#a person ever even tried to /comprehend). and make stand-alone games only so you don't have to worry about the tree reconverging more often
ziracona · 1 year
I would so much rather play a game that is shorter and looks worse and has less area, but is complete, than an expansive beauty where they do shit like like the most beloved companion dies 99% of the time because they just cut the entire last 3rd of their questline, and didn't even patch the end to not default to a failstate.
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tiredofthehumanlife · 4 months
Draco malfoy headcannons
flavor: fluffy and smutish but they're separated so you won't get jump scared
Also I'm returning to my roots with this stinky mf okay I have writers block
Liked you in the hallway crush type of way yk like when there’s that one person in the halls that you're like “god damn, anyways where’s my next class”
Never even tried to speak to you was just like ” I'll gaze from afar”
The only problem is that he has major resting bitch face so you were sat there racking your brain over what you could’ve possibly done to this random daddy’s money kid (like this isn't set in a private school but LOOK OVER THERE)
Confessed by just standing in front of you and 👁👁 before handing you an outdated birthday card with a 100 dollar bill inside with a note inside that was basically just him like “PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLE-“
You did give him a shot and he did actually speak words to you
bitchest bitch ever yall bicker (lovingly of course) 24/7
“did you for real just copy off of me?” “Okay well at least I don’t have daddy issues” “You cannot be talking and you know it”
He gives stick bug vibes yk
does not comprehend normal human life you could be complaining about doing laundry and he is like “Just have one of the elves do it?” and you are like “😶right so-“
just assume you have the answer to everything bc like you’re his partner? tf?
“how far away is Saturn in kilometers?” “They don't measure distance with kilometers, Draco, you dumbass. It’s called lightyears.” ‘right so in lightyears then?” “How tf am I supposed to know?”
he’ll hear a crash and look to you like you know what’s going on and you’ll turn his head back
I'm not one to assume someone’s sexuality but it's very much bisexual for the both of you (he likes guys and you know it)
a hot guy will pass and you both turn to each other like {insert Bratz meme here}
has created mustard gas on accident
laughs at his own jokes unironically (he is the only one laughing)
will try to be relatable and it's just like “yk that moment when your Prada shoes get gourmet chocolate on them”
makes up new names for your stuffed animals bc he thinks all the ones you picked were “lame”
his beauty sleep comes above everything else
Once Theo woke him up (there was a fire they had to evacuate) and the next night you found him hovering a pillow over Theo’s face you tackled him to the ground
Only knows how to play dominoes no card games or anything only dominoes
Bought you guys matching sleep masks
And embroidered PJs
And bunny slippers
PDA hater
He’ll sit next to you at max when you're around lots of people when you're just around his friends he's down with hugs and hand-holding holding maybe a cheek kiss but that's it
Alone is a different story he's attached to you he's actively trying to crawl under your skin as we speak
Terrified of bugs he's standing on a chair and screaming the second he sees one
Pays you in kisses when you take the bug outside (after you wash your hands)
Prefers baths over showers
Hates dogs and growls at them more than they growl at him
Only likes cats in theory bc they leave hair on his clothes
He's a reptile man
has owned a bearded dragon and will own more
Cold mf you wanna look me in the eye and tell me he has good circulation
Presses his cold ass feet against you while you're on the brink of sleep so confused when you swing your hand back to smack him
“I'm just cuddling you?”
“Cuddle somebody else fucking ice cube bitch ass”
Every single night
He sleeps on his back with his hands on his stomach like he's going to get lowered into his casket it's embarrassing
Thinks he knows how to shake ass and then when he tries (and fails) he considers never speaking to anyone ever again
Has gotten flirted with while he was with you and he just stared at them blankly bc he couldn't tell if it was happening
And then he left the room entirely
Walks in on people butt ass naked bc he has not learned how to knock (only child syndrome)
Stares a lot
He has nothing better to do so he’ll just come join you in your dorm and 👁hi👁
You've learned to block him out so he’ll scare the shit out of you
Sure he doesn't know how to flirt but he has money so he makes up for it
If you look at anything longer than three seconds he's following behind you with his card and the other twelve bags you have
This does have you ending up with things you didn't want so your friends love your random gifts
One of them will walk into potions with a luxury purse and one of the other kids will be like “tf Did you get that?” and your friends are like “🫵” And you're like “I didn't want it” So some of the student body does hate your guts just a little
favorite food is plain white rice
Thinks that acrylic nails go under the skin yk like in those videos with the fake hands pushing the nails up the finger yeah he thinks that actually happens to people
Jaw on the floor when you explain to him that's not what happens
Nsfw kinda
Down to three-way and will NOT let you forget
“I met this cute girl at the-” “I'm down. 😐”
“Oh did you see Harry this morning he was-” “Do you think he'd hook up with us?😐” “Babe. We've talked about this” “just once please”
Has asked you to peg him
unless you have a dick then he's asking for one of those two-way things (you're on my blog you know what I'm talking about dude)
Actively begging sobbing on his knees “Please baby Please being so good please”
Would be a swinger and he'd have a pineapple on his front porch
Has dabbled in the lockerrooms
Will ask you if the boys can watch him hit and you said only if they see him at his lowest begging and pleading for you he is silent as of now (give him two weeks)
Type of bitch to be covered in hickeys and when someone is like “What happened? To your neck?” and he's like “Literally what are you talking about?” will gaslight them into thinking there's nothing on his neck
Prefers cuddling naked but hates not immediately being in the bath after sex so he has to battle himself in his head
Can't dirty talk he's like “You look so nice when you're not in clothes? Do you like my wee wee?” and you're sitting there “bitch your what?”
Have resulted in him not being allowed to talk
Quickies number one hater
Needs his time to get into pussybitchboy mode
Okay bye
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shipmvns · 7 years
Don't Pay Attention In High School
this is basically a sloppy kara coming out fic/kara realizing mon el is a jackass/teenage kara being gay fic? its long messy and dumb. all of my writing is autobiographical, but this one is also my lab report.
Pairing: Kara/Lena Words: 5,266 Summary:  Love is new everywhere you go, and Kara hardly ever knows the rules. Teenage crushes are half the battle, and boys she doesn't love are battles of their own. Symbiosis just means learning to be human, but it takes a decade and an army to figure out what the point of love is, anyways.
A symbiotic relationship is defined as the following: a close and long-term interaction between two different biological organisms, be it mutualistic, commensalistic, or parasitic. The organisms may be of the same or different species.
