#along with old talismans and ancient texts
thaiamulet-us · 1 year
Phra Ngang Powerful Amulet Pendant. (Phaya Ngang chao sane phitsawat By Lersi Somdech, Ban Mai Rattanakosin
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Phra Ngang Powerful Amulet Pendant. (Phaya Ngang chao sane phitsawat By Lersi Somdech, Ban Mai Rattanakosin
Phra Ngang Powerful Amulet Pendant for fast luck love and sex (💵 lucky outcomes with money, gambling, wealth. and love coming to you quickly and effectively.) Magically enchant your target for love or attraction purposes is perfect for increasing the passion and closeness in your relationship. This very powerful amulet pendant will lock your target person and cause them to become crazy over you. They will always be thinking of you and longing for your presence. Great for those seeking for promotion,and to win in any competition ,your competitors will fail in their attempt to overcome you In popular Thai culture, Phra Ngang is sometimes called the "Ghost King" or "Demon King", and even thought to represent a Powerful Warlock. Phra Ngangs are believed to help Magicians and Spiritual Practitioners to create positive spells And Phra Ngangs are believed to help their owners become more sexually attractive, block black magic and they are revered as protective spirits that will defend their owners against aggression and ill wishes. 💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸 Phra Ngang Powerful Amulet Pendant. (Phaya Ngang chao sane phitsawat By Lersi Somdech, Ban Mai Rattanakosin Phra Ngang Year 2565 Width 4 cm. Height 2 cm. Gold plated bronze. Made 399 pcs. This is the first edition of Phra Ngang made and blessed by Lersi Somdech, especially blessed to give luck, metta maha niyom, wealth, by following the old ancient Khmer method spells. 6 main characteristics of Phra Ngang Powerful Amulet Pendant. Firstly, the peak is tilted to the left. According to ancient texts Distinctive in charm, Mahaniyom, Ngang, flirty Secondly, the base is stamped with "Yantna Maha Laluai" and the Ithaje heart spell. The power of charm, Maha Laluay, meeting the opposite sex Will have the power to captivate the heart and fascinate Thirdly, the back is stamped with "Yant Na Urum", good for compassion, great niyom, great charm. People are affectionate like children in the blood. This Na Urum, if written as a powder for people to eat, will not cease to love us. Fourthly, along with the magic character "Nama-A-U", it is the best of all spells, good for fortune, great charm, great popularity, protection and protection. Protection from all kinds of dangers Fifth, the back base is stamped with a two-tailed lizard. Male and Female It is a technique that people bring good luck to both males and females, earn money, trade with all genders without interruption, and succeed promptly. Sixth, under the base covered with magic powder Charming aloe, fortune, magic ore, soil, 7 cemeteries, embedded with a Takrut, mercy talisman, great charm, great fortune, trade, call the mind, call the heart   🎯 Phra Ngan Amulet Pendant This is a stunning amulet designed to give luck in all matters of life as Phra Ngang is best for granting wishes, he is also good for attracting people with strong Maha Saneah qualities. Phra Ngang is seen as a friend to those on the fringes of society as he can adapt to us easily. Strong sex binding amulet pendant have been designed to change your love life. Having a partner is never enough as you have to make your lover committed to you. Phra Ngan Amulet have a strong spiritual code that you can never break the bond once it has been set. The Phra Ngan Amulet will bring you much and more closer to your lover than ever before. You will find it easier to attract love and compassion from others You will soon be able to find and attract your soulmate You will attract customers to your business and improve sales You will appear irresistible to the opposite sex The Magic Pendant will also facilitate the manifestation of a desired outcome to any intentions or wishes The great power can turn the situation around, changing those who were Once Your Enemy, to become your Friends, and, in the case of the Opposite Sex (or Same sex) to fall in Love with You. " 🎯 To get maximum power from Thai amulet Magic talisman , There are no negatives to keeping this item and it is safe for all. you should Use them as much as you can. there are no rules or restriction on who carry it or where it's carried you can carry this item anywhere including the restroom and anyone can carry it man, woman, Gay Lesbian Homosexual or Child. 🙏 Moreover, Magic Thai Amulet can be used either by Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, This means that people from all faiths and religions can benefit from using this type of amulet. Please Bring along the Magic Thai Amulet when going out and about, The more one uses the amulet, the better the results. Use the Magic talisman cloth frequently, and the energies in the Magic talisman cloth will settle in your aura and boost your personal magnetism. It works by affecting willpower and happens naturally because of the sacred components contained within. Read the full article
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legend-collection · 3 years
Fox Spirit
Nine-tailed foxes appear in Chinese folklore, literature, and mythology, in which, depending on the tale can be a good or a bad omen. The motif of nine-tailed foxes from Chinese culture were eventually transmitted and introduced to the Japanese and Korean cultures.
During the Han dynasty, the development of ideas about interspecies transformation had taken place in Chinese culture. The idea that non-human creatures with advancing age could assume human form is presented in works such as the Lunheng by Wang Chong (27–91). As these traditions developed, the fox's capacity for transformation was shaped.
The nine-tailed fox occurs in the Shanhaijing (Classic of Mountains and Seas), compiled from the Warring States period to the Western Han period (circa 4th to circa 1st century BC). The work states:
"The Land of Qing Qiu lies north of Tianwu. The foxes there have four legs and nine tails. According to another version, it is located north of Sunrise Valley."
In chapter 14 of the Shanhaijing, Guo Pu had commented that the nine-tailed fox was an auspicious omen that appeared during times of peace. However, in chapter 1, another aspect of the nine-tailed fox is described:
"Three hundred li farther east is Qing Qiu Mountain, where much jade can be found on its south slope and green cinnabar on its north. There is a beast here whose form resembles a fox with nine tails. It makes a sound like a baby and is a man-eater. Whoever eats it will be protected against insect-poison (gu)."
In a Tang Dynasty story, foxes could become humans by wearing a skull and worshipping the Big Dipper. They would try multiple skulls till they found one that fit without falling off.
On the eve of the Jurchen invasion, a fox went to the throne of Song Dynasty Emperor Huizong. This resulted in Huizong ordering the destruction of all fox temples in Kaifeng. The city was invaded the next day, and the dynasty fell after five months.
In one ancient myth, Yu the Great encountered a white nine-tailed fox, which he interpreted as an auspicious sign that he would marry Nüjiao. In Han iconography, the nine-tailed fox is sometimes depicted at Mount Kunlun and along with Xi Wangmu in her role as the goddess of immortality. According to the first-century Baihutong (Debates in the White Tiger Hall), the fox's nine tails symbolize abundant progeny.
Describing the transformation and other features of the fox, Guo Pu (276–324) made the following comment:
"When a fox is fifty years old, it can transform itself into a woman; when a hundred years old, it becomes a beautiful female, or a spirit medium, or an adult male who has sexual intercourse with women. Such beings are able to know things at more than a thousand miles' distance; they can poison men by sorcery, or possess and bewilder them, so that they lose their memory and knowledge; and when a fox is thousand years old, it ascends to heaven and becomes a celestial fox."
The Youyang Zazu made a connection between nine-tailed foxes and the divine:
"Among the arts of the Way, there is a specific doctrine of the celestial fox. [The doctrine] says that the celestial fox has nine tails and a golden color. It serves in the Palace of the Sun and Moon and has its own fu (talisman) and a jiao ritual. It can transcend yin and yang."
Popular fox worship during the Tang dynasty has been mentioned in a text entitled Hu Shen (Fox gods):
"Since the beginning of the Tang, many commoners have worshiped fox spirits. They make offerings in their bedchambers to beg for their favor. The foxes share people's food and drink. They do not serve a single master. At the time there was a figure of speech saying, 'Where there is no fox demon, no village can be established.'"
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Pic by Kitsune-Inari-sama on DeviantArt
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bubblesandgutz · 4 years
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Every Record I Own - Day 638: Death Valley Girls Under the Spell of Joy
This is another album highlight of 2020.
I’ve been writing artist bios and press releases now for over a decade. It wasn’t a gig I sought out, but it was something I enjoyed doing and people seemed happy with my work. But an added perk to the job is that I get to have this dialogue with other artists. I get to see how their brains work, and I get to help shape their stories, dreams, and visions into a coherent statement. And because I generally only work with repeat clients, these conversations tend to be ongoing.
I’ve done a few bios for Death Valley Girls at this point, and I always enjoy talking to vocalist Bonnie Bloomgarden because she has such a positive and mystical approach to music. It’s a refreshing and illuminating conversation, and hopefully I manage to convey that sense of wonder and excitement in my bios. It’s much easier to write press releases when you’re genuinely excited about the subject, and consequently, the stuff I’ve written for Death Valley Girls is always a pleasure to work on. You can read what I had to say about their excellent 2020 album after the jump.
While studies have been conducted aiming to understand the science behind music, our inexplicable ability to tap into the emotions of another human being by way of arrangements of sonic frequencies still seems a bit like magic. LA’s Death Valley Girls have always sought to wield that magic like ancient mystics, creating psychic bonds with willing ears through the medium of their fiery rock n’ roll. On the surface, previous albums like Glow in the Dark and Darkness Rains were rowdy mash-ups of early American punk, sun-baked psych rock, and proto-metal fire-and-brimstone guitar worship, yet there was always an undercurrent of some kind of strange, celebratory communal ritual in their music. With their latest album Under the Spell of Joy, the band dives even deeper into that magical cosmic energy.
The album title Under the Spell of Joy comes from the text on a t-shirt from San Diego heavy psych rockers Joy that was handed off to Death Valley Girls’ vocalist/guitarist Bonnie Bloomgarden, who wore the shirt for five years straight, treating it like a talisman. “I read it as being about manifesting your biggest dreams and responding thoughtfully and mindfully to everything that comes in your path with joy and compassion first,” Bloomgarden explains. “There is a lot to be really angry about in the world but joy is just as powerful if used correctly!” The band sought to create a spiritual record—what Bloomgarden describes as a “space gospel”—with the intention of bringing people together and creating the kind of participatory musical experience people have in places of worship. It’s a record loaded with chants, choirs, and rousing choruses, all for the purpose of encouraging people to sing along. Where the band had once sought to connect people through more esoteric means, they now tap into the age-old tradition of uniting people by inviting them to be an active part of the music.
While Bloomgarden and guitarist Larry Schemel knew their intention for the album before a single note was written, the actual nature and direction of the music was a mystery. The initial inspiration for the record came from the jubilant spirit of Ethiopian funk records the band had been listening to on tour, but once they began to channel the songs it seemed like the music came from somewhere not in the past but in the future. In the weeks leading up to recording, Death Valley Girls relied on their subconscious and effortlessly conjured Under the Spell of Joy’s eleven tracks as if they’d tapped into the Akashic Chronicle and pulled the music from the ether.
The album opens with “Hypnagogia,” an ode to the space between sleep and wakefulness where we are open to other realms of consciousness. The song slowly builds along a steady pulse provided by bassist Pickle (Nicole Smith) and drummer Rikki Styxx. Tripped out saxophone bleats from guest player Gabe Flores swirl on top of the organ drones laid out by guest keyboardist Gregg Foreman. The band’s choral objectives for Under the Spell of Joy are established right off the bat, with Bloomgarden’s melodic invocations bolstered by a choir, giving the album a rich and vibrant wall-of-sound aesthetic. The song ominously builds on its hypnotic foundation until it opens up into a raucous revelry at the four-minute mark. The portentous simmer of the opening track yields to the ecstatic rocker “Hold My Hand,” where verses reminiscent of Velvet Underground’s “I’m Waiting For The Man” explode into big triumphant choruses. From there the band launches into the title track, which marries the griminess of The Stooges with an innocence provided by a children’s choir chanting the album’s primary mantra “under the spell of joy / under the spell of love.” Death Valley Girls have always vacillated between lightness and darkness, and on “Bliss Out” they demonstrate their current exuberant focus with a patina-hued pop song driven by an irrepressibly buoyant organ line laid down by keyboardist The Kid (Laura Kelsey). A similar cosmic euphoria is obtained on “The Universe,” where alternating chords on the organ help elevate soaring saxophone and keyboard lines out beyond the stratosphere. If you’re looking for transcendental rock music, look no further.
“The world is crazy right now and it feels like we should be doing more than just trying to perpetuate joy,” Bloomgarden says. “I think music becomes a part of you. Like Black Sabbath’s first record is as much a part of me as my own music. I think you can listen to music or song to get lost in it, or you can listen to music to find something in your self or the world that either you never had or just went missing. I want people to sing to this record, make it their own, and focus on manifesting their dreams as much as they can!”
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batdadrph · 5 years
👫 your choice~
freebie relationship headcanons;
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Since they didn’t really start getting to know each other until high school, the two would share dumb tales about their misadventures growing up in different neighborhoods, or “on the other side of the canal” as Cyrus jokingly states. It took Kaylee by surprise to hear that Katsu hadn’t been his only pet. In fact, he'd previously raised the aptly named Samwise Donkey, one of the coven’s travel mules.
Before moving out together, he didn’t really know how to cook outside of simple breakfast items and sandwiches... damn, did Cyrus try though. Not only did the poor boy take some of his dad’s cookbooks from the family’s private library, but he tried one new recipe almost every day for a year straight. There were definitely some successes in the bunch, but Kaylee strictly banned any of his experiments to be served on date night.
It’s imperative for Cyrus to get her at least one flower from the local florist when he walks by the shop at least once a week if not plucking one of the wildflowers on his way home. Though neither are experts at symbolism, he’d always make a game out of finding something that perfectly compliments her hair and eyes. This led to a talk about his favorite, the sunflower, which is now prettily tattooed on Kaylee.
When they first started seeing each other, he at first wondered how his cat would react given that she goes almost everywhere he does. However, it turns out that Katsu and Kaylee were well-acquainted even before Cyrus was romantically involved with the blonde. The feline was apparently a regular culprit found at the Archer family’s orchard, as she loved to nestle herself amongst the peach blossoms for slight shade when taking naps since they smelled so delicately fragrant.
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as a small bonus, here’s a few for our favorite coven sibling-ship for Salem’s birthday~
When the McClearys were banned from the coven’s home was around the same time Salem and her brother moved into the apothecary. His father, before finding a place as the head of the town’s barrier patrol, briefly worked at the shop so Cyrus visited often. While at first to Salem’s chagrin, it soon became to her benefit when he offered some of his hand-me-downs that were too small for the quickly growing boy. He still lets her run through his old clothes to see if she likes them since it’s better than donating them all away to sit in a dusty thrift shop for sale.
Since they learned very different branches of magic, sometimes they’ll swap between the ancient Japanese and Korean tomes his family has with the French and Latin spellbooks as well as Haitian texts kept in the coven’s library – which Salem “borrows,” of course. This has led to a lot of interactions where they’re translating for each other and making English transcriptions when notetaking, sometimes late nights where they’re trying spells and smaller rituals out.
Salem could never get Cyrus to smoke weed, though he has obliged her in sampling one or two edibles every now and again. As she predicted, it helps him relax and slow down his normally quick speaking cadence. However, it doesn’t aid with his stuttering since the root of that particular problem has to do with his scatterbrained thought process.
She definitely first introduced the younger McCleary to tattoos and the artistry and thought behind what people often get. In fact, Salem helped cast the magic required to imbue the ofuda (protective Shinto talisman) along his left ribcage when he got that done. The particular charm was made to prevent Cyrus’ body from further suffering any permanent damage to his lightning absorption powers. It came almost right after he’d overcharged himself to the point of almost bursting into raw electric energy, which caused the lightning current-shaped scar on his back.
