#again I'm at Electoral Ground Zero I'm gonna be venting on this blog about shit
tervacious · 5 years
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Lol, but also Liz is out her damn mind.
Senator Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) said earlier this week that she would only nominate a Secretary of Education who was pre-screened by a “young transgender person” in order to ensure that her pick would be “committed to creating a welcoming environment, a safe environment, and a full educational curriculum for everyone.”
...The Massachusetts Democrat went on to explain that any candidate for the position first had to be a former public-school teacher, and then had to go through an interview conducted by a young transgender person Warren had met on the campaign trail who was worried about the lack of a “welcoming community” in public schools.
Maybe I’m too Old for these things but I remember distinctly that you had to go to school regardless of your little feelings, and I’m pretty sure that’s still the case.  I don’t recollect being consulted At All as to whether I thought school, public or private, was a “welcoming community” for young girls or young women, and I have a feeling plenty of boys and young men were also probably not consulted.  But by all means, let’s make sure a fraction of a percent of young people are catered to, especially if it means we can pretend to be really virtuous and also hopefully throw other, especially female, students under the bus some more.
“I said, I’m going to have a Secretary of Education that this young trans person interviews, on my behalf, and only if this person believes that our Secretary of Education nominee is truly as committed to creating a welcoming environment, a safe environment, and a full educational curriculum for everyone, will that person be actually advanced to be Secretary of Education,” Warren explained.
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Can you imagine if Warren said “Look, sexism in schools is a genuine problem that leads to sexual assaults on young women and girls, so no one can become Secretary of Education unless a random thirteen year-old girl from Hiawatha, Iowa, approves of them after a one on one interview.”  Now granted, that would probably improve things if we did that across the board, having random thirteen year-old girls from across the nation approving various appointments to public office, but would anyone be cool with that?  Hell to the NAH.
Warren has released several plans highlighting her agenda to promote transgender talking points. A recent plan detailing how to restore “Integrity and Competence to Government after Trump” included a commitment to have at least half of Warren’s Cabinet be filled by “women and non-binary people.” 
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Every time Liz seriously uses terms like “non-binary” I’m just
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Bitch put “she/her” in her Twitter bio and not a soul on her campaign felt the need to remark “That’s definitely trying too hard, okay?  You’re seventy years old.  Chill out.  Trans identity politics are way out of your wheelhouse, the country would be better served if you focus on bankruptcy law reform or some shit.  Damn.”
In October, Warren released her criminal justice reform platform, which included an end to the “Trump Administration’s dangerous policy” of jailing prisoners based on their biological sex, and also proposed providing “transition-related surgeries,” to already-incarcerated inmates.
Now of course this bit is nothing whatsoever to laugh at, except in the sense that as short a time ago as 2012 she adamantly opposed the idea of inmate sex change operations, so I guess she just suddenly “evolved” on that issue, same as she evolved to lying about her colleague being sexist on a national stage, about her dad in her commercials, about her heritage over the last fifty years, etc etc. I mean she’s not an honest person is what I’m saying here.
Someone on this website will think everything I’ve cited here is Amazing and Woke and that I’m not making the argument I think I’m making, but anyone who believes that probably also thinks demisexuality is an actual identity and not just basic common sense, so I’ll take the risk.
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