#adrien as some form of teacher is my fave i think. but that's not really the point of this post
potassiumprincess · 4 months
i know adrien as a stay-at-home dad is a popular headcanon, but i kind of think he'd want to work. i think having a routine--when it's one of his own choosing--that forces him to get out of the house every day would be good for him. and yes, technically there's no reason he can't have that and be a stay-at-home parent, but i think, well... if this is a future where he's had some ups and downs mental health wise, then he's been that person who's struggled to leave the house at all. and maybe there's a bit of fear of falling back into that. the fear that he might start to feel trapped even with the house and the family he loves
it's an irrational fear, maybe. but it's one that eventually helps him find peace. because once upon a time he was that boy who was never allowed to leave the house, but now he's the man holding doors for people and joking with baristas and smiling at people walking their dogs and just. making those little connections you have with strangers. the kind you sort of think they'll never remember, but that changes you somehow
and then i think about how much he'd love coming home and sharing those stories with his family
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stellarlex · 5 years
Why Lila Apolgists Make Absolutely No Sense
You know, typically, I honestly believe its fine to like a villain’s character. They can be interesting, and so does their progression. Perfect example of this is Chloe Bourgeois. Don’t get me wrong, I hate Chloe with a passion. She’s entitled, an elitist, a spoiled brat, a vicious bully, and an even worse superhero who frankly shouldn’t have been given another chance since she squandered it by still being a bully after being trusted with the Bee Miraculous.  
However, we do see her character change a bit once we see how her mother is. Frankly, her mother’s abandonment of her is still no excuse. Especially since now that her mother is staying in Paris, Chloe and her mother delight and even bond over being as mean as possible to others. Chloe does gain some insight but has trouble learning from her mistakes.
Chloe apologists make excuses for her because of her mother, but they have no leg to stand on because while Audrey Bourgeois is mean, treating her daughter meanly didn’t turn Chloe mean. I say that because Audrey Bourgeois was absent from Chloe’s life, so she had no real influence on Chloe. Chloe just likes being mean, and so does her mother and they bond over it.
Which brings me to Lila Rossi.
Lila Rossi is a flagrant, vicious, unrepentant liar and a bully. From the very first episode that she appears in, it’s clear the only purpose of her lying is to make herself look better to get people to like her, and so that she could possess Adrien Agreste.
Some Lila apologists, (I’m not gonna @ anyone because quite frankly some people are literal infants who can’t take when someone criticizes their fave character and feel the need to insult people when they were in fact not insulted at all. News flash majority of the fandom hates her and if you don’t want her to be criticized in your posts, turn off the fucking comments.) wholly believe that Lila was just lonely and is a “teenage girl who makes dumb decisions like every other teenager.” “Just wants people to like her because she moves around so much.” “She’s being manipulated by Hawk Moth.”
First of all, Lila doesn’t want friends. She wants fans. There’s a big difference. Lila didn’t even tryto be honest when she first got there. She just immediately came in and started lying about knowing all these famous people and making promises she couldn’t possibly keep to make herself look good. News flash, there’s no fucking excuse for her to lie like that. Was it dumb for her to lie like that? Yes. But for those apologists that say that she’s just a teenager and that teenagers make dumb mistakes, the point of negative consequences is that you LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES. She had negative consequences when she got caught by Ladybug and chewed out.
And before people come on my post and whine about how Ladybug shouldn’t have chewed her out like that, lemme break that interaction down a bit:
- Lila used a superhero’s name to make herself look good, but not only did she make herself a target for Hawk Moth, she jeopardized Ladybug’s standing in Paris. What would happen if Lila’s lying made citizens view Ladybug negatively, which considering how easily Lila turned Marinette’s classmates against her, isn’t a stretch.
- Ladybug had been jealous, there’s no doubt about that and I don’t condone her jealousy. Jealousy however is NOT the only reason she followed Lila. It stopped being about Lila the moment Marinette saw Lila steal that book. I say that because Marinette was clearly afraid that Adrien would believe Lila’s lies since Lila had worked hard to make herself look like a real superhero in Adrien’s eyes in order to gain his affection. Marinette was also angry because Lila, who she doesn’t know from a can of paint was disparaging her superhero persona in order to manipulate Adrien into liking her.
