#alexander harris ( main verse threads. )
Verses for Alex
Modern (Main) Verse: Alexander Hamilton is an overstressed college student between the ages of 18-24, or he works in a successful office building as George Washington’s assistant, between the ages of 24-29. {Age varies on the thread and setting}. Alex immigrated to America at the age of sixteen, obtaining his legal citizenship at the age of seventeen, thanks to his determination to stay in the country. He is obsessed with coffee and energy drinks and working himself to the bone, but he does, somehow, find time to have fun with friends and loved ones.
Historical Verse: Basically, Hamilton during the Revolutionary War, and events after the war. Age varies on the thread.
Genderswap Verse: Alexandra Hamilton is an eager immigrant from the Caribbean who only wants to do the right thing. Basically, she’s exactly like her male counterpart, but she’s far more vocal, almost annoyingly so, during protests that matter the most to her, and she tries to be considerate of others. She doesn’t start a feud unless she feels its warranted and is a bit more forgiving towards those she feels shows true remorse. Ages vary depending on the thread, but I can play her between the ages of 18-28
Reincarnated Verse: Alexander Harris is the reincarnation of Hamilton. Like in his past life, he’s from the Caribbean, except the major difference is that his mother is very much alive and well, and is even married to his father. They came to America when he was young, living in California. As such, Alex has no real recollection of who he used to be and is an incredibly positive and generous soul who wishes no quarrel with anyone, and due to his sensitive nature, he tends to cry when he’s overwhelmed or angry enough. But don’t assume he’s a weakling, he can still fight to defend someone he cares about.
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