone finding his birth certificate."
Sam laughed out loud at that and I had to join him, I've been on tumblr long enough to have to many thoughts about America's favourite boy scout. Sam and I talk for a while, about Steve, about Wanda, I even get some stories about his old days in the army. He tells me about the missions he flew and I learn more about his wings. Then he tells me how he met Steve and Natasha.
"So he, he lapped you how many times?" I ask incredulously.
"Thirteen. He lapped me thirteen times! And he kept saying 'on your left' to like warn me he was lapping me, like it felt like he was doing it on purpose," Sam scowls.
"He probably was, I mean I read about him a bit in school and apparently he was always a little shit, he just got away with it since he was a stick and had like every illness to ever exist in the 30s," I tell him.
"Maybe," Sam says, "But yeah, that's how we met. And then a few days later he shows up at my house with Natasha and tells me 'everyone we know is tryna kill us' like no hellos, no 'how are you's, just straight to the point."
"And you just let them in?" I cock an eyebrow.
"Well yeah, Captain America shows up at your door, what are you not gonna let him in?"
"It would make a pretty funny story don't you think? 'Captain America and Black Widow showed up at my house and I turned them down.' I think that'd be hilarious. But naw, I'd let them in surely."
Then there's a vibration from my phone. I look at the screen as it lights up and see that Orlaith sent me a snap.
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I look back up to continue the conversation with Sam but he shakes his head.
"You can talk to your friends, don't worry. I just talked your ear off for the last hour or so, you can get back to your friend now," he tells me.
I smile at him softly, "Thanks Sam. And this talk was good, by the way, you didn't talk my ear off. You distracted me and I appreciate it."
He gets off the bed and turns to me, "That used to be my job you know, helping other Vets with PTSD. I thought you'd prefer to be distracted than reminded of what's happening and so I just catered to that rather than pushing you."
"Really Sam, thank you. But now I gotta have a difficult conversation about what's happening so... I guess I can't put it off any longer," I sigh.
"Good luck, Fianna, you can do this," Sam tells me before leaving and closing the door.
I open the message from Orlaith.
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I find Orlaith's number in my contact list and hit call.
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It only takes one ring and she picks up, "Hiiii, how did it go?"
"It went good Orlaith," I tell her, a smile already on my face from hearing her voice. "And I got to see Wands again which has done me wonders, really."
"That's great to hear, oh and you're on speaker," Orlaith tells me.
"Hey Fi," I hear Tommy's voice and I nearly start crying.
"Mo dearthair bheag Tommy, ta sé ar dóigh le do guth a cloisteáil arís. Cad é mar atá tú, coiléan bheag?" I ask, slipping into my first language after hearing my baby brother's voice for the first time in a couple weeks.
(My little brother Tommy, how amazing it is to hear your voice again. How are you, little pup?"
"Táim I gceart, Mactíre," he mocks, "Agus an miste leat gan ag cuir sin orm? Ní páiste mé níos mó!"
(I'm fine, Mactíre. And do you mind not calling me that? I'm not a kid anymore!)
"Ach is páiste thú dom. Bheul, ar a laghad is dearthair bheag s'agam thú. Má chuireann sé isteach ort an méid sin, stadfaidh mé."
(But you're a kid to me. Well, you're my little brother at least. If it annoys you that much I'll stop.)
"Hey! Is grá liom go bhfuil sibh in ann labhairt le chéile ach tá mise anseo fostaaa!" Orlaith butts in.
(Hey! I love that you're able to talk but I'm here toooo!)
"Ceart go leor, sionnach," Tommy says, "Cad é ar mhaith leat a labhairt faoi?"
(Fine, Fox. What would you like to talk about?)
"First of all, that nickname is so old, like first year old. And that was like four years ago. Anyway, let's start with where your big sis is? Huh, how about that?" Orlaith begins, slipping back into English.
"Well... I may or may not be in the palace of Wakanda," I reveal. I can trust them, they won't tell.
"You're where?" Tommy questions.
"Get de fuck!" he exclaims.
"I'm not messing Tom. And I'm not staying here much longer either."
"You're coming back home again?" Orlaith asks.
"Not- not exactly, Orls," I pinch the bridge of my nose, trying to figure out a way to tell them, to tell Tommy that I'm not coming home. "I'm going to New York, I'm going to New York, a thaisce, and I have to stay with Stark."
(Love {term of endearment})
"With- With Stark as in Tony Stark?" Orlaith asks.
"As in the one who you despise with a burning passion?" Tommy adds on.
"Yeah, that's, that would be him," I sigh.
"How are you- How will he survive that?" Tommy asks.