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beyondenigmablog · 7 years
Everything you need to know, for free. via /r/tarot
Everything you need to know, for free.
Magick and Hermetics
The Kybalion
An occult classic Since its first publication in 1908, The Kybalion, Hermetic Philosophy by Three Initiates, has been in constant demand by students and investigators of the Secret Doctrines. It is a modern addition to the body of work devoted to Hermes Trismegistus, an icon of ancient teachings that reveal the path to self transformation. In this revised edition, we have corrected many editorial issues inherent within the original text, creating a clearer presentation of the book's message: The Seven Hermetic Principles, or axioms:
• Principle of Mentalism • Principle of Correspondence • Principle of Vibration • Principle of Polarity • Principle of Rhythm • Principle of Cause and Effect • Principle of Gender
These principles complement other Hermetic teachings and provide a foundation for your own spiritual awakening. As the book states, "The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of understanding".
Donald Tyson - Portable Magic
Say goodbye to ceremonial robes, incense, candles, and oils. Donald Tyson presents a new, easy way to perform ritual magic with only one tool: tarot. From manipulating elemental forces of nature to making potent charms, all ceremonial rituals can be performed with a standard 78-card deck.
Tyson's efficient system of tarot magic is based on the Golden Dawn tradition, which corresponds with tarot imagery. He teaches how to work magic on the astral level by projecting one's awareness into the ritual tarot layout. Learn how to set up an astral temple, build an altar, cast a magic circle, and create a triangle through which to actualize your purpose. This innovative guide to tarot magic also includes rituals related to unions, business, banishing, and evoking elementals.
Paul Foster Case - An Introduction to the Study of Tarot
"An Introduction to the Study of Tarot" was originally published in 1920 and has been a leading introductory guide for all with an interest in the Tarot.
Aleister Crowley - The Book of Thoth
Now a classic in the field, used by students of the Golden Dawn as well as by those who want to understand Crowley's tarot. This is the definitive study of the Egyptian tarot and is used as a key to all Western mystery disciplines.
Crowley's Thoth Tarot Deck
Gerd Zeigler - Tarot: Mirror of the Soul: Handbook for the Aleister Crowley Tarot
Using the Crowley Thoth deck, you learn that the tarot cards symbolize your inner reality. Learn how this "mirror" reflects your growth, and how you can grow to your maximum with this easy-to-use system. Includes definitions of the major andminor arcana, instructions for reading the cards to clarify emotional situations, and provides several different layouts, including a chakra reading. Illustrated with the Crowley deck.
Lon Milo Duquette - Understanding Aleister Crowleys Thoth Tarot
Originally published in 2003, Understanding Aleister Crowley’s Thoth Tarot has proved to be the essential guide to accessing the unique symbolism and meaning of Aleister Crowley's remarkable tarot deck along with the deeply textured artwork of Lady Frieda Harris. Crowley authority Lon Milo DuQuette starts by providing an insightful historical background before delving into descriptions of each card in depth, from a tarot perspective and from an expanded, magickal point of view. He first describes the tarot meaning of each card in detail and then explains all the other attributions Crowley intended.
This unique guide has been updated with a new introduction that provides information on the unicursal hexagram cards included with the deck but never explained.
A.E. Waite - Pictorial Key to Tarot
Long used in telling fortunes and popular today among New Agers, Tarot cards are regarded by many as "the training wheels" on the bicycle of psychic development. Centuries of scientific progress have not diminished the irresistible attraction of gazing at picture cards to see the future and determine one's fate. This book by Arthur Edward Waite, the designer of the most widely known Tarot deck and distinguished scholar of the Kabbalah, is the essential Tarot reference. The pictorial key contains a detailed description of each card in the celebrated 78-card Rider-Waite Tarot deck, along with regular and reversed meanings. Contents describe symbols and secret tradition; the four suits of Tarot, including wands, cups, swords, and pentacles; the recurrence of cards in dealing; an ancient Celtic method of divination; as well as wonderful illustrations of Tarot cards. While the perfect complement to old-style fortune telling, The Pictorial Key to the Tarot also serves to make the Tarot entirely accessible to modern-day readers. It is also the classic guide to the Rider-Waite deck and to Tarot symbolism in general.
Book T (Reference)
Tarot Worksheets Thoth For Beginners Tarot Spread How to Read the Tarot in 7 Easy Steps
Alan Chapman - Advanced Magick for Beginners
A new paradigm that delivers a genuine transformation of occultism. The author assumes no previous knowledge, only a willingness to explore what magick offers, yet its apparent to anyone with a background in the subject that Alan Chapman is drawing on a wide range of experience, from classical Crowleyean Magick, to eastern metaphysics, and back again to Discordianism and Chaos Magick. Chapmans writing-style is humorous, direct, seductively logical, and his enthusiasm for the benefits of magick is both tangible and infectious. The novice magician will indeed find themselves equipped to commence all sorts of magickal operations: trance work, enchantment, divination, and even some of the higher forms of spiritual development. To experienced magicians, Chapman offers a subtler challenge: he revitalises magick by cutting it free from the extreme relativism Chaos Magick bequeathed, provocatively redefining it as: the art, science and culture of experiencing truth.
Frater U.'.D.'. - Practical Sigil Magic
Practical Sigil Magic is widely regarded as the definitive guide to the topic. Unavailable for a number of years and long sought-after by magicians, this classic work is now available once again.
Sigil magic is one of the most efficient and economical of magical disciplines. It can be performed without complicated rituals or paraphernalia, is independent of philosophical and dogmatic premises, and can be learned easily and quickly. Most important, it will give even beginning magicians the chance to work with the power of the Will and enhance their own abilities. This classic reference work will provide magicians―from novice to adept― with instruction that will empower and advance their magical practice.
Damon Brand - Magickal Servitors
With servitor magick you create a spirit, using your mind, heart and soul, to serve your deepest needs.
The magick is designed to be easy for beginners as well as experienced occultists. All you need is an open mind and the willingness to work with the instructions.
You will be pleasantly surprised by the way reality yields to the power of your magick.
You will discover:
How to create spirits that are easy to contact and effortless to command.
Servitors that grow and change with your needs.
Magick for long-term, repeating results.
Servitors for Self-Development, that help you enhance or subdue a personality trait.
Perception Servitors, to see people and situations clearly.
Servitors of Influence, to stir thoughts and feelings in others.
Manifestation Servitors for material rewards and real-world change.
The secret process of Vision, Creation and Life that gives birth to a loyal, powerful spirit.
This book presents a system for creating a spirit that will act on your behalf, manipulating matter, time and the patterns of reality to bring the results you desire.
Donald Michael Kraig - Modern Magick
For over two decades, Donald Michael Kraig's Modern Magick has been the world's most popular step-by-step guide to working real magick. Tens of thousands of individuals and groups have used this course as their primary instruction manual. Now, greatly revised and expanded, this set of lessons is more complete and relevant to your life than ever.
Written with respect for the student, Modern Magick will safely guide you―even if you know little or nothing―through a progressive series of practical exercises and rituals, complemented by the knowledge, history, insights, and theory you need to become a successful ceremonial magician. Firmly rooted in the Western magickal tradition yet designed to be fully compatible with your contemporary practice, this book will help you attain full mastery of all core topics in magick:
The inner mysteries of the Kabalah
The most powerful rituals of magick
How to create and perform your own rituals
True meditation
Magickal ethics
Astral projection
Tools of magick
Evocation of spirits
Tantra and sex magick
The importance of the Tarot
Talismans and amulets
Secrets of visualization
Psychic self-defense
Healing rituals
Filled with personal stories and helpful illustrations, along with updated and brand-new material, this new edition of Modern Magick features a completely new lesson that reveals the concepts, techniques, and rituals of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Chaos Magick, and Postmodern Magick. Ideal for beginning, intermediate, or advanced students, and perfect as a manual for magickal temples, this is essential reading for every true magician.
King & Skinner - Techniques of High Magick: A Manual of Self-Initiation
Self-initiation into practical magic with clear instructions on how to perform invocation and evocations, achieve astral projection, make effective talismans, or practice divination using either geomancy, tarot or I Ching. Useful for a complete beginner or those further along the path.
Georg Lomer - 7 Hermetic Letters
Develop your soul and spirit with Seven Hermetic Letters. A spiritual course of instructions for the higher development of the spirit and the mysterious powers of the soul. Basic preliminary exercises for controling one's self are provided in a simple way to ensure understanding and personal growth and progress without the need of a teacher. An excellent precursor to the Franz Bardon books on Hermetics.
Franz Bardon - Initiation into Hermetics
Self-initiation into the Holy Mysteries with the need of a guru or master. Initiation into Hermetics provides step by step instruction in the form of practical exercises. These exercises lead to the development of body, soul and spirit. The result of the practical exercises is the development of occult abilities which can be of benefit to the student, in as far as he can change his existence for the better.
The great mystery of the Tetragrammaton, the key to the tetrapolar magnet, is explained. By reading the theoretical section many secrets are unveiled which were once only known to very few. The reader will receive first-hand knowledge about the principles of fire, air, water and earth, the positive and negative attributes of these elements, and how these elements affect the human body. The immutable law of cause and effect is explained, not only as it applies to human beings, but also how it applies to the elements. Detailed information is also given about the soul or the astral body, and how the four elements determine the temperament in a person.
The astral plane is considered to be "the beyond" by most religions. This plane does have its inhabitants, most of which are departed human beings from earth. Besides that you find elementaries, beings with one or only a few attributes. It is very advantageous to learn about these beings and how they affect a human being's life. There is also another kind of being, which is a being of the pure elements. The reader will find that many myths or even fairy tales are based on truth. But mankind has lost the ability to stay in contact with reality and has chosen to live in a completely transitory world which they consider to be their reality.
The third plain, the mental plain, is also explained; it is the sphere of thought which has its origin in the world of ideas.
Each step of the practical part of this book is divided into three parts: the magical spiritual or mental schooling, soul or astral schooling, and physical schooling. This allows the student to maintain a complete equilibrium. The student learns how to control all his mental faculties even to the point that he can control every thought. He will learn self-introspection, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, astral and mental travel, control of the electric and magnetic fluids, and communication with the beings of the astral plain.
With 10 Add-Ons?
Rawn Clark Companion Expanded and updated second edition of Rawn Clark's practical commentaries on Franz Bardon's three books: "Initiation Into Hermetics", "Practice of Magical Evocation" and "Key to the True Kabbalah". Includes a new, more in-depth commentary on IIH.
Jason Augustus Newcomb - The New Hermetics
The New Hermetics is a powerful spiritual technology of the mind. It is a course of study and practice that teaches the science of illumination and the ability to alter reality. The ancient Egyptian form of Hermetic philosophy was that the mind shapes reality. The New Hermetics extends that philosophy - the universe is a great mind or consciousness, and we are a part of that consciousness; therefore by learning to control the mind, we learn to control our part of the universe. With updated versions of the ancient Rosicrucian brotherhood's 10 levels of initiation, combined with ancient and modern mind-expanding techniques such as visualization and NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), The New Hermetics progressively gives initiates power over their minds and world. Practicing these elements simultaneously makes it possible to undergo initiation into the mysteries of consciousness in a fraction of the time it was ever before possible. The course offered in the book lets practitioners master their minds in such a way that they will be able to achieve anything and everything they want in life, spiritually and physically. The New Hermetics offers 10 levels of instruction to control the mind and control reality: Level 1-The Initiate teaches mastery over behavior and visualization in the Ether. Level 2-The Zealot bestows mastery over emotions, breathing, and Etheric energy. Level 3-The Practitioner gives mastery over mind, beliefs, and the ability to project Etheric energy. Level 4-The Philosopher masters creativity,values, and the ability to direct Etheric energy. Level 5-The Adept develops relationship with cosmic consciousness. Level 6-The Advanced Adept offers the power to direct the forces of cosmic consciousness. Level 7-The Perfect Adept gives wisdom and the ability to share these forces with others. Level 8-The Master bestows mastery of cosmic consciousness. Level 9-The Mage gains mastery of universal power. Level 10-The Ultimate Master obtains mastery over the universal self.
The New Hermetics is a powerful course of instruction that can help anyone master themselves to rule their world.
Chic Cicero - Self-Initiation Into the Golden Dawn Tradition: A Complete Curriculum of Study for Both the Solitary Magician and the Working Magical Group (Part 1, Part 2)
The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn has been considered one of the most important Western magical systems for over a century. Although much of their knowledge has been published, to really enter the system required initiation within a Golden Dawn temple ― until now.
Regardless of your magical knowledge or background, you can learn and live the Golden Dawn tradition with the first practical guide to Golden Dawn initiation. Self-Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition by Chic and Sandra Tabatha Cicero offers self-paced instruction by two senior adepts of this magical order.
For the first time, the esoteric rituals of the Golden Dawn are clearly laid out in step-by-step guidance that's clear and easy-to-follow. Studying the Knowledge Lectures, practicing daily rituals, doing meditations, and taking self-graded exams will enhance your learning. Initiation rituals have been correctly reinterpreted so you can perform them yourself. Upon completion of this workbook, you can truly say that you are practicing the Golden Dawn tradition with an in-depth knowledge of qabalah, astrology, Tarot, geomancy, spiritual alchemy, and more, all of which you will learn from Self-Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition.
·No need for group membership ·Instructions are free of jargon and complex language ·Lessons don't require familiarity with magical traditions ·Grade rituals from Neophyte to Portal ·Link with your Higher Self
If you have ever wondered what it would be like to learn the Golden Dawn system, Self-Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition explains it all. The lessons follow a structured plan, adding more and more information with each section of the book. Did you really learn the material? Find out by using the written tests and checking them with the included answers. Here is a chance to find out if the Golden Dawn system is the right path for you or to add any part of their wisdom and techniques to the system you follow. Start with this book now.
Lyam Thomas Christopher - Kabbalah Magic The Great Work of Self Transformation
Advancing to higher levels of ritual magic with purpose and power requires an exaltation of consciousness-a spiritual transformation that can serve as an antitode to the seeming banality of modern life.
Based on Kabbalistic techniques, the teachings of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, and an Hermetic tradition spanning nearly two thousand years, this innovative new work introduces the history of the Golden Dawn and its mythology, the Tree of Life, Deities, demons, rules for practicing magic, and components of effective ritual.
A comprehensive course of self-initiation using Israel Regardie's seminal Golden Dawn as a key reference point, Kabbalah, Magic and the Great Work of Self-Transformation guides you through the levels of the Golden Dawn system of ritual magic. Each grade in this system corresponds with a sphere in the Kabbalistic Tree of Life and includes daily rituals, required reading, written assignments, projects, and additional exercises.
Knowledgeable and true to tradition, author Lyam Thomas Christopher presents a well-grounded and modern step-by-step program toward spiritual attainment, providing a lucid gateway toward a more awakened state.
