#also I've never gotten used to tumblr's lack of character limit lmao
someiicecube · 3 months
ig my fanon lore of "Esther being the inspiration behind Diavolo wanting to start the exchange program and unite the three realms" is out the window cause "MC" was the reason all along (not at all serious here and I'm keeping it in his universe lmao). I'm sorry Esther babe, but I suppose you are not apart of the greater narrative of the universe I've created as you are only one main character of the story and not the "MC" as the devs intended you to be/s
Also, like, does that just mean the exchange program happens earlier than expected in NB? What's going to happen to the og timeline? Does everything that happened before just... not matter anymore with Nightbringer? Is Nightbringer just a metaphor for the devs not giving a damn anymore about the og game? WHAT'S GOING ON😭
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