#alisa bosconovitch wig
thelesiadolls · 2 years
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Alisa Bosconovitch doll version in 60cm height clothes made by my friend Sherwin & faceup artist by BagisDoll workshop then wig & accessories made by yours truly.
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tekkenbunny · 5 years
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A little wig and makeup test for Alisa Bosconovitch !
Hahahah I guess this also counts as a lil face reveal but it's not like I tried to hide it or anything
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fuckyeahoutsidexbox · 7 years
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Show of the Week - Tekken Tag Tournament 2
First Show of the Week giffed and transcribed! Transcript is under the cut, please tell me if there are any mistake so I can edit them!
[sounds from the game Tekken Tag Tournament 2]
Hello everyone and welcome to show of the week. Mike, what have you been up to this week of which this is the show of.
I’ve been on the Borderlands 2 skill tree calculators on borderlands2.com working out how I’m gonna level up my character.
You’ve seemed to have put all your points into something called gun lust.
…Yeah it was filled out like that when I got here.
What’s in this folder?
Umm… give me my laptop back.
With… pleasure. So, this week we’re all about Tekken Tag Tournament 2 which is out today if you’re watching on Friday.
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 or TTT2 as it’s known in some places is the… [interrupted]
 (Overhead Voice)
Get ready for the next battle!
What was that?
Uh it said get ready for the next battle… Um but obviously, I’m already ready for the next battle.
I’m not ready for the next battle. These aren’t my battle shoes.
I’ll tell you what, I’ll stall for time. Uh, you have exactly as long as it takes me to read out the entire character roster of Tekken Tag Tournament 2 in alphabetical order. Go.
Got it.
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 is the eight game in the venerable Tekken fighting games series and its accumulated a lot of great characters as its gone along. As a result, the character roster for Tekken Tag Tournament 2 is as long and bonkers as an extended remix of the Dizzee Rascal song ��Bonkers”. So here they are in alphabetical order: Alex, Alisa Bosconovitch, Anna Williams, Armor King II… [fades out]
 [sounds from the game Tekken Tag Tournament 2]
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 has a lot more going for it then a roster of 50 plus fighters. In it you select two characters then knock seven bells out of your opponent’s tag team with whatever flashy combo strings, throws, juggles and tag combos as you can muster. Maybe you’d gathered as much from the name. If you have eyes for only one fighter, by the way, you don’t have to tag in a second. You can pick just your favourite and then go up against your adversary’s team with the health of two fighters.
 [sounds from the game Tekken Tag Tournament 2]
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 plays a lot like Tekken 6. It holds onto that game’s bound mechanic, for instance, with which you can smack a fool into the floor and bounce him as part of your juggle. But there’s plenty that’s new as well including fight lab, a tutorial suite with a generous helping of fun. It stars Combot, a cyborg with a bucket for a head and features mini-game style matches in which you dodge sushi and pizza pelted at you by a tubby man in a yellow jumpsuit, for instance.
 [Snoop Dogg rapping in background]
Also, in Tekken’s time honoured tradition of being barmy, rapper Snoop Dogg appears as a pre-order special only guest in his own gaudy stage, sat on a throne, overseeing the battle like an emperor at the Roman Coliseum. Think about that, that’s mad, isn’t it? It’s as mad as if Snoop Dogg decided he was gonna stop being a dog and start being a lion. And also make reggae music.
 (Snoop Dogg)
It’s not that I wanna become Snoop Dogg on a reggae track. I wanna bury Snoop Dogg and become Snoop Lion.
Oh… right. And it’s exactly for madness like this that Tekken Tag Tournament 2 is our game of the week.
 (Mike continuing the list)
Lars Alexandersson, Lee Chaolan, Lei Wulong, Leo Kliesen, Lili de Rochefort… [interrupted]
Right, back, ready.
Oh, brilliant, made it.
 (Overhead Voice)
Get ready for the next… [interrupted]
Yeah, we get it buddy.
Wait, so we have to battle each other.
Yeah, apparently so. And in the style of Tekken Tag Tournament 2 as well.
Why? What’s in it for us?
Apparently, it’s for the entertainment of Namco Bandai Limited.
Oh, okay. That’s fair enough.
 [Mike yells]
 [fighting noises from Tekken Tag Tournament 2]
Hey, um, you’re making a racket in there. What’s going on?
Uh… we’re fighting each other in Tekken Tag Tournament 2 style. Mike just knocked me through here into the next stage of our multi-tiered battle arena.
Okay, right. And why?
Uh, a disembodied voice told us to.
Andy, if a disembodied voice told you to jump off a bridge, would you do it?
