#aftg had trigger warnings but nothing could have prepared me for that extra content about andrew's rehab
zzukohere · 5 months
ok so the thing about andrew is that his story is just SO fucking SAD it's legit the worst thing i've ever read in terms of "how much can a person take before they break" and andrew DID break he became apathetic to survive but its not enough bc horrible people are still horrible to him and they do horrible things that make him break over and over again and it makes me ACHE with him because how can someone go through that and survive??? how can he be repeatedly abused by so. many. people. and still get back up. i don't understand. he is so strong but also he should not have to be. i know he's just a fictional character and maybe its just bc of my own issues but his story hits too close to home. it feels too real. and that's what making me sick to my stomach. it's that this kinda cruel horrible shit has definitely happened to ppl irl and my brain can't begin to comprehend that. andrew doesn't deserve this, i don't know how he can heal from this, but i know he can. and now i need to read an entire book about him going to therapy. i need to see him heal so i can heal from reading this story
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