#all those moments in the future feel like just a dream or wish or wtvr but the day eventually comes n. an outcome happens.
disneychannie · 5 years
Love story pt.2 | l.jeno
Pairings: lee jeno x reader
Genre: angst, fluff
Word count: 2.7k+ words
A/n: since many of you guys wanted a part 2 so here it is!! sorry if it’s overdue or wtvr tried to make this perfect hahaHAHA anyways i hope you all like it  (✯◡✯)
Warnings: Cursing
P.s.: @ncitybitch this one is for your sweetie :))
(This was not proof read)
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After 4 rowdy years of college, you’re finally graduating. You’ve sure had ups and downs throughout the years of it but, it’s all finally coming to an end. 
It was time for a new start.
It was the day before graduation and you, Renjun and Donghyuck slept over at your dorm as you guys enjoyed your last day as a college student with each other. It was more of you trying to hold Renjun back from killing Donghyuck because of jokes he made about how Renjun was going to be an old hug and reminiscing the god and even the bad times you had gone through with each other for the last years of college.
Everyone was going to go different paths but that didn’t mean you were gonna stop seeing each other. That night, you promised each other that even when the three of you already had jobs and pursued dream careers, you were still gonna hang out like old times.
I guess that’s the scariest thing ever, separating from them. It was one of the most things you dreaded throughout the senior year and you couldn’t believe that tomorrow was finally the day you would finally start living like an actual adult. You remembered how everyone went to Mark’s graduation, a close friend of yours and how sad you were. You were just glad that Mark still contacted all of you and even hunged out once in a while but, you’re just scared of what the future has in store for you.
Going back to the night, it was roughly 2:00 a.m. and Renjun and Donghyuck were already passed out in the living room while you were still wide awake, deep in thoughts. You were thinking about the future. You already planned your next moves after graduation so you weren’t worried about it that much. You were more thinking about the future generally. Thinking about what God had planned for you as you take your next steps. Would you get married eventually? And have kids on your own? You didn’t know what made you think about those things but it just came through your mind.
You knew you should get some sleep since you had to be up and ready the next day but you couldn’t find yourself to lay down and sleep. After a while, you contemplated on deciding to get a quick cup of coffee at the 24-hour cafe near your campus. Maybe that would help you sleep. Grabbing your coat, phone, and purse, you headed out the door and to the cafe. 
It wasn’t that long of a walk but you just took your time on walking there. The late-night cold air was getting to you and it felt,, comforting. Upon entering the cafe, you were greeted by the few workers there. You ordered your cafe and sat down at a booth near the window. The soft tunes coming from the cafe keeping you company as you waited for your beverage. Finally, your drink arrived. Thanking the waiter, you then went back to sitting in silence with your steaming mug of coffee in front of you.
The song playing was somewhat familiar to you. You soon realize that it was a song that was considered as your’s and your ex-boyfriend Jeno’s song. The thought of it suddenly ruined your whole mood. The memories of you and Jeno slow-dancing to that song at his dorm at 3 in the morning was long hidden in the back of your brain but it now seems so fresh as if it happened yesterday.
The truth is, you missed Jeno. Even after everything that happened, you still loved him even when he clearly implied that he doesn’t feel the same way anymore. Your eyes suddenly started to sting as you recalled back to 2 years ago. You haven’t thought about it in a long time thanks to Donghyuck and Renjun. Can’t believe just one song could bring back so many bitter-sweet memories, it was insane.
Jeno and Yeri were basically the so-called hot couple and you couldn’t deny that. I mean, Jeno is hot, yeri is hot, why wouldn’t they look good together? But it was shocking when rumors spread about their break up. You genuinely thought that they would last longer but, you guessed wrong.
You wanted to talk to make mends with Jeno so badly but you realized that it was probably too late and even if it wasn’t, you were too much of a coward to do so. Afraid that it will make things more awkward and weird. You wished it was easier that said.
Checking the time on your phone and realized it was nearing 3:30 in the morning. You quickly finished your coffee and head back to your dorm to at least try to get some rest since you were now finally feeling a little bit tired.
Tomorrow is going to be a big day.
Today was the day. The day you say goodbye to your inestimable college life and stepping a step closer to adulthood.
The dress you were wearing for graduation was elegant but appropriate for the event. Renjun and Donghyuck were dressed in their best outfit and you couldn’t help but get emotional by it. It was like a mother seeing her child take their first step. 
Soon enough, you arrived at your college. Probably the last time you’ll ever step foot here. The event was outside at the football field and to everyone’s luck, the weather was beautiful and perfect for the emotional yet long-waited day. 
You were now already dressed in your robe and everyone was already lined up near the platform in alphabetical order. You were patiently waiting for your turn and clapped for everyone when their names were called. Finally, your name was called up.
