#a sewer bath is the new spa treatment Actually!
Crocodile Tears (Chapter 9: Bath Time)
Ao3 Link | FF Link
She was exhausted.
Between constantly checking on Rumple, and pinning over the “what-if”s once he came to, she was in a heart-quivering state between paranoia and anxiety. To say the least, she did not like it; she didn’t like it that the anthropomorphic crocodile decided to crash in her bathroom—well, she had lead him up here, but due to that fact he had been shot at, with both a bullet and a tranquilizer dart, she was near livid. Oh, once he woke up, she would be having words with him!
She sat on her bed and tired to work on her novel, glancing up at him every other moment. Rose, to Belle’s slight horror, had gathered the courage to emerge from the couch to check out this new thing in her domain. Sure enough, the small tortoiseshell crept over to the bathroom on cotton ball sized paws. Head down, ears back, she stalked over to the unconscious being splayed out on the tile floor. The small cat hissed upon sniffing him.
Having nothing else to do besides work (Belle’s anxiety was too high to really work), the library’s caretaker took up a book instead.
Face scrunching up, Rumple let out a low, rumbling groan. She still sat on her bed, cross-legged yet poised to move quickly if necessary, but when he moved she was well aware. Staying silent, the petite woman watched the great man-croc squirm into consciousness.
“Oh, fuck,” Rumple groaned as he began to lift his limbs up. From her angle she couldn’t tell if his eyes were open, but she observed him start to—it wasn’t quite flailing—wriggle around on his back like a turtle would. “Fuck, I can’t—the hell?”
With a loud groan, the croc slashed his great clawed hands out to grapple the floor. For such a beast, it took a lot of fuss for him to roll onto his belly. His paler, tender underside out of view, and his glossy, murky green and black scales on display, Rumple looked much more frightening on his belly than his back.
Reptilian eyes glared upwards, pinning her with an accusatory gaze within a slit second. “Were you trying to kill me?” He hissed in that curious accent of his: a uvular trill.
“I—Sorry, can you not lay on your back?”
“Messes—my sensory—fuck, give me a moment so the room can stop spinning. What happen?”
“You tell me,” she crossed her arms, sliding off her bed to stand before him. “You were shot, and—“
“Ah,” Rumple suddenly purred. Darkly. “I remember now.”
Mightily sighing, the croc pushed himself up on his arms to sit up—an odd sight—on his knees. His thick, long tail tailed around him, foots long. The bandage she’d hastily dressed him with had some blood on it, but not enough for her to worry about. His eyes were focused more, too.
And of course he still smelled. Horribly.
When she didn’t answer him, too busy studying the scutes on his tail, he said, “Did you doctor me up, scrumptious? How sweet.”
“It would be more trouble for me to rid your body if you died,” she snarked.
Rumple put a hand over his chest, mocking shock. “Is that sarcasm I detect?”
Rolling her eyes, and remembering he wasn’t as bad as she first thought, Belle tiptoed over the dirty floor of her bathroom to get a washcloth. He hadn’t gotten up from the floor yet. Though his expression was close to what it usually was, she could tell he was not well, yet. And knowing him, at all, she had a feeling he would loaf around her new place before he made himself scarce again. Plus he’d been shot at. Surely he wouldn’t get up and leave right away.
If he was staying any longer, he had to be clean. “You smell, Rumple.”
His nostrils flared. “What a rude remark.”
“I’m serious. If you’re staying another moment you need to haul your stinky arse in the tub. Don’t use the shower, it’s jammed.”
Rumple turned his head to look at her bathroom situation. “A tub and a shower? Ah—yes, this place was a house before it became a library, wasn’t it?”
She scrunched her brows. “It was a factory?”
“Family owned business. Mills and Co.”
“Mills? Like the mayor?”
The croc laughed impishly. “Same blood.”
“W—okay, enough. Get your butt in the bath, I can’t smell this—“ she motioned to him in general—“another moment.”
“But maaaaa,” the croc groaned, flopping back onto the floor in a loud thump. “I don’t wana. It’s my natural musk.”
“I doubt that. Get in before I kick you out.”
