#again the pictures don't show how shiny they are :0
nikoisme · 4 months
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melon-milku · 1 year
Yooo, that picture with Donnie and Leo hugging is awesome and heartwarming :0 But I've a question. How did you do that sparkly scale texture on their skin? It looks so pretty!
Aww thank you!! :D
A lot of the time, its a mixture of trying different brushes for textures, flipping through layer filters and colours. I'll try and show my process, but apologies if its not so clear! (Also just so u know, I use CSP! :])
I try to find a speckle-like brush! This one is called "Wall Tzu SP hard" which is from a brush pack i bought from PharanBrush, but you can use any sort of speckle brush, i just like this one especially (good for freckles, too!)
I used a really bright blue and dappled in the areas that I wanted the sparkles to show.
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Set the layer to glow dodge (sometimes colour dodge is good too!) and lower the opacity (I put it to 48% but again, you can play about with this at any stage)
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Next, I pretty much do the same in a new layer below the last, but used the darker colour of the base skin and faintly go in similar spots as before. I set that layer to multiply and lower the opacity to anything between 20% and 40%.
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I just think it kinda defines the shinies a bit more!
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In a similar colour to the blue I used for the sparkles, I lightly use airbrush on a new layer. Kinda helps with the form and make him more shiny. (I keep this on 100% opacity because I am very light-handed with it, but you can lower it if need be)
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And lastly, if you want more texture and you have a dot grid tone brush, make a new layer and colour pick random parts of the shiny areas. I don't really know how to explain this, I just do whatever til it looks good PFF! (Might be a less is more scenario)
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annnd yeah! :D This is just how I did these specific textures, its lots of layering and tbh you can add even more with different opacity. You also don't need to use the exact same colours as me, I usually try different hues to figure out what looks best, literally go ham!
HOPE THAT MAYBE HELPED? I do not know how to do these little tutorial ask things BWHAHAHA but if theres anything else you want to know, feel free and I'll try my best to answer!
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