“Y/n, y/l/n,” 
With that, you stepped on the stage. Wow, this was really it. Your hands were shaking and probably cold as you accepted the scroll. You could hear the roars of your friends cheering for you and you couldn't help but smile. You were glad you made good memories here despite the bitter-sweet moments. Some people made your college experience actually tolerable and less shitty.
As soon as you stepped down the platform, you quickly made your way to your parents and gave them the biggest hug as they congratulate you. You were thankful for them too. Without their perpetual nagging and support, you wouldn’t be able to pursue your dream. After, you went to Renjun and gave him the biggest hug ever. After everything that has happened, you were glad that you got through it with Renjun. He was your rock. 
“Thank you, Renjun, for everything,” You couldn’t help but let a tear slip, the tear rolling down your cheeks.
The boy only laughed and pulled you tighter. “I’m your best friend, I’ll forever be there for you when you need me,” He said, his own words getting to him as he choked up a sob.
“Me too!” Another voice said, which was to be Donghyuck’s as he joined in the hug. “I’m going to be sticking around for a long time, it’s not going to be easy for all of you to get rid of me,” He continued, The three of you laughed as you were still in the group hug, these people made college seemed less scary.
They then went off to meet other friends and you even spotted Taeyong and Jaehyun, which you got close with since the party during freshman year and even though they already graduated, they came to congratulate all of you. You made small talk with them as they too went to find Renjun and Donghyuck. 
You were talking with your other friends when you felt a hand on your shoulder. You startled and turned around to find Jaemin. He had the biggest smile ever.
“I tried to find you, I thought you already left as soon as you got your scroll,” Jaemin joked and you laughed. You missed hanging out with him. Without hesitating you pulled him into a hug, resting your head on his shoulder. 
“Congratulations Jaemin, I’m so proud of you,” You said.
He hugged you back and patted your back. “Thank you, y/n, congratulations to you too, soon to be scientist,” He winked and the both of you shared a laugh before something came through your head. Where’s Jeno? You didn’t see him at all, did he not come?
You hesitated on asking Jaemin where Jeno was and as you were about to do it Jaemin beat you to it.
"If you're looking for Jeno, he's near the stage," He said giving you a warm smile.
"Thank you, Jaemin," You gave him a smile back and headed your way towards where Jeno supposedly was. 
There he was.
He was talking to some friends. He looked like the beautiful man he was. His hair was styled In a coma, the way you always liked. He looked cute when he smiled, the way his eyes would turn into crescents, absolutely stunning. You were staring at him for quite a while when you saw him turn his head to the side and saw you. His eyes went big and mouth slightly open. It felt like time stopped and only the two of you were moving. You wanted to cry because this was the first time since the break up that you properly saw him. Before this, it was just you avoiding him but you didn't know that he hated when you always avoided him because all he wanted was to talk to you.
Then time moved again.
He excused himself from his friends and head over to you. You could feel yourself getting nervous. Seconds later he was finally in front of you, this was also the first time he was this close to you for so long. He didn't want to make you uncomfortable and kept a few steps back. 
"How are you?" He spoke up first. Oh, how you missed his voice.
"I've been good, you?" He nodded and replied a smile. The smile you've always adored. 
Jeno thought you looked stunning. You've always looked beautiful to him, even when you're wearing the baggiest clothes, you looked as if you were an angel that was sent down by the heavens. Being able to see you like this brought back memories to him. You were his everything, and the thought of you not being his anymore hurts badly. Fuck has he not moved on from you yet?
Without thinking, he then pulled you into a hug, wrapping one of his arms around your shoulder and the other at the back of your head, pulling you closer to him. Saying you were shocked was an understatement. This was so sudden. Your cheeks were against his chest and your hands laid flat on his chest.
"Congratulations, Y/n," He said, more of a whisper coming out. 
You couldn't think straight. You missed his warmth. There was something about his hugs that brought comfort to you and feels like home. Wrapping your arms around him, tears started to form.
"Congratulations to you too Jeno," You replied. 
You hated to admit it but, you missed your Jeno.
That night Taeyong held a “small” party for the graduates. It was weird but Taeyong was close with most of the students in your batch. Alcohol was definitely involved and you didn’t want to come but of course, Renjun and Donghyuck forced you into going. I guess you could say the other reason you didn’t want to attend the party because you were scared you would bump into Jeno. After the encounter, you quickly left him and went back to Renjun and told him about it. You were just shocked and didn’t know how to react.
Renjun and Donghyuck promised they would stick by you the whole time but it was obviously just baited because the second you stepped foot in Taeyong’s house, those two brats went off and got their asses drunk in just a few seconds. You did make small talk with some of your friends who attended and even talked to Taeyong and Jaehyun for a while till things started to get really crazy. In front of you was Donghyuck laying on a table with a shot glass on his belly and Jaemin drinking from there. You didn’t want to see the rest of it and decided to go to Taeyong’s room where the balcony was.