“How will you do that?” He mocked, but his eyes shifted, just for a moment, to the doorway of her bedroom with a look of trepidation.
Belle, irked from his incorporation, dropped to the floor infront of him and sat on his muzzle.
Instantly, his eyes shot upward and glared at her. Mumbling, unable to open his jaw, he lay rather weak and helpless under her.
“You may be tougher than any human, Rumple,” she said, without any room for jokes, “but right now I have more strength than you.”
“Furk uff,” he mumbled, growling.
After a moment to proof her point, and until he stopped fidgeting beneath her, she stood up and back away.
Perhaps it was a bad move on her part. While Rumple, like any crocodilian, was more or less vulnerable to his jaws being held clasped closed, he still had his teeth and claws—and without his mouth tied, he could truly hurt her.
Yet she knew he was in trouble. Of some kind or another. If he tried to hurt her with his body, the person or people who shot him could be tipped to his whereabouts. If he tried to attack her with—something, well, he was weak from his earlier ordeal.
Glaring, the croc pulled himself up off the ground. He wouldn’t meet her gaze, and turned angrily to her bathtub.
He tsked, but with a low sigh he turned around and waddled on all fours to the tub; he climbed into the great ovular tub, smearing the edges with his filth. God, he really was gross right now. “Do I get the spa treatment?” He asked woefully.
Belle pursed her lips. “If you’re nice.”
“Nice is my middle name, dearie.”
Dearie. That odd little… condescending address. She wasn’t sure if it was better than “scrumptious”—that seemed to be his personal nickname for her—but the way he said it sounded like he was cussing her.
Once he was in, she followed him and turned the nobs. Rumple let out a loud grunt of surprise when a harsh wave of cold water hit him like small ice bullets. “Fuck!”
Ignoring that, she pulled off the hose and aimed it on him.
The water would warm up, but—Belle reached out to turn the warm water on more.
Cruelty wasn’t in her nature. Yet, Rumple made her so angry sometimes; and anger and Rumple didn’t mix well. She glanced at his face, as he struggled against her merciless near-torture.
Now she felt bad.
Sighing, she aimed the water away from him to wash away the dirty water flowing down the drain. With the water warmer now, and the most of the croc’s filth gone, she plugged the tub and poured in the bubble bath soap she owned, and changed the water to the tap and not the hose.
Rumple was no longer swearing like sailor. With his claws clamping around his body, he opened his eyes to stare with all the wretchedness he seemed to muster. Her heart clenched. She had been kind of a bitch.
“Sorry,” she said, and rolled up her sleeves as she kneeled down beside the tub. “That was kind of mean.”
“Kind of?” He spat, low and suspicious. “Dearie, you near threw me into torpor.”
Ah, yes. Another douse to salt to the wound. He was cold-blooded—he needed heat. Belle blushed with shame. To make up for her bad behavior to her hurt guest, she tore off his bandage and put some more bubble bath in. Soon the tub was filling with foamy rose-scented bubbles, masking his sewer-y stench by a degree. Mutely, she took her washcloth out and squeezed some body wash on it. Lathering it up, she leaned over and began to scrub his head.
“What are you doing?” His voice hitched with curiosity.
“Washing you,” she said, scrubbing away his grime. Like magic, his once mucky scales became shiner and—almost sparkly in her bathroom’s light. It was as if tiny flecks of gold shined from his reptilian skin.
Rumple didn’t have much qualm to this. In fact, his once storming anger died down to—pleasure. He hummed and moved like butter under her menstruations. “Holly hell that feels good.”
“Mhmm,” she nodded and moved across his head, washing his face and muzzle. His teeth dripped with diamonds, it seemed, as water droplets slid down his scales and gums. That slick tongue of his curled when she got under his chin and neck.
Belle cleaned his top and cleaned his middle, marveling at the pretty shade of his scales came to light. He shined like a newborn snake. He leaned back against the tub as she got to his belly.
It was hard to tell if he was on the verge of starving to death or not. He had thick skin, which felt heavy when she cupped his slight jowl under his head, yet there was something—eerily human as well, under all his armor. When he caught her staring, the corners of his maw curled upward. “See something you like, scrumptious?”