By age seventeen, this is what Kara knew of love from first hand experience, though she couldn’t say for sure if she was getting it or not. Sure, she knew all about commensalistic relationships, like when she’d get assigned to a group for a class project, and she’d do all the work, because everyone knew she could do it faster alone than she could with anybody else peeking over her shoulder, wracked with senioritis.
 Everybody else benefitted, and Kara, already well educated on anything that Earth highschool had to offer, had no qualms with the arrangement, but not much benefit, either.
 But, then again, Kara couldn’t figure out what strangers had to do with love, anyways. Kara could hardly figure out anything anymore.
 Her only real outer reference for love besides TV was Alex, who always made love and boys sound like warfare, like a natural disaster, poetic and tragic and dramatic. Alex, Kara though, sounded an awfully lot like TV. Or maybe just like she didn’t really know what she was talking about.
 Kara knew all about natural disasters, though, because on Friday, November 9, 2007, 10:24 pm, in Midvale, it was a 7.6 on the Richter Scale, though no Earth did shake.
 Two weeks straight of radio silence after Kara kisses her best friend behind the school parking lot during a football game.
 Senior year was the absolute worst.
 Everything had been beautiful- last football game of the season, and it was November. It had been raining, or maybe snowing, and Kara was awestruck. Everything was perfect when it snowed, she believed that wholeheartedly. Four years straight of snow filling in every other cold space. Alex was sick of it, so she packed up and moved to California for school. Kara, though, still loved it, even though she had to watch it by herself, now.
 They had ditched the game, Kara and the best friend she had, walked off alone, balanced on parking stops, toed on the edges of shadows, watched the flurries of something fly by under every light, leaned back against the cold brick of the high school because they didn’t want to be at the game, but weren’t quite ready to leave, either.
 Daisy McKinsley was Kara’s best friend of almost a year, and possibly also the only one she had. Her hair was so blonde it was yellow and always kind of frayed at the edges, and her eyes were big and brown with long eyelashes. Her face kind of came to a point, and freckles covered every inch of her body. All of her jeans were flared and had ugly embroidery on the pockets, and Kara loved her more than she’d loved anybody since she’d come to Earth, besides maybe Alex, who was miles away now, but it felt like worlds.
 For a moment, it was really, really nice. Daisy’s face was flushed, and she was giggling, and her hair was wet at the roots, water caught in her eyelashes; that’s when Kara kissed her.
 It was the first time Kara had ever kissed anybody like that. It was calm and non-performative, sweet and just for them. Gentle and full of affectionate infatuation, and it felt right. Daisy kissed back. Kara had no point of comparison, but it sounded how Alex described kissing, even though, when Alex described kissing, she was usually referring to some tall boy who spoke like a brick wall, never anybody like Daisy. And, when Alex spoke about kissing anyone, her voice usually held a tone of voyeuristic pride, but never any deep affection. That confused Kara just as much. Non-specifics made love sound like a crime of passion, something angry, but Alex’s boys were trophies of personal indifference.
 Kara quickly decided that it wasn’t like that with Daisy.  
 Daisy was passionate and hungry, grabbing onto Kara’s hips briefly, like they were running out of time, foreheads and teeth hitting one another. It was nice, Kara thought, until Daisy’s heart stalled for a moment, and she paused, before abruptly pulling away, teeth clashing together as she brought as much distance between her and Kara as possible without losing her own footing.
 Kara was left with her mouth half open, arms idle at her sides. “W-what are you doing? That’s- that’s fucked up. That’s wrong,” Daisy had said, shoulders shaking, slightly, voice wavering. “Where the fuck- why’d you do that shit to me?” No conviction in her voice, just accusation. Kara’s face fell. Before she could say anything else, Daisy spoke once more. Kara could hear Daisy’s heart pounding in her own ears, could hear the way she swallowed, began to back away. It was the words Kara didn’t catch.
 Daisy was gone by the time Kara couldn’t hear her own heart pounding in her chest, guilty and confused. What was so wrong? What had she done?
 Kara went over it in her head- she loved Daisy. Daisy loved her, too. She’d told Kara so. And when you love someone, and you’re in a moment with them that seems beautiful, and you never want to forget, you kiss them. Alex had confirmed. Alex knew about these things. Kara knew quantum physics, but Alex knew humans, and all of her passion and warfare with boys was about what’s beautiful. Right?
 Two years ago, when everything was beautiful, Kenny had tried to kiss Kara. And Kara loved him, but kissing him felt wrong. It made her lungs feel tight. Daisy was different. Daisy was brown eyes and endless thoughts and right. And Daisy kissed her back, maybe kissed her more, Daisy was her first kiss. ‘That’s wrong.’
 It was okay, decidedly, when Kenny tried to kiss Kara. It was okay when Alex talked about kissing boys, even though Kara could hear her heartbeat stall when she talked about it like it was an accomplishment.
 Maybe Kara didn’t know anything. Alone under the too-bright lights of the streetlamp, Kara felt sick. She felt stupid; she felt like a kid, blind-sided and oblivious, once again to foreign to a hostile environment.
 Vaguely, Kara wondered how long the walk home would take, ride gone with a screech of tires, wondered if she could fly, wondered if Alex was having fun at college kissing boys who didn’t scream at her afterwards.
 Kara flew home, didn’t stop, flew as fast as she could, and finally turned back around when ocean turned back to land again. 8 on the Richer Scale in Midvale. Kara had nightmares again.
  After that, Daisy avoided Kara at every edge. Kara went back to sitting by herself, her best friend nothing but a glare or vacant eyes, cast downward, her sister miles away in college, leaving Kara alone.
 Kara made all of her best efforts not to hear what Daisy said about her with such desperate, dark eyes, tried not to think about her eyes all together, let isolation settle on her shoulders, but still smiled, never stopped. If she didn’t smile, Eliza would worry, Eliza always worried, and she’s call Alex- Kara longed for her sister, loathed the thought just as much, couldn’t bare letting her see how incompetent she was even know, couldn’t stand being the lost, stupid little girl, losing friends over cultural missteps, pathetic and all alone.
 Kara regretted not paying any attention in History class three years ago.
 Kara started finding notes in her locker here and there of words she didn’t entirely comprehend, words she certainly didn’t care too. She started throwing them out without looking at them. Daisy only ever looked guilty anymore.
