#alright I think I've reached my obligatory rambling quotient. lol
Okay so it turns out youtube music saw us being jealous of the spotify users and I too now have a wrapped! Or a "recap", but whatever. Check it out:
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So that's neat! I don't know if I have a top 100 playlist for all those ask games; I'll have to poke around a bit and see. *Some time later* Okay I have poked around and I do have one! Ask games here I come! (Probably on blagueofchaos though, in the interest of keeping this one tidy.)
I must say I don't remember listening to a remix of Naked, just the normal one with the music video*; I'm not sure if this is a youtube vs. youtube music thing -- most of the time I listen on just plain youtube so it's possible this is only accounting for the slice of my data where I'm using my phone*? I'm not positive, but it's nice to have statistics, or ones that actually seem to reflect my listening habits.
To be completely honest, I did technically have a spotify wrapped too, but the only things I listened to on there were the official Riot Fest playlist and some of Jon Walker's stuff because he did specifically ask people to stream it on there and I was like, alright, fine, but only for you Jon. Lol. But because of the Riot Fest playlist, I didn't even recognize most of the songs on my wrapped, and the top song was one I listened to twice, so like I said, these stats are definitely much more reflective of what I actually listen to.
Although, I will say, it's curious that it tells me my % ranking for MCR but not for TAI when they were my top artist this year? Idk, struck me as odd I guess. But yeah it's a decent % I suppose, although I guess I'm not even competing with most of the people on here since it seems like most people on here use spotify. I also can't help wondering whether I truly listened to Same Blood exactly 100 times or if it rounded the number for me. If I genuinely did that just by like instinct or whatever, that's amazing, but I can't help being a bit suspicious there.
*Interesting update -- when I look in my top 100 playlist, it is indeed the standard music video version of Naked, so I'm not sure where the part about it being a remix came from. Based on the full playlist, though, I do think youtube is accounting for things I listened to on the website on my laptop as well as in the app, so this is indeed a pretty solid reflection of my listening habits I'd say.
Also, youtube made me top 50 playlists from Fall, Summer, and Spring, so if you want to ask about a song from any of those lists, you can too! Also there is a 2021 top 100 on there! Not positive how I missed that last year or if I just forgot, but it's interesting to see. I hadn't found TAI yet then so it's a pretty different list, haha. This will probably be my most TAI-heavy year ever, come to think of it, because goodness knows I binge things most when they're new to me... Funny to watch the trends in my own taste.
But yeah, this was fun :) I might add some more of the other cards about my listening personality on a reblog on blagueofchaos too. Happy spotify wrapped and a merry youtube recap to all! ;)
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