She flushed. Why did he make her so—rallied up? “No,” she insisted, but it felt like a lie. Confused, and unsure of what she wanted from him, she went on to bathing her beast. The water would have to drain, soon. She turned the spouts off, and the room fell into a focused silence with only their breathing, the slashes of water, her scrubbing of him, and the soft whirl of her fan in her bedroom.
He turned to her, eyes heavy. “If I had known you’d be this lovely I’d’ve jumped in here long ago.”
Rolling her eyes, she replied, “Can you get to your back or head without my help?”
Rumple actually snorted. “I couldn’t get my arse clean without you, either.”
At least he was aware of his long frame and slightly-shorter-than-average limbs.
She went on to bathing him, finding a calm in the peace and quiet between them. It strained her muscles to do all this vigorous scrubbing, but the frequent cleaning of the library had hardened her muscles. This was a good work out, in a way.
Right as she was getting to the parts of him underwater, Rumple suddenly lashed out and grabbed her wrist. Startled from her trance, she looked up to him with her eyes wide.
“Careful, Miss French,” he said, voice lower.
Belle opened her mouth to question him, yet when she took note of where her hands were she realized it herself.
Unconsciously, she had moved to his… nether regions. Oh. Concerned, she glanced back at him in askance.
“I don’t mind,” he reassured her with lulled eyelids. She could see the peaking of his second pair of clear eyelids, reminding her of glass marbles.
“I—“ She didn’t want to look like a sissy, but—well, she guessed he could get to this part himself, since the croc could bend forward well enough like a dolphin—he wasn’t moving at all to take over. He smirked with that odd, toothy mouth of his.
With more tenderness than she knew he was capable of, Rumple reached out to touch her shoulder. Mute, she watched him tug the collar of her t-shirt.
There were no words but her mind raced with thoughts that she couldn’t keep up with. Practically blank, Belle let the beast haul her into the tub so she could be in front of him.
She lowered herself into the water, listening to the fuzzing of the popping bubbles. Rumple chuckled, and took her washcloth. “I won’t do a thing you don’t want,” he said. “But if you’re too squeamish to touch the beast…”
That earned him a halfhearted glare. “I’m not afraid.”
“Then prove it, scrumptious.”
And so she did.
Why this felt like something scandalous—well, she had no clue, and never before had she been this close to another male. This atmosphere was alien to her, and Belle felt her heart swell into her throat and an odd pulsing sensation warmed her feminine places. It was as if she was sick, but from what, she didn’t know. At the same time she felt excited at this… new experience.
Rumple leaned back again as she continued her blind scrubbing. Bubbles hid him from her view, but she felt the way his belly was much more supple (like his neck) than the rest of him. However, he was tense behind the skin, and muscles twitched as she neared his cloaca. She shivers from the cool of her apartment’s air and the warm of the water.
When she touched him where all this seemed to be indirectly referring to, she felt—nothing. A smooth curve from his stomach to between the gape between his legs. It felt no warmer than his core temperature, but—it felt soft, and fit into her palm easily. She felt the curve of his puckered vertical seam, and—
Belle shook her head. What the hell was she doing? Blushing madly, she moving away from his—parts—to clean the rest of him. Scrubbing like a maid with a mission, she got to his legs and tail.
“There,” she said, feeling dizzy and awkward. Did he have no modesty? She’d practically copped a feel! “Done—“
She froze.
To her—not horror, nor furry—shock, she made contact with something that hadn’t been there before, beneath the water.
Rumple, letting out a low purr of glee, watched her with his head tilted down to look at her properly. “I told you,” he cooed, “be careful.”
It was a hard shaft of sorts, and through her washcloth Belle found him as thick as an average man’s wrist, if not rounder and more slender, with a slight curve toward the croc’s body. The shaft thing twitched against her—
“Oh my god!” She exclaimed, and backed away from him with a yelp, water sloshing over the side of the tub and splashing onto the floor. “Are you—!?“
“Hard? Always. It’s just out for a wee peek because of you, Miss French.”
