#also I don't feel like doing every single minor enemy so I just put named characters dsdjdhgfsjdgfjs
the-golden-ghost · 2 years
your personal deltarune character power tier list? not necessarily who was the hardest to fight, but who has the best combination of stats and abilities in your opinion (includes characters not yet fought/with no confirmed stats headcanon all you want!)
Okay this is probably going to be wildly inaccurate to actual stats and abilities cause I don't look at those at all and have DEADASS no clue what anyone's are or what they mean. So take this purely as a headcanon list okay:
Seam: Seam is going to whip everyone's ass into next week. I actually have a sneaky suspicion that there WILL be the option to fight Seam but maybe not necessarily in the main game, maybe they'd be more like Sans, or even a secret boss of sorts. Either way they're the most powerful trust me.
Jevil: Is also an esteemed and powerful fighter. No idea why he leveled up so high. Was it Gasterfication or was he just Like That? I actually think he'd lose to Seam (cause he did. Unless you think he LET himself be jailed so he wouldn't have to kill Seam which OUCH) but only by a little!
Queen: She might also be able to beat Jevil actually but she has slightly less practice in the sheer Art of kicking ass just cause she doesn't do it as often. If she'd been driven mad and spend a millennium locked in a basement practicing her movesets she would beat him though
King: He's kind of a tank and I mean he's the King for a reason but lbr here he's not gonna be Number 1. Tutorial boss level ass
Spamton (NEO): Spamton is already more powerful than most Addisons but if you give him that much of a crazy power-up yeah he's like... powerful. But he's still relatively low and unable to really Max Out the true power of NEO because he stole it; it wasn't made for him. If its rightful owner were in possession of it I think it would have been in first place but with Spamton it's only gonna make it to Number 5!
Lancer: This little princeling is TOUGH! He may not be as crazy ass-kicking powerful as the guys up there but do not be fooled; he's not going down easy. Actually in terms of outlasting an enemy he might even be at 2 or 3.
Swatch: Swatch is second only to Queen as far as Cyber Citizens go. Now if SWATCH had taken the NEO body there would have been blood; as its creator he would have much more control over it. But of course he'd never do such a thing. He's content with his spot.
Sweet Cap'n Cakes: Individually they're low-tier but as a group they're a force to be reckoned with! They're just so perfectly in sync that it's hard to match them!
Spamton (regular): Tougher than your usual Addison. He's been hardened by modifications as well as years and years of surviving on the streets. He fights dirty and WILL kill you dead.
Tasque Manager: I don't have a lot to say about her but she's got an electric whip and she knows how to use it. She's also fought Jevil before although I don't know if she won. She's actually a bit of a wildcard cause if she BEAT Jevil then God Damn
Ralsei: Ralsei is low, not because he's weak per se but because Ralsei would NOT kick your ass even if he had the option to. His skills are all in healing and pacifying though, so admittedly if it were a cutthroat to-the-death battle I think he'd have a hard time winning on his own. :(
Rouxls: Uh yeah anyone can beat Rouxls. Rooting for him to get a power-up or be another Come From Behind Wildcard but as it stands a small child could punch Rouxls and he'd fold like wet cardboard
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gren-arlio · 9 months
Are all of these gonna be character specialized? Maybe, not sure myself.
Welcome to Episode 6 of (Tottemo) Waku Puyo Extras. (Feat. A lot of Kikimora.)
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(Yeah, this time it's not from the Waku Puyo Manga, but from the Totally Puyo Puyo Manga. Or the Tottemo Puyo Puyo Manga, either name works. I swear the Waku in the title is losing more relevance as time goes on.)
Hello, one and all, it's that guy who translates a niche video game here again, and welcome to Part 6 of (Waku) Puyo Extras, the filler section where I ramble about something Puyo related and give some old evidence to back it up. I know I'm a little late, but hey, that's high school for ya.
If you've been keeping up with this filler show of mine, you know that I typically post about a character, have a small video to translate, and...idk something wacky. And today, you'd be a little mistaken. Unfortunately, due to time restraints, I wasn't able to really...do a short video. My apologies. I did say that my schedule would be really messed up due to school, and now I'm finally feeling the effects.
To make up for it, this'll what we cover today:
Some stuff about Kikimora because why not, she's been in so many videos and episodes that she deserves it. I'll speak about things like her origin, Waku Puyo Dungeon: The Video Game, and the Waku Puyo Manga.
Talking about a Disc System Game. At least the one that has Kikimora.
Talk a bit about the Tottemo Puyo Puyo Manga. The thing itself mostly shows odd Puyo SUN characters, so people like Lagnus are there.
From now on, expect a lot more inconsistent posting. Obviously I'll post still, just...not as often. Hope you understand.
With those precautions and tales told, hope you enjoy.
Ah, Kikimora Lore.
