#all the aquatos are there but again I'll tag the most prominent LOL
anonymouspuzzler · 2 years
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HERE'S THE BIG ONE FOLKS !!! a full memory vault for the Uncle Cally AU!! a lot of this has been kind of retconned by Psychonauts 2, since it was drawn well before that was out, but it was still a really fun and interesting challenge that I'm frankly quite proud of!!!!
...hey, wait, you usually get two memory vaults in a level, right...?
(alt text/image IDs under the cut!)
[Image 1 ID: A title slide resembling that of the memory vaults from Psychonauts, reading "The Amazing Caligosto Aquato!"]
[Image 2 ID: A memory-vault styled greyscale image. A young Augustus, holding a broom, is peeking out from behind the drapes of a circus tent to discover young Caligosto, sitting on top of some luggage and clutching his knees, looking miserable.]
[Image 3 ID: Caligosto sitting on a log, being offered a hot bowl of soup by a mostly shadowed, smiling beared figure. Augustus, sitting on another log across from him, is already eating from his own bowl and smiling warmly. One of the Aquatos' caravans can be seen in the background.]
[Image 4 ID: Augustus and Caligosto, both in Aquato circus outfits, practicing their levitation. Augustus is running on the levitation orb like a circus ball, while Caligosto is more bouncing with his legs in the air. Both are grinning.]
[Image 5 ID: An older Augustus and Caligosto, putting a poster up on the back of a wagon. The poster features several Aquato family members, including both Augustus and Caligosto. Augustus, with a hammer in one hand and the other on his hip, looks proudly at the poster, while Caligosto, next to him, clasps both hands in front of his face and grins.]
[Image 6 ID: Augustus and Caligosto back at the wagon, having torn down the poster so all that remains visible is the "Aquatos" banner. Augustus, holding the torn and rolled-up poster in one hand, is visibly sobbing and covering his face with the other. Caligosto stands next to him with a hand on his shoulder, looking down miserably. The background is noticeably darker and greyer.]
[Image 7 ID: Augustus and Caligosto posing, a ribbony banner around them reading "THE BROTHERS AQUATO!" Cal is in a deep lunge, gesturing broadly with both arms, holding onto Augustus' arm with his right hand; Augustus is balancing on top of Cal's right leg, left leg bent at the knee, one hand grabbing Cal's right arm and the other up in the air.]
[Image 8 ID: Caligosto, Augustus and Donatella up on the flying trapeze, with a ribbony banner around them reading "PRESENTING THE BROTHERS AQUATO! featuring DARING DONATELLA". Donatella is swinging freely, held only by one of Augustus's hands, who is in turn being held by the legs by Cal. Donatella and Augustus beam lovingly at each other, while Cal visibly rolls his eyes under the goggles and sticks out his tongue, hanging from the trapeze by his knees.]
[Image 9 ID: The whole modern Aquato family, with a ribbony banner above them reading simply "THE AQUATOS!" They are in a carefully balanced stack, Cal on the bottom in a full split, using levitation to lift a delighted Raz over his right hand. Augustus, balancing on Cal's left leg and holding Queepie on his shoulders, looks over at the psychic display with suspicion. Meanwhile, Donatella balances on Cal's shoulders, Frazie in turn balanced on hers; Dion balances on Augustus' leg, held up in part by Frazie's hand on his arm, while Mirtala balances proudly on one of his feet.]
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