“I didn’t—!” Her face was on fire. Goodness, how did she get into this situation?! Turning away from him, she pulled the plug out of the tub and flung herself out.
“Oh, come now! It wasn’t like I did it on purpose!” Rumple said, but his voice was laced with laughter. “I didn’t mean anything by it!”
“You’re nasty!” She squealed, and dropped her washcloth into the sink.
He pouted. “But I’m clean now!”
“That’s not—gah!” Throwing her hands up, she left the bathroom and shut the door, hearing him warble with good merit. He was downright naughty, and she—well, she had no idea what they had, or were, doing. Belle knew it had to be wrong, since he was so not human.
Yet she couldn’t shake the fact it felt nice to touch him. Or that her heart always sped up when she saw him. That was fear, though. Today, she felt fear, more for his sake than her own. He’d been shot and hurt; Belle had to help, despite his impish nature.
But now? It was different, and she didn’t have a clue as to what this new emotion was.
She heard the water start up again, and the hose being turned on. Glad to have him busy, she dashed to her dresser to get changed. Once he was out she would be having those words with him. Even if she saw him important to her novel, lines had to be crossed with hiding fugitives from armed men out for his blood. Yet, for now all she needed was a new pair of clothes—it felt like Rumple’s hands were all over her.
And she wasn’t sure if it was entirely unpleasant.
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boriszatezic-blog · 5 years
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With another adventure of a year ahead of us, we’re excited to announce our very own selection of brand new camps and stunning lodge renovations!
South Africa: Opened December 2018
LOCATION: Sabi Sand Game Reserve, overlapping onto the Kruger National Park with an unfenced border
‘Tengile’ means ‘tranquil’ in the local Tsonga language
Secluded on an idyllic curve of the Sand River, with breathtaking views greeting the gaze throughout
Serenity, space and flow are the heroes of this inspired lodge design
The abundant game viewing area spans a vast 10 500 hectares (26 000 acres)
ACCOMMODATION: 9 secluded, thatched and air-conditioned suites, elevated above the riverbed, are shaded by the whispering riverine forest
The superbly spacious master bedrooms have an en-suite bathroom which opens out into the forest, as well as an outdoor shower
Each suite also comprises a lounge, dining area and bar with a private deck encompassing its own lap pool, with an inviting ‘sunken’ outdoor lounge and dining area
The cleverly designed family suite (children 12 years and older) has living areas which transform into children-friendly slumber spaces
GUEST AREAS: Designed to create uninterrupted inside-outside flow, the composition of open, interactive and private spaces are filled with a sensory celebration of South African design and art.
Private vehicle with a dedicated ranger and tracker
A spa inspired by soul-restoring African beauty rituals
A well-appointed gym, as well as a plunge pool (Perfectly rejuvenating diversions between game drives!)
Laundry service (complimentary)
Complimentary Wi-Fi
Mobile connectivity
Babysitting service
Twice daily game drives with your ranger and tracker team in an open 4×4 safari vehicle. (Stringent vehicle limits at game sightings ensure exclusivity.)
Sabi Sand Game Reserve is most well-known for its leopard sightings where males can be seen marking and patrolling their territory and females interacting with their cubs.
Common sightings: Lion, cheetah, hyena, zebra, hippo, giraffe, buffalo, wildebeest
Less common: White rhino, wild dog
Expertly guided interpretive bush walks and ‘Luxury Walking Adventures’
Additional-cost activities:
Tracking: Track animals on foot, accompanied by an armed specialist ranger and tracker team
Photographic safari: With expert guides who combine their special understanding of animal behaviour and intimate acquaintance of the landscape, learn about everything from shutter speed and filters to angles and lighting
Private safaris designed exclusively for you, around your specific interests, where you’d like to lunch (al fresco picnic under the shade of a tree, for example) and how long or short you want the adventure to be
Nearby: helicopter rides
State-of-the-art sustainability: Designed to exert the most minimal footprint through meticulous environmental auditing, thermal efficiency and advanced wastewater and sewer treatment systems.
Family-friendly (for children 12 years and older): From the specially designed family suite accommodation and babysitting service to the spa’s thoughtful ‘WildChild Beauties & Buddies’ lavender and jasmine bubble bath, energy-boosting foot-rub and tickle finished off with a fun African tribal face-paint!
