#a secret fourth thing is gratuitous 'snuggling'.
warp--space · 10 months
Wow that Anon was uh...on some weirdness with that bs. Seriously? How does this webbed site always find a way to go ''WE APPRECIATE THE THING. WE LIKE THIS THING* :D" and then VIOLENTLY SWING the total opposite to ''BUT WE HATE OTHERS WHO LIKE THING >:(("
(* in this case the 'thing' being ''WE LOVE OLD MEN. WE APPRECIATE OLD MEN FUCKERS")
Anon can miss me with that ''Reverse Pedo'' whackness they believe in, anyway
Top 3 activities Rian and Toshi get up to for the holidays? Any snowball fights? :p too early to be asking still?
Toshinori: *snrk* Tell me about it. And, unfortunately, it is never too early to ask Rian at least about holiday activities.
Top three would be:
Watching The Muppet's Christmas Carol
Listening to his specialized holiday playlist
Drinking Hot Chocolate. Lots of hot chocolate. Milk chocolate, peppermint chocolate, peanut butter chocolate, the works.
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beatricethecat2 · 3 years
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"No joy," Myka says, peeking into the static bag.
"That was the correct part, was it not?" Helena enlarges the photo on Myka's phone of a nineteenth-century elevator car housed at the Warehouse.
"I'm pretty sure. But that picture's not great." Myka slides the handle out and plops it back in to the tune of no sparks.
Helena noses around the storage space as The Dakota building's manager walks in.
"Maybe what you're looking for's in here," he says, plunking down a milk crate full of parts. "When they renovate, they save anything original."
"It's an elevator handle. From the original manual ones. Just not this one." Myka slips the part from the bag and holds it up.
"Might be in Ms. Shiva's apartment then. Parents took two cars and made them into a bar. Or could be from the one that went missing, the mysterious fourth car."
Myka and Helena share a concerned look, knowing the Warehouse took it without permission.
"Can we see the other two?" Myka asks.
"Look just like that one." The man points toward the ornately carved wooden car on the other side of the room. "Handle's that important to you, huh?"
"As architectural historians? Yes," Helena snips in a clipped, scholarly tone.
"Alright. Gimme a minute." He slips his phone out of its belt clip and walks out of the room.
Helena picks through dust-covered items in the crate. "This may be a lost cause."
"It must be upstairs. The walls are so thick, the ping could have come from anywhere."
"You said 'pickup,' not 'ping.'"
"Claudia called it a pickup yesterday! Today she called it a ping."
Helena huffs a disgruntled breath.
The manager waves a hand from the doorway. "She said it's ok to come up."
Myka follows the man, but Helena hangs back.
"Aren't you coming?" 
"I...should look through this crate."
"You know more about this stuff than me. You should come with."
"Myka, I...."
Myka steps closer and lowers her voice. "I know you're not happy about being here, but I really need your help."
Helena holds Myka's gaze but doesn't move.
Helena nods an apprehensive yes.
"You'll tell me what's going on with you later, right?"
Helena nods again, with equal apprehension.
Myka grimaces. "Come on."
They follow the manager out of the room and into the elevator to the fourth floor.
The Adventures of Wells and Bering ("Warehouse 13" Season 5 replacement) Season 1: Episode 3 Title: New York City: I'm buggin' out!
Summary: After three blissful days holed up in their Philadelphia hotel room, Myka receives a call from the Warehouse asking for help. Helena proclaims New York "a cesspool" when told the pickup is in the city. Myka laughs when told Helena was last there in 1893. Told she can stay behind, Helena follows anyway, the pair taking the train to avoid driving. Helena tells tales of city adventures with her partner Wolcott as she and Myka make their way uptown. Helena tenses upon arrival at their destination, so much so, Myka can tell something is off.  Later that day, Helena reveals a long buried secret.
Previously: Episode 1, Episode 2
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After a less than jovial dinner (pictured above), Myka and Helena settle into their hotel room. Myka lounges in bed, already showered, wearing shorts and a t-shirt, nose buried in a book. Helena searches through her luggage after emerging from a shower swathed only in a robe.
