#aeternuswords }*
decadentias · 11 months
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"OKAY, THAT'S NOTED." SEREN SMILED, appreciating his offer. She knew that she could count on him. But with what she was planning tonight, she wanted to be sober as a judge. " She was a bit nervous. She didn't want to fumble. She hoped that everything would go smoothly. "It is a promise," she quipped. The playful smack to her ass prompted a giggle. Leaving the place, they headed to the car and drove to the restaurant. Arriving shortly, they were greeted by the receptionist and guided to the rooftop. She had chosen this particular spot for a city's overview. Plus, they'd get some privacy, making this more intimate for them. "Everything's ready for us. They're just going to serve it, and all we have to do is eat." She was going to be straightforward, keeping it simple but meaningful for them.
continued from here // @aeternuswords
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kiillerqueen · 7 months
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" Who are you trying to convince? 'Cause if it is me than I am sorry you're not going to convince me other wise. " If anyone knew what it was like to be used as a pawn in self imagine it would be Finlay. His step father could be considered the poster man for men whom used their partner's children as good self image. " I do believe that you've done that plenty of times , sweetheart. " The male could never hold back being a smart ass , and it is the reason why he landed himself in trouble plenty of times in life. " I am not jealous of shit and I am definitely not jealous of that dick head you call a boyfriend. You don't need to worry about them attending the event , 'cause it isn't happening. If you believing such things help you sleep at night than just continue telling yourself that , Melody. " Continued || @aeternuswords
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thewcllingtons · 1 year
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A secret relationship. It seemed like par for the course with Silas at this stage in his life. He didn't expect that he would come to fall in love with his boss's daughter. Maybe love was a big stretch, but she seemed worth the hassle of trying to keep things hidden. He knew today would be a hard thing to get around. Her father was around, the office was busy, but Silas somehow found a way to sneak out of the office lunch to spend time with Maeva instead. ❝ I promise, no one saw me leaving...❞ Holding up the bag fo take out he got for the both of them to share. ❝ I got your favorite. I don't care if we only get ten minutes today. I'm just glad to see you. ❞ // closed starter for @aeternuswords
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elegancemultimuse · 1 year
Closed Starter: @aeternuswords​ (Anys) 
Lux was in the mood for a little bit of trouble at the moment. They had spent the last few days locked up in their apartment, and it was time to go on an adventure.  She made the short trip to Anys’ door and knocked. “Look, I don’t know about you but I need some fun.” They called out as they waited for Anys to answer.
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rainsong · 2 years
closed starter for @aeternuswords​
muse: lunara kartal 
plot: she’s his best friend’s little sister & they have to sneak around because her brother would k!ll them both if he found out
Being out at a party where her brother and his best friend was at probably wasn’t the best idea but Lu wanted to have fun tonight, and also maybe, just maybe, she really wanted to see him. To actually talk to him in public, and for him to see her in the dress she’d hope he’d like. “Hey, you,” Lu said, smiling widely up at him as she stood next to him, having to remind herself they weren’t doing anything wrong. They were just talking. “Are you having fun tonight?”
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ourblued · 2 years
@aeternuswords, plotted.
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it wasn't everyday that collette & her significant other were invited to a new year's party at her workplace. & since she had been doing so well being a tour guide, she figured that she'd show him what she does, why it makes her so happy to be part of something big : something that truly made a difference, in her eyes. dressed up fancy, fitting the theme of the party -- under the moonlight, the flier read. collette looked over at him, a smile forming on her face as her arm was tucked under his, head on his shoulder as she's humming, glancing at her coworkers conversing, drinking, having a good time with one another. " what do you think, my love? " she asks, voice softened for the both of them to hear, as if their own intimate conversation. " would you like to go somewhere else? i can give you a tour of the museum & all of its' rooms, if this is too crowded . . " she goes, feeling her cheeks rise with some warmth, admiring the other.
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heroexxs · 2 years
// @aeternuswords​
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   “do we really need to go to this dinner?” ellie said with a small pout as she started to go through some of the outfits that she had in her closet. it was almost like ever since the two of them got married they had been invited to just about everything and anything, and having everyone want them to gush about their honeymoon. that on top of the both of them having their heads in their work, all ellie wanted to do was have a quiet night in. “we could say that one of us is sick, or that i came home late? long day at work?” at this point she would try just about anything and everything to steal a moment alone with her husband. when she had finally given up on finding something, she stood in the doorway of their closet and looked at him with a small smile on her face. “can’t you say something to them? technically they are your friends and i guess my friends by association.” she teased with another chuckle. “we haven’t had a night in without any paperwork in a minute, why don’t we just order in and relax.” hopefully she was enticing him to try and cancel this dinner so that the two of them could stay in for the night, but if he really wanted to go she knew she’d slip into something quickly. “are these puppy eyes working on you? or are you immune since we’re married?”   
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marimelwrites · 2 years
There was comfort that Emery received from Logan's touch. From his insistence that he wanted the two of them to work as well. It made her feel foolish to think that disappearing on him would have been the best thing to do. Her heart was already too far gone to leave Logan and not feel the pain and emptiness that would go along with his absence. This, being here with him and choosing to stay with him, it was so much better. She didn't think she would be relieved to make that decision with anyone, but she felt it in that moment with him.