Finalist for the Coalition of Visionary Resources Award for Best Magick/Shamanism Book
Israel Regardie - The Golden Dawn: The Original Account of the Teachings, Rites, and Ceremonies of the Hermetic Order
The Golden Dawn by Israel Regardie is considered by many to be the book that started the modern occult movement. The original Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, which started in the late 1800s, borrowed from a wide variety of occult traditions ? Kabalah, Tarot, Geomancy, Enochian Magic, Theosophy, Freemasonry, Paganism, Astrology, and many more ? and created a unique and viable system of magic that is still being practiced today. Almost every contemporary occult writer and modern group has been influenced, directly or indirectly, by the Order or its members, making The Golden Dawn one of the most influential occult books of the past 100 years. The book is divided into several basic sections. First are the knowledge lectures, where you will learn the basics of the Kabalah, symbolism, meditation, geomancy and more. This is followed by the rituals of the Outer Order, consisting of five initiation rituals into the degrees of the Golden Dawn. The next section covers the rituals of the Inner Order including two initiation rituals, equinox ceremonies, and more. Then you will learn the basic rituals of magic and the construction, consecration, and means of using the magical tools. Once you have these you can go on to evocation rituals, talismans, and invocations. The book gives explanations for how to design talismans, do skrying and travel on the astral plane. You will also learn geomancy, the Tarot, and Enochian magic. Filled with numerous illustrations, lists, and tables, The Golden Dawn provides guidance for a lifetime of magic and life-changing transformation. First published in 1937, Israel Regardie’s The Golden Dawn has become the most influential modern handbook of magical theory and practice. In this new, definitive edition, noted scholar John Michael Greer has taken this essential resource back to its original, authentic form. With added illustrations, a twenty-page color insert, additional original material, and refreshed design and typography, this powerful work returns to its true stature as a modern masterpiece.
An essential textbook for students of the occult, The Golden Dawn includes occult symbolism and Qabalistic philosophy, training methods for developing magical and clairvoyant powers, rituals that summon and banish spiritual potencies, secrets of making and consecrating magical tools, and much more.
Basil Crouch - The Darkside of the Moon: A Complete Course in Magic and Witchcraft
Rare text that gives a variety of insights into creation of Thralls, secrets of Gypsy Sorcerers, dark Necromantic practices, potent magic and much more! The data in this book is authentic, many of the ceremonies were undertaken by young female witches and male students of the occult, under the supervision of an Occult Master. The results they established, and which are recorded in this book, can be achieved by anyone, providing that they have the nerve, patience and the ability to carry out the written instruction exactly. The phenomena, or magic, is the result of certain phase of mind. The ceremonies help to achieve this, much sought after, state of mind. It can only come through practice, incantation or ritual. In very rare case it can be spontaneously evoked by the subconscious mind. However, such spontaneously action can not be controlled, which is dangerous, whereas the achievement of the necessary phase of mind, through ceremony, is the result of a disciplined mind that is under control at all times.
Submitted November 22, 2017 at 08:42PM by _Dangma_Dzyu_ via reddit http://ift.tt/2BdJnIS
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wildefiction · 5 years
L’Appel du Vide
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CHAPTER SUMMARY: With little to no information on what they could be hunting, Sam and Dean take to what they know best -- Sam to his books and Dean to the road. Madeline meets up with an old relative and Gregory realizes that whatever they're hunting is now hunting them as well.
CHAPTER WARNINGS: Swearing, Captured Dean, Crass-Attitude
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Fingering the uneven strip of leather wound around her left wrist, Madeline glanced down at her own talisman, the single bear claw the sign of her ancestors. Everyone in her family had one, they acted as a sort of calling card if you could call it that. Old-world Europe and the countries of Scandinavia were home to several major clans, each of which had a certain look to their amulets - similar to how the Celts had family crests. You could tell a lot about a person by the talisman they wore - if you knew what to look for.
As long as Madeline had been alive, she'd yet to fully develop hers; the process of cultivating one known to take decades.
Most people in the modern world thought it was just some edgy charm bracelet if they bothered to say anything at all. Madeline let them think what they would, there was no use trying to explain something as complex as what was essentially her family lineage and traditions passed down through generations to people who couldn't focus on one thing for more than half a minute. Fucking technology bleeding people dry of what little intelligence they used to possess.
Rising from her squat, Madeline stilled as the fine hair on the back of her neck stood at attention. Curling her fingers into fists, she turned, bracing herself for seeing him - the first time she'd done so in years.
Madeline was not a short woman, her five-foot, nine inches rather tall for a female in this country.
Still, when she turned, it was into the broad chest of a man who towered over her by nearly a foot.
A throaty growl reverberated through the man's body, his lips turning up into a grin. Rather than a smile, it was more a baring of teeth and Madeline couldn't decide if she felt threatened or not.
"What are you doing here Einar?" The words were terse, but not entirely disrespectful, even she had more sense than to assume she'd win if it came down to an argument. Better to proceed with caution…
The man spoke with a heavy accent, but Madeline noted with interest that he responded in English rather than insisting on using their native language.
"Likely the same as you. I assure you, I wouldn't be in this Gods-forsaken country if it weren't entirely necessary."
"I assume you found it?" Einar looked down at Madeline with his pale eyes, the wild mane of hair framing his face and falling to just past his shoulders a striking mix of dark chocolate, silver and a true black.
Nodding, she side-stepped his large frame and sauntered back over to what remained of the woman who'd lived in this cottage. Even this far removed from civilization, it had found her. Though, to be fair - once you were this things' target, there seemed to be no escape. It mattered not how far you ran, or how well you hid or who you knew or what you could do - you couldn't cheat fate the way you could occasionally cheat death.
The pair walked back across the threshold, searching again through the rubble. Maybe there was something here that she'd missed, Madeline thought to herself. Even if not, perhaps the hulking man next to her could shed some light on the situation.
"Any ideas?" The woman watched as Einar peered closely at a dried substance flaking from the deep furrows of the splintered wood. Rubbing a bit of the charcoal through his fingers, his forehead creased in concern, disbelief clear on his face.
Rounding on her, Einar wrapped his free hand around Madeline's wrist and with a sharp tug, pulled her from the wreckage.
"You need to leave. NOW!" Get as far from this place as you can, if these signs point to where I think this world is fucked."
"You'll know if I find anything else. Tell those humans you love so much goodbye and come home - they don't deserve your loyalty."
With that, Einar turned, disappearing into the woods surrounding them.
For the first time in a while, Madeline was actually, truly afraid. If Einar was concerned enough to bring her home - something bad was on the horizon.
Still, it didn't feel right to just up and disappear. Sure, she'd sometimes go weeks without speaking to the Winchesters, but they'd saved her hide once or twice - the least she could do was warn them...problem was, she was no closer to having any real answers than she had been yesterday.
Several thousand miles away, Gregory reclined in one corner of a dingy tavern, the sickly glow of a half expired tallow candle sputtering as a chill gust of wind swirled through the room.
Leaning forward with a sigh, he stared into the bottom of his empty glass - debating whether he wanted another.
The low hum of his phone vibrating in the pocket of his blazer distracted him from the stranger who'd just pushed through the crowd, a heavy fur cloak drawn about his shoulders, the oversized hood shielding his features from the patrons gathered around their own tables.
Slipping from his chair, Gregory ducked into the narrow hallway leading to a rickety staircase. The wood groaned under the weight of his polished black shoes as he climbed to the cluster of rooms the establishment offered to road-weary travelers.
Turning the iron knob and taking care to make no excess noise, Gregory closed himself in the room he'd rented.
Rented might've been the wrong word, as it insinuated he'd traded money or services for it. But, the wench at the bar apparently had a thing for preternatural patrons. All he'd done was quirk an eyebrow at her, his citrine irises swirling with gold and burnt amber. The tendrils of darkness playing about his feet had slid around her ankle, and climbed her leg, constricting around one of her thighs as she stared, open-mouthed, at his audacity.
In the end, he'd gotten the room he was after. Not that he slept, but having some semblance of privacy away from nosy strangers was welcome as he stewed. So far, he'd found nothing. Not a single hint of the devastation that had ransacked the small village he now stood in. Sure, it had been a few hundred years, but it appeared as if the people of this place had forgotten to include it in their history books. Forgotten...or simply chose to omit it. After all, ignorance was bliss.
Long fingers wrapping around the phone, he pulled it from his pocket. The screen illuminating his pale features, Gregory flicked through the stack of notifications; ignoring the several missed phone calls from the Winchesters. He'd been just about to respond to Madeline's text when a low rumble shook the floorboards beneath his feet, a shower of dust raining down upon his inky hair.
Narrowing his eyes, he took a step towards the single window on the far side of the room, the glass stained with years of inattention.
Flames licked along the frame of the tailoring shop next door, the carved wooden sign hanging by a broken link of rusted chain.
A group of people sat huddled outside, the wailing of a woman piercing the night as the rumble sounded again, the east wall of the building exploding in a shower of splinters and crashing beams.
“Great, this is just fuckin’ perfect.” Gregory turned and crossed the room in three-wide steps, the door slamming shut behind him as he went to investigate. The humans he could give a shit less about, the reason why the only tailoring shop for miles had just exploded out of thin air was far more interesting.
Dean was on his fifth beer, Sam still trying (unsuccessfully) to get a hold of Gregory. Or Madeline. Hell, he’d take Crowley right about now. The witch was known for being aloof and not terribly forthcoming with her information, but if her text had referred them to Gregory, it didn’t bode well for the brothers.
Along with the text, Madeline had sent a couple of image files - but either she hadn’t had enough data for them to transfer properly, or the wifi in the bunker was being unusually spotty; the files were blank - tiny white text alerting Sam that the files were downloading. Problem was, there had been zero progress in the several hours it had been since he’d first received her message.
Shoving back from the table, Dean stood - the screeching of the chair against the polished floor alerting Sam. Frowning, concerned, when his brother reached for his jacket and took off towards the garage - Sam followed along behind, a book on ancient beings still clutched in his large hands.
“Did you, uh..-- where ya headed?”
Dean didn’t stop or turn around but instead threw some back-handed comment over his shoulder about figuring this damned situation out.
“I’ll be damned if I just sit here and wait for people to bring us information. Sure, Gregory has been helpful. And the girl has her uses too - but I can’t just sit here and wait for the world to implode - AGAIN.”
“I’ll let you know if I find anything.”
The heavy steel door closing behind the eldest Winchester left Sam in the bunker with nothing but his books and his thoughts - neither of which had helped up until this point.
Scrubbing his hands across his face, he yawned - dropping the book of lore on the war table, the tea-stained pages falling open to an entry on Berserkers. Sauntering off to his room, Sam had convinced himself that sleep was the answer and perhaps that’s all he needed to gain a fresh perspective. Hell, maybe he’d wake up and this entire situation will have just been a bad dream.
Problem was, Sam lived his nightmares every day - and he doubted any of that was about to change.
 “SWEET HOME ALABAMA BUH DUNNA DUN DUNNA!.... HM HM… HOME TO YOU!” Dean was thumping his hands against Baby’s steering wheel as he sang, his head bobbing as the rain outside slapped against the outside of his beloved car and her tires sending sprays of icy water toward the sidewalk that was abandoned in the storm. Dean had been driving for nearly ten hours now, and while he had no true destination in mind, he had been checking his phone at least once an hour for an update from Sam, or perhaps an answer from Gregory. “Son of a bitch…” Dean swore and tossed his phone in the place where his brother usually sat. He had no idea where he was going or what he was planning to do, but he hated sitting in idle waiting for someone else to solve his problems. Turning down the music now, Dean straightened himself in his seat as he drove and turned off county road that merged onto a highway that was eerily barren of travelers, his granny smith eyes narrowed on the dark stretch of asphalt ahead when a chiming from his phone took his attention away from the road for the briefest of moments.
[Good Witch]: Hey, sorry for the disappearing act. I need to go for a while. Back home. Keep out of this and lay low for a while. Something big is coming. Something bad and I think it knows we’re on to it. Take care of yourself, Deano
Narrowing his eyes, Dean swore and turned his attention back to the inky black stretch ahead of him, his foot heavy on the pedal and a roar sounding from beneath the Impala’s hood. “Lay low. Right. You can lay low, Witch. I’m going to find whatever’s doing this and I’m going to fucking kill--”
A direct hit from the driver’s side of the Impala sent the vehicle flipping and spinning across the four-lane road and crashing through the guard rail on the other side. Dean’s head cracked off of his window and darkness loomed before his eyes, the last view of light was a pale hand reaching through the window and gripping the front of his jacket. He felt the pressure of being pulled briefly but the pain wracking his body and colours dancing before his vision quickly had Dean losing his state of consciousness.
Two hundred some odd miles away, Sam was nose deep in a book that was very roughly translated from an archaic, long dead language to English. It had been transcribed by the Men of Letters but whoever had done it hadn’t done a very good job of it. “This is nothing but… vague guesses and assumptions.” Sam sighed as he spoke to himself and let the weathered tome slap shut, the smell of aging parchment filling his nostrils as he did. Standing up and stretching from where he’d sat in one of the library’s plush leather chairs; Sam groaned and turned his head from side to side, the satisfactory popping of joints easing the tension in his neck and shoulders slightly, he was getting far too old for all of this shit. Easing his phone from his pocket again, Sam checked the screen and frowned. No missed calls and no new texts, this wasn’t like Dean and it had him worried.
“Dammit Dean... fuck it, maybe Ro knows something.” While Rowena hadn’t always been on team ‘Free Will 2.0’, after she had died, and then came back she’d adopted a vaguely different tune. While Sam didn’t completely trust her, it was better than relying on Crowley or trying to find Madeline again. If Sam knew Rowena, which he did, he knew that texting her was a moot point and thus opted to call, the phone held to his ear as a ringback tone that sounded like a rusty bagpipe screeched in his ear to the point that he held the phone away slightly. “And here I thought those things went out of style in 2006,” Sam muttered under his breath and sighed in relief when the melodic voice on the other end was more than just a voicemail.
“Ah, little Sammy, how are you darling?” Rowena’s voice was a purr, though it was far from sensual; if anything she was taunting him, trying to poke the proverbial bear.
“I’m fine Rowena. I need your help.” Sam knew he wouldn’t live down asking her for help but he’d run out of options since Madeline had stopped answering her phone hours ago after one very vague text about needing to go back home for a while.
“Ooh, is Sammy asking for my help? How delightful, of course, I’d absolutely love to help you. What with after you saved my wee little sausage and slammed the devil back into his box how could I not? What seems to be the problem, petal?”
Sam could hear the mirth in Rowena’s voice and he wanted nothing more than to hang up on her after offering the witch some very choice words, but as the old word went -- desperate times called for desperate measures, even Bobby -- who had come with them through the veil of the world that Dean not-so-affectionately called the ‘upside down’ -- had agreed to work with the witch on the condition that she stop calling him ‘Bobbykins’.
“Dean left a few days ago to try and track down that freak of nature that Crowley calls his nephew Gregory. I didn’t even know that Crowley had siblings in which to give him a Nephew but that is beside the point. I can’t get a bead on him and Dean stopped answering his phone. We’re up to our waist in deep shit and I’m worried that whatever we’ve been hunting might have found him first.”
Sam spoke in one large rush of air and when he finished he was greeted by the tinkling sound of Rowena’s ever-amused laughter, her accent lilting and soft. “Ah, I see, so Dean’s on a hunting trip and hasn’t been home in a few days, is that it, darling?” Rowena knew the words would slap Sam in the face and so she continued before her jab could really sink in.
“I can scry for him and that beast of a car that he drives. Are you at the bunker? I can be there in ten minutes. Bye, for now, ~” Before Sam could even ask her questions, the line had gone dead and he was left to swear and shove his phone back into his pocket before he grew the urge to throw it across the room.
“Perfect. Just perfect.”
As the flames licked into the obsidian sky, Gregory stood before the shop, gaze narrowed in suspicious scrutiny, rolling his eyes as a woman near him ran over to claw at his arm, he turned to meet her face and lifted a lip in a mocking snarl.
“What, woman. What?”
