#a wild demon. she does come later with luz and later yet as a criminal from the emperor's coven
perereiii · 2 years
brain is working overtime at the moment<3
ok. so. new au dropped LMAO
note. please please please correct me if I'm wrong!! I'm always trying to learn this stuff and the more accurate I am, the better.
Mkay so. It's the story of the Wittebros in the BI. Working on 2 characters rn and the metaphors! Inside the metaphors!! Augh my English teacher would be proud right now (note that a lot of the metaphors help Philip gain ground on his idea of 'witches are evil and must be eliminated')
ok. Juniper and Lucy Fern. Aside from the obvious Lucifer reference (Lucy Fern, Lucy Fer, Lucifer), the two witches have rather interesting palisman. Juniper has a tree snake, with green, black, and gold colouration. How is this metaphorical? Well, time for a huge simplification! So. In the garden of Eden, Satan disguised himself as a serpent to trick Adam and Eve into eating the forbidden fruit on the tree of knowledge. His trick worked, and now we're stuck with morals and knowledge etc!! Having a tree snake associated with witches would have set off Philips puritan red flags immediately.
Then there's Lucy. She has a crow! What's a associated with crows? That's right, death and famine. And what's associated with death and famine? Witchcraft! Philip doesn't want his newfound town getting destroyed by witches, so naturally he wants to destroy them first.
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