"I know dinner wasn't great," Myka says, setting her book on the nightstand, "but something else's off. You've been weirdly touchy all day."
"I apologize for not being, as Claudia might say, 'all sunshine and rainbows.'" Helena yanks a t-shirt out of her suitcase. "Perhaps we should call the whole thing off." 
"What 'thing'?"
"This trip."
"Why?" Myka sits up.
"Because me being sullen is not an anomaly." 
"I know."
"Then why on earth would you subject yourself to that again?" Helena turns to face Myka and crosses her arms over her chest.
"Because you promised when you got like this you'd talk to me and I believed you."
"Fool," Helena says, the word filled with fondness rather than bite.
"Come here," Myka says, patting a spot next to her.
Helena stares at the bed but doesn't move.
"Come here..."
Helena's eyes lift to meet Myka's; the longer they stay locked, the less defiance they hold. She huffs a disgruntled breath but does as she's told. She sits stiffly, arms folded over her chest, back propped up against the headboard.
"Now, tell me what happened in that building," Myka says, laying back, turning to face Helena, head propped up by a hand. "Remember, I said I wouldn't judge you."
"You say that now..." Helena says, glancing at Myka.
"I won't," Myka says, slipping her hand over Helena's and squeezing, dragging it down to her lap, breaking her protective arm-fold.
"Where to begin," Helena grumbles, pressing her eyes closed, head falling back against the wall.
"How about..." Myka scoots up, aligning herself with Helena, all the while keeping hold of her hand. "The first time you were there, finding that artifact."
Helena rolls her head to the side and meets Myka's gaze.
Myka raises her brow and grins expectantly.
"Oh, alright," Helena grumps, sighing deeply, then lifting her head from the headboard.
"Wolly posed as an investor, and I, his wife. He and I were given guest accommodations, courtesy of Gustav Schirmer, a music publisher. We had a vague idea of what the curiosity was but needed time and access to suss out its location."
"I bet you and Wolly made a better couple than Pete and I ever did," Myka quips.
Helena huffs a short laugh. "People like us 'acted the part' on a daily basis. Anything beyond that was an extension of those fabricated selves. One had to switch 'on' any number of personas just to keep safe. It was difficult at times to remember our true selves."
"I'm sorry. That sucks."
"Easier for me than others. Though in that regard, I'm glad society seems to have changed for the better." Helena meets Myka's gaze, her eyes falling to her lips.
"Me too," Myka says as Helena cups her jaw, guiding their mouths together.
Their kiss lingers but as Helena's hand slides to the nape of Myka's neck, Myka pulls away.
"Story first," Myka says, slipping her hand over Helena's, lifting it away.
Helena pouts.
"After." Myka caresses Helena's cheek, then places a soft, brief kiss there. "I promise."
"I shall hold you to that."
"Oh, I know," Myka says, smiling. She settles back and waits as Helena collects her thoughts.
"The Dakota was unique,' Helena begins, "its design, the first of its kind in the world. A playground for 'new money,' miles away from 'civilization' further downtown. Few dared travel that far north, so their soirees were rather insular."
"That's good, right? Easier to find the artifact?" Myka says.
"Indeed. Gustav adored hosting events, along with the Steinways. Guests chased tunes all over the building as engagements spilled between apartments. Wolly and I snooped around gratuitously."
"Steinways...as in the grand-piano-maker Steinways?"
"The very same," Helena mumbles. Her eyes turn distant, a thumb rubbing idly over a knuckle, her hands linked primly on her lap. 
"Did you find the artifact?" Myka asks.
"Hmm? Oh...yes. But it took quite some time," Helena answers. "And along the way, I found something far more profound." She looks down at her lap, her hands pulling away from each other, tensing. 
"What was it?"
"I found my One."
"Y-You had a One?" Myka says, stiffening.
"All too briefly," Helena says, then glances at Myka. "To have found another is a kindness beyond anything I'd ever imagined. I'm sorry it took so long for me to believe it possible."
"You mean me?"
"I do." Helena brings Myka's hand up to her lips and kisses its palm.
