#also I'm glad to proudly say that birthday is on National lost sock day *starts wheezing*
fo-enjoyer · 2 years
¤ Ask game ¤
[Theme days]
[Family ask]
Kid f/o(s)
Backwards Day: What's something they're doing wrong but you don't want to correct it? And why don't you want to correct it?
Birthday: How old are they?
Star Wars Day: What is your child currently into? Do you guys share the same interests?
National Hug Your Cat Day: Have you given them a pet? If so what is it?
National Lost Sock Day: Has your child ever lost something that they cared about? How far did you go looking for it? Did you end up finding it?
Kid Inventors' Day: Have they ever tried to make something? Was it good?
Buy a Musical Instrument Day: Do they have any hobbies they enjoy doing like music or art?
Sibling f/o(s)
Boxing Day: If you two were to fight each other in a boxing ring who would win? (Get it? Heh.)
Homestuck day: Do you guys ever play games together?
Valentine's Day: Do either of you have a crush? and how often does the other person make fun of you for it? Or are they your leading wig man? Or both?
National hugging day: How do you guys show affection to each other?
International Talk Like A Pirate Day: Which one of you would actually celebrate this?
No "L" Day: When you guys compete with each other who usually wins? (I don't care if that's not what it means)
National Nothing Day: What do you guys normally do on a uneventful day?
Parent f/o(s)
New Year's day: How crazy do they go for events? Either with making or just being in them.
National Pizza Day: Do they know how to cook or do they usually order out?
Ferris Wheel Day: Have they ever brought you anywhere fun?
420 day: Are they HIP with the memes?
Please Take my Children to Work Day: Do they have a job? Would they ever take you to their job?
International Goof Off Day: Do you guys share any inside jokes with each other?
Cut the cord day: Are you related or was it adoption?
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