Now that I’ve broken that interaction down, I can say that Ladybug had absolutely EVERY right to chew Lila out like that. Ladybug softly taking her aside wasn’t gonna help Lila. Lila would have just kept lying because it works for her. Lila needed to be exposed and embarrassed about being caught, because those are adequate consequences to being a liar. Consequences are a learning tool for when you do something wrong. Yeah she made a “dumb teenager mistake”, but when she was caught she felt embarrassed and should have learned not to lie like that anymore.
Instead, she blames Ladybug for outing her, which is absolutely stupid.
Lila has no one to blame but herself for her actions. Ladybug isn’t the one who lied, Lila did. Ladybug wasn’t the one who stole Adrien’s book, got a fake miraculous to impress him, and toss his book in the garbage. Ladybug also didn’t lie to her parents about school being closed because of akuma attacks, and lie to her classmates and teacher about traveling to these exotic places. Ladybug didn’t willingly work with Hawk Moth on Heroes Day to get multiple people akumatized by making Ladybug look like a villain. Ladybug wasn’t the one who lied about having a disability to sit next to a boy, nor did she threaten a student in a bathroom and then again willingly work with Hawk Moth. Ladybug didn’t lie her way into the Agreste mansion in order to spend time with Adrien, or give him an unwanted kiss, take a picture of it, and then send it out to everyone she could in order to make it seem like she and Adrien were together. Nor did Ladybug willing team up with an akuma and lie about being injured so that the heroes of Paris would lose the battle. Ladybug also didn’t willingly go after Chloe Bourgeois so that she could break the connection that Chloe and Adrien have.
No. Lila did all of that.
Which is why it baffles me that Lila apologists makes these excuses for Lila like she’s some little lost lamb who’s just so lonely that she can’t help but lie in order to make friends, or that she’s being manipulated and groomed by Hawk Moth to act that way.
Nobody told Lila to lie to people. She did that all on her own and she guards her lies viciously. She was a liar before Hawk Moth ever targeted her, and judging by how good she is at manipulating others, she’s been doing this long enough to be good at it. Being the new student is no excuse to lie to make friends. The moment she was caught by Ladybug she should have learned her lesson and confess to her classmates. If she were repentant about it, it’s more than likely that people would forgive her. Maybe not everyone, but that’s still a consequence she should experience for lying.
Even if she really was that lonely, she’s only going to be more lonely once she gets caught by everyone. And then she’s back to her supposedly lonely status with the added consequence that no one trusts her.
But Lila’s own willingness to do anything to guard her lies by isolating and bullying someone makes the entire argument that she’s lonely unfounded. In fact, Lila’s loneliness works to her advantage because without her mother there to dispute her lies, she can lie all she wants and manipulate people to her side to her heart’s content. If she was really just some teenage girl who was lonely, why would she make someone else feel isolated and lonely? That entire argument is BOGUS.
As for being manipulated by Hawk Moth, I will say that he is manipulating Lila, but not NEARLY to the extent that Lila apologists make it seem like she is.
Let me explain:
Hawk Moth didn’t manipulate Lila into going after Marinette. Lila did that all on her own. Hawk Moth did however make a public statement to piss Lila off in order to akumatize her on Heroes Day…..
The first time.
The second time was absolutely her own willingness to work with Hawk Moth, a terrorist, in order to take down the heroes of Paris. Once he took those powers away, he was no longer manipulating her through magic. She looked more than happy to continue working with Hawk Moth. I will admit though, after seeing Troublemaker, that it may be possible to still be in the villain mindset even when the item is broken and the person returns to their regular form without being cleansed by Miraculous Ladybug. The majority of those who didn’t do that, for example Weredad, where Tom went back to his human form and didn’t still act like a villain despite not being cleansed by Miraculous Ladybug, proves that it is more than possible for a person’s akuma powers to be taken away and they return to their normal mindset.