Startled by the clearly inhuman eyes that had met her own, the woman stumbled and tripped over her words, a tongue dragging nervously over cracked and bleeding lips. Even in the dark Gregory could see that she was filthy, her teeth the colour of tombstones and her eyes sunk into her skull.
“Please! My child is in there! You have to get him! Can’t you hear him crying?!”
The fact that Gregory had not picked up on anything other than the crackling fire and exploding support beams even with his keen hearing told him that whoever this woman was, she was lying and all it took was the flashing of his eyes to read the deception that played within her own.
“You mistake me for one of these humans, and doubly as someone who gives a shit about what’s happening here. This entire town could burn to cinders for all I care. But you, you’re not a human, you’re just hiding in the skin of one. Demons I can deal with but you fae will do all manner of nasty things to get your rocks off, won’t you? Make yourself scarce before I throw you into that burning building you set alight. And here I thought I had a clue.”
Sighing as the glamoured creature hissed and took off at an odd loping jog, Gregory narrowed his eyes at the rising flames and looked around; the humans that had once stood outside of the building had returned to their homes, the village small enough that the fire wouldn’t leap to another building and the fall season wet enough that the heavy clouds in the sky would open up with rain and douse the combustion before it could cause more harm. Glancing down at where the Fae had gripped the arm of his suit, Gregory was dismayed to find the material charred and blackened, a grip that would have normally seared a human to the bone.
“Always has to be the suit. Why is it always the fucking suit.”
Kicking a chunk of burning embers back toward the billowing inferno, Gregory turned and made his way back toward the inn, shadows enveloping him as he walked until he had disappeared from view -- leaving any who had seen the act full of questions that would never be answered.
“Oh… god, my spleen. Why.”
Gregory landed on the other side of the summoning ring with a painful thud, a bruising ache blooming throughout his lower back and ass. Staring up at where he was, he noticed the intricate devil’s trap carved and gilded into the ceiling. Someone took their demonology very seriously.
“...Fancy meeting you here, Sam. Ugh… I think you broke my ass.”
“I’ll be breaking a lot more unless you tell me where my brother is and what your part in this hunt we’re stuck doing is. It’s funny how every time a new body pops up, you’re right there with it.”
Sam’s baritone voice echoed throughout the hidden holding cell within the bunker, pacing around the large devil’s trap that duplicated the one that had been carved into the ceiling with the help of Madeline’s magic several months ago.
“You think I’m killing all of these lily assed humans for shit and gigs? Really? Oh jesus, that smarts… ah..” Rolling onto one hip, Gregory slowly pulled himself to his feet. He was definitely way too old to be getting yanked around like a yo-yo without consent.
“All I know is it ain’t human and it’s not from my neck of the woods. Fae maybe, something extra fuckin’ spooky, even for your thrill-seeking asses.” Dusting off the tail end of his suit jacket, Gregory sighed and gave up on saving it, pulling the expensive silk-lined piece off and letting it fall to the floor, the sleeves of his black button-down rolled up over his elbows to reveal dark, surreal tattoos that covered every inch of his arms -- Sam was willing to bet that the demon before him was covered completely in ink like that.
“Alternatively, if you hadn’t ripped me halfway across the globe I probably could have texted you that there’s high supernatural activity even in Ireland where I just was before you -- again, I’ll repeat myself -- ripped me through a portal like a fucking lesser demon!” Gregory rarely raised his voice, but when he did it left an impact; Sam’s hair on the back of his neck standing up and a gut-deep spike of fear causing goosebumps to cover his arms. Gregory’s face had briefly morphed, a fearsome visage having replaced the almost boyishly handsome features he generally had.
“That being said. Sure, Sam, I’ll try to help you despite your utter lack of respect. But first, why is Rowena wearing a swanky ball gown in your dungeon? I’m not one to judge kinks but… well.” The impish smirk on Gregory’s face earned him a roll of Sam’s eyes, but from the corner, he heard Rowena choke back a small laugh, and that was good enough for him.
“Wakey wakey…that’s it, good boy.”
Dean’s eyes rolled and twitched beneath fluttering eyelids and he slowly regained consciousness, a bright light searing into his pupils when he finally opened them completely. “Sonova…” His voice was lacking its usual bravado in exchange for a hoarse, barely-there whisper and his windpipe felt like he had swallowed fire.
“Ah, the prodigal son returns to the land of the living.”
Glancing around as panic and anger set in, Dean growled and forced himself to sit up, his joints and muscles screaming at the pain that followed his hasty movement. “Where am I?” This time when he spoke, his words were a bit clearer; the pain in his chest ignored in lieu of glaring angrily out at whatever had been speaking to him. He couldn’t see in the dim lighting of the corridor but the walls were made of packed earth and the musty smell in the air told Dean that he was somewhere deep underground.
“Where are you? Oh, ah, a cave, of course, or… whatever it is you humans call these things. I would have taken you somewhere more open but the King gets what the King wants. Not sure what he wants with you, though, you’re awfully...pale.”
From the depths of shadows that strained against the torch-light, a tall creature with a complexion that was obsidian in it’s darkest form allowed himself to be seen. Eyes the colour of violets with the pupils of a serpent shone from the depths of black sockets and in the jumping light of the fire, Dean could see that this creature, whatever it was, had trails of opalescent, oil-slick scales highlighting his face, shoulders, and arms.
“You a shapeshifter? Never seen one be so ugly, gotta say.” Dean grunted out the insult and finally used the bars in front of him to pull himself to his feet. “Why am I here?” Dean had a sneaking suspicion but he preferred to play dumb in times like these, if for any reason than to rile up his captor.
“A shape...what? Ugh, you humans are so close-minded. Do I look like some skin-swapping mongrel from up above? No, I do not. You are here because you are very nosy, and his highness does not like it when nosy things stick their ugly little noses into his affairs.”
“Who are you calling’ ugly pal? You look like a piece of burnt toast and a pile of crap had sex and shit you out.”
Dean’s insult only served to make the creature laugh; the sound elegant and laced at its edges with a quiet, rasping hiss.
“You are a feisty one. I am beginning to see why he is so interested in you. In fact, sit tight, I will fetch him so that I can be rid of your fleshy stench.”
Dean watched as the willowy creature slipped back into the darkness, straining to hear and waiting for the sound of its footsteps to fade away completely.
“I’m getting too old for this shit,” Dean grunted and ran his hands over the makeshift cage, a knuckle-rapping against one of the bars, brows shooting up when he realized it was hollow. “Bamboo?” Shaking his head at the idea, Dean lowered himself to the floor and braced his weight with the palms of his hands before lifting both of his legs and striking his boots against the joints of the cage. It took several blows but slowly, the bamboo reeds snapped and splintered under his force. Shoving what he could out of the way, he scrambled to his feet and groaned as the real paint set in and shot its way through his weary legs. No matter how badly his body felt, he forced himself to keep moving, his hands used as a guide to lead him through the bowels of the dark caverns.
Just over four thousand miles away, Madeline shivered and pulled a thick, fur lined hood up and close to her features. The fur smelled of sage and cedar; most likely to hide the stench of the archaic methods of tanning used in the village that she stood in.
“Well girl, get inside, middle of fuckin’ winter and you’re out there shakin’ like an arctic hare hidin’ from an osprey!” Einar’s voice was deep and booming, a rare lilt of amusement dancing on the edges of his words. “Here, supper.” A heavy thud alerted Madeline to the large wooden bowl that had been set on an equally large table in the center of Einar’s tent. He had the largest in the village, the arcing supports made from the bones of whales and something even larger that had gone black with age.
“Right, yeah…” Shoving herself away from the entrance of the tent, she let the thick deer hide fall back over the opening and slowly shrugged herself out of the large fur coat that she had been given upon arriving.
“Everything looks exactly the same, like out of a picture. Gosh, it feels like it’s been forever since I’ve been here.”
From the other side of the table, Einar snorted and puffed at a carved bone pipe that was clamped firmly between his lips. “You’re barely over a century, girl, blink of an eye. Of course, nothing has changed. Now sit down and eat and we’ll talk about how to save those humans you seem to be so enamored with.”
Madeline wanted to argue and defend her friendship; she wanted to tell her grandfather that they were hardly friends, let alone something worth being enamored with but she knew if she told him that, their discussion would be off the table. Einar reserved his knowledge for those he thought were worth it, and if he caught air that Sam and Dean were hardly considered her friends, he’d sooner talk about the weather, or ask her when the last time she’d gone hunting for caribou was so with a sigh, she lowered herself into the hand made chair and pulled the bowl of rabbit stew closer to her. It smelled delicious -- she could at least give him that much.
“So, tell me about how these boys stumbled across something this old and angry?”
TAGS: @jamielea81 @wings-of-a-raven
0 notes
teamwoah · 6 years
Methods and Techniques of Medical Astrology
Astrology is reported to be the control that shows people how to generate horoscopes and utilize the positions of celestial bodies, to comprehend and understand Human living on Planet, at the very least that what it says on a leading astrology website. I often experience posts and remarks asking whether astrology is a science or trying to demonstrate or disprove astrology in medical terms. Privately, I do not observe an example between astrology and contemporary technology can be drawn. Technology and astrology are two very different disciplines, centered on different principles. Science follows the rules of experimentation, remark and Amil baba in Lahore , clinical concepts should have theoretical or mathematical proof that should always be consistent. Though astrology has it's possess pair of well described rules, they very different to those of science. Regardless of what many astrologers may maintain, astrology is not without limits and before we are able to go about saying astrology a science or else, we've to know what these are. Astrology (Vedic) is considered to be the product of heavenly creativity and was imparted to the Hindu sage,'Bhrigu'by the Goddess of wealth,'Mahalakshmi '. That understanding was recorded in old holy texts, which just remnants still remain. Astrology is not just a ideal discipline and is as effective as the astrologer who techniques it. Their proficiency establishes how accurate the results turn out to be and depends mainly on his / her degree of understanding, type of knowledge (nature of the forecasts made) and length of experience. It will be however however, be logical to think that actually an astrologer, who's by all records well achieved, could not declare to possess total familiarity with astrology, as his or her information can't exceed that that is contained in the texts that also exist, as they are imperfect themselves. As described on a number one astrology internet site, science and astrology are base on diametrically other points of view, for the reason that science continues to be grappling with powerful issues concerning the World, in regards to the formation of the Universe, the likelihood of parallel Universes, that infinitesimally little fraction of another following the Large Beat and the beginning of time. Therefore that which was there before the beginning of time? If the Market has continued to develop ever since it's creation, what's it growing in to? Our understanding is indeed confined why these issues themselves noise absurd. Vedic astrology on another hand, originates from a opinion program that's on the basis of the principle that an reason for anything that exists can be found in the Hindu scriptures, or using their help. Many Vedic scholars believe that what scientists are finding today was known to the sages all along. As an example, the twin Vedic planets,'Rahu'and'Ketu'are special to Vedic astrology. They are said to be signify a mythic serpent, that'Rahu'is the head and'Ketu'the tail. Both of these planets are considered to be malefic and devour other types of energy like countless sets and eclipse or debilitate the Sun and the Moon. Along with of'Rahu'is black and that of'Ketu'is grey. The similarity between'Rahu'and'Ketu'and dark holes is very striking, the contrary end of a dark gap is thought to be a white dwarf. Still another case in place and also featured on the earlier mentioned leading astrology web site, is the relevance of the quantity,'108 ', which can be the amount of beads in a Hindu prayer bead rosary. While these prayer drops certainly are a item of the historical Vedic period, through modern science, we now know that the determine'108'is of specific relevance, as the exact distance between the Earth and the Sunlight is approximately 108 instances the Sun's diameter. The Sun's size is approximately 108 times that of the Earth's and the distance between the World and the Moon is around 108 situations the Moon's diameter. Is it feasible that the old Hindu sages could establish these celestial proportions, with such precision, well before telescopes endured? In addition to used to create forecasts about the future, Vedic astrology also permits remedial steps, through the use of jewels, talismans, prayer ceremonies, chanting of Mantras etc. According to the ancient Vedic scriptures, a similar universe, complete with planets, stars, constellations and so forth exists in the human body. Certainly, this Universe doesn't occur in exactly the same bodily form we all know through astronomy. However, it's existence this can be skilled by the awakening of the'Kundalini ', or'Resting Serpent ', a fantastic thread working through the spinal wire, the awakening of which can be the highest part of'Tantrik'practices. Vedic astrology acknowledges nine planets, a dozen zodiacs and 28 constellations. Pandit Sarvesh Nagarvedic, the chief astrologer on the mentioned before leading astrology site describes that the nine Vedic planets have now been accorded the position of demigods, but these divine figures aren't all powerful and rely on products made on Earth for strength. Once we on Planet wish to or please the energy representing a planet, by obtaining it's gemstone or Yantra, we are really touching into the energy of the planet, present in our personal similar universe. This way, the planets are typically gratified and react by bestowing their benefits on their worshippers.
0 notes
bedbathandbeyondv67 · 6 years
Sidereal and Tropical Astrology - Do They Complement Each Other?
Regardless of what many astrologers might state, astrology isn't without restrictions and before we are able to Amil baba Black Magic proclaiming astrology a technology or else, we have to know what these are. Astrology (Vedic) is believed to be the item of divine inspiration and was imparted to the Hindu sage,'Bhrigu'by the Goddess of wealth,'Mahalakshmi '. This knowledge was noted in historical sacred texts, that just remnants however remain. Astrology is not a ideal control and is just like the astrologer who methods it. His / her proficiency determines how correct the outcome come out to be and depends mainly on their range of information, form of knowledge (nature of the predictions made) and period of experience. It will be however nevertheless, be rational to think that also an astrologer, who's by all records properly achieved, couldn't claim to own complete understanding of astrology, as their information can't exceed that that will be included in the texts that still occur, as they are incomplete themselves. As described on a respected astrology website, technology and astrology are base on diametrically opposite items of view, in that technology remains grappling with compelling issues in regards to the Market, about the creation of the Galaxy, the chance of similar Universes, that infinitesimally small fraction of a second following the Big Bang and the start of time. Therefore the thing that was there before the beginning of time? If the Universe has continued to develop ever since it's generation, what's it increasing into? Our understanding is really limited that these questions themselves noise absurd. Vedic astrology on one other give, comes from a opinion system that is on the basis of the theory an reason for exactly what exists is found in the Hindu scriptures, or with their help. Many Vedic scholars think that what scientists are exploring nowadays was recognized to the sages all along. As an example, the double Vedic planets,'Rahu'and'Ketu'are distinctive to Vedic astrology. They are reported to be symbolize a mythical serpent, of which'Rahu'is the pinnacle and'Ketu'the tail. Both of these planets are regarded as being malefic and eat other designs of power like countless pits and eclipse or debilitate the Sunlight and the Moon. The colour of'Rahu'is black and that of'Ketu'is grey. The similarity between'Rahu'and'Ketu'and black openings is very impressive, the opposite end of a black hole is considered to be a bright dwarf. Still another case in point and also featured on the earlier mentioned primary astrology web site, could be the relevance of the number,'108 ', which will be the number of beans in a Hindu prayer bead rosary. While these prayer beads really are a product of the ancient Vedic time, through contemporary research, we today realize that the determine'108'is of particular relevance, as the length involving the Earth and the Sunlight is approximately 108 instances the Sun's diameter. The Sun's dimension is about 108 instances that of the Earth's and the distance involving the World and the Moon is around 108 occasions the Moon's diameter. Is it possible that the old Hindu sages could determine these celestial dimensions, with such precision, well before telescopes existed? As well as getting used to create forecasts about the long run, Vedic astrology also allows for remedial methods, through the use of rocks, talismans, prayer ceremonies, chanting of Mantras etc. In line with the old Vedic scriptures, a simultaneous market, filled with planets, stars, constellations etc exists in the individual body. Clearly, this World does not exist in the exact same physical type we know through astronomy. However, it's existence this can be experienced by the awakening of the'Kundalini ', or'Sleeping Serpent ', a fantastic thread running through the spinal wire, the awareness of that is the greatest step in'Tantrik'practices. Vedic astrology understands nine planets, twelve zodiacs and 28 constellations. Pandit Sarvesh Nagarvedic, the chief astrologer on the previously mentioned major astrology internet site describes that the nine Vedic planets have already been accorded the position of demigods, but these incredible figures are not all powerful and depend on products created on Earth for strength. When we on Planet wish to or improve the ability addressing a planet, by buying it's gemstone or Yantra, we are actually touching into the energy of the planet, within our personal similar universe. In this manner, the planets are typically satisfied and respond by bestowing their blessings on the worshippers.
