#all jokes aside I do hope the budget doesn't affect costuming going forward :< S1 is really breathtaking on a rewatch
brotherdusk · 5 months
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noticed earlier that greeve's shadowmaster uniform in 2.01 is way more basic than obrecht's was in the first season, with much less complexity in its texture, fabric, and cut - though greeve's does have some elegant-looking folds just beneath the collar (that are only really noticeable when he's shot lol. they catch the light very nicely for a moment)
obvious doylist explanation is that a production as notoriously cash-strapped as foundation is not going to commission a detailed costume for a character who gets less than a minute of screen time. but I do enjoy the watsonian logic of XVII demanding that all servant uniforms be made 75% less cunty and the cleons' outfits 200% more so. anything to prop up imperial pride
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