 3.5 on the Richter Scale- Kara, on the balcony of Daisy’s room, after she’d listened for the McKinsley’s to leave. A secret knock five months old, no more snow, only bitter cold fought off lazily by solar radiation settled in each of Kara’s cells.
 When Daisy saw her, she hissed, pulled her inside, and whispered even though they were home alone. “Get the fuck out of here! What are you doing?”
 “I had to ask you-” Kara began, hands drawn up to her glasses without much purpose, two heartbeats loud in her ears.
 “You don’t have anything to ask me. We aren’t friends. Get out of here, Kara, come on-” she was pleading, and it didn’t make sense. Kara was here to plead, Daisy had nothing to plead for. Kara just wanted to know the rules.
 “But I have to ask you, I just- I need to know, about the kiss, I-” Kara began, and Daisy nearly shoved her.
 “Shut the fuck up, Kara! There was no kiss, okay, I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about,” Daisy said quickly, breathing heavy, breathing like Alex’s.
 “But-!” Kara interjected quickly, Daisy’s hands on her arms, still gripping tight. Daisy, for a moment, bit her lip, stepped back. Guilt flooding her eyes again, no malice. Think, maybe, about what she might owe Kara, even if it’s just a goodbye. So Kara breathes in and starts again. “Wasn’t it, you know- good? Didn’t you like it? Wasn’t it right?” She needed so desperately to be back on the ground, two weeks ago she’d started flying and she’d never stopped, she needed to plant her footing and understand what was going on, everything that was allowed and the things that weren’t.
 Kara was getting so sick of having to relearn everything over and over again.
 “I- of course I liked it!” Daisy said, strained like a scream might be, but it came out hoarse, her voice cracked a little, and Kara could feel it in her bones. “That’s not the point, Kara. God. That doesn’t make it right. It doesn’t fucking matter what I like, of course I liked it, but, Kara, we’re both girls, okay? And I don’t know where you’re from, okay, but where I’m from, that means something, you can’t do that,” she stammered, voice barely above a whisper. “That isn’t okay, Danvers.”
 Kara could hear tears hitting the wood floor, but couldn’t really bring herself to look up, didn’t dare.
 Kara stammered out her most earnest apology. “Get the fuck out, Kara,” Daisy said, bringing her hands to her face, over her lips, and Kara could still smell honey lip balm as she took off, shaking and embarrassed.
 Love, and pain, and war. Earthquakes and angry love. God, Kara hated it when Alex was right.
  Years later, Daisy McKinsley became little more than a compartmentalized, muddy memory, living in monochromatic stop-motion in the very back of Kara’s brain, nothing more than a name or a bad dream.
 The vague idea of what Kara was and wasn’t allowed lingered.
 Alex, collapsed on the floor of her apartment, loved Maggie. Kara told her she was proud of her, and that was true. Alex with girls made more sense than Alex with boys ever did. Alex with boys never sounded happy, and Kara loved her sister more than anyone, and she was older, now, knew that not all humans were like that, now, so she held her sister and told her the truth about how proud she was, even though, while holding her sobbing sister, she couldn’t help but think that younger Alex may have been correct even still when she talked about love like half of it was tragic.
 Alex and Maggie were good together, though, and Alex’s breath baited in the best way, most of the time. And, yeah, Kara knew that not all rules summed up to her by a single tearful teenage girl a little under a decade ago applied to her the same, anymore.
 Trying to be human when you’re an alien, though, is about being as average as possible. So, maybe, for Kara, there are still some rules in place that don’t apply to everyone else. Kara isn’t everyone else.
 Kara almost never thought about it, anymore, though. Why would she?
 Boys, boys were okay. It was just like on TV, when she was a kid. Boys worked fine. James was perfectly nice and perfectly handsome and similarly unavailable, and she liked him, she really did- until Lucy wasn’t there anymore.
 It had nothing to do with James. Kara was Supergirl, and she didn’t have time for a committed relationship, and besides, there wasn’t any passion there.
  Kara, eventually, went back to her old theory of symbiosis, if inadvertently. Humans weren’t so different from animals, afterall. Symbiosis, love. She learned about parasites from Mon-El.
 With Mon-El, there was passion, just like Alex’s old anthem had described, just like love was meant to be. What Kara felt about Mon-El, she felt it wholeheartedly, with every inch of her body, starting from her core. That was love, right?
 He made her feel like she was on fire, like all of her nerve endings were active. He made her fight for something. Usually, though, all she was really righting was him, on behalf of herself. But that, Kara figured, was love- she was a grown woman, she’d recognize it when she felt it. Passion and warfare, fighting and pain. Kissing and yelling and grinding her teeth. Possession, insecurity.
 Some of it was deja-vu from a time passed. Guilt and harsh words she couldn’t tell if she deserved. Isolation, nightmares, vacant eyes, smiling, smiling, smiling, even when she didn’t mean it. Feeling incompetent and pathetic in places where it hurt, a constant 4 on the Richter scale.
 After fights with Mon-El, Kara would start flying so fast she could hardly stop herself, cursing Newton and Mon-El and herself, always, always herself. Wondering what she owed Mon-El, what he owed her, if it might be anything more than a goodbye.
 Was standing her ground so wrong? ‘In the movies, the girl forgives the guy.’ Kara was old enough to know better, maybe, but half of her was just a Stupid Little Girl, still so scared to let anyone know what the mighty Girl of Steel wanted to cry about, but didn’t, pathetic and hung up over what she tolerated, confused over what was unreasonable on her part, what was normal on his, and kissing him felt wrong like kissing Kenny, and Winn, and James, but love was passion and anger and bitter cold warfare, love was peaks and troughs with nothing in between, love was kissing then fighting and full of friction and feeling guilty whether you know what you did or not.
 Love was contradictory and tearful and feeling hopelessly lost, longing to relearn the rules. Angry, and hateful, and full bad dreams.
 Kara was starting to think she kind of hated love.
 Kara had defined love for her sister one night after a fight with Mon-El by the time that she had come to the conclusion that she had been wrong, she was always wrong, or wrong for not being more forgiving, more understanding, more everything, and faster. Half a bottle of alien rum down, and Kara felt like a genius. She felt as though she had finally figured it out; she felt like a philosopher.
 “Love,” she declared, with some finality, “is all about tolerance.”
 Alex was quiet through Kara’s monologue, and then horrified. Like, mouth hanging open kind of horrified. Crying horrified. Kara felt stupid; she felt petulant and whiny through slurred words. Her complaints had made her sister cry. She was quick to back up through garbled speech; it’s not that bad, it’s not that bad, it’s not that bad! She didn’t mean it like that, it just came out that way. She loves him. She’d know that. She would.