0 notes
Phantom in the Twilight 4 - 5 | Starlight Promises | Muhyo and Roji’s BSI 1 | Cells at Work! 5 | BnHA 55 - 56 | Angolmois 5 | Planet With 5
Tags should be rolled out soon.
Phantom 4
The Chris x Shinyao ship is setting sail…figuratively and literally.
Affogato al caffe. I’m not a coffee person but it sounds tasty!
I wonder what “shut up, peanut gallery” sounds like in Japanese or Chinese? (volume off right now)
I like how they decided to randomly stick a drone into this.
Oh, I didn’t really believe Ton when she said Toryu had a talisman over his eyes, but now I can see it too. This crow scene reminds me of Juuni Taisen though…by the way.
The fact Haysin (half-shaven man is Haysin, now that I’ve gotten the villains’ names straight) is plotting above London reminds me of the 90s, where villains would do that a lot for no other reason but to look cool.
I love how Vlad’s cape appears last, so that it can drift behind him dramatically like that.
This show’s a bit monologue-driven, but nothing that isn’t highly entertaining.
Ohmigosh, was that Vlad? As a singer??? What??? That’s fantastic! Amazing! And also surprisingly sexy…not that I needed to divulge that last bit since he’s a bishie vampire as it stands, but…y’know.
Starlight Promises
I normally don’t do commentaries for movies, but I need the notes for the WordPress post…so let’s go.
I wonder why this was delayed…
Was it just me, or was Shouma’s bike/body CGI when he was riding up the hill? I like how they chose to put the bike scene over the phone call though, it would’ve been too boring otherwise.
I always like noticing when someone says “Sankyuu” rather than “Arigatou” because it’s always funny to laugh at…well, that’s a bit of an injoke between me and some classmates from Japanese class, but…yeah.
Yakusoku no Nanayamatsuri = The Promised 7th Night Festival, or something along those lines.
The hologram speaks very formally…but that’s because she’s an admin person. She’s dealing with people she’s not familiar with and might keep at arms’ length.
They’re so going to fall in love aren’t they? That’s the tale of Tanabata for ya.
Oh, Shiori lost her hat! Also, was Shouma always calling her (Shiori) –chan?
Have you noticed the women all dress in pink/red and the boys all dress in blue? Eesh, gender segregation, much?
This water is so obviously CGI…it’s not the most terrible-looking stuff I’ve seen in CGI, but it’s still obviously CGI.
He’s dead! Just as I was thinking all along! As soon as they started dropping hints about Shiori’s sister, I knew Atsushi was gonna be dead!
You can quite clearly see the fabric has been animated by CGI in this dance sequence. That’s probably why the movie was delayed…
There weren’t that many friend-friend pairs…only lovers and familial ones…hmm…
Muhyo and Roji’s BSI 1
Finally! Time for the start of the season to be watched!...At least, I hope so. Between the shows I’ve got, the lineup’s pretty much set.
If Kenji and Nana appear next week, they’re probably just trying to take their time with this show. Then again, they could still rush the ending…or cut out some of the middle stuff…
I find it interesting that they showed Yoichi chasing after Enchu first. By doing that, it’s almost as if Muhyo and Roji don’t matter in this show.
This adaption’s actually pretty by the book, to use a very bad pun. I think the glasses cost Roji about 300 (or was that 390?) yen, but that’s the only missing detail I’ve found so far.
What does “nice course” mean anyway? In volleyball, that is…
Welp, as much as I want to support this show, this first problem could clearly just be solved by having more communication between Rie and Taeko…
…I kind of knew this would happen, but…the lineup I have is so solid and yet I don’t think this show could compete with any of them. So, as much as I want to follow the show weekly, it’s going on hold.
BnHA 55
This “Miss Sai” lady is most definitely going to go “Ohohoho!”, y’know? Just from that hand gesture, I can tell that’s going to happen…*sigh* Anime…
Phreatic explosion. Sounds cool, but it’s pretty simple at the heart of the matter.
Interi Saiko…ohmigosh! It’s just as bad as puns from Saiki Kusuo’s show! Saikou means “best” and interi is short for “intelligence”.
Interesting that Yaomomo thinks of Todoroki first…then Iida…
This high-pitched noise is basically the beginning of Dude of Red, y’know? (LOL!)
Lemme guess, Aizawa thinks Midoriya and Bakugo are the two with the biggest influence.
Cells at Work! 5
Phagocytosis. Haven’t seen that word in years, y’know…
Diastroph-wuh?...Diastrophism, apparently.
“With its antibodies!”
…wasn’t there an explanation of mast cells in one of the previous episodes, though?
I think Mast Cell was using “baka” (volume off) but the subbers went with “bonehead”, which works just as well while including an extra body pun in there! Fabulous, huh?
Steroids can be human-made, right? So that’s why this is a robot! A-ha!
Planet With 5
The giant explosion? Didn’t think they were going to talk about that, LOL. Nobody talks about things like those in ordinary shows…but then again, this isn’t an ordinary show, is it?
I feel like the girls are talking about the case in Eva, where the children constantly had to get evacuated.
Can someone be weird by not being weird? I guess that’s the chuuni life for ya.
Why is there an abandoned ball in the play equipment, though…?
Hey! It’s a world turtle! The Nebula people(?) really do believe in human mythology, don’t they?
Oh. The “ni” in “Universe” is upside-down…
Maybe the snake is Ouroboros? Or the Midgard serpent, which is said to encircle the Earth in Norse mythology?
The hologram machine looks like a macaron…*drools*
There appears to be the kanji for “love” on one side of the bowl.
Ah! Shiraishi is giving them instructions! Just like I said in ep 2’s commentary!
I mentioned in a WordPress post Planet With can be interpreted as a coming-of-age and I think that’s best encapsulated in Nezuya’s change. However, Takezo (old man) is proving that even the young at heart can “have the fire in their hearts put out”, meaning even he need to grow up…metaphorically speaking.
The dog’s Japanese name is Kakka = “His Excellency”. So why “Generalissimo”????
Whoa! Normally it’s a small TBC on the corner (bottom-right quarter of the screen), but this time it fills the entire screen…! The show’s just getting better and better!
Phantom in the Twilight 5
The body text of the newspaper appears to be in Latin, LOL.
Hey, a leannan sidhe! Havn’t seen one since Ancient Magus’ Bride and that’s where I learnt about ‘em anyway.
Is it just me, or does the animation look noticeably wonkier than usual in this episode…?
George Gregory *scoffs*. What a name, it’s almost redundant…
Poor boy Roland seems sleep-deprived…hopefully it’s just the artstyle…or his stage makeup.
“Armlet”? (sic)
I wonder why there are all these blurry shots? They seem somewhat intentional…
I thought Roland was Vlad in the next-ep preview of ep 4! Dangit, show, why do Vlad and Roland look so similar???
This song sequence is pretty much as bad as Dynamic Chord, so thank goodness the entire premise isn’t about the singer…*wipes invisible sweat off brow* Phew.
Oh dear. Why is Van Helsing always the man you want when it comes to vampire hunting? Couldn’t you call for Buffy or something? Not that I know anything about Buffy…
I thought I saw Toryu for a second back there…in the PhaTowa Plus segment…
Angolmois 5
I never realised how good the sound design was in this show. Now that I’m listening to it properly, it’s pretty amazing.
Why was the scout so small in that shot? If they wanted Hitari to show off, they should’ve gone for something more visible, y’know?
Amushi looks like Keith from Voltron…! Why do I even know what Keith looks like? Because you Netflix watchers make such a fuss over him and his sexuality!
Interestingly, the Mongols have spears but the Japanese only just got them…huh. In the birthplace of the naginata, to boot.
Why are there so many stills in this show’s action scenes, though?
“Don’t fight a war unless you know why you’re fighting it.” – Sage advice, Kuchii Jinzaburo.
9th year of the Bun’ei era = 1272. The more you know.
Kuchii still had his scar back then, huh? I wonder when he got it then.
I really liked seeing Yajrou’s character development throughout this episode.
BnHA 56
“It seems pretty handy!” seems like a really bad pun, considering what happened just earlier with Shishikura’s fingers…
I still don’t get why Denki’s glasses are meant to be upside-down, though…
For some reason, I’m laughing *gasp* really *gasp* hard at *gasp* the insult “Dunce Face”! (LOL) (gasping from too much laughter)
Midoriya does the Naruto run. It really shows how much Horikoshi looks up to Kishimoto.
0 notes
rodnoverworld · 7 years
Modern history is not only false, but it has also been written by the order of very powerful families, who wish to keep the humanity under their thumb. To say it in other words – modern history, as it is taught in schools and universities around the world, is designed with the sole purpose of creating obedient slaves.
Along with the numerous monuments with Slavic-Aryan symbols scattered throughout Europe, there exist monuments with runic inscriptions that are dated to be between one and a half to two thousand years old. There are especially many such monuments in Northern Europe, in Scandinavia.
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These include, first and foremost, runic stones, which modern scholars refer to the period of 1st to 5th century A.D., although suggest that their age is much older, this includes bracteates – flat thin coins of gold or silver embossed on one side, today we call them medallions.
It was always thought, that these runic inscriptions are written with ancient Germanic runes, or the so-called “Elder Futhark”. However, none of runic inscriptions relating to this period, were not deciphered using these runes, in the sense that runologists and historians “supposedly” read something with the help of Futhark, but the output was nothing more than a meaningless set of letters, which was then “brought” to the more or less understandable form, using all sorts of tensions and assumptions. Over the 90 years of its existence, Western runology was not able to correctly read a single runic inscription.
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The only suitable tool for reading the early Scandinavian runes were Slavic runes. With their help, the inscriptions read perfectly, without any adaptations, sadly for the orthodox scientists. It was Oleg Leonidovich Sokol-Kutylovsky, a corresponding member of RANS (Research Institute of Geophysics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Ekaterinburg), who was able to get the Scandinavian runes to speak.
He analyzed the runic inscriptions on 35 bracteates, about 30 inscriptions on clasps and ornaments, rings, medallions, coins, weapons, and 30 runic stones, and about a dozen inscriptions on bones and wood. The geography of runic monuments of Slavic-Aryan inscriptions, which he found, is impressive: Sweden, Norway, Denmark, UK, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine, France, Bulgaria, Hungary, Serbia and the European part of Turkey. He wrote a couple of dozens of articles, which gave detailed description of his research. The scientist came to a natural conclusion: virtually all of the ancient runic inscriptions of Northern and Central Europe, previously considered of German origin, are meaningfully read in Slavic language.
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Let us read some of the evidence discovered by the Russian scientist, which were left by our Ancestors two thousand years ago, when Scandinavian land was their homeland.
Inscriptions on Runic Stones
The most famous rune stone in Northern Europe is a stone from the Swedish city Rök. The stone contains the longest runic inscription from among known. It consists of 762 runes and dates from the 9th century A.D. The text is written on all sides of the stone, including the ends and the top.
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The Swedes “deciphered” the inscription as follows:
“About Vemude these runes speak. Darin placed them in honor of the fallen son. I say the folktale / to the young men, which the two war-booties were, which twelve times were taken as war-booty, both together from various men. I say this second, who nine generations ago lost his life with the Hreidgoths; and died with them for his guilt. Þjóðríkr the bold, chief of sea-warriors, ruled over the shores of the Hreiðsea. Now he sits armed on his Goth(ic horse), his shield strapped, the prince of the Mærings.”
However, the Russian scientist Sokol-Kutylovsky, using Slavic runes, demonstrates his deciphering of each inscribed row, which ended up being much longer than the Swedish version, and proves that “the Swedish runic poem” has nothing to do with what is written on the stone in reality. It does not speak of any Vemude, nor does it speak of Todrike, who is identified with the king of Visigoths – Theodoric. Moreover, his deciphering destroys the myth of the ancient runic poetry inscriptions of the Swedes. The only correct guess of the Swedish runology, is that the stone is a monument to the fallen. What is written on it, in fact? Here is a fragment of the deciphered inscription, the full version of which can be read in the scientific article “Rök Runestone: Myths and Reality”:
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“They placed for their honored. They chose to give life (for) rags. That uneven battle they did not begin, they entered the fight, for the fight came to them … They destroyed that army. May those lands become theirs … Danes attacked their lands, their servants (employees) of the owner of those lands. Not otherwise, as to impose a tax (on) their land and wanted them to give those lands to them … If it wasn’t for ners Nivanned, Vanned and Nevanhnanne in the service of the owner of the land … And those lands are attacked no more. Those Danes are no more, for ners … hold guard, for those lands were given (to them), their lands … “
The rune stone speaks about the conflict between farming communities of Slavic people of “Rags” and “Ners” on one side, and the Danes on the other. The Danes tried to collect tribute (tax) from the neighbors, but were fought back, and the decisive role in this conflict was played by Ners, to whom this monument was raised. They came to the aid of Rags. From deciphering the inscriptions can be understood that Ners worked in those places as workers for hire. After the conflict, they received a part of bordering with the Danes arable lands as property, for which they pledged to guard them against the encroachments of the Danes.
As you can see, a Russian scientist has produced quite an understandable text, which has nothing to do with cloudy Swedish fictions about some obscure two-booties, which were somehow taken twelve times. Let’s look at some more Scandinavian runic stones, which recently began to “speak” in Slavic:
The stone, depicted in the first photo, is in Norway and dates back to the 4th-6th centuries A.D. On it, a large symbol is “chiseled”, which covers almost half of the entire stone, and the runic inscription. Judging by the inscriptions and the symbols, this stone is also dedicated to the fallen warriors. The inscription reads: “These men are in Heavenly Rus at night, others still live”, and the symbol, which resembles the rune “Pe”, can represent the fallen warriors’ affiliation to the army of Perun, the Slavic deity. Interesting information, is it not? From it, it can be concluded, that at least from the 4th to 6th century A.D. on the territory of modern Norway the state of Heavenly (or Divine) Rus existed, the people of which spoke Slavic, wrote Slavic runes and honored Slavic deities.
Another rune stone from Norway says: “Ra in the night, that is, in a hole. A Bog (deity) says in the night: that is Borobog rejoicing, he destroyed Ra this night. Borobog, he is. The young sun rises, Ra is going to set down on Rus.” Sokol-Kutylovsky suggests that the inscription can be understood as a representation of the ancient Slavs on the cause of the onset of winter and the polar night. It is unusual to see the name of the “Egyptian” deity Ra in the Slavic runic inscriptions in Northern Europe, but, as it turns out, it is seen there very often, and represents the sun, and Borobog – the deity of wind and cold.
