#a pal recognized him in my sketchbook the other day as ''that guy who was gay in black mirror (affectionate)'' feeling v successful
kayvsworld · 1 year
practising self care (doodling sam wilson for three hours)
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sturchling · 4 years
Liars in Crime
So, this is based of a prompt from @chocolate1721
One day, Marinette is on a video call with Damian when she leaves to help with the bakery. He soon gets another call from Marinette, but instead he sees two girls destroying Marinette’s work. What will happen next?
Hope you guys like it!
Marinette didn’t know it yet, but this would be the day that the Lila problem was solved. And it would be all thanks to her friend Damian. Marinette and Damian were on FaceTime that afternoon. Marinette and Damian had been pen pals for a while by this time. They were originally paired up for a class project, but they had actually become very close friends. They eventually switched to email, which then became texting, and now they FaceTime almost every day. Sometimes, they don’t even talk while on FaceTime and instead work on individual projects and just enjoy the other’s company. This particular day, Damian was working on some homework, while Marinette worked on some new commissions. Jagged and Penny had asked for Marinette to make their outfits for the Wayne Gala that was in a few weeks. Damian and his family had also commissioned some new suits from the young designer, which she had completed and sent to them the day before. Marinette had just finished Jagged’s suit and just had to finish Penny’s dress.
While the two worked, they chatted about their days. Well, Marinette was venting more than chatting. She had been dealing with the Lila Variety Show all day, and it had been a particularly rough day. Apparently, Lila had told Alya that Marinette had spent the night sending her nasty messages. This caused the whole class to glare at Marinette all day and call her a bunch of horrible names. A few had even tripped Marinette as she left the class that afternoon. The only ones who hadn’t been attacking her were Alix and Nathaniel. Adrien hadn’t attacked her, but he certainly didn’t have her back like he claimed to when this whole Lila mess started. Most days now, Damien heard all about Lila’s daily lying. He had grown to hate this girl without ever meeting her. The entire Wayne family hated this girl after hearing what she had been doing to Mari. They all wished there was something they could do, but Marinette refused their offer of legal assistance and it is not like Batman could deal with such a small problem that wasn’t even happening in Gotham. There was one good thing that came of all this, Batman had finally heard about what had been happening in Paris. He wasn’t sure how he hadn’t heard of Hawkmoth before this, but now he was working with the local heroes remotely, so as not to risk being akumatized himself. Somehow, during all this time, neither Marinette or Bruce had figured out the other’s identity.
After they had been on FaceTime for about an hour, Marinette was called downstairs by Sabine. They needed help with a particularly busy rush. So, Marinette ended the call, saying that she would call back later. Little did the pair of friends knew, but trouble was brewing across the street, at the school. Alya and Lila were talking in the classroom. Lila was upset because Marinette had continued to send her mean texts, and had even started sending threatening texts. Alya was furious. How dare Marinette threaten her best friend!? Alya knew the young designer had changed a lot, but she never thought Marinette would sink so low. Alya wanted to teach Marinette a lesson. But Lila was too sweet. “No, Alya. I don’t want to hurt Marinette. Its fine, they are just words.” Alya didn’t understand how Lila could be so forgiving. “It is not fine Lila. She had been threatening you and needs to be stopped. What if we don’t hurt her, but just mess with her current designs a bit. She has been more obsessive about them than usual lately, so messing with them should teach her a lesson.” Lila hid her face so Alya wouldn’t see her smirking. “If you think that would work Alya. But won’t Marinette be upset?” Alya loved how thoughtful her friend was. “It may upset her, but she deserves it. She has been upsetting you.” With that, the two girls walked over to the bakery. They snuck in through the door to the apartment, right behind the Dupain-Cheng family who were all in the bakery. The girls entered Marinette’s room and began destroying everything they could find. But Lila made a major mistake. When she grabbed a sketchbook from Marinette’s desk, she knocked the mouse and accidently clicked on the call button on FaceTime. That one mistake put Lila’s downfall in motion.
Damian continued with his homework, not expecting to hear back from Marinette for some time. But about 15 minutes later, Damian got a notification that Marinette was trying to call him. He just assumed that she had finished in the bakery quicker than expected. He accepted the call, but instead of his friend, he saw two girls destroying everything in the room. He quickly started screen recording, so he had evidence of what the two girls were doing. He didn’t know how these two were so dull, that they hadn’t noticed him on the screen. Damian recognized these two girls from Marinette’s descriptions of her class. This must be Alya and Lila, the liar making his friend miserable. Damian texted Marinette about the two girls in her room and how they were destroying her designs. The two had already ripped up the pages from Marinette’s sketchbook, and were now Lila trying to destroy the dress Marinette was working on for Penny while Alya cut up the suit meant for Jagged. Damian was furious and decided to try and get the girl’s attention before they did too much damage to the clothes. Damian cleared his throat and watched as the two girls froze.