"Why do you have to go to that cunt?" Orlaith questions at the same time.
"Orlaith!" I hear Eoghan scolding her in the background, they must be at St. Marie's.
"Sorry Eoghan, sorry Tommy," Orlaith apologises.
"Hey Eoghan," I say into the phone.
"Hey Fia, I'm just making sure these two got through de ye. I still think ye should be here, but never mind me, keep yer chin up, I'll talk de ye later," he tells me, his parental feelings slipping through the professional mask he tries to wear.
"Of course Eo, we'll talk later," I reassure.
"I have de leave now, Liam's looking another pint," he tells me.
"Bye Eoghannnn," I sing.
"Goodbye Fianna."
"Well, back to our conversation," Tommy says, "Why are you going de Stark of all people?"
"Essentially I might have accidentally made myself an international criminal when helping Wands," I say, my voice raising octaves as I speak.
"Jesus, Mary, Joseph and the wee donkey they rode in on. How did ye manage that Fianna?" Tommy asks incredulously.
"Tomás Ronan McConnell!" I reprimand. "What have I tol' you about blasphemy?"
"Not to," he grumbles.
"Exactly, so would you like to rephrase that?" I raise an eyebrow and I know he can feel it through the phone.
"How did you manage de be a criminal helping your sister?" he rephrases the question.
I smile at Tommy calling Wanda my sister, he might never have met her but he still considers her my sister, and even his in a way.
"Look, it was just a job gone wrong. It's not even... it's not my choice, I have de go t' Stark because he can protect me from the Feds. But... I won't be with him for long," I lie. I don't want to lie, but I need to protect them, if they think I'm coming back then they won't take it so hard.
"Right, well ye better get back soon okay? I miss my bitch of a big sister!" Tommy tells me and tears prick my eyes.
"Yeah, yeah I'll be back soon," I nod, tears falling as I keep my voice steady, "And when I get back we're spending the whole day together, I don't care what Erin and Shéa have to say about it."
"All three of us," Orlaith adds, "And we're gonna have the best time, right? We'll go to The Amusements and we'll go de the cinema and we'll go to Foyleside and just spend the whole day together.
"We will," the tears falling with ease but I keep my voice level, "God, I can't wait to see you two again. When I get back yous'll be sick of me, clinging de yous like a wane."
There's a beat of silence as we think about that day... the day that won't come for a long time. Not that they know that. It still hurts though; I miss my brother and my best friend. But no more tears, I wipe them away and clear my throat.
"We have to go," Orlaith says guiltily. "Mam is looking me back in ten minutes and Tommy needs to get back before they realise how long he's been gone."
"Okay, okay," I inhale sharply "Slán Tommy, slán Orlaith. Is grá liom sibh béirt le mo chroí iomlán. Feicfidh mé sibh gan mhoill, yeah?"
"Slán Fianna, is grá liom thú. Feicfidh mé thú níos moille," Orlaith says.
"Slán Fianna, chonaic mé thú níos moille. Is grá liom thú," Tommy says and I laugh a little.
"Bye," I say and I hang up.
I hear a knock at the door and wipe my tears quickly, erasing any evidence of my crying. I tell them to come in and it's Bucky. We haven't really spoken much, between not knowing each other and wanting to stay close to the ones we're leaving we haven't had the time to bond, I guess.
"Hey," he says timidly, staying in the doorway.
"Hey," I reply, just as timid.
"The others are discussing their plans, I think everyone's moving out tomorrow," he informs me.
"Okay, thanks for letting me know," I say, putting my phone in my hoodie pocket before standing and making my way to leave the room.
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Chin Up
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a/n: I know it's been a while but I'm back with some Jackson fluff! Been wanting to write this for a while now. All y'all out there are amazing as you are, don't let anyone tell you different.
Warnings: Body image issues, (very) slightly suggestive themes.
Another party.
Another time to play dress up.
You found yourself standing front of the mirror frowning at the sight, as you tried on dresses. It was the fourth store you had been to and you were quite fed up. It seemed that in the fashion world, people like you don't exist.
"Honey are you okay in there? Do you want me to help zip you up?" Jackson called from outside the dressing room. He patiently waited and gave his reviews on everything you tried on so far. Unfortunately he was not very helpful because he seemed to like everything you wore.
"Jackson this is pointless let's just go home, please. I'm not feeling up for this shopping thing anymore", you said, your voice tinged with disappointment.
"Uh, no, we're not going home until we find a dress and I think you promised me this? Let's try two more stores and then I can treat you to ice cream before we go home. Deal?"