Wellness Spa: Authentic Africa-inspired experiences – from the ‘Quiet Mind Journey‘ massage experience to the ‘Soul of the Earth Celebration‘, botanical body balms and African aromatherapy oils are worked into the body by a masterful combination of human touch, rhythmic movement and traditional African calabash and bamboo tools
Zimbabwe: Opening April 2019
LOCATION: Mana Pools National Park
Secreted away in one of the most untouched pockets of the African wild, resting on the ancient banks of the mighty Zambezi
Mana Pools National Park protects an abundantly diverse ecology with habitats including open plans, riverine forests and wetlands, including the four ‘pools’ that supposedly earned the park its name. ‘Mana’ is said to mean ‘four’ in Shona, but it actually means ‘family unit’ or ‘part of a village community’.
ACCOMMODATION: An intimate camp of 6 large luxury tented suites whose boundless views over the Zambezi and escarpment beyond invite feelings of absolute remoteness
The air-conditioned suites have their own lounge, and the en suite facilities comprise a spacious bath, as well as an indoor shower and outdoor shower
Each suite has a secluded deck/balcony with its own private plunge pool
Communal dining
Activity desk
Private vehicle
Laundry service (complimentary)
Battery-charging facility
Game drives led by African Bush Camps‘ internationally acclaimed guides
Wildlife: Elephant, kudu, sable antelope, zebra, wildebeest, gemsbok, the rare and endangered roan antelope, buffalo, lion, leopard and hyena
Guided walking safaris
Canoeing safaris: Paddling silently across the still, deep waters of the Lower Zambezi allows for a completely different wildlife experience where you’ll encounter hippos, crocodiles, elephants and an astounding abundance of birdlife.
Catch-and-release fishing
Zimbabwe: Opening April 2019
This magnificent camp is African Bush Camp‘s luxury safari answer for families – an ‘explorer’s paradise’ – created for togethernes, adventure and serene relaxation.
ACCOMMODATION: All the spacious suites have magnificent views of the Zambezi! Each suite also has an en suite facility, bath, indoor and outdoor showers, private deck and own plunge pool.
2 tented suites
2 family suites
GUEST AREAS: With both downstairs and upstairs guest areas, the lounges and dining areas are superbly appointed, airy and graced with gorgeous vistas out across the river and beyond.
Communal dining and lounges
Activity desk
Battery-charging facilities
Transfers from airstrip (included in rates)
Laundry service
Private vehicle available
EXPERIENCES: Geared for the most incredible Family Safari, activities include:
Game drives
Catch-and-release fishing
Renowned and protected as one of the African Rift Valley’s remaining ‘pioneer parks’
With a philosophy that embraces families into the wild, little explorers are made to feel especially welcome with a ‘Cub Club’ starter kit and an array of adventures designed to delight, excite and fascinate!
“A day in the life of a family on safari at Nyamatusi Mahogany is fluid, exciting, varied and full of special moments that will live on in family history forever.” ~ African Bush Camps
South Africa: Opened December 2018
To use the word ‘renovation’ about this much loved South African lodge would be an understatement! Cheetah Plains has totally transformed their traditional safari ambience into profoundly contemporary luxury whose deconstructed simplicity invites absolute immersion in the untainted bushveld experience.
The three luxury bushveld houses are named in honour of the area’s two most legendary leopards and a commanding lion coalition: ‘Mvula’, ‘Karula’ and ‘Mapogo’.
LOCATION: Hidden deep in the Sabi Sand Reserve, bordered by two of the world’s most famous parks, the Kruger National Park and magical Mala Mala.
ACCOMMODATION: Taking an innovative and divergent turn away from the traditional safari lodge, Cheetah Plains offers exclusive-use luxury bushveld houses, made up of a main house and private King-bedded guest suites.
Each house has 2 expansive lounges, a dining area, outdoor boma, wine room and perfectly heated pool
Each guest suite has its own secluded deck, dressing-room, lounge, double rain-shower and bath whose bushveld view is spectacular!