I fully believe the latter example is what happened to Lila.
Her continued hate of Ladybug is proof enough that she willingly helped Hawk Moth the second time he akuamtized her on Heroes Day. She didn’t regret anything she did.
Lila is more than willing to work with others to achieve her goals of bringing down Ladybug and having Adrien for herself. Gabriel however, doesn’t manipulate Lila much. He doesn’t have to. All he does is point her in the right direction with some comments like he did in Miraculer when he spoke about Chloe and Adrien’s friendship. All he said was:
“I don’t think Adrien is completely indifferent to Chloe, they’ve had a very strong friendship ever since they were young. A relationship that no one can ruin.”
Everything that Gabriel said about Chloe and Adrien’s friendship was the absolute truth. Did he know that it would rile Lila up? Absolutely. Did he make her go after Chloe? Absolutely NOT. She did that on her own out of jealousy and the need to have Adrien all to herself. Gabriel in fact hadn’t said a word to Lila before she started ranting about Adrien’s friends. She did that all on her own. He didn’t offer her anything to go after Chloe. He didn’t lie to Lila about Chloe and Adrien’s friendship. He hadn’t even been the first one to mention Chloe, Lila did that.
Like I said, Lila wasn’t manipulated much by Hawk Moth. He doesn’t need to do that. In Chameleon he certainly didn’t manipulate her into taking the akuma. She akumatized herself and was all to willing to do it. In fact, Hawk Moth sent Oni-chan after Lila to keep her away from Adrien, and it was after Oni-chan that Gabriel saw a way to concurrently benefit from Lila’s manipulative ways.
Sorry Lila apologists. You can’t claim that Hawk Moth is the reason she acts this way or that he’s consistently grooming her. Because if you look at all the facts in canon, he isn’t. He doesn’t really need to. He didn’t manipulate Lila into hating Chloe because she already hated Chloe before Gabriel ever mentioned Chloe and Adrien’s bond. All he did was tell the truth. He didn’t make Chloe out to be some big bad villain that Lila needs to save Adrien from. He just said that they were friends for a long time. And for that reason, Lila went after Chloe.
Is Gabriel a manipulative prick and terrible father? No doubt about it. But surprisingly enough, despite how he already dislikes Nino, he never made Adrien break off their friendship. In fact the only reason he mentioned Chloe’s friendship with Adrien in the first place was because he wanted to get Chloe to be his ally and to steal the Bee Miraculous. He doesn’t want to Lila to isolate Adrien from his friends. He could have done that himself.
Lila however DOES want to isolate Adrien from his friends. I can think of no other reason why she would want to separate Nino and Adrien other than to keep Adrien completely to herself and isolate him so that she is the only one he will turn to for comfort. Sociopaths and psychopaths will act charming in order to get someone, and then they will convince or bully their significant other or friend that they don’t need their friends or family until they have no one else to turn to.
She wouldn’t mention Alya because Alya has no romantic interest in Adrien and needs her in order to have internet fame on the Ladyblog. Nino however is someone that Adrien would gladly spend time with without Lila, and people like her can’t stand that. They are so jealous that they won’t even tolerate the object of their affection to have friends.
It may seem out there to Lila apologists, but here’s something that they cannot deny that is absent in canon.
Gabriel in canon never mentions his dislike of Nino to Lila.
Not. Fucking. ONCE.
EDIT: (I can’t believe I forgot to add this the first time.) What proves my theory about Lila’s dislike of Nino is in Chameleon. What I forgot about was that after Adrien told Lila to stop lying, she tried to do to Adrien what she threatened to do to Marinette, to turn his friends against him. That part is important not only because of how she tried to punish Adrien for going against her, but also because of who she tried to turn against him first. And the person she immediately went for was NINO.
That destroys any possibility that Gabriel told her his dislike of Nino for her to exploit, and that’s important because it means that she really is trying to break up Adrien and Nino’s friendship. It’s also important because if she destroyed their friendship, she would then be able to control Adrien through that friendship.