At his assurance that he would love for her to call work and inform them that she wouldn't be able to take the extra flight after all, she smiled up at him and nodded. "Let me make that call really quick then." Placing a brief kiss on Logan's lips, she pulled away to make the call that would allow her to stay home. Once that was done, she tossed her phone to the side and returned to him. "I'm all yours now." She wrapped her arms around him and sought the warmth and comfort of his body.
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What even possessed him to say all that? For all he knew, she probably just thought he was an awkward puppy and that what happened at the cabin was just because of the mistletoe. Mateo wasn’t used to talk about his feelings like that, well romantic feelings anyway, so the seconds that passed until Sage spoke again felt like the longest of his life. Then her lips were on his. Okay, maybe there was nothing to worry about after all. He pulled back and smiled. This kiss was even better than the first one. It carried hope and tenderness and if he thought it wasn’t possible to be more in love with her, he’d clearly been mistaken. Mateo still couldn’t believe he’d finally told her after all these years but now he was glad he did. “Yeah”, he finally admitted “so I was very disappointed when my family got there”.
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lostxones · 10 months
They hadn't exactly defined what they were but since they'd confessed having feelings for each other, Lucie had stopped leaving parties with random guys. Either she found her way back to one of their places with Troy or she went home alone. She'd never been happier, as silly as it seemed. Originally, Lucie had thought she might get bored once the novelty had worn off but she found herself smiling uncontrollably when he was around or when his name was brought up.
Falling in love with your best friend was the greatest feeling in the world.
Until it wasn't.
The game of beer pong was almost over which meant Lucie and Troy were up next. Turning, she realized her hadn't come back from getting a drink and so she moved off towards the crowd in order to find him before their turn was given away. It took a few minutes, but she spotted him eventually with his back towards her. She'd recognize that unruly head of hair anywhere. Whatever happiness she felt faded almost instantly as she approached to find some bubbly blonde flirting heavily with him. It was a painful reminder that he wasn't hers. No matter how she felt about him, they weren't exclusive but, damn, did it hurt to see him entertaining this girl standing in front of him. Lucie cleared her throat as she approached, doing her best to appear casual. "You still in for beer pong or am I finding a new partner?" Her gaze darted towards the giggling blonde before looking back up at Troy.
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the-life-we-fear · 7 months
Sena had already had gone through multiple stages of hair, makeup, and clothing, been tugged this way and that before she was told to go on in the room to meet the photographer. Rhys was his name, and it was her first ever gig where she was dressed this nicely. She took a deep breath before stepping into the room, her lips pinched into a gentle smile. 'Good Morning.' She said sweetly as she crossed the room. 'I'm Sena...your new model.'
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decadentias · 11 months
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VERITY WAS WORTH FIGHTING FOR. Abraham would do anything to be with her. Even if that meant fighting against himself and his fears. It hadn't been an easy journey, but he had learned to do his best. His efforts, no matter how small or big, mattered a lot. He had to take it easy and forgive himself in order to have his best foot forward. Falling in love with her had brought out the best in him. Their glasses clinked together as they shared a toast. Their meals arrived afterwards. They went through the courses, their favorite dishes served. Once they reached dessert, he signaled for everyone to get into position. The moment he was waiting for was finally here. A small ensemble gathered around them as they started playing a soft melodic instrumental of Perfect.
On cue, he stood up and pulled out the velvet box from his pocket. He walked towards her and got down on his knees, opening the velvet box to reveal the cushion cut diamond ring. "I'm not good with words, and I don't want to make any promises. But I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I'll do my best to be there for you and our daughter–—to give you and our daughter everything you both deserve." Words were uttered with tenderness while he looked into her eyes lovingly. "Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"
continued from here // @aeternuswords
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kiillerqueen · 8 months
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" I have an actual baby to take care of , I don't need a grown adult baby to deal with because she can't accept the fact that her ex has moved on and found happiness in his life. " Maddie had about enough of the scheming that Octavia and the man she wouldn't even consider an ex have been up. " What more proof do you need other than the ring on my finger or the fact we have a baby together for you to accept he isn't coming back to you , Octavia. " || @aeternuswords ||
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softpeeps · 2 years
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elegancemultimuse · 2 years
@aeternuswords asked:
‘ just a warning, i hog the covers. ’ (Melody to whoever)
"Duly noted." Seth told her as it seemed like a fair warning. If it was going to be cold tonight at least he was prepared to know that he was going to be completely freezing. "Is there anything else that I need to be worried about?"
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imperfectox · 3 years
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Elle was scared. She shouldn’t be here. She shouldn’t be at the door step of her ex-boyfriend and father of her child’s home. Though there she was with Rosie in one hand and a couple of documents on the other. Her daughter had been insistent on meeting who her biological father was. She honestly felt as if she wasn’t enough for her own daughter hence why she’d been relentlessly asking about him. “Now or never.” She muttered under her breath and finally knocked on his door and her daughter holding her tightly. She was just as nervous as she was. Like mother like daughter. Once the door swung open, she tried to put on a sweet smile and a cheery attitude. “Uh- hi.” ( @aeternuswords​ )
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