#also SO many meetings start with prayers. i've sat awkwardly and silently through more prayers in the last 3 months
arlathen · 1 year
some positives about working for the catholics i've noticed in my three-ish months:
they put their money where their mouth is re: being "pro-life" -- as in they invest a lot into family support and are the only place around here i know of that has full-pay maternity leave + they will help cover costs if you decide to adopt (up to 15k iirc).
at least own the fact that they're doing christmas. a lot of companies make the most lackluster effort toward being "inclusive" by doing christmas but being like "whaaaat? nooo this is just our winter holiday celebration". but they don't do anything for any other holidays. they close on christmas day and that's it. catholics? they're like. yeah we're catholic. we're doing christmas. come get drunk with us and then take a week off work. i love that.
this one is so insignificant but they let me tweak the user settings on my company laptop. at the library i couldn't even change the fucking mouse speed. the catholics will let me do whatever i want to this laptop, including turning off all the shit i don't like. i love that. i'm so particular about my computers and i appreciate the trust put in me in that regard .
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kozutenshi · 4 years
with the strings of his lyre—semi eita.
a 2.3k word long myth retelling.
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what was it, what did he do that made you fall for him?
was it the way he looks at you, sideways with that sparkle in his eyes as he strummed his stringed instrument like how he did the same to your heartstrings, or how his voice silenced the ones shouting in your head and had calmed you down more times than you thought?
you didn't know. more like, you didn't need to know.
it is true that he's impatient and somehow ill-tempered but he was hardworking, the callouses of his hands from the instrument he handled with care a proof of how many hours he had practiced. you adored him for that, with his pout, his smile, his laugh and his song.
was it the warmth, the calm, the charm? was it the spring that he always seem to bring with him whenever his music reaches your ears?
you didn't need to know the reason. you just simply love him like how he does to you.
what was it that made him fall for you? you were ordinary compared to him; everyone knew & see that fact, even you.
and yet, why are his songs dedicated to you?
was it the way you intensely look at him, always enjoying his music? maybe it was the eagerness to learn more about him, devoting yourself to not just listen to him, but understand him. maybe it was the fact that the nagging thought in his mind that no one will see through his temper & notes had stayed silent ever since you came.
was it the way you'll bring him the strength, the love, the way he always feels as if he was a dream whenever he looks at you?
he didn't know. he didn't mind it, though.
he was grateful of the patience and the comforting silence that he can never get as others demand his music.
he was thankful he had met you, had a chance to love you, and to hold you in his arms as his everlasting spring made everything bloom just for you.
"marry me y/n. then let's go somewhere far. away from prying eyes. won't you like that?"
the earth hummed with you as you answered him with a breathy agreement. the spirits of the trees and the flowers danced as he took your hand kept you in his arms until the sun sunk in the horizon.
it was wonderful, like a myth. magical, as if gods had descended upon you two to bless your future union.
he held you close to him that night, the silk drapes and the gold accessories all gone from your skin. a soft thin blanket covered the two of you just right, your scent intertwining with his.
it was just simply you and him.
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"semi? do you mind if i go with my friends to the meadow?" he smiled slightly as your bright eyes met his, eager to be with your friends. he shook his head. "take your time, love." you giggled at his tiny blush as he realized what he had said though you yourself had felt your face heat up. you waved your hand as you ran towards your friends, leaving semi under the tree next to your home.
the view was peaceful but a tug on his chest made him feel unsettled. it was dull but his mind was scattered & he didn't know what to do.
what was that feeling?
he was thinking into his feelings, staring off to nowhere, when a hand was on his shoulder.
"semi! y/n-" he snapped out of his thoughts as he turned towards the source of the voice.
it was one of your friends that had come running, frantically pointing at the direction they came from with tears of panic streaming down their face. "-bitten!"
maybe it wasn't seen, maybe no one had felt it, but he could feel himself slowly sinking, the weight on his throat familiar to him as his tears sprung from his eyes whe he reached the meadow.
he didn't need to know how. he just wanted to be there for you, just in time for your shallow breaths, your last words as his heart breaks over again.
but fate has never been on his side. there you were; your figure laid on the grass, looking awfully peaceful, as if you were just sleeping. silently, he cradled you in his arms, the blades of the grass caressing your skin.
he smoothed out the wrinkles of your dress, taking specks of dirt out mechanically as he placed his forehead on yours. there were no signs of terrible pain; just a bite mark on your foot.
his heart in pieces, he weeped.
every mortal life can meet its end anytime. he knew that so well.
but why did it have to be now for the one he loves? he wanted to take you in his arms, to sway you under the moonlight, inhale your scent whenever you pull him close to you.
all that turned to nothing.
the dryads watched him carefully, not knowing what to do for who knows what. he was talking to you with hushed words that only the wind can hear, his hand on yours. his tears had long dried & his eyes, red and puffy, had a tinge of stubborn conviction in them.
he laid you in a bed of flowers that day, letting you rest. the earth was eerily quiet, enough that even the gods had peered down curiously when the music and tunes of the young lover didn't reach their ears.
he denied it. for him, you were just resting in the small solace of the fragrant petals to remind you of his touch. he refused to give you to the gods. the sheer motivation and the stupidity of his plan made him cringe but he had no choice.
he'll go to the divine beings themselves if it means getting you back by his side.
he'll travel the whole world in search for a way to bring you back.
he'll walk through hell as long as he'll get to hold you in his arms as his spring envelopes you again ethereally as you smiled at him.
he'll find a way. he'll surely find a path to take.