"I, um, guess it's silly to be jealous of someone who lived over a hundred years ago. Especially since I know nothing about them." Myka scoots closer, cozying up to Helena. "Will you tell me?"
"Would you like to know?"
"I want to know everything about you."
"That may take some time."
"We have time, don't we?"
"Time has never been my ally. Especially with the ones I love."
"Let's change that." Myka tugs on Helena's sleeve, and the pair slip down to lie prone on the bed. She turns and snuggles up, head pillowed on Helena's shoulder, arm resting across her middle. Helena relaxes into Myka's hold and wraps an arm over Myka's.
"Tell me about your One," Myka says. "Or, your 'first' One."
"She...was an extraordinary woman," Helena answers. "Unlike any I'd ever known. We bonded instantly, which was unusual."
"How did you meet?"
"I caught her hiding from the merriment during a soiree, nose tucked in a book. One Mrs. Elizabeth Westcott." Helena smiles, obviously warmed by the memory.
"A marriage for appearances; personal gain for two up-and-coming families. Residing at The Dakota allowed her husband to carry on extramarital affairs with less scrutiny. He cared little about her own."
"So you and she..."
"If those walls could talk," Helena says, her smile bordering on devilish. "We had several glorious years together before she..." Her smile fades in an instant.
"I'm afraid to ask."
"She died, as one does when one's husband's mistress plots to kill you."
"S-She was murdered?"
"Freak carriage accident. Never proven, but everyone knew. To ensure Elizabeth never gave him an heir, after Christina. The irony being we'd planned on running away to California soon enough--"
"Wait, Christina was Elizabeth's?" Myka lifts her head to look Helena in the eye.
"I loved her as if she were my own," Helena snaps, "spirited her away to England as soon as I could, with the housekeeper's help."
"You stole her?" Myka pushes away, falling back on her elbows, mouth agape.
"I rescued her," Helena barks, jerking upright. "That monstrous woman still had talons in her father. There was no doubt Christina wasn't safe. It's what Elizabeth would have wanted." 
Helena moves to leave, but Myka grabs her arm.
"Don't go," Myka pleads. "I'm sorry. I said I wouldn't judge you."
Helena freezes in place, her heart pounding wildly. A few moments later, she returns to Myka's side.
"Did anyone come looking for her?" Myka asks, pushing forward so as not to leave Helena stewing.
"I don't know. I doubt they could find me as only Elizabeth knew my true identity. And I never set foot in New York again."
"So literally 1893."
Helena nods, the sour look on her face softening. "I'd thought to visit her grave but haven't found the courage."
"You should go. We could go together. It'll give you closure."
"You sound so certain."
"I know it will help. I've loved and lost, too, you know."
"Indeed, you have, my love," Helena says, then sighs heavy-heartedly. "What a pair we make."
"I think we're a good match," Myka says, tugging Helena back to lie flat again. "We could take our minds off it. Make some new, pleasant memories." She slips a hand under the tie of Helena's robe.
"You did make a promise earlier," Helena replies.
"And I always make good on my promises," Myka says, drawing the tie free, brushing a fingertip over newly exposed skin. Helena quivers and relaxes back, offering no resistance as Myka fulfills her word.
End of Episode 3
NOTES: According to the internet, the term "buggin'" was coined in New York City. The fourth elevator really did go missing during The Dakota renovations in the 1960's (pre-landmarking). Thank you to the library for being open so I could borrow books and down some facts as this got way more involved than I meant it to become (but that's part of the fun).
This story format is...in my head, I'm calling it "TV POV." If we were watching the show, we'd see things but not hear the character's thoughts, so that's what I'm going for, I think? Broad strokes and quicker resolutions due to the 45 minute-ish run time (or would this show be a 25 minute one? Hmm.) Let me know if that's not working at all. I mean these are obviously pastiches of content - the images come first then the stories materialize afterwards. They are supposed to be short and clippy - plenty of room for the reader to fill in the blanks - but this one got away from me! Also Tumblr keeps making the second image blurry and I can't figure out why...
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