You don't exactly expect a lot from this character, and frankly, I don't blame you, but I'm here today to speak about our (probably not) favorite maid in Puyo, Kikimora. If you've seen my posts, you noticed that she appears quite often in translations and random stuff in general, even though she's usually a minor NPC. Won't be covering every game she's in, but I'll mention a couple.
So, what're her origins?
Well, it's not SUN, actually. Surprisingly, it's Madou Monogatari: Michikusa Ibun, released in 1994. Here...she's just kinda an enemy. Nothing more, nothing less. Quite a simple introduction.
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Now, we reach the introduction that most people know her for, Puyo Puyo SUN, which was released in 1996. Here, you meet her in Arle's storyline, where she's just cleaning, as per usual. Why outside is anyone's guess, but after seeing Arle walk along the sidewalk, she legitimately sweeps her off the ground, and then runs around with her, who's in shock. I mean, I'd be shocked too.
So, 2 introductions in and she's put...nothing special in these, to be frank. Maybe she really isn't that gre-
Holy shit I'm actually speaking about Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Dungeon again.
As the local Waku Puyo guy, fortunately and also unfortunately, there's...actually a good bit to speak about with her, which is fairly surprising.
First, she's in every single route, and you don't exactly fight her. She's an usher who helps guide people around the area and tell them what to do and where to go. Here... she actually does have a good amount of character compared to back then.
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(Image of her and the entire map of the game, featured in the games manual.)
Here, she partially retains her cleanliness personality, but she's now awfully kind about it, I'd assume it'd be for professional purposes but still, power to her. She isn't as...angry, as her past self, (I'd count Puyo-N because she did get really upset that Arle called her old.) and even in the Waku Puyo Manga, she's still very much kind to Rulue when she runs into her, merely giving directions of where she saw Satan.
And back to the game itself, she's a little more than just happy and angry, she thankfully unlocked more of the personality skill tree and got the ability to be sad as well. Throughout Schezo's storyline, there's moments in times he calls Kiki useless for not being able to help her, and as anyone would, gets really sad about hearing that, and in some situations, starts to cry, causing Schezo to apologize. It's fairly interesting how they basically gave a character with little screentime back then not only the screentime she got, but to expand on it to feel multilayered as well? Nothing short of impressive.
The final game I wish to cover is a bit of a niche one; Kikimora's Clean-Up.
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Usually with Disc System games, there's a good bit to talk about, but unfortunately, this ain't one of the games. The game stars Kikimora, and your goal is to...clean the floors. Simple enough, while having a Pac-Man like feel to it.
There's several floors and the goal is to get all the green, icky stuff out while avoiding enemies. You can launch your broom at them, taking them out, but you won't be able to clean until you get the broom again. Getting hit makes you lose 30 seconds, lose all your time, you lose a life, and if no lives, game over. It's actually more difficult than it seems.
Finally, after a lot of floors and possibly dying, you finally face the final boss of this game: Black Kikimora, who makes the floor dirty.
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After beating her, congrats, you've beaten the one game Kikimora is the protagonist in. Give yourself a pat on the back and maybe some lunch.
Unfortunately this game doesn't have much in terms of lore, but it's an enjoyable game nevertheless. Here's a link of some gameplay.
Now how about the Tottemo Puyo Puyo Manga? What is it?
I'm glad you asked. To compensate for being unable to publish a video for y'all, I decided to speak a little bit about this goofy manga. So what's it about?
Unlike the world of Waku Puyo, this doesn't have a full storyline but rather sporadic storylines that have absolutely nothing to do with each other. They're purely on the comedic side. As well, the designs that were chosen, along with the artstyle itself, are based on Puyo SUN, what with how the characters' designs are drawn most notably Arle, Schezo, and Lagnus.
Since the storylines don't connect and are all separate, characters can pop in and out like nothing ever happened, or just...randomly waltz up like Lagnus himself did. (Which I cannot show because 10 image limit.)
Here, featured is Kikimora getting an injury from making a mistake, and Arle heals her before telling to take a break for half the day, SHOCKING Kiki. She starts saying how some areas aren't clean, and Arle volunteers to help, which makes Kiki beyond happy, and leads to us getting Arle in a maid suit trying her best to clean.
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Unfortunately, due to that said 10 image limit, I cannot post a lot at once. (Wish it was like 15 instead,) but honestly, I'd recommend it. While you might not understand what's properly going on, (Believe me, I'm there to a point.) the visuals themselves kinda make up for it, and hey, if you do translate them, there's a 90% chance there's an incredibly silly and funny story to go along with it, like Schezo somehow making an amusement park. (My favorite Foreshadowing; The ones in gag mangas.) I'll post a link of some of the books here.
Hopefully this'll suffice. Again, my apologies for not really posting a video, I'll have one done sooner or later (aka about 2 weeks.)
Here's the final 2 images I've been saving up.
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(Minor context: Kikimora kinda lured Arle into a job before surprising her with a party.)
With this, that'll be all this time.
See you next time.
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