Your body was leaning against the railing as your hands resting on it. The air was pretty chilly that night and you cursed at yourself for not wearing a jacket. Thank god for your jeans that covered your legs from the cold well but didn’t sugarcoat the fact that your arms were exposed. 
So far, you haven’t seen Jeno yet. You knew how he hated parties and the alcohol that was involved. You wondered how he felt when the both of you hugged. Did he miss you like how you missed him? You created so many memories in the span of your relationship and it would make you feel like shit if he has forgotten about it.
You were deep in thoughts when you felt a material draped over your shoulders. The material seems to be some kind of small blanket that brought warmth towards you. 
“You’re going to catch a cold from this weather, you were shaking,” A voice said. 
You turned your head to already see Jeno standing beside you, his body leaning against the railing as well as he looked at you and turned back to the view in front of you.
“I didn’t know you would come,” You said softly.
He shrugged before replying. “It’s my last party as a college student, why not right?” 
There was a comfortable silence until Jeno spoke up. 
“Remember we met here on this balcony for the first time?” 
You chuckled at the memory and turned to face him.
“You were so scared to talk to me you acted like you were seeing a celebrity,”
He let out a hearty left at that. 
“Well, I saw the prettiest person ever, shouldn’t I feel nervous,” 
You could see his ears turning red and you could feel yourself heating up too. Fuck you missed him so much. Why did he have to leave you for Yeri?
“I’m sorry, Y/n,” He said, voice low. 
You gave him a questioning look, motioning him to carry on.
“I’m sorry for everything I've done. I was such a shitty boyfriend to you and I didn’t how you kept yourself together the day we broke up. I’m sorry for hurting you when you gave me your all. I thought Yeri was everything I needed but no, it’s still you Y/n. If you think I moved on, Fuck, I haven’t. I think about you all the fucking time and I can’t get you out of my head. The guilt is still always seeping through me and you don’t understand how I would beat myself up from breaking your heart like that,” He took a deep breath.
At this point, you were crying. You didn’t know how to feel.
You were about to say something but he beat you to it, 
“You’re so fucking wonderful Y/n. You have such a big impact on me and it’s driving me insane how I could break someone like you. I must be the hugest jackass to even walk on this earth,” His eyes were teary as he tried to compose his words together.
“I’m scared you’ll never forgive me. I’m so fucking scared because I love you so much,” He whispered the last part.
Without thinking, you pulled him towards you and kissed him. You kissed him as if it was the last kiss you’ll ever share. He was shocked by your actions but kissed back and moved his hands to your waist and brought you closer. Your arms came to wrap around his neck. You pulled away first when you could feel yourself getting out of breath.
The both of you were breathing heavily once you pulled away. Arms wrapped around together and foreheads against each other. 
“I love you too,”
Everything will be alright.
You will be alright.
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rabonghee · 7 years
*comment about how hyun jae stole ji hoon’s crush and didn’t improve his father-son relationship with Ji Hoon instead*
Oh boy…  Let mypettiness begin 
1st: relationship between Ji Hoon and Hyun Jae
“omg he’s his dad why didn’t the show focus more in their relationship asfather and son!??!?!?”
Did… did we watch the same drama? Okay so first of all, the Hyun Jae thattraveled to 2017 is 1993 Hyun Jae,the Hyun Jae that dated Bo Hee and is actually Ji Hoon’s dad is 1994 Hyun Jae, before that momentHyun Jae didn’t even know Bo Hee personally (yep it clearly says so in ep 28look it up). I mean, if my mom time traveled to this exact moment in her 24years old self she would probably be like “dude what the fuck I justbought my first new car what do u mean saying you’re my daughter” 
If that isn’t enough to convince you, you can totally skipto the 31st episode where ’94 and ’93 Hyun Jae(s) meet and ’94 HJtells him to talk more about Ji Hoon and in those few minutes shows how much hecares for him (“I miss them.. Gwang Jae, Bo Hee….. Ji Hoon…” AREN’T YOU GOINGTO SAY THAT SCENE BROKE YOUR HEART?? AND WHEN HE TOLD ’93 HJ TO GIVE HISBRACELET TO JI HOON?? Oh my god I’m already crying)
“But still… 1993 HJ is so selfish, even if he actuallynever hooked up with Bo Hee until a year later HE’S!! STILL!! HIS!! DAD!! ANDSHOULD AT LEAST CARE ABOUT HIM!!” Again… did we watch the same drama?
