#again on why it's humanist minuscule: just look at the letter 'a' that's a modern 'a'
mercisnm · 2 years
Today I am thinking about the scene with Tissaia in her nightgown gazing longingly at Yen's wanted poster (and many thanks and curses to T. for introducing the term "w*nk bank" to me) and how twn just, used the modern Latin alphabet (in contrast to the games inventing a whole new script to write the common tongue).
And it's with a humanist typeface nonetheless (*).
But what took me the fuck out was, of course, the unnecessary umlaut, because how to make it look European? Throw an umlaut in that'd do the job.
(*): on why the use of a humanistic typeface is the funniest ever because
1. the popularization of printing in the Western part of the world is closely tied to Christianity, so since the witcher universe is so diverse in term of religion, which tome is the equivalence of the Gutenberg bible?
2. I know for sure that the witcher universe is made up so its progress is different to ours but let's just say for the sake of my nerding out, it has the printing revolution, which was in the 15th century, then is the world of the witcher around/past its own renaissance as well?
3. yes yes let's assume that printing was popularized in the witcher world reasons 404 not found for the sake of argument, what's still funny about it, is the humanist typeface. The typeface that was popular for printing in Europe up until the 17th century was Blackletter (Gothic/Textura), and the humanist typeface was popular as a handwritten script i.e. why the hell would you use it for printing duh
4. the humanist typeface, as suggested by the name, was invented by Italian Renaissance humanists, which focused on the study of classical antiquity. It was the obsession with classical antiquity that led them to invent this script (based on the Carolingian minuscule, which they considered to be ancient Roman). Not to make a they don't even have France joke here but the history of calligraphy and printing and all that mess is closely tied to some very our-own-earth-specific parts of history that would take a hell lot of explaining to transfer to a high-fantasy setting so please just, idk, invent your own script again, that would save a nerd from this much rambling.
The random use of umlaut still took me the fuck out though.
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