Alya and Lila had been cutting up the two outfits on the mannequins when they heard someone clear their throat. Both girls froze, wondering who could be in there. They had seen Marinette and her parents in the bakery. There shouldn’t be anyone else. They wildly looked all over the room trying to see the source of the noise. They almost thought they had imagined the noise when they heard “I’m on the computer you incompetent cretins!” Damian couldn’t believe how pathetically dull these two were. Alya and Lila whipped around to stare at the screen, and they saw a boy about their age with black hair and green eyes just glaring at them. Lila was terrified. If he said anything, everything Lila had built would be destroyed. They could go to jail, and Lila couldn’t become famous from jail. So, Lila put on her best pouty face while also trying to look flirty, and she sauntered up to the computer. “Oh, hello there. We are friends of Marinette’s from class. She told us we could borrow her notes from class, but she forgot to give them to us. She told us to come up and-” Before the liar could finish her newest tall tale, the door to the room burst open. Standing at the trap door was Marinette and Sabine, and they were furious! Marinette stared at Alya, who was holding a pair of scissors in one hand and the suit for Jagged in the other. “WHAT IN THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!” Marinette rushed to Alya and grabbed the suit from Alya. Thankfully, she hadn’t managed to do much damage to the suit yet, but Penny’s dress was a different story. The dress was nothing more than scraps now. Marinette saw red and began yelling at Alya, who started yelling right back.
In all the chaos, Lila tried to slip out the door, but the way was blocked by Sabine. “Oh no you don’t young lady. You two are staying right here until the police arrive.” Lila was terrified, she wanted to get out, but Sabine was standing on the only door out of the room. Alya at this point, was concerned. Her parents would kill her if the police were called. Alya tried reasoning with Sabine, “Wait Mrs. Cheng! We only did this because Marinette has been bullying and threatening Lila-” Sabine only got more angry replying, “Be quiet young lady! Even if that were true, that is no reason to break in and destroy my daughter’s property. You two have committed some serious crimes today! Did you two know breaking and entering is a felony? You are in major trouble!” Alya and Lila kept trying to appeal to Sabine, but nothing worked to convince her not to call the police.
While, Sabine called the police to report the break in, Damian watched in silence. He was furious. How dare these two break in and mess with Marinette’s hard work. After a few minutes of Sabine and Marinette yelling, the rest of Damian’s family filtered into the room having heard the commotion. At first, they thought something was wrong with Damian, but then they saw what was happening on the screen. A short explanation from Damian, and the rest of the Wayne family was just as furious as Damian. Bruce was almost shaking with rage. Jason was muttering about going to Paris and teaching these two a lesson. Even Alfred wasn’t calm anymore, he was glaring at the screen and roughly twisting the feather duster in his hands. The Wayne family watched as Marinette and her mom kept the two vandals in the room until the authorities arrived. The police arrived shortly after and took the two girls to the patrol car, so they could be taken to the station. The officers then returned to the bedroom and began gathering evidence. They took pictures of the damage and then took a statement from Damian. After Damian gave his statement, he sent the police the video he had recorded of the two girls destroying the clothes and designs.
While the police gathered evidence, Alya and Lila waited in the car. Lila was furious. How did things go so wrong? She was supposed to be laughing with Alya about the revenge against Marinette. She wasn’t supposed to be in handcuffs in the back of a police car. Alya turned to her and said, “Don’t worry Lila, once we explain everything, they will let us go.” Lila could not believe how dumb this girl was. Even if she had been telling the truth, that wouldn’t get them out of a felony charge. “Alya, even if the police believe us about Marinette, we would still be in a lot of trouble. Our best bet is to lie. Stick to the story I was telling Damian, we just went up to get notes. The stuff was already destroyed when we got there.” Alya wasn’t sure about that. Lying didn’t sit well with her. “But what about Mrs. Cheng? We already told her the real reason.” Lila was quick to respond, “Well, it will be our word against hers. We will just hope the police believe us.” Alya was still worried, but agreed to Lila’s plan. They worked out the exact details for their story, and by the time the police came back, they felt confident they would get away with it.
When they arrived to the station, the two girls were placed in separate interview rooms, to wait until their parents arrived. Once their families arrived, the police informed them of the serious charges placed against them, and that the Dupain-Cheng family was pressing charges. The two families were horrified! Their daughters had committed two crimes in one day, including a felony. They were looking at some serious trouble, they could even end up in a juvenile detention center. That was even more likely, since they had also committed destruction of property while they were there and had damaged Marinette’s custom designs, which were worth a fair bit of money. Mrs. Rossi knew that her daughter could be looking at up to 3 years in a detention center. She was shocked her daughter would do something like this. The officers asked for permission to speak with their daughters and the families agreed, so long as they could watch from the other side of the glass. The police agreed to the request, and the interview began.
