#also Kii is getting one by default so it's *technically* 3.
theabyssalmuses · 1 year
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fuck it, we (starter) ball-- i mean, call. Capping Out at like. 2.
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yenrps · 7 years
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I am one who loved not wisely but too well. - Shakespeare
♚┋FULL NAME: Alexander Haruki Moore
♚┋PRONUNCIATION: AE- l uh g – zAEn – d er // HHAA-Ruw-Kiy
♚┋NICKNAME(S): Alex, Haru
♚┋TITLE: The Escape Artist ♚┋OCCUPATION: Apprentice at Lin’s tattoo shop, second year (Tattoo shop verse), English Major student and future publisher in his uncle’s publishing company in New York (normal verse), bard (fantasy verse) ♚┋~AGE: 21 ♚┋DATE OF BIRTH: 12nd March ♚┋GENDER:  Cisgender ♚┋PRONOUNS: He/Him/His ♚┋ORIENTATION: Panromantic Pansexual  ♚┋NATIONALITY: English ♚┋RELIGION: Shinto-Buddhist ♚┋SPECIES: Human ♚┋AFFILIATION: The Ashford siblings, Richardson, and Morrison  (fantasy verse) ♚┋THREAT LEVEL: Low (Not violent or malicious, but defensive)  
♚┋FACE CLAIM:  Sen Mitsuji ♚┋EYE COLOUR:  Dark-brown ♚┋HAIR COLOUR: Black ♚┋DOMINANT HAND: Right ♚┋HEIGHT: 185cm / 6'½ ♚┋WEIGHT: 135 lbs and 62 kg   ♚┋TATTOOS:  A small, delicate quote on the back of his neck that says,’ Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none,’ from the bard was his first tattoo. But it didn’t end there, to the dismay of his parents, only further adding to his need, his want, and then, before Alex knew it, it’s become an addiction: a part of him, of his search. Roses, quotes, characters, bloody daggers, but also clouds and dandelions being blown across his back. ♚┋SCARS: None. Just a small scar in his ring finger from the time he  got his finger stuck in the door while on the way to seeing a movie.   ♚┋PIERCINGS: No. ♚┋GLASSES: Alexander doesn’t technically have to wear glasses, but ever the hipster, he thinks it’s cool to wear these ugly, chunky, heavy horn-rimmed glasses a little too big for his face.
♚┋JUNG TYPE: ISFP ♚┋SUBTYPE: Sensory Subtype
♚┋ENNEATYPE: 7w8 SO/SP   ♚┋MORAL ALIGNMENT: Lawful Neutral ♚┋TEMPERAMENT: Melancholy   ♚┋SCHEMA: 1. Social Isolation/Alienation (SI),  2. Emotional Deprivation (ED), 3. Defectiveness/Shame (DS) ♚┋INTELLIGENCE TYPE: Lingustic Intelligence/Musical Intelligence/Interpersonal Intelligence ♚┋~IQ: 130   ♚┋NEUROTYPE: Neuroatypical   ♚┋AT RISK? Alexander, given his mother’s predisposition, is at risk of developing severe depression.
♚┋HOMETOWN: Oregon, Ohio, USA   ♚┋CURRENT: Dartford, England ♚┋LANGUAGE(S): Japanese (first language) on a lower intermediate level, English (second language) fluently, German on a lower intermediate level, some bits and pieces Lin’s taught him to say in Gaelic   ♚┋SOCIAL CLASS: Upper Middle Class
♚┋DEGREE: Depends on the verse. In his default verse, he’s an English major with a focus on Shakespeare and Linguistics, and  a minor in Drama   ♚┋PARENT #1: Jonathan Moore
♚┋PARENT #2: Amanda Hashimoto ♚┋SIBLING(S): Andrew and Amber Moore
♚┋MAIN SHIP: None. ♚┋RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Loving the bard.   ♚┋CHILDREN: No.   ♚┋PET(S): Is Avery considered a pet? ♚┋ADOPTED? No. ♚┋RAP SHEET? No. ♚┋PRISON TIME? No.
♚┋SMOKES? No.   ♚┋DRINKS? No.   ♚┋DOES DRUGS? No. ♚┋IS VIOLENT? Not at all. While, granted, Alex won’t just stand there and take a hit, he has never once showcased any form of violence, whether sexual, physical, or emotional. Harming another person is firmly against his moral code, which he’d never compromise for something as base as pain. ♚┋HAS AN ADDICTION? Aside from collecting tattoos, no.   ♚┋IS SELF-DESTRUCTIVE? In some ways. His low self-esteem, for one, and need to worry about possible outcomes to an excess. ♚┋HABITS: pissing everybody off with singing musicals under his breath, using musical references casually, in conversation, and cackling when nobody catches on (Lin usually does), Shakespeare rants nobody asks for, obsessive need to drink tea before attempting communication, keeping his tea tins exactly where they’ve been ever since he moved into Avery’s flat, leaving his paint brushes and color palettes everywhere, dirty, oftentimes dried in so his grumpy roommate will have to scrub off the scabs, collecting all albums of a band to listen to them excessively for a weekly loop, only to lose interest altogether; it’s much the same with most of his previous hobbies and habits — always in flux, too anxious to get stuck, to imitate somebody he’s not, far too concerned with individual authenticity, keeping tickets to musicals, correcting tidbits thrown about on art history, forgets where he’s left his keys twice a day, doing squats while brushing his teeth, knocking on doors at least twice before entering, mapping out ways to remember directions, always chews gum, prone to rambling, picking at scabs, sticking his tongue out when concentrating ♚┋HOBBIES: going to musicals, humming musicals under his breath, drawing, reading, writing, learning how to sew from Jude and Sím, acting, online courses on ancient languages just because he can, going to exhibitions with Lin, meeting up with Síle and Lin to play volleyball   ♚┋TICS: None.   ♚┋OBSESSION(S): It’s no exaggeration to suggest Alex’s obsessed with the significance of certain colors with a certain personal significance to him.   ♚┋COMPULSION(S): Always has to touch objects three times.
♚┋HOUSE: Gryffindor ♚┋VICE: Envy ♚┋VIRTUE: Temperance ♚┋ELEMENT: Earth ♚┋ANGEL: Uriel ♚┋MYTHOLOGICAL CREATURE: Phoenix
♚┋ANIMAL: Seahorse ♚┋MUTATION: Super human strength. ♚┋WOULD SURVIVE POST-APOC? No. Especially not on his own. On the other hand, it’s possible for him to adapt to the environment and the demands of the moment, thereby distorting his firm morals to cope with brutal situations. Alexander is a quick learner, but barely has any skills relevant to survival. If anything, he’d be the damsel in distress at first, yet eventually evolve into a survivor capable of protecting himself – if under somebody he can follow, as he’s just not a leader in any conventional context.
♚┋DEVELOPMENT: Semi-developed ♚┋SHIPPING: Multiship ♚┋VERSE: Open for plots in fantasy settings and normal universes (i.e. his tattoo shop verse) ♚┋VERSE TYPE: Realism
♚┋CANON: His normal verse wherein he’s an actor trying to figure out who he is apart from a tyrant, a lover, a friend, and a  hero of many faces ---- but most importantly, if he can prevail in the world without having to rely on his good family name.  ♚┋PLOTTING: Open ♚┋CREATION DATE: June 2016
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