You sighed. That was the opposite solution to your problem. Nonetheless, seeing his cheery disposition, you decided to go along.
The next store you entered seemed to be a little smaller than the previous ones. You quickly found a few dresses that suited your liking and went to try them on.
You were surprised at how well the fit you. Every time you walked out of the changing room, Jackson's eyes lit up with glee, and when you smiled at your reflection, his heart could not contain his happiness.
"Like this one?", he asked, his fingers dancing around your waist as he stood behind you, admiring your reflection.
"Yes I think, it fits pretty well. It should, considering it's a large sized item."
"Who cares about sizes, babe? It fits and you look great. I want to show you off to the whole world and scream from the rooftops: THIS IS THE WOMAN THAT I LOVE!"
"Jackson SHHHH!" you said, between your peals of laughter.
"There's my girl. She's all back to normal. I thought I'd lost you in the previous stores."
"I'm right here, honey. Let's go bill this. Plus, you owe me an ice cream if I remember correctly." you said, as you led him to the counter.
Insecurities can be a giant pain in the ass. Everytime you stepped out of your comfortable sweats and loose tee shirts, you wondered if you deserved to wear the nice clothes that Jackson seemed to like to pick out for you.
Tonight was no different. You took longer to get ready, spending time looking at your image in the mirror, standing in your undergarments.
"This again?" sighed Jackson, as he entered the room after bathing. "Honey, I told you, the dress looks amazing on you and you're going to be sparkling tonight I swear!"
"It's not that, it's just ... Why am I so oddly shaped and oversized?"
"You're joking, right? Have you seen you? Like gurl, damn, you beat any model I've seen on a runway and I mean it. I'm not just saying it to make you feel better, but you forget, that you decide your own beauty. Why can't you accept that you're amazing just as you are? I know it's cheesy and corny and whatever but baby girl I love you for every single inch of you, no matter the shape and size. You should love yourself too, imagine, you'll get to enjoy double the love! Plus you're smart and funny and a whole package gosh am I lucky to have you." he said, pulling you into his arms.
You held back your tears as you processed his words. Double the love? Was that even possible?
Well what did you have to lose, really. You had to make the best of what you have.
"Plus, of you feel like you need to lose weight, we can always be gym buddies. I'll train you. Plus you can finally have the honour of listening to my workout mix!"
"Really? Oh gosh, Jackson that has me so pumped!" you said sarcastically, as you turned around to face him. He wrapped his arms around you waist, sticking his tongue out at you, before slowly drawing you in for a kiss. You leaned forward into his embrace, forgetting about your worries as his lips melded with yours. He kissed you like a hungry man, and when you pulled away you were breathless.
"Jackson.." you say his name through panted breaths.
He dipped his head to place hot open mouthed kisses on your neck and then he whispered in your ear, "Can we skip the party? I want to show you just how much I love you and want you to accept how pretty you are. Give me that chance baby girl. Please."
A shiver ran down your spine, and as much as you would've liked to go along with his suggestion, you knew, you had a party to go to. Plus, all that dress searching would go to waste if you didn't show up!
"Honey, we have to go. But I'll take up this offer the second we reach home. I'm yours." you said, smiling at him, as he stopped his ministrations.
He whined like a puppy before agreeing, and getting dressed in his suit, a pout gracing his face.
You were surprised at the number of compliments you had received that evening. All the other boys of GOT7 were also there, and at one point Jackson whined at you because of all the attention you were getting. "I'm looking good tonight too, just so you know!"
"Oh please, you know you look good in that suit. Lord help me, because all I want to do it take it off, though." you whispered in his ear, effectively shutting him up. He didn't say anything further about the matter but didn't leave your side for the rest of the night. It was evident that his patience wore thin pretty fast and he could barely contain his excitement to get home.
"Stay safe kids!" , yelled Jaebum as the two of you got into a taxi.
"Thanks dad!", you called from the window as you drove away.
The next morning you woke up beside Jackson, your legs intertwined with his as you nuzzled into his chest. The sense of calm you felt was unmatched. You felt him rouse from his sleep and pulled away to look at him.
"Morning, love." he said, his voice deep. It sent shivers down your spine, and you whispered a quite "Morning" in response.
"I'd like to wake up beside you like this everyday." you said, thinking about the times he went on tour.
"Like this huh?" he said suggestively, wiggling his eyes at your outfit, or lack of one, thereof. A body creeped across your cheeks and you hit him softly and said "No you know what I meant!"
He smiled at you pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. "I feel the same."
"I'll work on loving my self Jackson, I'll start at step one."
"And I'll be here right beside you to see you reach the top"
Picture credits to owner!
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