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the trees weeped with his new music, the sky poured. the gods on the high seats of olympus watched the puny mortal struggle and the earth with him. he didn't know if it was pity on him, pity on the world or his prayers being answered as the words had reached their ears, but eventually, he had found the secret to the underworld.
the descent was hard but he had now reached the throne room, hades in all his glory. the temperature was eerily low and the smell of earth was dulled out along with his senses. on the throne next to hades sat her majesty queen persephone, flowers wrapped around his fingers as she wills them to do so.
death & spring together; like how you left him in that one afternoon.
he poured his heart onto the song, every note singing of his love for his muse and maybe hades had also teared up at some point, it won't do anything but give him pity points.
"a soul can never return. that is just the nature of this world." persephone would've agreed with her husband if not for the familiar look of the boy's face.
"the balance of the world had already tipped he moment you, a mortal who hasn't lost his life, had set foot to the underworld. do you really think taki-"
"let's give him a chance."
stunned by the soft voice, hades' attention turned towards persephone. the silent plea in her eyes broke the coldness of his stare and he could only sigh as persephone persuaded him with a silent request.
"you will do this for me too, if you were in his place, right?"
gulping down the bile on his throat as he puts himself in the boy's shoes, he summoned your soul to the throne.
a soft smile spread across his queen's lips as the boy's arms enveloped around your body.
"i missed you. so much."
you could feel his tears on your shoulders, his warmth on your fingers. you could hear the broken tremor in his voice, raw from singing and crying.
but your vision was too dim to see him.
all you knew was that you feel loved with him. the memories were now just blurs, and you can't help but remember the sensation. the only memory you have of him, his familiar scent and warmth, was him sobbing, his words of love reaching your ears like a faint dream until everything felt and glowed vaguely, and your consciousness worked in your sleep. everything felt soft, as if flower petals caressed you in your slumber. the next thing you knew is that you were in this throne room, wandering around as the god of the underworld welcomed you.
you had aimlessly wandered around after then, slowly losing your sense of time and sight. was it day or night? was the sun out or the dark veil full of stars? how long has it been? your emotions were dulled. you were aware of your lack of pulse and the screams and wails of the spirits all around you.
a lost spirit.
you were fed up with it until a tune reached your ears instead of cries for help. curiously you had walked towards it, a sense of calm overcoming your body. the music seemed to reach everyone and the underworld had fallen silent.
the souls didn't know what to feel. they weren't supposed to feel but they wanted it.
they wanted to know the feeling of feeling.
but no matter how cliche it is, the raw thing in his voice and the way he had strummed radiated pure love and adoration. pain and suffering.
and all of it towards you.
unknowingly, your tears fell down, your voice but a breath as you recalled, so soft that it only sounded like a whisper. "semi."
he wiped his tears as he held your hand. "i've come to take you back, my love."
hades watched the interaction awkwardly, wanting to take persephone in his arms too, only to see thanatos shooting him a disappointed gaze.
the dead can't live for no price.
he cleared his throat before speaking. "on one condition."
the two of you looked up to the pair of gods in front of you. hades apologetically looked at persephone who had shot him a look at his side before turning to your pair.
"you can take her, yes, but on one condition: don't ever look back."
his brows furrowed but he nodded at the strange request.
"if one of you looks back, she won't be able to see the light of the sun anymore."
semi gulped nervously only to feel your cold thumb brushing on the veins of his hand.you clutched it tightly, depending on your sense of touch. he inhaled a sharp breath before nodding more prominently.
"i understand." hades nodded, clasping his hands together. "well then, i wish you both happiness at the end of this trial."
and so the ascending started.
it was painfully slow but you have never felt at home. he took you by your hand and led you up to the small stream of light you can't see through your eyes.
his smell has even left your reach, the only thing connecting you were your hands and the vague sound of his boots, echoing.
you can hear a bit of his voice but you didn't understand; cannot understand. you were trying so hard to hear him but your senses have dulled, your voice gone. you were no longer human.
a soul. you were just a wandering empty soul, the shell of his lover.
the silence around you took over as his steps became muffled and finally disappeared. it killed you, knowing how he will do anything to check on you.
squeezing his hand, you reminded him you were there but it was too late.
the silence killed him like how it killed you. the last few minutes, hours of walking, you were responsive, always humming to his stories and attentively listened.
but step by step, he felt you slipping until the feeling that he was only talking to a wall took over.
it was funny, how he never thought of you not listening to him. you were always there to laugh at his jokes, hum a small tune and even add to the false stories you tell of the village's children.
so you slowly slipping away from him had hurt him as much as how he had lost you.
and so, he made his mistake.
he looked back only to find your eyes slowly overflowed with tears, a sad smile on your face. you had felt his hold on your fingers loosened, his hand slightly wavering since he had turned around.
he can sense your annoyance but also the sadness and the feeling of hope being crushed.
but he can sense it. no, he can see it. the tinge of bitterness and the love and gratitude in your blind eyes. he can smell your ever intoxicating scent from where he stood even if you can't smell it yourself. he can feel your touch tremble and your fingers turn cold again.
"no. im sorry. no-"
he stopped begging as you cupped his cheek, pressing your cold lips on his. it was soft, lingering. a reminder and a promise.
it was as if to say that you'll come back for him, no matter when it will happen.
and just like that you were gone from his fingertips, the ghost of your touch haunting him forever as if morning dew & fog lingered on the tips of his outstretched hand, the bitter taste of yet another mistake filling his palate as he climbed out of the exit of the underworld, the spring rain welcoming him back to reality.
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footer: i originally made this for a valentine series but thought against it👽 reblogs are much appreciated!
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