Each house provides a specialist selection of vintage South African wines, Cap Classiques, premium spirits, beers, non alcoholic beverages, tea, coffee, still and sparkling water
Two lounges: a formal lounge and a more relax-here ‘entertainment’ lounge
Dining area
Outdoor boma for fire-side feasting
Temperature-controlled wine cellar
Heated swimming pool
Day-bed and private deck area
Indigenous gardens flowing naturally out into the surrounding bushveld
Private game-viewing vehicle
Private chef and butler
Accommodates a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 8 guests
The interlinking suite at Karula is disabled-friendly
King-bedded bedroom
Mini bar and coffee station.
Private deck with day-bed
Dressing room
Double rain-shower and bath
Accommodates a maximum of 2 guests per suite
Family-friendly: Two of the suites interlink, making it ideal for families with young children
All meals are prepared at the house by your private chef
Private spa therapist
Use of the central gym facility
Twice-daily game drives in your own private game-viewing vehicle, led by a dedicated field guide and expert tracker team
Game drives also include sunrise and sunset stops, and unparalleled stargazing
‘Kavula’ is disabled-friendly
South Africa: Opened October 2018
This is a truly family-friendly luxury tented camp in the untouched sanctuary of the malaria-free Waterberg’s majestic mountains and ecologically diverse plains, alive with the Big 5, some of Africa’s most rare and endangered species, as well as abundant game and birdlife.
LOCATION: Lapalala, which shares the reserve with only one other commercial lodge, is just a 3.5 hour stone’s throw from Johannesburg, making it one of the most exclusive and accessible remote camps in South Africa.
ACCOMMODATION: 7 luxury tented suites with private plunge pools, including two 2-bedroom family suites, accommodating up to 12 adults and 4 children
Visit Lapalala’s endangered species breeding projects
Young safarians can get involved in the school program
Visit the incredible Rhino Museum
Birdwatching and fishing –  while away peaceful afternoons in the reserve’s quiet rivulets and pools
Located within the UNESCO-declared Waterberg Biosphere Reserve, the reserve is a global pioneer in the research and breeding programs of rare and endangered species, delivering their revolutionary evironmental education program to school communities throughout South Africa
Cape Town, South Africa: Opened September 2018
LOCATION: Located in the historical oceanside hamlet of Simon’s Town in Cape Town, Tintswalo at Boulders is a lavishly beautiful boutique villa enjoying some of the Cape’s most breathtaking sea and mountain vistas. It has marvelous views of  Boulders Beach, famously home to the protected colony of African penguins.
ACCOMMODATION: With 9 timelessly elegant suites named after the Cape’s iconic history-making ships, like the ‘Cutty Sark’ and ‘Mayflower’, Tintswalo at Boulders is perfect for both romantic escapes and family adventure. (Children all ages are welcome.)
Operates as a bed and breakfast, with delicious afternoon snacks included
Tintswalo at Boulders may be booked exclusively as a private villa and is, in our books, an amazing choice for family reunions, those extra-special celebrations and for larger groups of friends traveling together — with a private chef available on request.
Complimentary Wi-Fi
Beach drop-off
Laundry service
Conference centre
Meeting the penguins
Whale-watching (seasonal) and marine adventures like sailing, canoeing, as well as orca, dolphin and shark-spotting
Children’s activities  – an almost endless selection of children’s activities
Pristine swimming beaches
If you’re inspired by the villa’s historical suite names, there are fascinating battlefield sites, historical monuments and museums to explore
Fine dining and wine-tasting
Explorations further afield, like a visit to the Zeitz MOCAA, Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens and Mandela’s Robben Island
Guided walks and some of the best hiking trails in the world
Tanzania: Opened October 2018
VIDEO: Walk through this brand new contemporary tented camp, designed as a modern re-visioning of the traditional tented safari experience with soaring cathedral-esque space, light and architectural lines, understatedly luxurious interiors and awe-igniting views out across this iconic savanna.
LOCATION: A mere 45-minute drive east of Serengeti National Park‘s central Seronera Airstrip, Lemala Nanyukie’s location provides guests with unforgettable views of the wild savanna plains, rocky kopjes and shady umbrellas of ancient acacias.