 Hours later, Kara woke up, alone, in her own bed. She had a dead arm, a migraine, and a sick feeling in her gut that came more from any recently recalled memories than anything else. She avoided Alex for two days straight after that, wouldn’t say a word, felt like a bitch. Felt pathetic. Alex had cried. Over nothing. Just Kara, whining. About fighting with her boyfriend.
 What was normal? What were the rules? Why was Alex crying? (More importantly, why was Kara?)
 She felt sick.
 Maggie and Alex essentially cornered her one night, when she was trying to leave. She’d spent the last week and a half red-faced and ashamed, trying to act like nothing had ever happened, holding her breath the entire time.
 No such luck.
 They started it like an intervention, and it basically was one. “Guys,” she said nervously, “I’ve only drank about twice in my life, don’t you think this is a little presumptuous?” She laughed nervously to herself. They didn’t laugh at all.
 They were gentle, told her they cared about her, then went in fast, before she could sidetrack, backtrack, get out of anything.
 “Does Mon-El make you happy?”
 She sputtered, stalled, knit her eyebrows together. She talked about passion and pain.
 Only Alex spoke. “Sweetie, you’re talking about a lot of feelings he gives you, but you haven’t said anything about love. I just want to know, I mean- do you love him, in the, you know, butterflies, blushing, happy kind of way? Do you want to be with him, around him?”
 Kara bit her lip. Crossed her arms. Considered protesting- she was stronger than both of them combined. She could just lift them up and move them out of the way. She didn’t have to stay here.
 She looked at them; their eyes pierced through her, dead serious. She shrunk until she was maybe three feet tall. Okay: maybe she did have to stay.
 She thought hard again. Grinded her teeth. Tried to think about love and feelings and if she had any of it right, wondered how long she’d possibly have to be confused for, tried to keep her eyes down and away from Maggie’s, from her sisters. She felt inexplicably guilty again.
 “Yes,” she said, after a good long while under the unforgiving eyes of two of the women she thinks the highest of.
 Alex looked at her long and hard before she said, “Kara, no one has ever had to think that long about whether or not they love someone.” Gentle. It sounded patronizing in Kara’s ringing ears. She felt unconsolably ashamed and embarrassed- she was better than that, wasn’t she? She was supposed to be a hero. How could she be a hero when she couldn’t even protect herself?
 She felt sick again.
 She didn’t say anything, but Alex understood. Every breath hurt more as Alex used her best kid gloves to try and console her, promising her she had no reason to be ashamed, repeating like habit that it wasn’t her fault. Wasn’t it? Wasn’t that how it worked?
 Pathetic, pathetic. What had she let happen? Stupid Little Girl.
 At some point, she started crying. She wasn’t sure when she stopped, but when she did, Mon-El was just a bad dream, Mon-El was nowhere to be found. Her sister was there, always there.
 Kara cried, but never about him- only about her, and maybe about Daisy McKinsley, and about what being normal means for humans and everyone else. For someone with such a strict moral code as a superhero, Kara cried and tried not to cry about what was right and wrong a lot.
   Months later, Kara tried to shake symbiosis like she’d shaken warfare, but, admittedly, she was having a hard time. Lena Luthor taught Kara about mutualistic symbiosis, and she couldn’t quite let that go.
 Lena was the best person Kara knew, and it was hard to forget that as she sat in her office at CatCo sipping wine that didn’t affect her, but made her feel fuzzy anyways, just talking about everything that mattered and some things that didn’t just the same.
 Kara thought Lena was beautiful, a point made growingly more important as Kara gazed at her from her position beside Lena.
 Lena Luthor was easy to talk to, to the point that sometimes, Kara would just start going and going on a ramble about whatever she was passionate about in the moment that she tripped over her own words to the end of a sentence, lost in Lena’s eyes, and when she found herself again and began to pay attention, Lena would just be gazing back at her like nothing in the world was more important than what Kara had to say.
 When Kara thought of Lena, her heart swelled. Kara had never had such a close friend, someone so kind and humorous, so strong. Kara couldn’t think of anybody quite like Lena, which was probably why she occupied so much of Kara’s thoughts.
 Lena believed in Kara as much as Kara believed in her, and Kara felt like she was in a constant state of rose wine. 0 on the Richter scale. Snow falls whether it’s warm or not. Mutual symbiosis. Safety and warmth and euphoria. Passion- Kara could fight for Lena until the very end, and she’d do it, too, without hesitation.
 With Lena, Kara didn’t have to be anything but herself. In fact, half of the time, Lena Luthor seemed more impressed with just Kara Danvers than Supergirl herself. Kara was still getting used to it, but wouldn’t trade it in a heartbeat. Having someone wonderful to be a human around was a new commodity for which Kara was eternally grateful.
 Lena Luthor, her best friend. Best friend.
 They were close, hands brushing, fireplace on, rest of the office dark, just talking. Dizzy with comfort, contentedness.
 A beautiful moment Kara wouldn’t ever want to forget, not one single detail, and out of bad habit, Kara’s instincts or consciousness or something said, ‘kiss her.’
 Kara didn’t- she recoiled, clumsily, in shame, in guilt, nearly spilled her wine, and something in her mind repeated what was right and wrong like a tired mantra, told her that was her best friend, she shouldn’t be thinking about her like that, couldn’t ruin their friendship like that, they were both girls.
 Everything hurt. Kara was so fucking sick of everything hurting, didn’t want to know what was right and wrong or have to think about anything ever again, couldn’t stand to relearn any rules ever again. She felt sick.
 She stuttered out some dull excuse through Lena’s ‘are you okay?’s. Lena was a saint. Of course she’d ask.
 Kara’s heart swelled. Her eyes watered. She tried to stop both.
 She tried to fly home, but ended up at Alex’s doorstep by some derailment of plans by her own traitorous body, feeling useless and ashamed as usual, and stupid for feeling that way all the while over something that surely didn’t mean anything at all.
 She got to the door and wrapped on the wood loudly, until her invulnerable knuckles started to ache, even though Alex hardly took four minutes getting to the door, and Kara hardly noticed any time passing at all.
 When Alex got to the door she was dressed but disheveled, and Kara could hear Maggie’s heartbeat. She felt ridiculous and petulant. Kid sister can’t get out of the way with her drama for two fucking seconds. Kara just can’t help but ruin everything.