Both girls stuck to the story they agreed on. Now matter how many times the police asked, the girls continued to say they had been invited in and were only there to get notes, and they had no idea how the clothes had been damaged.  The officers interviewing the girls were shocked at the ease with which the girls lied. The officers realized they needed to stop, and try something else. They left the room and the families started asking if they were cleared. “They said they were only there for the notes.” “They wouldn’t have done this.” “They wouldn’t lie to the police.” The police realized they needed to show the parents the video, so they pulled out a tablet and played the video for the family. As the video went on, the families grew paler as they watched Alya and Lila destroy the sketchbook and outfits. At the moment, Lila and Alya were back in the little holding cell, sitting on the bench. They were just chatting and laughing. The two families couldn’t believe how relaxed the two were. They weren’t guilty at all! Nora became enraged. How could these two be so calm?! Didn’t they realize how much trouble they were in?! Nora grabbed the tablet and stormed over to the two girls. Nora pressed play and watched as Alya and Lila grew pale as the video went on.
Lila didn’t think there was any video of what they had done. How was she to know they had been recorded? Then, she realized by the camera angle, this was recorded from the computer. That brat on FaceTime must have recorded everything. The video clearly showed her and Alya ripping up the sketchbook pages and cutting up the two outfits. Lila and Alya began to realize they were in major trouble. Their story they told the police was obviously false and there was video to prove they were guilty. Alya started freaking out and yelling, “Wait! The only reason we did that was because of Marinette. She has been bullying and threatening Lila for days now! We just wanted to teach her a little lesson, its not like we hurt anyone!” Alya’s family stared at her in disbelief. How could she believe that Marinette would do that? Lila knew that it was a long shot, but it was her only chance. So, she turned on the water works and spun her story about how Marinette was threatening her by text for days. One of the officers walked up and said, “OK, then we need to see your phone.” Lila stilled at that and replied, “What?! Why?” The officer looked at her dubiously, like he already knew she was lying, “Because, if what your saying is true, then it may help your case. But you need proof. Luckily, texts stay on the phone and we can track the number.” Lila hadn’t thought about that. The class never asked for proof, so she hadn’t bothered to fake any. Alya turned to her and said, “Go on girl, show them the texts.” Lila didn’t know what to do. She handed her phone to the officer, hopping he would go to the other room to look at it, but he stayed right there and looked through all her messages. Eventually, after a tense minute, he looked up and said, “There are no texts threatening texts here at all. Alya turned and stared at Lila. That couldn’t be right, that would mean that Lila had lied to her. Lila wouldn’t do that. They were friends, right?
Eventually, the truth came out. Everyone found out that Lila had been lying the whole time and had tricked the whole class. Just because she had been tricked, did not get Alya completely out of trouble. It did help her case however. The judge let Alya off with 100 hours community service and telling her she had to pay restitution to Marinette for the damaged clothes and book. Alya wasn’t necessarily happy, but she was grateful not to be going to juvie. Lila was not so lucky. After it was revealed that she was the mastermind behind everything, and how she had harassed Marinette, she was sentenced to 12 months in a juvenile detention center 10 miles outside of Paris, to hopefully avoid her being akumatized. Lila would also be on probation when she was released. After everything that had happened, Marinette decided to switch schools to a nearby art school. She did end up repairing the outfits for Jagged and Penny in time for the gala. She was very thankful that Damian had been there that day, and had recorded everything. He had solved the liar problem for her, from all the way in Gotham. Time went by, and Marinette got over the events that had happened in Mrs. Bustier’s class. Marinette was excited for what the future would bring, now that the liar was gone from her life.
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10hour11minute · 6 years
“my life is becoming a cliche fanfic oh my god”
note: nicknames have an asterisk * next to them in case it’s unclear
1. I’ve been wearing my friends’ sweaters whenever I get the chance to, and since my body isn’t proportionate, everything is oversized for me
I took my friend Carmean’s* sweater and it was so big and comfy??? I had sweater paws and it was cute n 재연* just shouted “WHY ARE YOU SO SHIPPABLE”
also lmao I mention him a lot in this bc there was this point in 8th grade near graduation where I tried to make friends with all the people I’ve known a while and had been too shy/had too awkward backstories in the past with to properly talk to!