ACCOMMODATION:  13 standard suites and one 2-bedroomed suite
‘Serengeti Restaurant‘: Dine inside or outside, with a delicious a la carte menu, including vegetarian and special dietary options
Activity Desk
Room service
Battery charging facilities
Communal dining
Internet Access (complimentary), mobile connectivity and Skype phones
‘Lemala Cubs’ (children’s eco-activity club)
Laundry Service (complimentary)
Private vehicle available
Game drives: Big 5 and abundant game
Guided bush walks 
Rhino tracking
Wellness spa
Maasai cultural experiences
Hot-air ballooning
Scenic flights
Family-friendly focus: ‘Lemala Cubs‘ offers little adventurers an exciting range of ways to experience the wild magic of the African bush. Unforgettably fun and educational, Lemala Cubs informs and inspires our next generation about just how critical wildlife conservation is. (And while they’re out and about identifying wildlife, learning how to throw (safely blunted) spears and shoot arrows with traditional bows just like the Maasai, learning tracking and spoor identification techniques, walking with the storytelling Maasai and discovering their unique culture and how they live in the bush — and even playing sous chef in the kitchen — parents can slowly sip sundowners in the plunge pool or embark on an adventure of their own!)
Disability services
Rwanda: Opening 5th August 2019
Named after a legendary old silverback known and loved for his gentle humility, Kwitonda Lodge was born out of Singita‘s desire to honour the hope-fueled spirit of Rwanda:
“Rwanda’s miraculous recovery in the aftermath of the 1994 genocide is testimony to the new-found solidarity, impressive work ethic, transparency, humility and warmth of its people. Within the context of this national journey towards restoration of the people and the land, Singita is honored to be opening Kwitonda Lodge on the 5th of August 2019.”
LOCATION: A highly prized 178-acre pocket of fertile land in Volcanoes National Park with views of the Sabyinyo, Gahinga and Muhabura volcanoes. Inbetween the specialist gorilla-treks, this versatile location allows guests to:
Explore the amazing Afro montane forests and primordial Lake Kivu
Visit Kigali, Rwanda’s vibrant and sophisticated capital city
Discover the area’s key wildlife species like the golden monkey, side-striped jackal, black-fronted duiker, buffalo, elephant and an astounding abundance of birdlife
ACCOMMODATION TYPES: The exceptionally spacious suites (Super King, Double or Twin) have been designed to be the ultimate post-trek restorative retreat
7 one-bedroom suites
1 two-bedroom suite
A four-bedroom family villa
En-suite bathroom comprising a bath, shower, separate toilet and a glass-enclosed outdoor shower
Dressing-room and double vanity
A relaxing, roomy lounge, warmed by a fireplace
Post-trek rest area
A private terrace with fireplace and heated plunge pool
Massage treatment zone
Private dining area
Well-stocked pantry and mini-bar
Work space
Family villa: both indoor and outdoor living and dining rooms, a lounge, fully-equipped kitchen, media room, gym and accommodation for an au pair or nanny.
All meals and beverages (excluding Connoisseur wines & French Champagne)
Communal dining
TV lounge
Internet access (complimentary)
Laundry service
Gorilla trekking
Game viewing
Guided walks and self-guided walks
Hiking and cycling
General sightseeing
Fine dining, gourmet picnics and high tea
Gorilla-trekking: Each gorilla trek is carefully designed around the different gorilla family groups, varying in distance and intensity
Uninterrupted views of the volcanic mountains and cloud-forests beyond
Earth-friendly: From its locally sourced materials, Rwandan heritage-inspired architecture and interiors — and their engagement of the local community’s specialist craftspeople to build the traditional dry-stone walling, Singita is truly ‘treading lightly on the land’
Photo credit: Mammal Watching
If you’ve got any questions or would like to find out more about these brand new 2019 lodges, call us on +1 646-568-5390 or send us an email so one of our travel advisors can connect with you as soon as they can!
The post 2019’s Brand New & Renovated Lodges & Camps appeared first on African Safari Consultants.
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