#also I'm the one next to moomin on the third drawing
dicctor-blog · 19 days
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Moomintroll is the only one who understands me I think...
Also here's some updates on the 2 weeks I was absent (and small explanations to some of my little doodles) under the read more
I finally got a doorknob that locks. Which I've been literally hoping to get for a really long time... I have a really fractured relationship with my sibling and I'm relieved I can finally leave my belongings in my room without fear that it'll get stolen the moment I'm out of the house. My girlfriend is finally home for the summer, he leaves late August (if I remember correctly) and him and I are very close to finishing college (we have about 2 years left). I'm just so glad he's finally home again, I really missed him!!!
The first 2 and the 4th doodle is from a drafted mini moomin comic I wrote up, I don't think I'll ever let it see the light of day but hopefully the little bits I post are fun! Sniff and Snufkin are the center of it, because it would be hilarious to see them have to work together in a serious situation lollll
Post-it note snufkin is a decoration for my mom's office, I sat in her office for my spring semester after classes (she works at a hospital 30 minutes away) so I drew a lottt of moomin post-its (I have a snufmin one too but I didn't take a picture)
I'm in some weird creative rut again, and emotionally I'm having some strange swings, so I'm just going with the flow for now. Posting will still be sporadic likely, but I'll try to keep up! Tumblr is the only social media app I've been posting on lately, it's just a lot less stressful/toxic on here than it is on Twitter or Instagram. Thank you for reading if you did, means a lot to me 🩵^^
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dedalvs · 6 months
I have two questions!
1 - Have you read all ASOIAF books? If yes, which is your favorite?
2 - What are your favorites books and why?
Thanks in advance ☺️❤️
I have! I think the third one was my favorite.
Some of my favorites books are:
Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Dead Souls by Nikolai Gogol
To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf
Fathers and Sons by Ivan Turgenev
Oblomov by Ivan Goncharov
Pale Fire by Vladimir Nabokov
The Manuscript Found in Saragossa by Jan Potocki
The Epic of Gilgamesh
Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison
True Grit by Charles Portis
The Castle by Franz Kafka
The Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass by Fredrick Douglass
Darkness at Noon by Arthur Koestler
Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
Sundiata by D. T. Niane
Paradise Lost by John Milton
Orlando Furioso by Ludovico Ariosto
Moby Dick by Herman Melville
At this point I'm just copying stuff down from a book review site I used to have. I used to read a whooooooooole lot, but I haven't much recently. :( Maybe I'll get back to it some day. My favorite author is Virginia Woolf. There's nothing more enjoyable than reading something by her—anything. When it comes to a put-together book, though, I think To the Lighthouse is her best. The others I've read are a joy to read, but the end, they don't necessarily come together as well as a book, if that makes sense. Now I haven't read them all. I've read To the Lighthouse, Mrs. Dalloway, Jacob's Room, and Orlando. If I were to recommend a second one, it would be Orlando, which is a real adventure to read. But her writing is unlike any other. I adore her work.
Lately I've been rereading some of my favorites aloud to my daughter after school. We read The 13 1/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear by Walter Moers, and we've now gone through four books by Tove Jansson: The Moomins and the Great Flood, Comet in Moominland, Finn Family Moomintroll, and Moominpappa's Memoirs. Next up is Moominsummer Madness before things get dark. lol But she's been enjoying them. I love Tove Jansson. She refused to write anything other than what she felt. (One of the reasons Finn Family Moomintroll was so odd. She felt a million eyes on her for perhaps the first time, and she was nervous. She settled back in after that.) There's also random things in there. In Moominpappa's Memoirs there's a drawing she did that's a send-up of Picasso's Guernica when Edward the Booble saves them at the end. I should put a picture of it, because I'm not sure anyone noticed... At least I can't find anything on the internet (probably searching wrong).
Anyway, that's some stuff.
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