 “I’ll go,” she promised quickly, voice wavering before falling completely, eyes trained back on Maggie, apologetic and penitent.
 “No,” Alex said quickly, grabbing at Kara’s arm. “Hey, Kar, what’s wrong? Hey,” always so delicate, so gentle with Kara in places she didn’t deserve.
 Kara sat on the couch for anywhere from five minutes to an hour in utter silence, face down, before she started crying.
 Maggie was suspicious in an unaccusing way; Alex was bewildered. Every other breath was lined with a frantic question in a wavering voice Alex was so obviously trying desperately to conceal.
 “G-god, I’m so sorry, this is so stupid- it- it doesn’t even matter and I just- god, I’m just so- I just can’t, I can’t- I’m so sorry, this is ridiculous!” Kara blubbered through fractured breaths she could not seem to catch, whole body shaking and one eastern wind from collapsing in on itself completely, Alex and Maggie both against her, then, holding her up on each side, comforting arms a tangled mess over and around and above her, protecting her, keeping her safe from anything that might hurt her.
 “I’m- I’m sorry,” she panted, trying to control herself, trying not to hyperventilate.
 “Kara, sweetie,” Alex said quickly, voice restrained at every edge, love and concern for Kara’s genuine wellbeing seeping out the sides, which just made Kara cry harder. “Kara, you don’t have to be sorry. With all the ‘sorry’ you’ve been lately, I’d be okay if you were never sorry again. Okay? Hey, Kara, you’re okay. You’re okay.”
 Kara leaned into her grip, let her pet her hair, tried not to feel so stupid for every ancient ghost that’s followed her for a decade, tried to catch her breath in the embrace of her big sister, to let it calm her down.
 “Can you tell us what it is?” Maggie asked. Firm but gentle. Hostage negotiator. What information was caught deep inside Kara’s rattling lungs? What was she holding captive there, who was she hurting?
 “L-lena,” Kara gasped, rubbing viciously at reddening eyes, feeling like a child. Why did everything matter so much? Why did she have to act like it was all such a tragedy? There was nothing tragic about Lena Luthor.
 “Is Lena okay?” Alex asked firmly, arms tightening around her little sister.
 “She’s better than okay,” Kara began, trying to keep from wailing like a kid. “She’s beautiful. She’s the best person I know and I love her and I want to kiss her more than any guy I’ve ever wanted to kiss! She feels right!” Kara stammered out, sentences tearful and stalling as she leaned forward into herself. Alex and Maggie shared a knowing look before Alex leaned down to be with Kara.
 Role reversal. Kara hated when Alex was right.
 Alex held her as she cried. Didn’t tell her what she should know by now, or how she should feel. Just whispered soothing reassurances, promised that she knew, and she was proud, and that everything was going to be okay, that Alex knew it was scary, but Kara was perfect, and it was going to all work out, it was going to be fine. That was all.
 Just promises Kara desperately wanted to believe Alex could keep. Wet hair being peeled off of her flushed face. Catching her breath and trying not to feel dumb. When Kara finally caught her breath a little, sat up a little, Maggie spoke, dusting away the silence like housekeeping.
 “Hey, Baby Danvers?” Quiet.
 “Y-yeah?” Kara asked, turning to look at her.
 “Welcome to the club, kid.”
 Kara gave a fragmented laugh and Alex squeezed her shoulders reassuringly. For a moment, Kara really did believe that everything was going to be just fine; Alex had a track record of being right.
 All three of them sat in silence, a wordless understanding reached between the three partners in arms- they’d all fought the same war.
 Kara hoped they’d all won.
 Regardless, it was nice to just sit in the quiet and catch her breath with the two people in the world she knew understood it all perfectly- boys and girls and love and falling to pieces.
 “Hey, Kar?” Alex asked, arm still draped around her little sister.
 “Yeah?” Kara sniffled, throat and head aching from the comedown of her breakdown.
 “Just wait ‘till Mom finds out she’s got two lesbian kids.”
 Everybody laughed. Privately, Kara’s heart swelled. She hoped that was meant to be a good sign. “Alex?” She asked hesitantly.
 “Yeah, Kar?”
 “What- what do I do now?” Unsure. Apprehensive. Alex remembered it well enough to make her heart ache then and there, but she had been there, done that, and this was her chance to make everything less confusing and scary in this big, new world for her baby sister.
 “Now? You sleep, Kara. We can talk about the girl tomorrow.”
 Kara took that for a good answer, apparently, because it took make five minutes for all three women to be passed out in their positions on the couch.
  “Wake up, Gay Danvers! That’s right, both of you. I made breakfast.” It was one way for Maggie to wake them up, but it was a way of her own.
 The Danvers sisters rose in near unison, with the same aversion to the light of morning. Kara’s everything hurt. Her face felt swollen and her mouth was dry and still kind of tasted like white wine. Her throat still ached a little.
 But, oh, it was snowing.
 Like they were kids again, Alex and Kara raced to the breakfast table. The three women didn’t speak until a total of twelve eggs, sixteen cups of coffee, fourteen pieces of bacon, and thirteen pancakes were consumed. Like machines, they began to whir to life as the caffeine took effect.
 Kara spoke first. “Hey, you guys?” She tried. “I’m sorry I kinda crashed your night last night. I’ll make it up to you, I swear.”
 Before Alex could interject, Maggie spoke. “Nonsense, Sunny D. I’m always up for helping a young gay in need of guidance. Alex and I have plenty of days off, we can have fun any time. Helping Kara Danvers have a sexual awakening at two in the morning? That’s a once in a lifetime experience, kid. Speaking of which, Luthor, huh? Makes sense,” Maggie said reasonably.
 Kara blushed to the table.
 Alex thought over it long and hard. “Shit. I think I approve,” she admitted with a hard nod. That got a giggle out of Kara.
 “So, uh, what do I, you know, do?”
  Under the pretense of, ‘bitches love flowers,’ Kara walked through the piling snow, rapidly turning blizzard, to pick up endless amounts of plumerias. God, there were enough Plumerias to drown in. That’s all Kara felt; everything was endless, endless, endless, in the best way possible. She was gushing, full to the brim with something dizzying that Alex promised was love.
 Nothing else intruded Kara’s mind until she felt the system shock of warmth in Lena’s office. CatCo was closed but still, she was there, like Kara knew she’d be, face red, arm full of flowers, snowflakes melting on her eyelashes.
