#also I imagine there's overlap in terms of discrimination between intersex ppl w non-trad genitalia & post-op salmacians
genderkoolaid · 1 year
Have you seen the people on Twitter making 50 thousand look Tweet threads about how being altersex “fetishizes” being intersex 😭 God forbid you don’t want a traditional transition
I haven't seen those specifically because I rarely use Twitter but I know what you're talking about lmao
For one it shouldn't matter whether or not someone wants to transition for a fetish. But also the way people think that "no one could possibly want non-traditional genitalia for Good and Pure reasons, it's a curse you most be born with" is good for intersex people. Hell intersex people CAN BE ALTERSEX, especially people who want to return to genitalia they had at birth that was changed against their will as infants. There absolutely are intersexist altersex people but to call an entire group fetishizers for simply having genital dysphoria/euphoria is so unhelpful to intersex people. Like there are far bigger issues than salmacians just existing (also, people can work on unlearning intersexism, whereas these people want salmacians to either stop existing/be dysphoric forever because of their discourse-poisoned idea of what "fetishization" means)
It's also fucked up because I know that a LOT of salmacians felt guilty for years for wanting a salmacians body because it is so heavily sexualized, and the only place they ever saw it was in porn. r/salmacian has a ton of posts from people saying "I thought I was a weird freak for wanting this & that it could only exist in hentai but now I realize it's actually normal and attainable". It's so deeply fucked up to shame people away from transition that could radically improve their life for some bullshit identity politic "activism".
I've said it before and I'll say it again: the idea that non-traditional genitalia is not only natural, but can be desirable to possess, is only good for intersex people. The idea that non-traditional genitalia can ONLY be for people who were born with it is just. stupid. It creates this vibe that it's like, a burden you must carry rather than something you can choose to have or keep because it's normal and can be just as nice as traditional genitalia. Intersex people and altersex people can and should be friends & allies.
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