 (Overhead Voice)
Jump off that bridge!
Are you sure? It’s really high up.
 (Overhead Voice)
I don’t have all day!
So, what have you been up to this week?
Oo, I found a DDR machine on the Boardwalk map in Modern Warfare 3.
Ah cool. Is it playable?
 [multiple gun shots]
I can get thrown out of the arcade for that.
 [Jane makes agreeing noises]
Anyway, I’m done here. Do you wanna tag me in?
Yeah, sure.
 [hand slapping noise]
 (Overhead Voice)
Round 2, fight!
So, while I’ve got you guys here, I want to talk to you about Tekken characters. Now as Mike already covered, Tekken Tag Tournament 2 has approximately 16 thousand playable characters but that’s not even the end of it.
 [fighting noises from Tekken Tag Tournament 2]
We need to get this place soundproofed. Yes, according to our sister site BG 24/7, industrious people on the internet, intent on squeezing secrets out of Tekken Tag Tournament 2 to create delicious Tekken secret juice, have discovered 6 additional characters on the disc. First up is Thin Bob. As you may be aware, Bob is a pretty hefty guy, but his Tekken 6 ending shows him losing a load of weight for no reason. Now you can play as Bob’s slimmed down alter ego. Well, hello.
 [frustrated noises from the character “Thin Bob”]
Now according to my Tekken research this is Sebastian, Lili’s frail and elderly butler who will presumably polish his opponents to death in an exciting first for fighting games. The next character found on the disc is Miharu Hirano, a character who was originally a palette swap or alternate colour version of Ling Xiaoyu in Tekken 4. She’s a high school girl so her character portrait is her in a tiny bikini, obviously… Here we have series’ staple Violet also known as Lee Chaolan in the world’s most unconvincing disguise of a wig and some sunglasses. Here’s a quick test. Here’s a picture of Jane. Now see if you identify this person on screen right now. Well done, you’re smarter than everyone in the Tekken universe. Next up in this roster of terrifying and physically imposing characters is a 96-year-old scientist, Dr Bosconovitch. He created Roger and Alex as well as the prototype Jack unit so maybe he knows something about fighting though, right, maybe, ah whatever. Finally, we have a nude woman covered in purple goo. Usually you have to pay a lot of money to see that. She’s called Unknown and you might remember her from the original Tekken Tag Tournament. Oh, she also has a terrifying wolf spirit growing out of her back for details. So these characters are apparently already on the disc but unlike Capcom’s model of charging for this content, which understandably gets gamers pretty annoyed, these characters will most likely be free if series’ director Katsuhiro Harada is to believed as he’s come out publicly against such practices in the past. And no one wants to argue with that guy, believe me.
Well it seems we’re pretty evenly matched.
Yeah, I know right. I am exhausted.
Just as well as it’s time for the comments. This is the bit where we share your comments across the site, YouTube, Facebook, twitter, this rock with a note wrapped round it that someone threw through the window. The answer being yes we do like our legs not broken thank you very much.
Right and remember we read all the things you write in all of those places so please do keep it coming. Over on twitter Neil Allchin tweets at us about Joe Danger 2: The Movie which is out on XPLA today and he writes “The 1st game was so much fun, such a happy game, my 5-year-old adores it!”.
And somehow his scores are better than mine. Anyway, Sam Williamson comments on the site itself “I’m concerned this game might be a bit busy visually. The original is pretty much the best modern Sonic game, which is somewhat ironic as it looks like The Movie could be following in that series’ missteps of erring towards spectacle over readability.”.
It’s not a problem we’ve had while playing but there is a free demo if you want to try before you buy.
How? He’s like, he’s 5 years old.
Let it go. Finally, terrifyingly titled YouTube commenter the brutality gaming explains why Counter Strike GO is easier on the console than on PC. He says “The reason why it’s easier on consoles is that less console players have played counterstrike (on any platform) so won’t be familiar with the way the game plays and the maps layouts.”.
Hmm, if you’re playing CS:GO at the moment, let us know in the comments in a totally unscientific survey. Have you already played Counterstrike on PC or is this your first time striking counters?
I struck the counter once. I was dissatisfied with the service in a Nando’s.
Alright, I’m tagging out now. You can tell it to my partner.
Okay well that’s it for Show of the Week. We’re off to further hone our TTT2 skills, thanks for joining us and we’ll see you… [fades off] I thought you were sending on your partner.
I’m a palette swap.
Argh that is so lazy. Go. Yeah, you better run.
 [Mike sits back down]
That’s just you in a green wig now.
No! I’m an entirely original character! I’m Verdant, mysterious child of nature… ah
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