2. Just the fact I’m friends with Carminay* and that time we linked arms and he didn’t argue
“O yea I’d rather be Lin’s friend than deal with [our other friend]!” and he ran up to me and let me link our arms
3. This group of guys just came up behind our friend group and I legit heard “which one of them is the hottest” and then this one dude deadass comes up to one of my friends and I all like “Hey I have a question for you even tho we don’t talk… would you go out with my friend here”
I was like nah bish stay away
4. I p much hated this one guy for the longest time because he used to pinch me and poke my sides in elementary school
…I managed to hold his hand for 10 seconds on 2 separate days without him arguing how? idk
5. I basically jumped into my friend’s open arms and he unexpectedly spun me around in circles during passing period uwu
6. I have a friend who can rest his head on my head if I hug him. I’m the perfect height!!!
7. Managed to get a hug from Carmean* after much debate
I said “I’m just trying to be nice” in the smollest voice ever and he agreed
8. I got some chocolate from Sheeven*!! On its own it’s not really cliche but lol another friend had to trade smth but I got it in exchange for friendship 😁
9. This isn’t really soft but I found out I went to the same class as one of my close friends in elementary school, but then I switched schools after a week. So we actually met each other 5 years ago without knowing 😂
10. Long story short my hair smelled like Carmex* after wearing his sweater for a while I legit nearly scREAMED ONCE I GOT INTO THE SHOWER
11. Guy from #4 didn’t want my friend to take some of his ice cream, but when I tried taking some he didn’t pull away his ice cream he just let me have it
sounds like that 1 character in an anime that the protagonist lets get away with things bc they soft.
Also he grew taller than me?? since when??? Tfw 2 characters grow up together and the short one suddenly grows taller than the original tall one- I’ve known him for 6 years, we could be in an anime together
12. “I’m going to frame you…ᶠᵒʳ ᵇᵉᶦⁿᵍ ᵃ ᶜᵘᵗᶦᵉ”
13. Classic “taller guy offers to hold girl’s umbrella for them”
14. I’m somehow on good-ish terms with probably the™ most annoying dude in my algebra class
me: *calls said bro's name* can i have foooooddd
boi: NO
boi: *walks over 2 minutes later to offer me food anyway*
15. “I want to bring you along, because, yknow, cause you’re Lin!”
16. DC senior stood next to me on the bus (I stay near the front bc I get off in 2 stops) even tho our other teammates were farther down on the bus (he joined them after so??? He stayed there just for me I’m-) we didn’t talk much bc im an awkward bean, im glad he was polite enough to not immediately leave when things got awkward tho aaaa
17. My pen pal from 7 years ago in 3rd grade finally brought up the fact we were pen pals (we have the same English class this year) so that’s 7 years of never seeing each other and then we happen to be in the same English class—I recognized her from her handwriting so now we’re reminiscing :’) I still kept a keychain she made for me and a letter somewhere uwu
(1 of my best friends has been waiting for this moment LMAO all 3 of us worked on a project together earlier this semester)
18. There’s this dude in my physics class in the morning who’s real good at art and has a hobby of drawing people he sits near in his class, so there’s a whole page in his sketchbook of me hfkaijdjd and currently he’s fully colouring it wtf im crying I NOTICE HIM GLANCING AT ME TO MAKE SURE THE COLOURS ARE RIGHT IT’S SO MHDMAJSIDB
+ he mentioned he wants to either produce his own anime or be a concept artist as a future career and like CONCEPT ART BUDDY??? BUT I LEARNED ALL THIS BY SEMI-EAVESDROPPING (it was a loud conversation and he sits near me but) SO IDKKKK WANT TO BE HIS FRIEND?!?!?! IM DYING
19. Dude from #16... gOD he became such a big topic in my life for being the nicest bean to me and I had a full on crush-squish on him,,, I joked “lol what if he was my secret santa” in my head anD THEN A MONTH LATER I FOUND OUT HE WAS??
20. Don’t remember when this was but I said hi when walking into a room and no one said hi back to me and I whined (not seriously) about it out loud to everyone in a tiny voice and one of my teammates was like
Him: “I said hi??” Me: “You did??? I want a hug!!” (or smth similar)
and he’s really tall, but he was sitting down this time so I got a v nice hug where I was taller for once and got to hug/pat his head :’))
21. The end of the Josh-Lin saga
22. one of my DC team mates keeps thinking that when I call someone “bean” that I’m referring to him because he thinks of like Mexican food gjsjfhs (he’s Mexican)
But then I was like “NO beans as in smol beans, would you rather I call you smol?!” and he was like “only you” IFJJAHDSH
23. this is stuff w/guy from #22
I was in the restroom near the band room washing my hands
actually saw him coming down the hall but wanted to surprise him in the range
but ahah he saw me in the mirror of the restroom
literally BACKTRACKED to stare into the restroom at me like “😳”
his friend who was with him did the like “oooooh” thing lmfao (he was single at the time lolol)
I get v nice full hug in the MIDDLE of the hallway thank gosh it was empty
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