All it would take are a few words about how Nino should be friends again with Adrien and Adrien would have his best friend back. But that also means that if Adrien didn’t fall in line to what she wanted, she can destroy that friendship again. And we all know how much Adrien treasures his friendships when he’s not sticking his head in the sand.
So what reason would she have to hate Nino and insult him besides her own interests in Miraculer? Oh yeah.
It’s not far off from what she’s trying to do with Gabriel. She’s trying to control Adrien’s life through his father who everyone knows is really strict. A word from Lila would tip things in her favor, and it benefits Gabriel because her lies are a chance to akumatize someone. Just like we see in Miraculer, Lila is all too willing to badmouth anyone in her way to Gabriel in order to manipulate Gabriel into isolating Adrien from his friends.
In conclusion,
Nearly everything that Lila apologists make excuses for in regards to Lila’s behavior can EASILY be debunked by canon. She’s not truly lonely because her efficiency in lying depends on her being the only one that spreads information. And she clearly likes to lie.
Lila needed to be exposed in the way Ladybug did it because she needs consequences to learn not to lie. Instead she just blames everything on Ladybug instead of herself because she’s a narcissist, and a sociopath who refuses to take the blame for anything she’s done wrong.
Gabriel isn’t manipulating Lila into the way she is or nearly as much as apologists make it out to be. She was lying before he ever akumatized her, and he’s never made her believe that the people she hates are evil. Not even Ladybug. She already hated Ladybug, and she already hated Chloe before Gabriel ever mentioned the truth about Chloe and Adrien’s friendship.
The arguments that Lila apologists make in order to justify Lila’s behavior in the show is mostly unfounded. Now, I love Marinette, but I will absolutely openly criticize her behavior when she screws up. And she has screwed up plenty of times. But Marinette learns from her mistakes and actively tries to make up for what she’s done wrong.
Lila has absolutely done none of that. At least Chloe has tried, and as much as I hate Chloe, that makes Chloe better than Lila in my book.
Before I end this, let me give this one last piece of criticism for Lila apologists, or just people in general who do this:
Calling people names and insulting them for having a differing opinion is absolutely juvenile and people who do this should be ashamed of themselves.
For Lila apologists in particular, It’s also really funny how they talk all this shit about a person who has a differing opinion about Lila by saying “you’re hating on a teenage fictional character” when they will openly insult anyone who hates that “teenage fictional character”.
I often post on Lila and even Chloe, Kagami, and Adrien apologist’s posts because I want to have a discussion and see the reasons why they believe certain behaviors are okay. My intention is to offer a differing opinion so that people can stan less and think more. I don’t always go about it correctly and I tend to use sarcasm sometimes. That’s my fault and I will admit that. But I have never insulted anyone. My purpose isn’t to pick a fight. It’s to discuss canon and trade theories. I look at things unbiased based on the facts that I am given from canon. We’re all fans of this show, not competing houses in fucking Hogwarts. We’re allowed to have differing opinions and we’re certainly allowed express our differing opinions if the comments are open.
I once told a Lila fan that she should stay in her lane and not comment on people who hate Lila’s posts. Honestly, now that I’m writing this, I feel a bit like a hypocrite in regards to that time. There is however a difference. They were basically demanding that everyone tag their Lila hate, and I had to explain that Lila as a character was meant to be hated, and it wasn’t fair to make the majority who hate Lila tame their opinions of her in order to make the small amount of people who like her happy. I suggested that they tag in a way that is welcoming to Lila fans.
That’s totally fine to do and I still suggest people do that.
I also suggest to Lila fans, apologists, etc., that you should be prepared to accept criticism if you decide to leave the comments open on any post, and not just posts about Lila. If you can’t take that, turn off the comments or make a place where you can do that. But remember this:
You don’t get to insult people and act fucking immature just because you can’t take criticism about a “teenage fictional character”. Or any character.
The comments are open and I eagerly await a rebuttal.
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