And here is another stone from Norway. It is called “The Eggja rune stone”, on behalf of the village, near which it was found. It contains approximately 184 runic symbols, is composed of two very long lines, and presumably tells the story of climate change – an unusually early onset of warming, the cause of which may be flashes on the sun-Ra, which is called piebald (spotted). The scientist managed to confidently read two-thirds of the text: “Those ners are crying. The peg (spotted) sun is sleeping. The winter gives its snow. Its heat scorches that water, as there is no cold wind in those snowy nights. It is said, that by reading (they) want to call that Sun to its (place) from his (current place) … for it is not time, for it scorches little in the winter … not strongly the sun expels the cold wind, but now strongly. Mara is on that Sun. Sometimes (once) it is hot early, another (time) no … scorches … “
On the runic stone from Sweden, which is dated the first half of the first millennium A.D., we read: “You remember long their time, for that time (leaves) into the darkness: the river of time flows for eternity. And this Rboniv grove also.” The name Rbon was quite common in early medieval Scandinavia, and it can be seen quite often on runic stones and monuments. This name had different variants of pronunciation: Rabon, Rboni, Rbonnis.
Another Swedish stone spoke in Slavic that: “This was placed, so read. If (you) do not want war, know – this boundary is of another.” In other words, this stone – the border pillar of 4th – 6th centuries A.D. with a warning inscription. The watchdogs, depicted on it, correspond to it.​
The Inscriptions on Bracteates
Many Scandinavian bracteates are known to exist. About their abundance indicates the major work of the German scientist S. Novak of 920 pages, which is entirely devoted to golden bracteates. However, this work does not contain a single translation because no runic inscription on them was read with the aid of German runes, and it’s of no surprise. After all, these inscriptions can only be read with Slavic runes! Nevertheless, the entire “scientific” world continues to count bracteates, and the inscriptions on them – Germanic.
The runic inscription on the first bracteate from the island of Gotland simply reads – “Boje” (Bog, deity or “god” in modern Judaic religions), the second “Boje, protect”, therefore the bracteate was a keepsake or a protection talisman. On the third, it’s written “Bog Ra, Bog Ka”. Here is how Sokol-Kutylovsky describes this bracteate: “Since only solar symbols are depicted on this bracteate, the central figure represents the “solar” Bog (deity) in motion. The hands of this Bog are bent at right angles and form a rune “Ra”, and the svastika (or Kolovrat) located behind it, is formed with runes “Ka”. At the same time, the Sun-Bog, as befits the Sun, moves in a clockwise direction. Each appearance (birth) of the Sun Bog, Ra – Ra-Svet (dawn), and every one of his disappearances (death), Ka – Za-KaT (sunset). The etymology of words rasvet (dawn) and zakat (sunset) my have something to do with the meaning of the periodic appearance and disappearance of the sun. Exactly that, that the svastika is a moving image of the sun – we know from many sources, but only in the Slavic syllabic runic writing there is a rune, which simultaneously contains the oldest sound value, and the oldest graphic representation of the sun.” The next two bracteates also mention the Sun Bog. The inscription reads: “Ra is eternal.”
The Casket from the British Museum
Sokol-Kutylovsky unlocked another centuries-old mystery by reading the Slavic runes on a small casket, known in the literature as “Franks casket”. It was found in Auzon (France) in the 19th century, and in 1867, the English antiquarian Franks gave it to the British Museum, where it still can be found. The missing right panel was discovered in 1890 in Italy and is now kept in the National Museum in Florence. Dimensions of the box are 12.9×22.9×19.1 cm. It is completely covered with carved ivory figures and inscriptions, made as with runic symbols, as with Latin characters. In 1,300 years, no one was able to read it. They tried, of course, but then came to the amazing conclusion that on the casket made of whalebone, written a poem about … whalebone. And it is good that it happened, otherwise the box would certainly have not been preserved. If the British knew that the inscriptions on it were in Britain by people who spoke Slavic language, rather than the “Old English”, and Slavic runes, rather than the “Anglo-Saxon” … it is doubtful they would store and preserve it so carefully and openly expose it in the British Museum.
On the top panel of the casket, just a short runic inscription is carved “Foreign”. Under “foreign” here, are the ruler, sitting in the palace, and his protection in the form of a warrior, an archer, on the right side panel. These “foreign” are located within the fortress (or castle). The text on the front of the casket reads: “Bog Wolf, hide this secret casket not forever. The wolf growl will return. Wolflike will roar for you my wolf-mother, her wolf children will bark so. Always waiting for the eternal ruin of it from Rome. It is not of wolf. He, Wolf, established (cult, law) forever.”
On the back panel the following text is written: “Establish peace and understand: for that Romans forever give you life and take (as) eternal slaves. Rugy, Rusy. Eternal they are eternal, that eternal power of Rome the Wolf will devour.”
The left side panel reads: “Wolf, give (strength) as it is impossible not to scream. The (new) chief takes, hides (withholds) salary, for the warrior chief was replaced. Because of him daughter cries. He lives importantly (wealthy) and sets the work (for us) not according to wolf (not in accordance to the norms set by the previous chief) warrior people.”
Unfortunately, to exactly pinpoint a dozen characters on the right panel proved to be very difficult, so no coherent text came out. The scientist was able to identify only some possible words: “to establish”, “to solve”, “people”, “chest”, “full”, “gold”, “want”, “wealth” and some others. The mention of Bog Wolf sounds unusual. It turns out that until the middle of 7th century, in Britain, there was a cult of the Wolf. A more unusual is the mention of Rugy and Rusy as indigenous people of the British Isles. We have heard more of Celts than of anything, and the more educated – about the Britons and the Picts …
The Ruthwell Cross
Another monument with ancient Slavic runes can be located in the small Scottish village of Ruthwell. The height of the cross is 5.5 meters, it dates back to approximately the last quarter of the 7th century A.D. This cross stood near the altar of the Ruthwell church until 1642, until the Assembly of the Church of Scotland chose to destroy this vestige of Roman paganism. And the fact that this cross is pagan – no doubt. In the central upper part of the cross, the Sun is depicted. A falcon is depicted on top, on the crossbar – a rooster, and some large animal, whether an ox or a cow. Below, an archer is depicted. On the reverse side of the crossbar – a fish with an open mouth, and perhaps – a swan. The decision was partially fulfilled: the cross was dismantled and one part of the cross was buried in the cemetery, and another part was thrown into the trench in the courtyard of the church and used for paving. At the beginning of the 19th century, the cross was restored from the surviving fragments.
In all encyclopedias, reference books and textbooks, it is asserted that the Ruthwell Cross is a monument to Old English literature. On it, in Anglo-Saxon runes, a poem written in verses about the crucifixion of Christ. Apparently, following the same logic according to which upon the casket of whalebone must be a runic poem about whalebone, it is necessary for the Ruthwell Cross to contain a poem about the cross. What is interesting, the text of the poem is provided. Even more interesting, is that the English themselves cannot read a single word of this runic poem. It is said that to modern English it was translated by some unnamed Italian pilgrim, who, for whatever reason, did not translate into English the Latin inscriptions, which are also on the cross and are allegedly either quotations from the Bible, or the names of the characters depicted on the cross.
Sokol-Kutylovsky read the runic inscriptions on this cross, using the Slavic runes. Naturally, none of them speak of neither the crucifixion of Christ, nor are they quotations from the Bible. So what is there? There are mentions of Ra, Yara, Mara and the Wolf – a cult that existed in Britain up to about the middle of the 7th century, and which probably replaced the cult of Yara. “It is (the followers of) Ra-Yara say (to the followers) of Ra-Wolf … The gift of the temple of Bog Yara, not to live in the darkness, for the Divine Law is not set for them, asks them to call to Yara. Close that Ra of Wolf, for life is arranged differently … Ra-Wolf was established by Rome, it gave Ra, but took Rus, the Ra-Wolf is not eternal. After defeating Rus, they (Romans) walk, and honor their heavenly Mother, people sing and believe in her.”
Thus, the scientist again clearly demonstrated that, at least until the 7th century A.D., the British Isles spoke in Slavic, wrote in Slavic runes and honored Slavic deities.
Summarizing the above, we get an interesting picture. In the first millennium A.D., in Northern Europe, lived tribes who called themselves Rugami, Ragas, Ners and Rusy, spoke Slavic languages and honored Slavic deities, and this land was called the Heavenly Rus. Slavic speech sounded in Scandinavia until the 9th century A.D.! Then, there was the first crusade against the Slavs, after which the Slavic lands ceased to be, and their inhabitants were all destroyed!
… and so, Rus became Europe …
Written by: Dmitriy Kushnir
Information taken from various internet sources
Scandinavia – The Land of Rus Modern history is not only false, but it has also been written by the order of very powerful families, who wish to keep the humanity under their thumb.
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
Green Magic: 8 Powerful Plants To Unlock Your Magic Today
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SL Bear
Nature is like a witch’s personal charging station, as well as our repository. We gather rocks, wood, feathers, skulls. What does a witch need for that nature does not provide? Perhaps, nature’s greatest gifts to the witch are the plants it supplies for potions, powders, and good luck charms — so many resources at our fingertips, right outside our front doors.
Imagine your magic for a moment without plants. Not just the actual plants — as if that’s not bad enough — but the symbolism they have carried into all aspects of the craft. We use green for wealth spells because it represents money, right? No, it represents abundance, fertility, growth, and good harvests. Whenever we call on the element of earth, we are calling on the magic of our very world. And our world would be a very dark place without the colourful, delightful plants bursting at every seam. In fact, it wouldn’t be here at all. Trees provide the oxygen that sustains life. Plants feed us all. It is little wonder witches rely on them when performing feats of magic. What could be more magical than putting a seed into the earth and having it grow into a life-giving tree?
If you’re writing a spell or working on your craft, finding the best suited plant for your intention can be crucial. In this article, I hope to unveil the rich symbolism of plants — as well as provide you with a guide on how they can work for you in your magic.
The Quiet Magic Of Plants
An apple a day… well you know the rest. But did you know the Latin word for apple is mālum, which can also mean “evil” and is the root for other unpleasant words? Malpractice, malfunction… Malleus Maleficarum. The apple, when cut in half, reveals a secret pentagram and 5 seeds within.
Although not explicitly stated in the Bible, the apple is believed to be the forbidden fruit of knowledge and not in a good way. For witches at Samhain, the apple plays a big part in rituals, and at Halloween children bob for apples — all in celebration of the harvest. The Celts believed the apple contained magical properties, and perhaps in keeping with its link to knowledge and wisdom, apples are gifted to teachers as a show of respect. The apple is also a symbol of forbidden love and sex (appearing in art and on popular book covers to suggest the same).
Suggestions for use: I choose to ignore the apple’s less than savory connotations and would use this delicious little fruit in any divination or health spells and spells to help students excel in school.
A vibrant green, fragrant plant used in recipes all over the world; basil is known as the “witch’s herb.” As well as being a versatile ingredient, you can use basil in a variety of different spells and powders. Basil, or tulasi (the incomparable one), is a sacred plant in Hinduism and is a symbol of love in many cultures. In Haiti, basil is the herb of Erzuli, the goddess of love, and so basil is a go to for marriage spells and any spell to influence a lover. Basil also has many connections to travel, protection, wealth, luck, and health.
Suggestions for use: Because of basil’s versatility and its ancient connections to witchcraft, you can use this plant in many ways in your craft. Along with bay leaves, wishes can be written on basil and then burned so they come true. You can also eat leaves for a bit of fast luck.
The “goddess tree” and “pioneer tree.”  Birch represents new beginnings and protection, and so was commonly used to make baby cribs. Its wood does not rot, because of this many people associate it with immortality and strength. Birch trees have a reputation for being resilient. In the case of forest fires, birches grow back quickly and repopulate an area with ease — another reason they are associated with starting over and new life. Besoms are made of birch, and birch bark was so thin and white that it was often used as paper to document sacred texts and symbols.
Suggestions for use: Birch leaves should be used in spells focusing on newborns or pregnancy (be sure to choose leaves that have been nibbled on if you can find them — follow the animals, these leaves are the choicest!). The addition of birch can bless any new endeavour and wishes for change should be written on birch and burned with care.
I’m obsessed with this little plant. Most people think of the shamrock as Irish and associate it with luck, which is correct, but the clover is also a symbol of the triple goddess. To find a four-leaf clover is lucky, but only because legend says it allows you to see friendly, hidden creatures like fairies and spirits! Though the four-leaf variety is more rare and famous, the three-leaf clovers have more symbolism, mainly religious. They represent the holy trinity, for example. For the Celts, the shamrock was a symbol of their knotwork as well as the balance of threes: gods, goddesses, and time.
Suggestions for use: You think I’m going to say luck, don’t you! Well, I live to surprise and my suggestion for the clover is air magic — communication, divination, astral travel, and matters of the mind. Dry the leaves, burn them, and recite spells while the smoke lingers in the air. If you are a Gemini, the clover will be especially helpful to you as the planetary association is Mercury, Gemini’s ruling planet!      
There is a Victorian language of flowers. It instructs that certain flowers must be given at certain times and you may say anything you wish to and even insult the recipient with a simple bouquet. When it comes to the daisy, a pretty white and yellow flower that just looks happy to be here, the Victorians were clear: Youth and innocence. It’s given to new mothers, young girls, and anyone who needs a little cheering up. The old-fashioned yet charming game of “he loves me, he loves me not” is played by pulling daisy petals to reveal the feelings of a crush. The daisy is associated with young love and naivety, but also wholesomeness and a fresh, sunny outlook.
Suggestions for use: This flower is perfect for self-care rituals and magic to make you feel better. Keep some daisies by your altar to invite positive vibes. If you find yourself fighting negative thoughts, carry a pressed daisy in your wallet as a reminder to be open and find joy in every moment.
As a warding agent, garlic reigns supreme. What repels vampires? Garlic. What repels everyone else? Garlic breath. It is a staple in many mouth-watering recipes, but is also used medicinally and is great for your immune system, heart, and brain. Long before penicillin, garlic was an antibiotic used the world over and Hippocrates, of Hippocratic Oath fame, noted garlic’s amazing healing properties. Garlic was used by ancient Greek and Roman soldiers for courage, perhaps because garlic is associated with the planet Mars. Garlic is hung in ropes outside shops and homes for luck and chopped up and tossed in gardens to scare away scorpions.
Suggestions for use: This “stinking rose” may be one of the most powerful warding charms out there, but its health benefits cannot be denied. Hang garlic in your kitchen to encourage healthy cooking. Incorporate fresh chopped garlic in any healing spell and be sure to add a fire element to pay homage to Mars. If you’re in a pinch, powdered garlic can be used in talismans and spell bottles.  
Seen as a counterpart to holly, ivy has maternal associations of protection and, less complimentary, clinginess. Houses with ivy covering a wall are “protected” by this plant, hidden and shielded from the rest of the world in a loving green blanket. Ivy grows in a spiral, a sacred symbol, and has five-pointed leaves, a symbol of the unity of the elements. Ivy is a hardy plant, thriving in many environments, and grows on a twisting vine. For these reasons, ivy is linked with fidelity in relationships.
Suggestions for use: Incorporate ivy in love spells, but be sure to include holly as well, to balance the two partners. For the less enamoured, use ivy to bind. Place five ivy leaves in a circle and on each leaf, place a representation of one element, holding the fifth leaf in your hand. Make a taglock for your target, bind it with a piece of ivy, and squeeze the taglock tightly in your other hand. (Use garlic as your fire element if you’d also like the person to be driven away!)