 Lena said something short Kara didn’t really catch. Oh, Lena was gorgeous. Her eyes were wide and genuine and familiarly bright. White light was rising up from the snow to the all glass windows and into the office, surrounding Lena in a glowing halo.
 It was beautiful beyond words. Kara never wanted to forget it.
 A clumsy proposition through ever parted lips slipped away from them both. Kara grabbed her, and they kissed, and it was just like how everything was described to her in the best ways, only, but better.
 There was no rush, nothing forced, no performative measures. It was slow; they took their time. Full of affection and idle fingers running clumsily through hair like an ideal first kiss, naïve and innocent. Private, but not shameful. Everything intertwining, no breath to be caught, full of light and laughing and foreheads brushing together.
 Quietly, they discovered each other. Found thing familiar and new, leaned into the love. It felt right. There was no time- they had all day if they needed it, if they wanted it. And Kara took comfort in the fact that, when they were done? Lena would be right there waiting for her.
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starpiper3 · 7 years
Chapter 1: All the Little Children (VLD AU OC)
“Does she really have to stay with us?”
“We have the lions, we can just send her back to earth.”
“We couldve sent her back a long time ago. We have had all the lions for a while now.”
“Or we could just teleport with the castle and then launch her back to earth with a make shift parachute.”
“I’m sure she would be safer there. We don’t need six paladins.” 
“There’s no need for an extra person. We can save the universe without her. Come on Shiro, you know how its going to go. She was trouble back at the Garrson, she’s going to be trouble here as well. There’s no doubt in my mind about it.”
“That piece of human scum is not allowed on my ship-”
“ENOUGH!” Shiro shouted over the jabbering mouths in the room. He took a deep breath holding the bridge of his nose before turning, “Allura, a moment please,” he said choking on words he held back.
“Of course,” She said as she followed him into a smaller room, making sure to give a glare to the girl in the dark corner of the room. Shiro saw her actions, only making him bite his tongue harder. 
He closed the door behind him and took a deep breath. How was he going to make her seem like a good person? Granted she has changed, but I know the kind little girl is still there. He took a deep breath trying to calm himself down before speaking.
“Allura, please, just try to be nice to her, lead by example. I’m sure if you are nice to her, the others will follow and everyone will be ok.”
“Shiro, you know I can’t, on top of I don’t even want to. Someone as disrespectful as she is does not deserve, and is most certainly not allowed on my ship. I simply will not tolerate it.”
Her words shocked Shiro. Her out of all the people on the ship had the audacity to speak about her like this? She was a princess, she should be talking with a little higher of respect.
“She’s just a kid, she’s had it rough. It’s bad enough that I’ve left her alone for so long. It was just supposed to be a short trip that…” he paused and let his shoulder sag, “…turned into a couple of years.”
Allura’s gaze hardened, her blue eyes piercing Shiro’s. She didn’t know if she was going to be able to tolerate the little rat on her ship. She had already shown a great amount of disrespect to her, not to mention the team as well. What could he possibly see in her? Sure he knew her way before the crew was trapped in the blue lion and sent into space, but why did he need her to stay? She let out a breath of air and faced him.
“Why, I need to know why, a good reason why, or else I am sending her back myself,” she snapped, “She’s practically useless. There is no such thing as a 6th paladin. To me, she isn’t needed, and that’s final-”
“There’s going to be no black paladin, if there is no Luana, and that’s final.” He interrupted, slightly aggravated, “I am not going to leave her again.” She took a breath, shocked at his words. Gritting her teeth, it seemed like she had no other choice. Tilting her head down in hopes of causing a more menacing look, she decided to try one more time.
“Don’t you dare be disrespecting me too Shiro. I’ll say this one more time, there’s no need-”
“That’s. Final.” He challenged, standing his ground and holding his pose, “I don’t mean to be harsh princess, but I am not just going to leave her behind after we’ve just been reunited.”
The sound of the words he had just put together sounded a little pained in her mind. She was mildly unaware of this information. Just been reunited? Did she really go on the blue lion by mistake? By chance? All this time, she thought that he had brought her along, that they were attached by the hip back on Earth, but this was clearly not the case. She pursed her lips and her face twisted slightly. Without Shiro, there would be no Black Paladin, and if there was no Black Paladin, there would be no more Voltron, the key to saving the universe and stopping Zarkon. The decision seemed easy, but it was a tough thought. 
“I know she will be some trouble, but why? I wouldn’t have a good guess anymore. It’s been years, she’s changed so much. I’ll talk to her. I’m sure she’ll understand once I do.”
There was a long pause that allowed silence to cut through the room. The more he told her about the little rat, the more she changed her mind. Biting the tip of her thumb, she looked to the side before opening her mouth to speak.
“I guess, she can stay on the ship.”
“And no matter what the others say, your opinion will not side with theirs?” He questioned. She huffed before nodding her head in agreement. 
“Thank you princess, really, this means a lot to me, and her of course,”
“Oh how would you know if it means a lot to her or not. I’m sure she’s taking this all for granted-”
“I know, because she looks up to you, princess.”
“What?” Allura’s face twisted, yet her body relaxed. She looked up to her? The logic behind the sentence didn’t make sense to her. How in the world could the little rat look up to her, if she kept disrespecting her?
“She looks up to you. She’s never really had much of a mother figure in her life, and to her, you are one.”
Allura tried comprehending what he had just told her. Luana? Looking up to her? It sounded all made up, but maybe it was true. No, it couldn’t be, there was just no way. She looked down and her face hardened again. 
“Just to let you know, I am doing this for the sake of the universe, not some silly relationship you have with the Rat.”
“Try calling her by her name once in a while, that should definitely help.”
“I will do as I wish,” she said before opening the door to exit the room.
“Oh and Princess?”
“What is is Shiro?”
“You have to earn her respect, she isn’t the one to just give it away like candy. I also have learned that the hard way.” Glancing back at him she gave a slight nod.
“Accounted for.” 
A blue portal opened before all of them.
“Um guys, this may seem crazy, but I think the lion wants us to go through it.” Lance said in disbelief.
“Where does it go?” Pidge asked.
“I-I don't know. Shiro, your the senior officer here, what should we do?”
“Well, if we do this, we should all decide as a team.” He responded looking at everyone.
“I’m in,” Pidge said.
“Yeah me too,” Keith agreed.
“This is definitely going to be one hell of a ride-”
“Yay! Space trip!” A small voice chirped up.