Quoting Hyun Jae: “I didn’t go through it, but that’s stillme.” “You know what? I’m sorry I couldn’t be there with you. I’m sorry formaking you feel lonely. I’m sorry for the things I did to say sorry” ??? Idkabout you but that sounds like a real deep apology for me. Plus, it’s not onlyabout him apologizing or making whatever he can to fix his relationship with JiHoon. It’s also about Ji Hoon accepting his feelings and not be like “wtvr urenot my real dad bla bla I only have one dad and his name is Gwang Jae” and ofcourse I can totally understand what he’s feeling!! I know what is like to nothave a dad present in your life and resenting him because he abandoned you (orin this case, feeling like heabandoned you) but as I already explained before, that’s not the case here!!Hyun Jae did try in many opportunities to improve their relationship (becauseat the end, he was his future-self’s son). He wanted Ji Hoon to pursue hisdream of being a singer, so in ep 13 he actually tried to him so Gwang Jaewouldn’t know he was a trainee. He actually encouraged him to stand up to GwangJae and Bo Hee and tell them his real wish and actually stood up to Gwang Jaeand told him to allow Ji Hoon pursue his dream (and that actually caused adiscussion between them). In other opportunities he kept on showing his support(and in a lot of those opportunities Ji Hoon didn’t want him close… so don’t putall the blame in Hyun Jae) heck, he even fixed the song Ji Hoon had written sohe and MC Hammer could debut with it. It wasn’t until ep 28 where Ji Hoonactually confessed how he felt towards HJ and where their relationship actuallytook a deeper step (because they were sincere with each other u see?? Developmentis great!)
Should I keep on talking about this subject? Nah let’s movewith the second one (and my favorite one lmao)
2nd: “I’mso pissed I wanted Ji Hoon and Woo Seung together but ugh nope Hyun Jae had tocome and steal her from Ji Hoon’s arms even though we all knew he had feelingsfor her for a long time and even worst he’s his father ew ew Ji Hoon isstep-son zoned now”
I… I don’t even know where to begin with this to be quitehonest…
“Hyun Jae stole Ji Hoon’s crush” stole… stole… S T O L E
Aren’t you all the ones who keep complaining about the NiceGuy™ stereotype and how girls in most tv shows keep staying with them justbecause “they like her so she obviously has to reciprocate his feelings” ?? Firstof all, repeat with me: A PERSON IS NOTA PIECE OF FURNITURE YOU CAN STEAL FROM SOMEONE, and second: JUST BECAUSE SOMEONE LIKES YOU DOESN��T MEANYOU ARE OBLIGATED TO LIKE THEM BACK (lmao ask my crush) let’s stop with theinternalized sexism and cut the shit once and for all. You’re always talkingabout wanting unexpected twists and not having the girl fall for the first guythat tells her he loves her, yet now that it actually happened and even when WooSeung was kind enough to say she didn’t share his same feelings but Ji Hoonstill came and forced a kiss on her you’re all, again, blaming Hyun Jae forthis?, okay…  (REMEMBER THAT AFTER THISWOO SEUNG PUNCHED HIM AND HE SAID HE DESERVED IT? GREAT JOB WOO SEUNG BBY)
At the beginning Hyun Jae did encourage Ji Hoon to bepersistent with Woo Seung, but along the way he realized he had feelings forher as well (“this does not happen in real life omg” believe me, it does) and andwhat did he do? He told Woo Seung he liked her, and you know what happened?? TURNS OUT WOO SEUNG ALSO HAD FEELINGS FORHIM WOAAH (but… you know… he “stole” her from Ji Hoon, as in he kidnappedher and put her in the trunk of a car and was like “ B!#CH EITHER YOU LIKE MEOR I’LL SELL YOU TO THE BLACK MARKET aw what a sweet love story”)
NGL at first I did think Ji Hoon and Woo Seung were going toend up together (because I expected a full cliché) but then.. I started torealize things… and started to feel guilty because I liked Woo Seung and HyunJae’s interactions more than hers with Ji Hoon… and then suddenly it hit methat I was rooting for them so fucking hard they became my otp)
“ew ew but he’s still his father and that’s gross ew ew”please refer to the first point of this post. I’m done combating bullshit fortoday
By the way…do u remember in ep 26 when Ji Hoon asked Woo Seunghow she felt about Hyun Jae and she said “I’m not sure, I might like him” andJi Hoon’s response was “what if we weren’t friends to begin with? What if wedidn’t meet as childhood friends but instead what if we had met like you and HJ(…) If we had, do you think things would have been different for us? I really regret having met you as a friend.”?? do u remember that?? Classic.
P.S Don’t think I’m hating on Ji Hoon lmao, the thing is hisdevelopment started way after everyone else’s and that’s why –at least for me-in most of the situations I quoted he isn’t exactly my cup of tea. However, asI previously said, his development actually began in the last episodes (I couldsay it actually started with Hyun Jae’s conversation in ep 28) and at the endhe was the sweet guy I first fell for in the first episode.
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