#all the songs are linked so they'll take you to the youtube audio when clicked :D
I was tagged by @piratebay :D!! Thank you, Valente!!
Shuffle your on repeat playlist and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people!
Leather Rebel - Judas Priest
Better Than You / Slither - Metallica
The (Shipped) Gold Standard - FoB
Countdown's Begun - Ozzy Osbourne 🖤
Bad Motherfunker - The Electric Boys
Good Enough - Van Halen
Welcome Home (Sanitarium) - Metallica
I Got a Line On You - Blackfoot
Hellfire - Barns Courtney
Mama - MCR
I tag: @azazelsexile, @clichenuance, @thedeductionmistress, @funnygirlthatgab, @a-scorpii, @layered-like-an-onion, @captawesomesauce, @worfsrozhenko, @flannelsandfolklore, @kys-kaleidoscope, @someallpowerfulforce and anyone else who wants to! Ofc no pressure!!
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