#a prompt that DOESN'T have Shadow Milk in it?? I must be insane/lh
cookierunauprompts · 8 months
https://www.tumblr.com/cookierunauprompts/741012613726633984/great-now-i-cant-help-but-think-of-one-dnd-au?source=share same anon!
Yes kingdoms and cookies! Aaaaaaalso I think white lily and dark enchantress would be separate in this because of well...spoilers below and marked where spoilers are. but idea basically is like for the specific prompt if you want it...well got two prompts and idk which one you'd wanna do first so I'll list them both (also forgot to mention...imagine it being a big dnd club and the characters who arent in that specific part of the campaign like in the beast yeast chapter, when the other ancients arent with pure vanilla, they are gathered around the table to watch and eat snacks and basically be giving advice....oooor for the cookies who decided to watch to try to be the devil on someone's shoulder "hey, you should try blank!"):
Potential prompt 1: the session where y/n is like "ok guys! Today, shadow milk will be joining us and he already got his character sheet...and he wrote himself as...very crazy, which isn't surprising since he is crazy himself! Sooooo this should be fun!"
Potential prompt 2: the session of the final battle...the prologue to the campaign aaaaand maybe when golden cheese rolls her nat one...curious who would laugh buuuut I bet gingerbrave at the table might be like "OH MY WITCHES, GOLDEN CHEESE IM SO SORRY!!!"
Keep reading if you want spoilers:
Ok, I warned ya!
The fact that later on in the story, it is revealed that somehow white lily cookie and dark enchantress cookie are two separate people...surprising, I know!
Requested Prompts #37 - ✦
" Alright everyone, that brings us to the end of the Dark Flour War." You say, glancing around the table at the cookies gathered. A collective sigh of relief swept through them, it had been a rough session, that was for sure. " Now then," You say, clasping your hands together. " I'd like you all to roll for the status of your kingdoms, just a plain d20, aight?" " But what about me?" White Lily Cookie speaks up, ah, right, technically she didn't have a kingdom of her own. Then again, the two of you did have something planned. " Uh... Roll for your own safety." You advised, and you could soon hear the clatter of dice upon the table. " Natural Twenty! Woohoo!" You could hear Hollyberry Cookie cheer, and you gave her a small applause for what was her first and only nat20 of the session. She'd gotten close with some 19's, but no twenties. " Alright, that leaves the Hollyberry Kingdom with pretty mild, yet very fixable damages. Very few died to the flames of the war, and it's overall decent." You explain, referencing your small chart that you had prepped for a moment before looking back up. " Who wants to say their roll next?" " I will." Dark Cacao spoke up, taking a moment to glance down at his roll. " ...Fourteen. Is that good?" " It's good enough," You begin, checking your chart. " There are some decent damages, nothing too broken though considering your kingdom's defenses, and some casualties. But overall the Dark Cacao Kingdom should be able to bounce back." Dark Cacao gave a nod of approval, meanwhile Pure Vanilla Cookie was next to speak. " I got a ten, how well off is the Vanilla Kingdom?" He asked, you could just sense the nervousness in his voice. Though all of you knew that it wouldn't be doing any good considering that the final battle took place there. " Hm... Well, after the war; The Vanilla Kingdom is mostly destroyed and abandoned... Though a lot of the citizens were able to escape via airship." You explain, catching sight of Pure Vanilla's expression melting into some form of relief. Even though it was just a game of Kingdoms and Cookies, it couldn't help but feel real to a degree. That's just how good of a dungeon master you are! " Um.. I got a five." White Lily then speaks up, and you already know your response. " Comatose in a glass coffin over at the Faerie Kingdom." You say almost immediately before turning your attention to Golden Cheese Cookie, who was staring at her dice rather intensely. " Golden Cheese Cookie? How about you?" Golden Cheese Cookie didn't respond, simply just staring down at her dice, what she rolled, dumbfoundedly. The staring continued for a moment before Golden Cheese slumped on the table, head in her hands. " ... natural one." She whispered as quiet as a mouse. " I'm sorry, what did you say?" You asked, not having quite heard her. " I got a natural one..." Golden Cheese admitted, and now you felt sorry for what you were about to tell her. " Oh, I'm very sorry for your loss." You begin, " The Golden Cheese Kingdom... For as far as you know, is completely destroyed. It's people, your friends there, your treasures. All of them... are gone." Golden Cheese Cookie looked devastated beyond words, meanwhile Dark Cacao Cookie offered some comfort in the for of a few pats on the back. Due to the fact that he was the closest to Golden Cheese in their positions on the table.
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