#also I tried to keep PLA spoilers to a minimum since I know you haven't played it
aceghosts · 2 years
1, 3, 9, 11, 23, 37, 39, 54, 55, and 83 for Riley and Ingo
Mika, thank you for sending these in! I'm still kind of working on Riley and their relationship with Ingo, so some of these might change in the future. Also, I'm putting this under a cut because it became longer than expected.
How did they first meet?
Riley and Ingo met as teenagers on their League journey, specifically after Ingo and Emmet defeated the first gym. Ingo and Emmet did not have a good impression of Riley, who was just straight-up trash-talking the twins. After the first gym, they became something of a rival to both Ingo and Emmet.
About halfway through the league journey, the twins and Riley take out a couple of bad guys while having to rely on each other. Managing to get themselves out of it, Riley apologizes to the twins about how they’ve been treating them. At that point, Riley’s relationship with the twins starts to change, and by the end of the league journey, Riley is best friends with them.
Who kissed who first?
Riley. Ingo is the first one to confess that he likes Riley, but they kiss him shortly after the confession. What can Riley say? They had been wanting to kiss him for a while.
Who is more inclined to be jealous or possessive?
Riley. They don’t get super possessive or jealous as they trust Ingo, but if someone isn’t taking his polite rebuttals, Riley will step in.
Who is the most physically affectionate?
Riley, definitely. They like to cuddle and think it’s adorable when Ingo gets flustered. He adores affection from Riley, but it's just a little bit much at times. Plus, Ingo is pretty affectionate himself.
(Even when the two were just friends, Riley was pretty physically affectionate with him, and vice versa.)
What do they do when they’re bored and together?
Battle. Both are hardcore trainers with a love for battling and seeing how much the other person has grown, especially if one *cough* Riley *cough* has been away for a while. Otherwise, they split their time between watching train documentaries and cuddling, or Riley finding some way to pull the pair into some unexpected adventure.
In Hisui, when the two were bored and Riley needed a break from working on the Pokedex, they would hang out a lot with Sneasler and her kittens.
Thoughts on PDA(Public Displays of Affection)?
Both are fine with PDA and even enjoy it. Ingo just asks that Riley keeps it appropriate when they come to visit the Battle Subway as he is working. That usually means keeping it to hand-holding or a quick kiss on the cheek.
Would they ever get married?
Ingo would definitely like to, but Riley has doubts about marriage. They would spend the rest of their life in a heartbeat with Ingo, but they don’t want to break his heart. Riley is the type of person who gets a little cagey if they stay in one place too long, which is why their job involves a lot of traveling. They’re scared that he might decide that isn’t something he wants to put up with and leave.
Haven’t actually decided if the two do get married.
What do others think of them dating?
Emmet is both relieved and happy. He’s been waiting for them to get together for foreverrrr! Plus, it makes Emmet happy to see two of his favorite people in the world happy. He really hopes things work out for Ingo and Riley, but that doesn’t stop from him teasing the couple.
Elesa and their other mutual friends feel the same way Emmet does: relieved to see the pair together. They also hope that things work out for the duo.
Riley’s siblings (who I don't have names for yet) are happy to see them together. They’ve always liked Ingo and think he is a nice guy. Riley’s parents are less enthusiastic. They see Ingo as another reason why Riley won't come back to their small hometown, where they think Riley should be. (That wasn’t going to happen, even before Riley met Ingo.)
Their Pokemon teams are really happy to see the two together. Riley and Ingo’s teams work well with each other, and the other trainer has always gotten well along with the other person’s team. Most excited are Ingo’s Chandelure, and Riley’s Bisharp, Stabby. Chandelure has always liked Riley, especially since Riley gives great scritches and feeds them treats when Ingo isn’t looking. Stabby, meanwhile, has two moods for people: Stab (affectionate) and Stab (derogatory). With Ingo, they’re very soft and not stab-happy. Riley jokes that they think Stabby likes him more.
Are they a super sappy couple?
Riley and Ingo would say no, but everyone would loudly say ‘Yes’ over them. Anytime, the pair look at each other, it’s with a sappy, lovestruck look in their eyes. It’s better than the pining, at least.
Who makes the other smile with almost no effort at all?
Both. Riley’s casual yet fond teasing of Ingo makes him smile. Meanwhile, Ingo’s sincere enthusiasm always makes Riley smile, especially when he is going on about something he really loves.
[OTP Asks]
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