This is an old plant, which has been cultivated by humans over the years to be bigger, more colourful, and impossibly perfect. The first roses had only five petals in the shape of a pentagram, so it has long symbolised sacred knowledge. The rose resembles the human heart so it’s connected to love and passion. It is associated with Aphrodite, Venus, Lakshmi, Eros… to name a few. Along with the lily and lotus, the rose is one of the most heavily symbolic flowers in the world. Royal houses adopted the rose as their sigils, the Tarot uses the rose as a way to show balance, and in Christianity, the rose is the flower of Mary, the quintessential mother. The rose, along with representing everything from virginal purity to wild sexual passion, is also the symbol of secrets. If something is sub rosa, it means it is confidential, only spoken of in whispers and under a veil of secrecy.
Suggestions for use: Love potions are a given. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a love potion (or written one) that didn’t include some part of the rose. But try to think about the rose in a new way. This is a flower that curls up tightly, hides many layers of petals, and grows thorns along its stem — all to keep you out. This is a clandestine flower, so it should be used during spells when you want to hide something or keep something safe. Use the rose when you need privacy or to keep someone out of your business. I suggest further research on this “most perfect” of flowers, though. If you have a magical need, the rose can probably fulfil it!
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
Planetary Magic 1: The Sun, Success and Health
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by Christopher Penczak | Jul 29, 2013 |
(Originally appearing in Crow’s Calling)
When I look into the night sky, I feel a sense of wonder and awe, as if the universe is staring back at me with millions of brilliant lights. From ages past, humanity has stared at the sky, seeking wisdom and answers. Through much observation, study and testing, we created a system to see the patterns of the universe reflected in life on Earth. The system is called astrology, a science and art of interpreting the sky. Many cultures have variations upon this once central theme. The ancient people revered astrology more than our modern culture, using it for planning and counsel. Most 21st century people see astrology as strictly entertainment, asking a potential mate, “hey baby what’s your sign?” to search for a surface compatibility. For those of us reclaiming the spiritual traditions of the past to forge a new future, astrology can be more than simple entertainment. It can be a valuable addition to magic, meditation and ritual.
Astrology is a vast topic, so for this series of articles, we will focus on the planets and their practical application to those on a magical path. By looking to the astronomy, mythology, folklore and correspondences, we get a wealth of inspiration.
The Sun is considered the first “planet,” though it is technically a star. In astrology, the Sun, along with the Moon, is called a luminary, meaning light. It is the centre of the solar system. As the centre, it represents our personal centre, or core, in this lifetime. The Sun represents our primal fire, and who we are learning to be. It also denotes our physical health and aspects of the personality.
Out of the seven energy centres of the body known as chakras, the Sun corresponds to the solar plexus, our place of personal power, self-image and ego. Here we illuminate and heal our fears. The Sun is also connected to the heart chakra, as the centre of the chakra system. The physical heart provides the energy, in the form of blood, like the Sun provides energy in the form of light. Each planet is associated with one or more zodiac signs. The Sun rules Leo, the lion, the sign of developing our sense of self and identity, to interact with others. The lesson of Leo is the development of the healthy ego. Leo also corresponds with the physical heart and healing heart ailments.
By looking at the five elements, earth, air, fire, water and spirit, the Sun obviously resonates with fire, an energy of purification, passion, guidance and protection.
It is the largest “planet” and therefore has a great importance on us magically. The Sun can ultimately be seen as the source of life on Earth, providing the energy for all chemical reactions. Even though we may lose sight of it in times of darkness, or obscure it with the mental cloudiness, the Sun always continues to shine, being a constant guide.
Solar figures are found in many mythologies. In the Greco-Roman tradition, Apollo is associated with the Sun, as a young god assuming the mantle of the old god Helios. Apollo is a god of light, prophecy, healing, archery and music. He rides the chariot pulling the Sun across the sky. In Egyptian lore, Ra is not only the Sun god, but also the great creator and supreme force. Ra is the father creator and king of all gods. His great grandson, Horus, is later associated with the Sun. In Norse myth, Balder is the figure akin to Apollo, a god of light and life. He is the son of Odin, as Apollo is the son of Zeus. Balder is protected from all harm, except from weapons of mistletoe, and the god of mischief, Loki, tricks a blind archer into killing Balder with mistletoe and sending him to the land of the dead. Lugh of the Long Arm is one of many Celtic solar gods, also associated with the harvest, grain and light. He is one of many skills, including blacksmithing, magic, poetry, chess, athletics, warfare and carpentry. The Romans associated him with Mercury, but he is equally comparable to the solar deities. Modern pagans celebrate his rites at Lammas, or Lughnassadh. Although most cultures view the Sun as male, and the Moon female, the ancient Japanese look to the Sun goddess Amatarasu, as the queen of heaven and goddess of light. The Japanese flag is based upon her symbol, the rising Sun.
The attributes of the planet, through astrology and mythology, show us many facets and talents under the Sun’s domain. The Sun is associated with life, health and healing. Talents that help you shine, and develop a healthy ego and self-image are also appropriately ruled by the Sun, such as performance, music, art, and drama. The light of guidance and illumination is an important magical symbol. Solar energy helps you centre in your own power, like the centre of the solar system. Magically, the metal associated with the Sun is gold, as are the colors gold, yellow and orange. Gold is traditionally used to denote wealth, and thereby power and status. Magic and ceremony to increase your success are appropriate forms of Sun magic.
There are many ways to align with the power of the Sun. If you do visionary meditations or shamanic journey, you can ask to meet with a solar god and ask for his or her blessings. You can also choose times that resonate with the Sun. Each of the seven main planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) have a day of the week. Sunday is literally the Sun’s day and an appropriate time to do solar rituals. When any planet is in the sign of Leo, it will have a solar flavor to it. Check an astrological calendar.
Like the Moon, the Sun waxes and wanes. From the Winter Solstice to Summer Solstice, solar energy is building, so it is a great time to grow with the Sun. The rest of the year, it is waning. Personally, we each have periods of the year that correspond with the seven planets, divided into periods of fifty-two days. The first fifty-two days from your birthday is considered a time of the Sun, a time of empowerment, success, health and prosperity. In general, for the Northern Hemisphere, the first fifty-two days after the Spring Equinox is a hemisphere solar period, lasting roughly from March 21 to May 11. Take a few moments to figure out your own personal Sun period.
Other ways to harness the vast power of the Sun is to include solar items in your rituals, ceremonies and magic. Call upon solar gods. Do rituals during the daylight hours. Honour sunrise, noon and sunset. For those familiar with drawing down the Moon, try drawing down the Sun. Use the colours of the Sun on your altar, candles, altar cloth and tools. Magical texts have many resources of metals, minerals and plants “ruled” by the Sun, meaning their energy is in alignment with the Sun, although each item may have more than one planet associated with it. Use these correspondences for charms, talismans and potions. Here is a list of some common solar items:
Minerals: Amber, Ametrine, Boji Stone , Orange Calcite, Carnelian, Cat’s Eye, Citrine, Diamond Herkimer, Diamond, Pipestone, Pyrite, Quartz, Ruby, Sunstone, Tiger’s Eye, Topaz
Herbs: Adder’s Tongue, Agrimony, Alfalfa, Allspice, Almond, Angelica, Ash, Banana, Bay, Birch, Blackeyed Susan, Borage, Cactus, Caraway, Seed, Celandine, Centaury, Chamomile, Cinnamon, Citron, Copal, Daisies, Eyebright, Fir, Frankincense, Galanga Root, Garlic, Ginseng, Goldenrod, Goldenseal, Heliotrope, High John the Conqueror Root, Hops, Juniper Berries, Marigold, Mistletoe, Mustard Seeds, Red Oak, Oat, Orange, Peony, Pimpernel, Pineapple, Pumpkin, Rosemary, Rue, Saffron, Sage, Shepherd’s Purse, Sundew, Sunflower, Tarragon, Tea, Thyme, Vine, Walnut, Yarrow
(Be sure to consult a reputable medical herbal book before using any herbs topically or internally. I suggest using herbal charms by carrying a small cloth bag filled with herbs and/or stones, infused with your intention through a solar ritual.)
Try this simple Sun ritual to feel the power of light, life and success in your life. First, you will need a piece of gold jewellery. Cleanse the gold, smudging it in sage, anointing it with water or bury it in the ground for a few days. Ask to remove all harmful and unwanted energies. On Sunday, at dawn or noon, go outside, hold up the gold jewellery and feel the energy of the Sun resonate with the metal. Focus on thoughts of health, prosperity and happiness, and feel those thoughts fill the gold. Ask for the Sun’s blessing in your life. Meditate with these energies for as long as you would like. When done, you can wear the jewellery whenever you need some light and energy. For those suffering from winter depression, I suggest doing this in the spring or summer, and wearing it during the deep winter, to help bring guidance and light as needed. Next: The Moon, Manifestation and Psychic Ability
* A Salem Witch’s Herbal by Laurie Cabot. Celtic Crow Publishing. * Archetypes of the Zodiac by Kathleen Burt. Llewellyn. * Astrological Magick by Estelle Daniels. (Samuel Weiser) * Astrology From A to Z by Eleanor Bach. Evens and Company. * Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs and Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic, by Scott Cunningham. Llewellyn. * Lifting the Veil: Practical Kabbalah with Kundalini Yoga by Gurunam. Rootlight Publishing
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
White magick, black magick: What’s the difference?
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Posted by Michelle Gruben on Mar 28, 2017
“I’m a white Witch. He practices black magick.” If you spend enough time in witchy company, you’re sure to come across some discussion of shades and tints of magick. But what do these terms really mean? What beliefs and ideas do they encompass? And, more to the point, is there really a distinction between white magick (good) and black magick (evil)?
Before I launch into the whole white/black magick taxonomy, I should acknowledge that these terms have fallen out of favour in recent decades. Few contemporary Witches really use them to describe their practice. You can blame creeping moral relativism for the shift, but there’s really more to it than that.
Try it. Bring up black/white magick at a gathering of Witches, and count the mere seconds until someone blandly recites, “Magick is neither good nor bad, it’s your intention that counts.” Then someone else will pipe up and make an analogy between magick and a knife (or box of matches). A third person will add that the words “black” and “white” have an implicit racial bias, and shouldn’t be used to describe morality all. A chorus of Witches will chime in that “white magick” and “black magick” are reductive, insensitive, and outdated terms.
Magick is a tool that can be used for good or evil. It’s your intention that matters. Sure, it’s a loathsome cliche. But it does neatly sum up how many Witches feel about the ethical status of magickal work. That’s another way of saying that any spell or working that’s done with good intentions is white magick.
Is it ever that simple? Of course not! Why? Because human intentions are never that simple. But, when you’re explaining to your grandma why witchcraft isn’t Devil worship, I suppose it’s enough.
I could stop right there, but my psychic powers tell me that some of you won’t be satisfied with such a glib answer. So let’s drill down a little further into the “colours” of magick.
The history of an idea
While the dichotomy of white versus black magick may be out of fashion at the moment, it’s not going away anytime soon. This concept can be traced all the way back to the earliest medieval writers on occultism. Though nobody likes to admit it, the entire Western esoteric tradition is built on a foundation of medieval magick. (And that includes a framework of Judaeo-Christian cosmology.) Even Wicca has never really escaped the long shadow of Jehovah. Trying to extract the medieval worldview from Western occultism is a bit like boning out a whole chicken: The end result may be more palatable, but also rather flat and wobbly.
The 12th and 13th centuries were a very exciting period of magickal discovery. Ancient traditions of geometry, astronomy, proto-chemistry, written language, and image-making were being rediscovered after getting buried during Europe’s Dark Ages. The medieval grimoires rushed to synthesise all this knowledge into a comprehensive map of all Creation. Fuelling it all was a yearning to match the massive achievements of the Classical world.
Nostalgia for ancient times is something that many Witches and polytheists can relate to. And while we might be tempted think of the Pagan empires—Egypt, Greece, and Rome—as being happy magickal paradises, some of that is wishful thinking. State-sanctioned magick was basically limited to oracles and priests of the gods. Most ancient legal codes contain laws against witchcraft—including sorcery, necromancy and poisoning.
It’s not always spelled out in black and white (heh), but as long as magick has existed, there have been legal and social rules governing its use. Early civilizations did distinguish between approved and unapproved types of magick. Acceptable types—like augury and healing—were usually practised under the sponsorship of some deity. As far as personal magick, you might ask Ra to punish your enemies or pray to Diana for fertility. Maybe you’d even sweeten the pot with a generous gift or carefully made tablet or talisman.
But that was as far as it was safe to go. You made your offerings, and you prayed to the gods for omens or favours. If you didn’t get your way, one can presume, you upped the ante and tried again. Anyone caught trying to manipulate the natural order of things through forbidden arts was distrusted as the worst type of criminal.
If you think about witchcraft laws from a sociopolitical point of view, they make a lot more sense. Kings and priests don’t want their authority undermined by every hedge-witch and soothsayer in the land. They can also do without the panic and turmoil that comes along with witchcraft scares. (On the other hand, arresting a handful of Witches every now and then is a tried and true from of propaganda—a way to show you’re still in charge and fear no one.)
Things were even stricter among the People of the Book. The Old Testament forbids witchcraft explicitly. Not just harmful sorcery in this case, but also polytheism, idolatry, fortune-telling, spell-casting, astrology, and medium-ship. The scriptures demand complete trust in God, which was seen to be incompatible with occult practices. (Never mind the rumours that King Solomon himself practised magick.) For centuries, Christians and Jews shunned witchcraft as a rebellious and faithless act against God. Predictive magick, such as astrology, was rejected as an affront to free will.
So anyway, here we are in the Middle Ages and the crowning of the Western occult tradition. Reams of ancient texts are being re-discovered (or in some cases, forged). People started reading Aristotle and Pythagoras again. The Emerald Tablet, the foundational text of Hermeticism, was translated into Latin for the first time. And soon enough, new Kabbalistic writings in Arabic were lending Abrahamic legitimacy to this esoteric flood.
The rules about magick began to get fuzzy. People started to lighten up a bit. But as (mostly) Christians, they still had to tread carefully. Doing the wrong kind of magick could still get you in big, big trouble. Suddenly, it became very important to know what occult pursuits were approved by the Man Upstairs, and which would damn you to hell. (Or at least a very uncomfortable death by execution.)
Among the first to draw a line in the sand was the 13th century French bishop William of Auvergne. William rejected the earlier Christian belief that all magick is demonic. His treatises made a distinction between “natural magick” (which was allowed) and other kinds (which were not). Natural magick draws on the beneficial properties of herbs, gems, and animals. Because these powers were conferred by God, using them in the service of mankind is permissible. Unacceptable forms of magick include consulting with spirits and all types of image magick—the use of idols, signs and symbols.
Medieval thinkers started—but did not finish—the conversation about white and black magick. For the next several hundred years, ceremonial magicians try to find a way to do what they want while staying at the right hand of the Lord. Rules are bent and hairs split. Magick circles acquire even more holy initials. Occultists tease out the boundaries between theurgy and thaumaturgy, high and low magick.
During the Enlightenment, the conversation goes dormant until the occult revival of the 19th century. Magickal ethics get revisited and refined in libraries and drawing rooms—this time with the introduction of Eastern ideas, including karma. Gerald Gardner unveils Wicca to a conservative British public. Facing a major PR battle, he rebrands witchcraft as “the craft of the Wise” and promulgates the Wiccan Rede and the Threefold Law.