“What the,” all heads turned, “how did you get here!?” Lance shouted. Everyone’s jaw dropped at the sight of the girl. Shiro’s eyes widened.
“No…” He whispered.
“Yaaayy!” The girl cheered as the lion entered the blue portal.
A force so fierce pressed against all of their bodies, using all the strength they had to hold on. The girl flew to the back of the cabin as she had nothing to hold on to. She braced her self and gritted her teeth hopping the ride would be over soon. Within seconds, the force disappeared, leaving everyone to sag and let out a breath, before remembering about the girl behind them all. Their heads turned once more.
“Hey boys,” her voice dragged out in the cabin. “wooow, I guess they weren’t kidding back at the Garrson when they said I was super popular. Y’all seem to recognize my voice.”
“Ah!” Lance exclaimed from the cockpit, “How did you-”
“This simply can’t be! I won’t allow it!” Pidge shouted angrily crossing his arms.
“What, are YOU doing here?” Keith spat advancing towards her. With the small space that they had, he still managed to close the gap between them. 
“Isn’t it obvious?” The girl snickered flashing him a devious smile, “I’m on an adventure!” She cheered throwing her arms up in the air. 
“You’re still just as pretentious as I last remembered you to be,” Pidge grumbled. 
“No, no no no no you are not on an adventure and you are most certainly NOT coming with us!” Hunk countered, “We are turning this ship… Lion… thing around this instant!… uh Lance, do you think you could uh, turn this thing around” He asked whispering the last part.
“Oh I am already on it buddy…. but… um… I don’t think I have control of it anymore.”
“What do you mean you don't have control of it anymore?” Hunk clambered.
“Give that wheel to me,” Keith said pushing Shiro out of the way. He grabbed the controls and tugged with all of his might, “You’re right, it is stuck.”
“No really, you could’ve just listened to me the first time.” Lance bickered frustrated.
“But you’re the one who knows how to control this thing. What did you do? Break it already?!”
“Hey! Don’t blame me!”
“Well I wouldn’t know who else to blame here.”
“It was worth the shot,” Pidge said crossing his arms, “I would be, and am desperate enough to get that thing off this ship.”
“Can it be?” Shiro whispered as he moved towards the girl, “you look so, different….” he said reaching out to her.
“Hey,” she snapped, “paws off Shiro. I’m a whole new animal now.”
“Yeah no kidding…” he fell silent.
“You know being gone a couple years does take a toll on some people,” She said glaring at him with an amount of emotion that couldn't be comprehended.
“Shiro, do you know this little sassy scum here?” Pidge asked with furrowed brows.
“Alright you can cut it with the nicknames Pidge, I know they’re supposed to be cutesy and all but I’m pretty sure I know my own personality at this point in the game.”
“What ever you little Rat,” Pidge challenged, he then cleared his throat and looked back to Shiro, “I’ll ask my question again, Shiro, do you know this little Rat?”
The girl stood in the cabin with crossed arms and with a displeased face, making herself look unapproachable. She had dark amber hair that was almost as long as her torso and bangs that fell over the side of her face.
“Yeah, I do,” he looked down and clenched his jaw together before looking back up.
“Well if none of you dare to say my name, I’ll just have to introduce myself.”
“Why don’t you just can it lose-”
“I am Luana Renee Tamala! The number one pilot back at the Garrson, the one and only most popular female in every rank and most importantly, the daughter of the greatest scientist that have ever-”
“Enough of your stupid made up story, we all know that absolutely none of that is true” Keith snapped moving towards her again, “everyone in this cabin knows that you are the biggest liar there is. None of us are going to believe a word you say, so you mine as well put your imagination on pause, cause I don't want to hear it. And I’m sure no one else in here does.”
“Well Shiro know’s I’m telling the truth!” Luana protested, throwing the senior officer under the bus, “Aren’t I Shiro.” She said looking at him.
“She is telling the truth you guy, I met her parents. You learned about the Tamala’s haven’t you?”
“You mean the scientist that were doing research on the fallen comet?” Pidge spoke up practically drooling, which ceased once he remembered the task at hand, “Come on Shiro, she can’t possibly be their daughter, she’s dumber than a pile of rock and they are long dead-”
“Whoa whoa whoa whoa folks, why don’t we just change the subject here.” Luana said smiling as she clapped her hands together.
“Why, cause you don’t want to get caught lying?” Pidge snarked with a smirk on his face.
“No that’s not it, I just-”
“Oh look, now she’s trying to cover up.” Hunk said as he crossed his arms raising a brow.
Luana’s face hardened and her fists clenched at her sides. Talking about parents really put her on edge no matter who she was talking to, and the group before her managed to push her all the way off.
“You know, I really thought you guys were cool and all, but it turns out you’re a whole bunch of pricks. You know that? Selfish assholes that don’t give an ounce of respect to someone who’s had it hard.”
“Coming from someone who’s made our lives difficult, that’s a hard one to swallow,” Hunk said, “Nobody even likes you Luana, you’re better off being the runt of the Garrson, better off being this nobody of yours.”
“Hey, that’s enough you guys. If we want to make this work, we are all going to have to put some effort into it. That means no more fighting-”
“Oh you guys have got some hell to pay,” Luana hissed, “just wait till-”
A low rumble entered the cabin silencing Luana as a planet came into sight.
“Um guys? I think the lion is taking us there.” Lance said. It took everyone a moment to register what he had just said as their attention was still pegged on Luana. Slowly, the four heads turned and Shiro spoke up.
“Did it tell you why Lance?”
“No, not at all, but I think its going home.”
"Listen, I would’ve turned the ship around if I could. But I had no control!” Lance exclaimed.
“And red wouldn’t start up when I had her on the ship with me.” Keith said crossing his arms, “none of the lions are responding.”
“It’s like they know we’re doing something bad. Like criminals stealing a human body in the night.” Hunk said hunching his shoulders over as if he were sneaking around.
“Well technically that’s what we were doing,” Pidge said as he pushed his glasses up.
“Oh I can’t wait till Shiro hears about this,” Luana snorted from her corner of the room, keeping the hood from her sweater up. Her jeans were ripped and tattered with her black converse untied with purple socks.
“You can tell him al you want, we’re getting rid of you one way or another.” Keith seethed as he walked towards her, “And theres nothing you can do to stop-”
“Enough Keith,” Allura interrupted as she entered the room, “she’s staying with us.”
“What?” The group said in unison.
“Allura you can’t be serious.” Keith snapped.
