#a photo of an animal (I dont rememebr which animal it was) was too gorgeous and it was impossible that a higher being hadn't created such
dreamyhunterr ยท 5 months
I hate when people think that because you're an atheist it directly means you are incapable of seeing beauty in nature or that you are a nihilist, what I mean is, you don't need to believe a higher being created the world to admire it, and while I know it's all because our brains are wired to perceive things around us a beutiful and it's evolution, etc, it doesn't mean it just suddenly loses the meaning or we lose the capacity to enjoy it. Like actually the oposite, it's also beautiful to be able to see the why.
The understanding of how things work and how we are here and why we see things the way we do, I think it also gives you a sense of grounding, and the same time a feeling of wonder, like we are very conscious beings and how amazing is that, and that's the feeling of "divine" for me.
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