The modern neo-Pagan movement is born. Witchcraft’s public makeover has begun. It’s from this point on that the phrase “white magick” comes into regular use as newly minted Witches step up to defend their craft.
What is white magick?
White magick, is beneficent magick. It is performed to help or heal the magick worker or the target. White magick may include spell-casting, energy work, divination, blessings and prayer. As first described in the Middle Ages, white magick often depends on the inherent virtues of colours, herbs, or stones. Through his/her knowledge and its careful application, the white Witch harnesses the hidden power of the natural world. To this day, white magick is sometimes called “natural magick” and even “the right-hand path.”
White Witchcraft generally makes use of Earth energies and celestial energies. But not all Witches agree on the source of their powers. White Witches may draw their power from higher beings, from their own energy/will, or by capturing and directing neutral energy toward positive outcomes. Many white Witches work with deities or angels to steer their work toward its highest purpose.
Cleansing and healing are the most obvious branches of white magick. White magick also encompasses spells for friendship, peace, wisdom, creativity, dreaming, and personal growth. However, white magick is not necessarily selfless. Also, even well-intentioned spells can have negative consequences.
Many Witches consider all magick to be white magick, as long as it does not harm another. Some Witches do not see love and money spells as white magick, since they may constrain the wills of others. Protection spells may qualify as white magick if they are passive (e.g., setting up wards around a property), but not if they seek out or attack an adversary. Binding magick—even if it’s intended to prevent harm—is also usually excluded from the realm of white magick.
Contrary to what medieval magicians would have condoned, today’s white magick practitioners may contact spirits as part of their work. Communing with spirits for guidance, channelled healing, and conveying messages from departed love ones are all spiritualist practices that fit under the banner of white magick.
What is black magick?
Black magick, called “the left-hand path,” is white magick’s opposite. There are really two separate definitions of black magick swirling around: Magick intended to harm, and magick involving rebellious spirits.
The meaning of the term has been further complicated by people who label any occult practice they disapprove of as “black magick”. Workings involving the dead or the Underworld also get tossed into the black basket out of fear or misunderstanding. Voodoo and other (non-white) traditions have been exploited for decades by horror books and film—so they, too, get unfairly classified as black magick.
So, one definition of black magick would be all negative magick: Curses, hexes, psychic attack, spells to bring injury, illness, and misfortune.  Negative magick can be as simple as wishing harm upon someone, or as complex as an elaborate ritual. Occult practices that seize the energy of other life forms—such as vampirism and animal sacrifice—are regarded as black magick no matter their aim.
Another, older definition of “the black arts” is magick assisted by spirits or demons. The black magician makes pacts with the devil, conjures spirits of the dead, or summons infernal beings to do his bidding. In this medieval view of black magick, it doesn’t matter much what the magician’s purpose is. (She could be summoning Azaroth to heal her sick poodle. It’s the contact itself that’s unsavoury.) Yet there are plenty of Solomonic and Goetic magicians who work with demons, and who would be mightily offended by the suggestion that what they do is black magick.
The most comprehensive way to tell the difference might be this: White magick works in harmony with nature, while black magick is against nature. Nature’s habit is to continually improve, albeit in fits and starts. Black magick seeks to undo progress through chaos and destruction. Quintessential black magick workings—raising the dead, pacts to achieve immortality—usually seek to defy the natural cycles of life, replacing them with the magician’s own selfish obsessions.
What is grey magick?
Gray magick is a term that describes ethically ambiguous magick. It first appears in occult writings in the 1960s. Also called neutral magick, grey magick is neither specifically beneficial nor hostile. It can also refer to magick in which the ends justify the means, and vice versa.
You can imagine a square in which white magick—doing good things for good reasons—is in one corner. In the opposite corner is black magick (doing bad things for bad reasons). All of the rest of the square is filled in by grey magick (doing bad things for good reasons, or doing good things for bad reasons). Gray magick exists in a continuum, from a cloudy tint to a deep shade of charcoal.
If you cast a binding spell to stop someone from bothering you, or a love-drawing spell without concern for the trail of broken hearts, you might call that grey magick. Persuasion and glamour magick are grey-ish. So is magickal power for its own sake. Money magick can be grey: If your charm to win at the gambling table causes the other players to lose, then it’s not clear that your magick has contributed to the greater good. In one sense, all magick done for self-gratification can be considered grey magick at best.
Is grey magick a real category, or a cop-out? Gray magick is one way of acknowledging that you can never know all the consequences of your magick, and that your motivations may not be as saintly as you believe them to be. However, it can also be a way of dodging responsibility—or worse yet, delaying action.
Uncle Al (Crowley) —tells us, “The first condition of success in magick is purity of purpose.” If you’re not wholly committed, the results of your magick will be so feeble that you won’t need to worry whether it’s black, white, or gray.
Other colours
Are there other colours of magick? So glad you asked! “Green magick” or “green witchcraft” refers to the herbal branches of the magickal arts. Green Witches sometimes use that phrase to emphasise their reliance on the plant kingdom. A related term is “brown magick,” which includes the magick of animal guides, animal familiars, and shapeshifting.  And although it’s not common, I have heard the term “red magick” to describe the use of (consensual) bloodletting or sexual activity to raise massive amounts of energy in a hurry.
White and black magick today
Wiccans and Witches have been trying for decades to convince the public that their magick is benign—and for the most part, it’s worked. There’s more understanding and acceptance of alternative spirituality than ever before. If you tell someone you’re a Witch in my city, they’re more likely to visualize a pile of herbs and cats and crystals than some disturbing rite. It only took a thousand years, but white magick is finally dominating the cultural conversation about witchcraft.
But some Witches, it seems, do miss the element of fright that comes along with their vocation. Some don’t want to be lumped in with the wishy-washy, lovey-dovey white-light crowd. Some just don’t give a damn about what colour their magick is, as long as it works. For every mild-mannered Wiccan agonizing over whether her reversal spell violates the Rede, there is someone in a botanica buying a bottle of Bend Over Oil.
The whole black magick/white magick divide is arbitrary, culturally specific, and rooted in old Judaeo-Christian dogma that we Pagans profess not to believe in. And yet, magickal actions, like all actions, can have serious consequences. Most of us can agree that there are types of magick that are inhumane and destructive, and some that are vastly beneficial. But there’s a lot of wiggle room in the middle of the spectrum. In speaking and writing, the definitions of black and white magick seem to come down to what is acceptable to an individual Witch. It’s worth keeping these tired phrases around if they can help us to think and talk about magickal ethics.
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
Rare occult herbs: Mandrake
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Posted by Michelle Gruben on Jun 21, 2017
Mandrake is an unassuming little root with a formidable reputation. It is considered one of the most mysterious and potent of all magickal herbs.
Mandrake was probably first adopted by magicians because of its psychoactive properties and its occasional resemblance to the human body. It is still used in countless magickal spells and charms. This article will help you sidestep the hazards of Mandrake and get in touch with this amazing plant.
There are (at least) two distinct plants that produce roots called Mandrake, so we’ll consider them each separately.  (The ritual uses and correspondences will be similar for both.) All Mandrakes are potentially lethal and should never be used for self-medication.
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European Mandrake comes from several species of the genus Mandragora, a member of the nightshade family. Mandragora grows in the Mediterranean region, stretching eastward into parts of China. This is the Mandrake spoken about in European manuscripts. It has a single cluster of ovate leaves, almost no stem, and a long, thick root. The root contains poisonous alkaloids, particularly atropine. Mandrake was used in magickal rituals, and also in early Chinese and European medicine as a pain reliever and sedative.
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American Mandrake (Podophyllum peltatum) grows in swampy areas in the northeastern United States and parts of southern Canada. It is also called Mayapple or Wild Mandrake. American Mandrake has a skinny brown root that does somewhat resemble the fatter European Mandrake with its collection of “arms” and “legs.”
American Mandrake has a broad palmate leaf attached to a long stem. The shape of the plant gave rise to another nickname “Witch’s Umbrella.” It was said—perhaps not always incorrectly—that witches harvested the plant to poison their enemies.
Every part of the American Mandrake is poisonous: The leaves, the stems, the roots, the seeds, and the unripe fruit. (The seeded ripe fruit may be eaten in small amounts. It tastes like apple—so maybe just eat an apple?) Native Americans, over time, developed some herbal remedies using American Mandrake. A powerful cytotoxin (cell-killer), American Mandrake extract has even found its uses in modern pharmaceutical industry. It is used in topical treatments for genital warts, and some anti-cancer drugs.
English Mandrake (or “false Mandrake”) is another name for White Briony (Brionia alba). Briony is an invasive vine related to the Cucumber. Besides also having large leaves and also being poisonous when ingested, Briony doesn’t bear much resemblance to other Mandrakes. Nevertheless, some writers (including Eliphas Levi) consider it alongside Mandragora.
Mandrake for sale
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Whole Mandragora is a rare commodity and there is no commercial source. They are solitary, slow-growing plants that yield a single root. We’ve seen Mandrake roots listed for hundreds, even thousands of dollars on eBay, usually shipping from Israel or Greece.
Purchasing these is not recommended, as you never know how it’s been harvested (or unfortunately, what plant you’re really getting). The price of Mandrake is so high that there is a real temptation for online sellers to export fakes.
One option is to buy seeds online and try to cultivate it yourself. Although it is native to the Mediterranean, Mandragora can be grown at home in warm-weather conditions. The plants take 2-3 years to mature and must be regularly re-potted and protected from freezing or rotting. (It seems like a pain in the butt to this brown-thumbed Witch, but some people indeed go to great lengths for their craft!) Alchemy Works has excellent detailed instructions on germinating Mandrake. And occasionally, preserved homegrown Mandrake roots for sale.
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American Mandrake is available in many occult shops. (Although some won’t stock it for fear of people being dumbasses and poisoning themselves.) It is a wildcrafted product available in whole, cut and sifted, or powdered form. American Mandrake may be substituted for European (and indeed may be preferable for practitioners of American folk magick).
Mandrake essential oils and perfume oils are also available. Mandrake smells like woods and wet dirt. Occasionally, a perfumier will boast it as a base note in a concoction from the “lusty and dangerous” genre of perfumery.
Extracts of Mandrake (in glycerine or alcohol) have been spotted on the supplement market. These products are basically unregulated, and it is impossible to know their ingredients, toxicity, and proper dosage. We don’t recommend ingesting these potions or using them in your ritual formulas. Also use care with Mandrake-containing ointments purchased off the internet. With all due respect to Etsy soap-makers, few of them are chemists or doctors.
Magickal uses of mandrake
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Mandrake’s curious shape meant from the beginning, that its destiny would be entwined with humans’. Few plants are as rich in superstition and magickal lore.
Literary references to Mandrake stretch back to 1st century AD, and possibly to Old Testament times. Mandrake grows underground and could only be harvested with great care. The branched root was thought to be a human form. It utters enraged screams when dug up, killing or damning the hapless forager.
Occult literature is full of instructions for extracting Mandrake roots in relative safety. Josephus of Jerusalem (circa 36-100 AD) gives the following directions:
A furrow must be dug around the root until its lower part is exposed, then a dog is tied to it, after which the person tying the dog must get away. The dog then endeavours to follow him, and so easily pulls up the root, but dies suddenly instead of his master. After this, the root can be handled without fear.
Medieval and Renaissance text devote pages upon pages to the lore of Mandrake. The plant was thought to come in male and female varieties. It is linked to the idea of the Homonculus, or miniature human, as described by Paracelsus.
Once sealed in a bottle, the Homonculus becomes a kind of servant or representation of the magician’s own self. The Mandrake root would be carefully cleaned, preserved, and “fed” to become a catalyst or vessel for magick and spirit contact. Alternatively, the Mandrake was carried as a talisman. A properly collected and prepared Mandrake was one of the rarest objects in any magician’s cabinet.
Writers of the past were also familiar with Mandrakes hallucinatory and hypnotic effects. Mandrake, along with Belladonna and Henbane, was one of the favourite herbs in recipes for the notorious Witch’s salve known as flying ointment.
Besides protection and magickal power, Mandrake is associated with fertility magick. In the book of Genesis (30:14-22), Rachel barters with her sister Leah for mandrakes so that she might conceive a child. Mandrakes are also mentioned in the long erotic poem Song of Songs (7:13).
“Mandrake” is the King James translation of a word more closely meaning “love-plant.” Some biblical scholars now believe that the “mandrake” of the Bible is ginseng or another plant thought to promote fertility.
The influence of scripture on American and Afro-Caribbean magick means that Mandrake is still a hearty player in the world of love and fertility charms. Its deep, woody odor somewhat resembles Patchouli. (Mandrake has all of Patchouli’s brooding earthiness, but not its outspoken skunkiness.) A Mandrake shaped like a phallus is supposed to be the best for love magick.
In Western occultism, Mandrake is known as an ancient, subtle teacher of Earth mysteries. (When packaging it, I’m sometimes taken aback by the strong, low pulse of energy it emits.) It is sacred to Hecate, Diana, and Aphrodite. (Mandrakes found near crossroads are said to be the most powerful.) Use Mandrake for protection, fertility magick, Dark Moon vision quests, and any Saturn workings.
Mandrake energy is complex, and Mandrake roots may have a will of their own. (Gardeners of Mandrake will attest that the plant has a peculiar awareness of its surroundings.) If you’re not sure what to do with your Mandrake, try meditating with the root and ask it how it wishes to be used.
Mandrake is a Saturn plant, like most poisonous herbs. The elemental correspondence is Earth. (Some sources, citing Mandrake’s purgative power or damp habitat, go with Fire or Water, respectively.)
Spells and formulas with Mandrake:
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After a thousand or more years of Mandrake magick, there are more Mandrake spells than you can shake a spade at. Here’s a sampling:
Steep whole or sliced roots in a jar with alcohol for three moon cycles to make a Mandrake extract. This versatile ingredient can be used to empower many spells and rituals, or to bathe ritual tools.
To protect the home, sprinkle a Mandrake with blessed water and salt and bury it near the front door.
Mandrake’s resemblance to the human form makes it a popular ingredient in sympathetic magick. Tie American Mandrake roots together to make a doll-baby or poppet, and dress according to your intention.
Powdered Mandrake root is used to enhance fertility and prosperity charms.
Anoint a white or black candle with Mandrake oil when performing divination (white for insight on situations known to the reader, black to uncover hidden things). Apply Mandrake oil to the third eye for scrying.
Mandrake steeped in red wine is a traditional love philtre—however, we don’t recommend drinking it. Instead, tie a mandrake root to the stem of the chalice, or pour out the potion as a libation.
A bundle of Mandrake tied with a blue ribbon is a charm for revealing truth.
Mix with Dittany of Crete and Gum Arabic to make an incense for spirit manifestation. (Use only in well-ventilated areas.)
Add Mandrake to your Hecate, Crone, or Dark Moon altar.
In case you’re just joining us, Mandrake is toxic to humans and animals.
Don’t consume it any form. Don't smoke, drink, or chew it. It will not get you high, it will not cure cancer or genital warts or make you a badass Witch. It will just cause uncontrollable vomiting or possibly worse. It’s not even advisable to burn incenses containing Mandrake in close quarters, as some people have reported nausea from exposure to the vapour.
The safest way to use Mandrake is in dried form, as a talisman or charm. Keep away from children, pets, or others who might mistake the roots for food.
Scent Profile: Earthy, Musky, Wood, Mulch, Wet Dirt
Correspondences: Saturn, Earth
Occult properties of herbs are provided for historical interest only, and no outcome is guaranteed. Nothing on this website should be taken as medical or legal advice. Please use herbs responsibly.
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