“Just this morning you were talking about getting rid of her.” Hunk said as he pointed at Luana who looked away with a hard glare on her face. It was bad enough that they wanted her gone, making it obvious to her was just making it worse.
“Not to mention all the trouble she has been causing. Don’t even get me started on how she treats you with such disrespect-”
“Keith, Hunk, Pidge, Lance, that’s enough. She’s staying with us and is a part of the team, you will have to treat her with the same amount of respect that all of you treat me. I will not tolerate any disrespect from anyone, nor will I tolerate anyone disrespecting each other. All of you will have to honor that decision, and if you don’t, then you may have all of the intensive purposes to leave.”
Everyone in the room was taken aback by her words, even Shiro himself. Luana looked up from her corner, her eyes a little wider than they once were with a softer glow to her face. Was she serious? No, she had to be joking. There was no way she actually wanted her on the ship. Shiro must have coaxed her to say so himself. The Paladins went silent for a moment before Keith tensed up and punched the wall next to him.
“Come on guy, lets get out of here,” he snarled before leaving with his entourage. Luana’s eyes followed them out of the room, she tossed her head to the side, allowing her bangs to get out of her eyes. Letting out a tsk of air before fixing her posture she mumbled something to herself. She shifted her gaze to meet Allura and Shiro’s, her eyes noticeably softened, but quickly looked away from the two to keep her secrets safe.
Just as she was about to leave, Allura spoke up.
“Luana,” she called out, watching her freeze in her steps. Allura bit her lip, not thinking this far into what she wanted to do, “I… just wanted to say,” she paused taking a deep breath, unable to believe what she was about to say, “Welcome to the team.”
Luana’s shoulders dropped and her head lifted slightly. Was it true? Did she really mean this? Was she finally accepted as a part of the team? Questions. swarmed through her brain making her lips twist up into a small smile. She hoped that she meant it, it would mean the world to her, but the thought of Shiro coaxing her into saying what she had just said wrecked it all. She turned slightly, allowing her to see the two of them from the corner of her eyes.
"Thanks, but you don’t have to say things that aren’t true or to make me feel any better princess. I… I’ll see you guys around.” She muttered as she exited the room.
“I thought you said she would come through, why isn’t she happier? I told her she was apart of the team. What did I do wrong?” She asked Shiro.
“She may not change with just a flick of a switch princess, only time will tell when she truly feels accepted and happy. I mean lets face it, she didn’t call the the alien god this time.”
“I guess this is true, but this isn’t how Lance acted when-”
“Everyone is different princess, she will come around,” he looked to the door frame that Luana had exited, “She did once, and I’m sure she will do it again.”
“Well that was a pathetic attempt to getting rid of her.” Lance said with his arms crossed.
“We did the best we could,” Hunk said with a blank face.
“Well I mean we could’ve done better, maybe forced her off, or did a little more convincing, not that, it would be any more efficient-” Keith cut Pidge off.
“No, there’s no amount of convincing that we can do that will change Shiro’s mind. For all we know, he could be brain washing the princess into agreeing with him.”
“But why would he do such a thing like that?” Pidge asked.
“Yeah, for all we know, Shiro basically knows best. He was the senior pilot of the Kurberos mission.”
“Not my point Hunk,” Keith snapped bitterly. Hunk frowned and crossed his arms, “I just dont want another repeat of what’s been happening at the Garrson with her, it’s too much of a headache to think about.”
Everyone nodded in agreement.
“I would really prefer to be able to be taken seriously for once, no more pranks from her.” Lance said.
“You mean you just don’t want anymore tarantulas on your back.” Pidge said with a smirk.
“Where?!” Lance shouted frantically grabbing at the back of his shirt. Pidge laughed and patted his back.
“Just teasing man, just teasing.”
“Oh you won’t be teasing if she reroutes the WiFi and changes all the passwords to something unhackable.” Hunk said as he chuckled at Pidge.
“Hey! For all intensive purposes, it effected all of us, not just me!”
“Awww look, your face is glowing all blushy red. I think you were the only person who was horribly offended that day.”
“Lance! Lay off! And for the record, the Mac and cheese incident also effected all of us! Not just me-”
“Oh no, no no no no please dont bring that back up, I get like, a sickish feeling in my stomach just from the memories. That was, that was actually horrible, I’m sorry for teasing I am. That was the worst night mare a guy like me could ever dream of,” Hunk babbled as he held his stomach and covered his mouth while he continued to walk with the group.
“I will agree with you big guy, that had to have been the worst week of my life.” Lance said shivering.
“And it wasn’t just in the Mac and cheese, it was in the drinks as well! The whole facility has to shut down just to super clean everything in the kitchen. She made sure to get everyone but herself in the facility.” Pidge exclaimed.
“Ok but can we please move on, I dont wanna relive the memories-”
“I won’t let her wrong me again.” Keith spat as he looked deep into space. Everyone feel silent and turned to Keith.
“What such bad doings did she do to you?” Lance seethed narrowing his eyes at Keith.
“She may or may not be the reason why I dropped out,” he snarled as he glared back at the group. They all held their breaths in awkwardness and tension, “I’m going back to my room,” he grunted as he began to walk away. The others soon dispersed after his departure, unaware of Luana lurking behind them. A hard scowl covered her face. She wondered to herself, just how much could she get away with on the ship before she was thrown out of it by Allura?
She pulled her lips up into a snicker, I guess we’ll just have to find out.
Ok wow, this took a lot longer to even moderately perfect. I know some major parts of this chapter are complete trash but lets be real, that’s just how my writing is. But I hope y'all did enjoy. I had a bit of fun writing this chapter.
(And as always the music video that helped me most with this chapter, mainly writing Luana’s character is above, it isn’t really a song for the chapter. But it should give y'all a little more of an idea of how Luana really is)
In the future chapters I hope to write my characters a little closer to their personalities and be a little more precise. As I may have said in my announcement last year, (literally less than a month ago) I have been toying with other parts of this fan fiction as well as other chapters before getting to the boring crap. Cause sometimes to spark my interest and inspiration, that’s just what I gotta do.
As always, comments and gentle criticism is always welcome, although I may not change my story or what not to what you had suggested, there may be: 
A: A reason as to why I won’t and or
B: It’s my story, and if I don’t want it to flow that why then I’m sorry but your SOL. 
I’ve probably got a crap ton more reasons but I’m gonna leave it at that. 
Love you all!
Chapter 2: Food Fights
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